35 E-Mail LIES Hillary Is STILL Telling On Her Campaign Web Site


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Hillary CONTINUES to LIE HER ASS OFF on her campaign web site... Here are the top 5:

1. "We’ve put all the information about Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails here.”

-- This is the first sentence of the “fact sheet,” and it sets the tone for the rest of the document. The FAQ leaves numerous questions unanswered, as the rest of the Clinton campaign’s responses show.

2. “Her usage was widely known to the over 100 State Department and U.S. government colleagues she emailed, consistent with the practice of prior Secretaries of State and permitted at the time.”
-- Clinton’s email habits were not consistent with her predecessors nor was her practice of exclusively using a personal email account permitted. Colin Powell, who served at the beginning of George W. Bush’s term, used a personal AOL account to conduct some government business. But he did not have a private server in the basement of his home. Condoleezza Rice did not use email at all.

3. “Was it allowed? Yes.”
-- The State Dept / State Dept IG / FBI Director Comey specifically pointed out Hillary did NOT have the approval / authority to have her own personal / private e-mail server. The State Dept recently stated IF Hillary has bothered to ASK they would have told her 'NO'!

4. “Clinton only used her account for unclassified email.”

-- Clinton sent or received 113 emails that contained information that was classified at the time they were originated. That’s in addition to more than 2,000 emails that contain information that is considered to be classified now.

5. “No information in Clinton’s emails was marked classified at the time she sent or received them.”

-- Comey reported that Hillary both sent and received e-mails that were not only marked 'SECRET' but were marked 'TOP SECRET'.

Here Are 35 Email Lies Hillary Is Still Telling On Her Campaign Website

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