327 million cases

Now to show you how the BIASED MSM rolls the other deaths into the COVID-19 deaths, look at this chart from the CDC.

Pure COVID-19 deaths.. 47,128
But deaths with Pneumonia.. 72,455! Nearly 2 times!
WHERE was the MSM???
Screen Shot 2020-05-10 at 11.53.21 AM.png
I have heard about it several times....Where have yous been?

I don't believe you because there has NOT been one mention on ABC,CBS,NBC,CNN,etc. the FACT that 94% of the 1,348,315 or over 1,267,416 SURVIVE! YOU had no idea.
All the MSM tells you in loud blaring 7/24 oh woe 80,056 (only 19 the last day) DEATHS!
Oh woe! Yet in that same 24 hour period HERE are the DEATHS from the top 10 causes in America!
Nearly 6 times the number of deaths of the top 10 causes. Where's the ANGST?
View attachment 334338
I have no cable so I don't tune in to the mass media outlets to include FAUX News. But I do read very much I know where to get good nudes, er news....and I haven't been doing that much this winter since nobody needed me to work...You can get the stats from national, statewide and local health information from the sources of raw data..
I have heard about it several times....Where have yous been?

I don't believe you because there has NOT been one mention on ABC,CBS,NBC,CNN,etc. the FACT that 94% of the 1,348,315 or over 1,267,416 SURVIVE! YOU had no idea.
All the MSM tells you in loud blaring 7/24 oh woe 80,056 (only 19 the last day) DEATHS!
Oh woe! Yet in that same 24 hour period HERE are the DEATHS from the top 10 causes in America!
Nearly 6 times the number of deaths of the top 10 causes. Where's the ANGST?
View attachment 334338
I have no cable so I don't tune in to the mass media outlets to include FAUX News. But I do read very much I know where to get good nudes, er news....and I haven't been doing that much this winter since nobody needed me to work...You can get the stats from national, statewide and local health information from the sources of raw data..

Prove it! Why do people like you think that smarter people evidently than you require PROOF of your statements.
Show me where YOU have the FACTS that I've outlined...i.e. that the woe is the US (because Trump is president!) there are 80,056 deaths...when in that same time period there were 517,000 deaths in America from the top 10 including influenza and pneumonia at 13,122 alone! Here is where I got MY facts...show me yours!
I have heard about it several times....Where have yous been?

I don't believe you because there has NOT been one mention on ABC,CBS,NBC,CNN,etc. the FACT that 94% of the 1,348,315 or over 1,267,416 SURVIVE! YOU had no idea.
All the MSM tells you in loud blaring 7/24 oh woe 80,056 (only 19 the last day) DEATHS!
Oh woe! Yet in that same 24 hour period HERE are the DEATHS from the top 10 causes in America!
Nearly 6 times the number of deaths of the top 10 causes. Where's the ANGST?
View attachment 334338
I have no cable so I don't tune in to the mass media outlets to include FAUX News. But I do read very much I know where to get good nudes, er news....and I haven't been doing that much this winter since nobody needed me to work...You can get the stats from national, statewide and local health information from the sources of raw data..
You don’t get cable, eh? That means you have to rely on ABC, CBS, NBC and PBS — all left wing democrat shill outlets.
I hope you use the internet to vet all of that democrat propaganda because that’s what MSM has devolved into.
I have heard about it several times....Where have yous been?

I don't believe you because there has NOT been one mention on ABC,CBS,NBC,CNN,etc. the FACT that 94% of the 1,348,315 or over 1,267,416 SURVIVE! YOU had no idea.
All the MSM tells you in loud blaring 7/24 oh woe 80,056 (only 19 the last day) DEATHS!
Oh woe! Yet in that same 24 hour period HERE are the DEATHS from the top 10 causes in America!
Nearly 6 times the number of deaths of the top 10 causes. Where's the ANGST?
View attachment 334338
I have no cable so I don't tune in to the mass media outlets to include FAUX News. But I do read very much I know where to get good nudes, er news....and I haven't been doing that much this winter since nobody needed me to work...You can get the stats from national, statewide and local health information from the sources of raw data..
You don’t get cable, eh? That means you have to rely on ABC, CBS, NBC and PBS — all left wing democrat shill outlets.
I hope you use the internet to vet all of that democrat propaganda because that’s what MSM has devolved into.
I don't use an antenna. Why is it so important to try and put people down just because crappy media consumes the airwaves?
I have heard about it several times....Where have yous been?

