327 million cases

you obviously don't know anything about history/WW2
saddam gassed his own people --like hitler
saddam violated the cease fire--as hitler violated the cease fire
saddam started TWO wars--hitler one

the US was more in danger from saddam than we were of hitler and the Japanese :
..saddam did have WMDs/etc
And Saddam had a mustache and wore pants and spoke a funny language...and so did Hitler! Gasp!
You lose every shred of credibility you may have when you claim the US was in more peril from Saddam Hussein than the Axis powers we fought in WWII (that's World War). It's mind boggling you would claim such a thing.
you obviously don't know anything about history/WW2
saddam gassed his own people --like hitler
saddam violated the cease fire--as hitler violated the cease fire
saddam started TWO wars--hitler one

the US was more in danger from saddam than we were of hitler and the Japanese :
..saddam did have WMDs/etc
And Saddam had a mustache and wore pants and spoke a funny language...and so did Hitler! Gasp!
You lose every shred of credibility you may have when you claim the US was in more peril from Saddam Hussein than the Axis powers we fought in WWII (that's World War). It's mind boggling you would claim such a thing.
....no way hitler and Japan could have harmed America-and the proof is they didn't!!! ...9-11 terrorists murdered more Americans than were killed at PH....
It's mind boggling you would claim such a thing.
you obviously don't know anything about history/WW2
saddam gassed his own people --like hitler
saddam violated the cease fire--as hitler violated the cease fire
saddam started TWO wars--hitler one

the US was more in danger from saddam than we were of hitler and the Japanese :
..saddam did have WMDs/etc
And Saddam had a mustache and wore pants and spoke a funny language...and so did Hitler! Gasp!
You lose every shred of credibility you may have when you claim the US was in more peril from Saddam Hussein than the Axis powers we fought in WWII (that's World War). It's mind boggling you would claim such a thing.
..we had every right and duty to take out saddam--even more so than taking out hitler --
..we had every right and duty to take out saddam--even more so than taking out hitler
:icon_rolleyes: We were attacked by Axis powers and war was declared upon us. This was not the elective war
that Iraq was and this was part of a world wide conflict.
This is a ridiculous discussion and my last word on the issue.
..we had every right and duty to take out saddam--even more so than taking out hitler
:icon_rolleyes: We were attacked by Axis powers and war was declared upon us. This was not the elective war
that Iraq was and this was part of a world wide conflict.
This is a ridiculous discussion and my last word on the issue.
..we were never attacked by Germany directly .....
....so, we have saddam doing exactly what hitler did--along with invading an innocent ,SMALL country--but it's NOT ok to stop saddam, but it's ok to stop hitler????!!!!!!
....again--we had more to fear from saddam than Japan or Germany combined
..what's ridiculous is your knowledge of WW2/etc
we were never attacked by Germany directly .....
....so, we have saddam doing exactly what hitler did--along with invading an innocent ,SMALL country--but it's NOT ok to stop saddam, but it's ok to stop hitler????!!!!!!
....again--we had more to fear from saddam than Japan or Germany combined
..what's ridiculous is your knowledge of WW2/etc
I never said we were attacked by Germany directly.
I said we were attacked by an Axis power, the Empire of Japan. Maybe you heard somewhere about a little
event called Pearl Harbor?

There are some issues where I agree with you but this is not one of them. You seem as dump and misinformed as you can be. And what you say about fearing Iraq more than Japan and Germany combined, who we fought
all over the world for five straight years in another little thing you may have heard of, WWII?
That makes you dumber than pig shit. Fuck off!
we were never attacked by Germany directly .....
....so, we have saddam doing exactly what hitler did--along with invading an innocent ,SMALL country--but it's NOT ok to stop saddam, but it's ok to stop hitler????!!!!!!
....again--we had more to fear from saddam than Japan or Germany combined
..what's ridiculous is your knowledge of WW2/etc
I never said we were attacked by Germany directly.
I said we were attacked by an Axis power, the Empire of Japan. Maybe you heard somewhere about a little
event called Pearl Harbor?

