35 kids slaughtered in Thai nursery

Taints believes only the government should have guns He has no problem at all with government industrial strength mass murder.

He probably works for the government in Liverpool as a parking ticket stamper.

They were all napping after their lunch.
Thailand is another country where any idiot can buy a gun.

RIP little ones. Your country let you down.

Wow...the stupid is strong with you.......attacking children isn't something that needs a gun.....that you blame guns is just another way you show how stupid you are....
The guy was kicked out of the police for dealing drugs and yet he got a gun. 10 million is too many. 1 is too many.

You could tell that to the 15 million men, women and children you guys in Europe murdered in just 6 years........after you took guns away from them.

You guys started banning and confiscating guns in the 1920s, telling the people this would make them safer...by 1936 the German socialists in control of the countries of Europe then began the systematic butchering of 15 million innocent people.....

Guns are not the problem....government murder is the problem...government incompetence is the problem......
I know that you crazies dont give a shit about American children so I should not be shocked at your indifference to these infants.

The governments of Europe murdered over a million children ......and it was only stopped because Americans with guns made you guys stop.

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