I don't believe you because there has NOT been one mention on ABC,CBS,NBC,CNN,etc. the FACT that 94% of the 1,348,315 or over 1,267,416 SURVIVE! YOU had no idea.
All the MSM tells you in loud blaring 7/24 oh woe 80,056 (only 19 the last day) DEATHS!
Oh woe! Yet in that same 24 hour period HERE are the DEATHS from the top 10 causes in America!
Nearly 6 times the number of deaths of the top 10 causes. Where's the ANGST?
View attachment 334338
I have no cable so I don't tune in to the mass media outlets to include FAUX News. But I do read very much I know where to get good nudes, er news....and I haven't been doing that much this winter since nobody needed me to work...You can get the stats from national, statewide and local health information from the sources of raw data..
You don’t get cable, eh? That means you have to rely on ABC, CBS, NBC and PBS — all left wing democrat shill outlets.
I hope you use the internet to vet all of that democrat propaganda because that’s what MSM has devolved into.
I don't use an antenna. Why is it so important to try and put people down just because crappy media consumes the airwaves?
I didn’t put you down. I analyzed your situation.
I don’t understand how you can denounce Fox News if you have no access to them?
I have heard about it several times....Where have yous been?

I don't believe you because there has NOT been one mention on ABC,CBS,NBC,CNN,etc. the FACT that 94% of the 1,348,315 or over 1,267,416 SURVIVE! YOU had no idea.
All the MSM tells you in loud blaring 7/24 oh woe 80,056 (only 19 the last day) DEATHS!
Oh woe! Yet in that same 24 hour period HERE are the DEATHS from the top 10 causes in America!
Nearly 6 times the number of deaths of the top 10 causes. Where's the ANGST?
View attachment 334338
I have no cable so I don't tune in to the mass media outlets to include FAUX News. But I do read very much I know where to get good nudes, er news....and I haven't been doing that much this winter since nobody needed me to work...You can get the stats from national, statewide and local health information from the sources of raw data..
You don’t get cable, eh? That means you have to rely on ABC, CBS, NBC and PBS — all left wing democrat shill outlets.
I hope you use the internet to vet all of that democrat propaganda because that’s what MSM has devolved into.
I don't use an antenna. Why is it so important to try and put people down just because crappy media consumes the airwaves?
I didn’t put you down. I analyzed your situation.
I don’t understand how you can denounce Fox News if you have no access to them?
I refuse to pay it doesn't mean I can't watch them ever hear of streaming? as far as 'this media is propaganda and this one is not' perception when in the hell have they never not been biased or tainted with half truths and even outright lies. That is why there are laws to stop slander and libel...Thomas Jefferson lauded freedom of the press but at the same time hated how it was used to defame, insult and lie. I am much the same as Jefferson on the issue.
As far as filtering what is true or not I found it best to go to the source not the middlemen looking to fleece viewers and readers for a buck by sensationalism and extreme journalism which can't find the truth..
Go to the health dept they have the numbers..I know you are gonna say they are fictitious yet you know there ain't a damn thing in this world that is perfect, people make mistakes and yet, even you don't know exactly what the count is, all we can do is inform ourselves from the data compiled for research.
I have heard about it several times....Where have yous been?