There are some issues where I agree with you but this is not one of them. You seem as dump and misinformed as you can be. And what you say about fearing Iraq more than Japan and Germany combined, who we fought
all over the world for five straight years in another little thing you may have heard of, WWII?
That makes you dumber than pig shit. Fuck off!
...the world was not a global economy in the 40s and we did not rely on foreign oil--plain and simple..Germany was finished 22 June 1941
That makes you dumber than pig shit
..there are 327 MILLION cases of people without C19--out of 328.2 MILLION
.....328 MILLION people have not died
...as you can see, according to the math, C19 is not as bad as Dems/idiots/and the MSM thinks

In the last 6 weeks more ppl have died from COVID than any other cause of death. And we don’t know how many people have it because we’ve tested very few relative to the size of the population
You are mistaken again even with your "presumption" its the number of times you have licked
tRUMPS scrotum and anus.

..there are 327 MILLION cases of people without C19--out of 328.2 MILLION
.....328 MILLION people have not died
...as you can see, according to the math, C19 is not as bad as Dems/idiots/and the MSM thinks

Fukin clickbait again. I saw 328 million and thought it was democrat retard numbers.
Some people can go back to work and should. It should be handled on a county by county basis, but that is up to the governors.

But when you keep comparing this to the fl;u, and thus reveal that you dont grasp that that is an apples to oranges comparison, you look ignorant because the diseases are not the same at all.
I don't think anyone will have a true handle on this strain of the virus until scientists have studied all aspects
of it . The corona virus may not be the same as the swine flu, which has actually killed more people
yet no one wanted to make the entire nation an internment camp during it's day, but the
principles of quarantine and disease containment stay the same.

How many people that partied in Florida on spring break died because they didn't follow social distancing
guidelines? Making everyone a prisoner of Covid 19 seems crazy because not everyone is effected by it.

You'll figure it out some day.
There are now some 6 studies that show around 30% of the populace contracted this virus and were asymptomatic. Herd immunity happens at about 50%. If we open up slowly we can reach this number without overloading our health care systems in the next month or two. People will die. Its a fact and there is no way to stop it. By slowing the spread down all we do is make it manageable.

We can not stop all death and if you think we can your woefully uninformed.
At least twice a day since 3/30/20 I've tracked COVID-19 from the below site.
I've yet to hear from the media the below facts, i.e....that 94% of cases survive.
We also haven't heard that there has never been a hospitalization bed shortage.
There are a total of 924,107 staffed beds in the USA..https://www.aha.org/statistics/fast-facts-us-hospitals
Compared to how many beds have been needed: at most 17,000... again vs 924,107 beds.
So why haven't we heard?
My conclusion is it is political. The media has tried EVERYTHING to destroy Trump, Russia, Ukraine, Flynn, etc. and even
Bill Maher has recognized what this means i.e. the MSM's attempts to blame Trump.
Read his comments...https://deadline.com/2020/04/bill-maher-rails-against-media-covid-19-panic-porn-donald-trump-re-elected-1202911733/
Bill Maher Blasts Media’s COVID-19 “Panic Porn,” Warning Gloom-And-Doom Coverage May Get Donald Trump Re-Elected

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I hear reports all the time about people who have survived the virus and tell what it is like.

I don’t know what you are watching
At least twice a day 3/30/20 I've tracked COVID-19 from the below site.
I've yet to hear from the media the below facts, i.e....that 94% of cases survive.
We also haven't heard that there has never been a hospitalization bed shortage.
There are a total of 924,107 staffed beds in the USA..https://www.aha.org/statistics/fast-facts-us-hospitals
Compared to how many beds have been needed: at most 17,000... again vs 924,107 beds.
So why haven't we heard?
My conclusion is it is political. The media has tried EVERYTHING to destroy Trump, Russia, Ukraine, Flynn, etc. and even
Bill Maher has recognized what this means i.e. the MSM's attempts to blame Trump.
Read his comments...https://deadline.com/2020/04/bill-maher-rails-against-media-covid-19-panic-porn-donald-trump-re-elected-1202911733/
Bill Maher Blasts Media’s COVID-19 “Panic Porn,” Warning Gloom-And-Doom Coverage May Get Donald Trump Re-Elected