I don't believe you because there has NOT been one mention on ABC,CBS,NBC,CNN,etc. the FACT that 94% of the 1,348,315 or over 1,267,416 SURVIVE! YOU had no idea.
All the MSM tells you in loud blaring 7/24 oh woe 80,056 (only 19 the last day) DEATHS!
Oh woe! Yet in that same 24 hour period HERE are the DEATHS from the top 10 causes in America!
Nearly 6 times the number of deaths of the top 10 causes. Where's the ANGST?
View attachment 334338
I have no cable so I don't tune in to the mass media outlets to include FAUX News. But I do read very much I know where to get good nudes, er news....and I haven't been doing that much this winter since nobody needed me to work...You can get the stats from national, statewide and local health information from the sources of raw data..
You don’t get cable, eh? That means you have to rely on ABC, CBS, NBC and PBS — all left wing democrat shill outlets.
I hope you use the internet to vet all of that democrat propaganda because that’s what MSM has devolved into.
I don't use an antenna. Why is it so important to try and put people down just because crappy media consumes the airwaves?

It is NOT important to put people down. What is important is the truth.
The truth is the MSM which fewer and fewer people are believing any more have devolved to a personal hatred of Trump supersedes objective reporting. Case in point... Please tell me how a so-called journalist can give money (in this here is the fact):
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump. While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative, coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.
Now do you think that 80% of negative news was because it existed, or was it manipulated by the MSM to influence consumers as payback for their 96% donations to the loser? If you can't see like the rest of us that see the correlation, then you are one of those people that aren't using common sense. Aren't objective. And definitely don't use FACTS for your opinions!
Starting 60 years ago when I was in journalism classes at a Big Ten school and Students for a Democratic Society (of which I was on the fringe) also made up some of my journalism classes. At this time SDS,et.al. were anarchists. Ready to destroy America. Well guess what.
Some of my journalism classmates that are now editors/producers of news were also part of SDS. NOT all mind you some. But enough to
influence others that the USA was the bad guy in the world. That we started wars. Destroyed the earth. All the negatives they could come up with ...the USA's fault!
So now along comes Trump. The antithesis of political correctness! A loud. Boisterous. Braggart from Queens NY. I take it you never knew anyone like him as I've had bosses and I've lived in NY and knew people especially like him from Queens.
But they all had several things in common. They loved America. Loved their families. Respected law enforcement. And distrusted politicians! That's Trump. So the MSM can't stand those characteristics, i.e. loving America, loving families respecting law enforcement.

Moonglow... stop and truly consider your sources of perceptions of Trump. These sources are no less an enemy of America than the Chinese Communist party that has slaughtered nearly 80 million Chinese over the past 60 years. Proof?
Chinese journalist Yang Jisheng concluded there were 36 million deaths due to starvation, while another 40 million others failed to be born, so that "China's total population loss during the Great Famine then comes to 76 million."
The phrase "Three Bitter Years" is often used by Chinese peasants to describe this period.

And there are some "journalists"/editors/producers" that think the Chinese are the good guys and the USA the bad guys.

Moonglow... I think you are a smart person that needs to use your objectivity equally. The USA isn't all bad. Trump isn't all bad.
The MSM for the most part is NOT objective journalism.
I'll give one final example as proof.
Do a Google search for "Trump anti-immigrant"... Results: 53,000 like this:
Trump's anti-immigrant agenda isn't about rule of law or ...
Now do a Google search for "Trump anti-illegal immigrant"... results 1,690.. nearly 31 times more for "Trump anti-immigrant"
Are you aware Trump married a "Legal immigrant" and his grandmother was a "legal immigrant" and that 40 million Americans like me
are either "legal immigrants" or have "legal immigrant" relatives?
Now do you understand why at least 40 million Americans like me are trying to show people like you options to your biased opinions?
I have heard about it several times....Where have yous been?