View attachment 334298
Because if does not fit the left wing agenda... There can be no good news when it comes to the Wuhan Flu. I would bet that the media was sad to learn that Tom Hanks and his wife recovered.
At least twice a day 3/30/20 I've tracked COVID-19 from the below site.
I've yet to hear from the media the below facts, i.e....that 94% of cases survive.
We also haven't heard that there has never been a hospitalization bed shortage.
There are a total of 924,107 staffed beds in the USA..https://www.aha.org/statistics/fast-facts-us-hospitals
Compared to how many beds have been needed: at most 17,000... again vs 924,107 beds.
So why haven't we heard?
My conclusion is it is political. The media has tried EVERYTHING to destroy Trump, Russia, Ukraine, Flynn, etc. and even
Bill Maher has recognized what this means i.e. the MSM's attempts to blame Trump.
Read his comments...https://deadline.com/2020/04/bill-maher-rails-against-media-covid-19-panic-porn-donald-trump-re-elected-1202911733/
Bill Maher Blasts Media’s COVID-19 “Panic Porn,” Warning Gloom-And-Doom Coverage May Get Donald Trump Re-Elected

View attachment 334298
Are you not paying attention? We are always hearing about those who are surviving.
At least twice a day 3/30/20 I've tracked COVID-19 from the below site.
I've yet to hear from the media the below facts, i.e....that 94% of cases survive.
We also haven't heard that there has never been a hospitalization bed shortage.
There are a total of 924,107 staffed beds in the USA..https://www.aha.org/statistics/fast-facts-us-hospitals
Compared to how many beds have been needed: at most 17,000... again vs 924,107 beds.
So why haven't we heard?
My conclusion is it is political. The media has tried EVERYTHING to destroy Trump, Russia, Ukraine, Flynn, etc. and even
Bill Maher has recognized what this means i.e. the MSM's attempts to blame Trump.
Read his comments...https://deadline.com/2020/04/bill-maher-rails-against-media-covid-19-panic-porn-donald-trump-re-elected-1202911733/
Bill Maher Blasts Media’s COVID-19 “Panic Porn,” Warning Gloom-And-Doom Coverage May Get Donald Trump Re-Elected

View attachment 334298
The number is considerably higher than 94%, as it's impossible to tell how many people have in fact been exposed.....All the credible evidence shows that the Covid is really no more deadly than the seasonal flu.
At least twice a day 3/30/20 I've tracked COVID-19 from the below site.
I've yet to hear from the media the below facts, i.e....that 94% of cases survive.
We also haven't heard that there has never been a hospitalization bed shortage.
There are a total of 924,107 staffed beds in the USA..https://www.aha.org/statistics/fast-facts-us-hospitals
Compared to how many beds have been needed: at most 17,000... again vs 924,107 beds.
So why haven't we heard?
My conclusion is it is political. The media has tried EVERYTHING to destroy Trump, Russia, Ukraine, Flynn, etc. and even
Bill Maher has recognized what this means i.e. the MSM's attempts to blame Trump.
Read his comments...https://deadline.com/2020/04/bill-maher-rails-against-media-covid-19-panic-porn-donald-trump-re-elected-1202911733/
Bill Maher Blasts Media’s COVID-19 “Panic Porn,” Warning Gloom-And-Doom Coverage May Get Donald Trump Re-Elected

View attachment 334298
The number is considerably higher than 94%, as it's impossible to tell how many people have in fact been exposed.....All the credible evidence shows that the Covid is really no more deadly than the seasonal flu.
Then why did Trump declare a national public health emergency?
At least twice a day 3/30/20 I've tracked COVID-19 from the below site.
I've yet to hear from the media the below facts, i.e....that 94% of cases survive.
We also haven't heard that there has never been a hospitalization bed shortage.
There are a total of 924,107 staffed beds in the USA..https://www.aha.org/statistics/fast-facts-us-hospitals
Compared to how many beds have been needed: at most 17,000... again vs 924,107 beds.
So why haven't we heard?
My conclusion is it is political. The media has tried EVERYTHING to destroy Trump, Russia, Ukraine, Flynn, etc. and even
Bill Maher has recognized what this means i.e. the MSM's attempts to blame Trump.
Read his comments...https://deadline.com/2020/04/bill-maher-rails-against-media-covid-19-panic-porn-donald-trump-re-elected-1202911733/
Bill Maher Blasts Media’s COVID-19 “Panic Porn,” Warning Gloom-And-Doom Coverage May Get Donald Trump Re-Elected

View attachment 334298
The number is considerably higher than 94%, as it's impossible to tell how many people have in fact been exposed.....All the credible evidence shows that the Covid is really no more deadly than the seasonal flu.
Then why did Trump declare a national public health emergency?
To win an election of course. Give people a bunch of money for votes.

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