I don't believe you because there has NOT been one mention on ABC,CBS,NBC,CNN,etc. the FACT that 94% of the 1,348,315 or over 1,267,416 SURVIVE! YOU had no idea.
All the MSM tells you in loud blaring 7/24 oh woe 80,056 (only 19 the last day) DEATHS!
Oh woe! Yet in that same 24 hour period HERE are the DEATHS from the top 10 causes in America!
Nearly 6 times the number of deaths of the top 10 causes. Where's the ANGST?
View attachment 334338
I have no cable so I don't tune in to the mass media outlets to include FAUX News. But I do read very much I know where to get good nudes, er news....and I haven't been doing that much this winter since nobody needed me to work...You can get the stats from national, statewide and local health information from the sources of raw data..
You don’t get cable, eh? That means you have to rely on ABC, CBS, NBC and PBS — all left wing democrat shill outlets.
I hope you use the internet to vet all of that democrat propaganda because that’s what MSM has devolved into.
I don't use an antenna. Why is it so important to try and put people down just because crappy media consumes the airwaves?
I didn’t put you down. I analyzed your situation.
I don’t understand how you can denounce Fox News if you have no access to them?
I refuse to pay it doesn't mean I can't watch them ever hear of streaming? as far as 'this media is propaganda and this one is not' perception when in the hell have they never not been biased or tainted with half truths and even outright lies. That is why there are laws to stop slander and libel...Thomas Jefferson lauded freedom of the press but at the same time hated how it was used to defame, insult and lie. I am much the same as Jefferson on the issue.
As far as filtering what is true or not I found it best to go to the source not the middlemen looking to fleece viewers and readers for a buck by sensationalism and extreme journalism which can't find the truth..
Go to the health dept they have the numbers..I know you are gonna say they are fictitious yet you know there ain't a damn thing in this world that is perfect, people make mistakes and yet, even you don't know exactly what the count is, all we can do is inform ourselves from the data compiled for research.
Okay. But your denunciation of propaganda was conspicuously selective. I don’t believe you’re doing an effective job of vetting.
I have heard about it several times....Where have yous been?

I don't believe you because there has NOT been one mention on ABC,CBS,NBC,CNN,etc. the FACT that 94% of the 1,348,315 or over 1,267,416 SURVIVE! YOU had no idea.
All the MSM tells you in loud blaring 7/24 oh woe 80,056 (only 19 the last day) DEATHS!
Oh woe! Yet in that same 24 hour period HERE are the DEATHS from the top 10 causes in America!
Nearly 6 times the number of deaths of the top 10 causes. Where's the ANGST?
View attachment 334338
I have no cable so I don't tune in to the mass media outlets to include FAUX News. But I do read very much I know where to get good nudes, er news....and I haven't been doing that much this winter since nobody needed me to work...You can get the stats from national, statewide and local health information from the sources of raw data..
You don’t get cable, eh? That means you have to rely on ABC, CBS, NBC and PBS — all left wing democrat shill outlets.
I hope you use the internet to vet all of that democrat propaganda because that’s what MSM has devolved into.
I don't use an antenna. Why is it so important to try and put people down just because crappy media consumes the airwaves?
I didn’t put you down. I analyzed your situation.
I don’t understand how you can denounce Fox News if you have no access to them?
I refuse to pay it doesn't mean I can't watch them ever hear of streaming? as far as 'this media is propaganda and this one is not' perception when in the hell have they never not been biased or tainted with half truths and even outright lies. That is why there are laws to stop slander and libel...Thomas Jefferson lauded freedom of the press but at the same time hated how it was used to defame, insult and lie. I am much the same as Jefferson on the issue.
As far as filtering what is true or not I found it best to go to the source not the middlemen looking to fleece viewers and readers for a buck by sensationalism and extreme journalism which can't find the truth..
Go to the health dept they have the numbers..I know you are gonna say they are fictitious yet you know there ain't a damn thing in this world that is perfect, people make mistakes and yet, even you don't know exactly what the count is, all we can do is inform ourselves from the data compiled for research.
1. Thomas Jefferson
During his presidency he became critical of what he saw as the partisan nature of the press and began airing his grievances in personal letters stating, “Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle.” For some context, newspapers of the early 19th century in the U.S. frequently printed pieces with overt bias and plagued politicians with personal attacks.
During Jefferson’s campaign against John Adams, both men used the press to levy insults at each other. Jefferson-allied papers accused President Adams of being a hermaphrodite and a hypocrite, while Adams’ camp attacked Jefferson’s racial heritage, accusing him of being “the son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father” as well as an atheist and libertine.

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