35 soul-crushing facts about American income inequality

Dad got a job after getting out of the service , had it made . 5 kids on his paycheck with the best benefits although as a kid i don't know what they were . Wide open country even for me in the late 60s early 70s . Good paying jobs after filling out a paper application . College ok but not needed . Started to change , about 76 , got worse in the mid 80s , course I was already on the train . Neither one of my parents collected Soc. Security and only Dad worked , raised 5 kids on one paycheck . Retired on his pension that was good for him and my Mom as they traveled and kept their home on the beach of Lake Superior .
but what I said earlier still applies . While my parents and I had it EASILY made . The basics of a good start can be had by anyone with a good attitude and good habits . Might not have it easy but they can still do pretty well . Especially if its a good husband and wife team especially with enough sense to not have kids until they are established . Even I had 3 kids and a wife on one paycheck but my times were better than now .
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Dudes. the most convincing proof of all; is how Capitalists of Wealth are willing to lie to stockholders while crying Nanny(-State); please bail us out.

It is not a "convincing proof" of anything to bleat out a trite platitude devoid of meaningful connection to the actual world.
Lying to your Capital stockholders while asking for a socialized bailout is a "trite platitude devoid of meaningful connection to the actual world"?

Just sad lack of a social, hard work ethic on the part of the socially immoral right; are capital morals better?
hunger is hunger . To quote that old Armenian lady , in the USA even the homeless run around with a chicken leg in each hand SwimExpert !!
In the US, the wealthiest even get to keep their multimillion dollar bonuses while on means tested, corporate welfare.
You have an example of this corporate welfare?

One example of subsidies is USA's military providing protection for oil companies operating in the middle east. Including deaths and injuries to servicemen protecting these for profit companies and the american taxpayers footing the bill, sometimes health care costs for life for some service men, the oil companies are getting a pretty sweet deal. And sometimes they manage to pay no taxes at all, like exxon. Since oil products are one of usa's biggest exports, it's certainly not about getting oil to the homefront or america won't survive.

The Surprising Truth About Oil and Gas Company Corporate Tax Rates - US News
Another who cannot understand what subsidies means? I pretty much gave you the definition....

What money did the US Government give to these oil companies?

BTW....Us military protecting American interests pretty much sums up what their mission statement is...and the first priority of our government is to protect our interests.....

Protection is NOT subsidies....try again.
hunger is hunger . To quote that old Armenian lady , in the USA even the homeless run around with a chicken leg in each hand SwimExpert !!
In the US, the wealthiest even get to keep their multimillion dollar bonuses while on means tested, corporate welfare.
You have an example of this corporate welfare?

One example of subsidies is USA's military providing protection for oil companies operating in the middle east. Including deaths and injuries to servicemen protecting these for profit companies and the american taxpayers footing the bill, sometimes health care costs for life for some service men, the oil companies are getting a pretty sweet deal. And sometimes they manage to pay no taxes at all, like exxon. Since oil products are one of usa's biggest exports, it's certainly not about getting oil to the homefront or america won't survive.

The Surprising Truth About Oil and Gas Company Corporate Tax Rates - US News
Another who cannot understand what subsidies means? I pretty much gave you the definition....

What money did the US Government give to these oil companies?

BTW....Us military protecting American interests pretty much sums up what their mission statement is...and the first priority of our government is to protect our interests.....

Protection is NOT subsidies....try again.
Yes, corporate welfare involves lying to your stockholders and asking for a bailout with the (other) Peoples tax monies.

"the Middle Class has been buried these past 4 years" Joe Biden 2012, describing the success of Obamanomics to destroy the US Middle Class

Do remember the GOP shutting down the government because the wealthy would not continue to receive more tax breaks...

The government was shut down for 4 years?

Obama threatened to withhold Social Security checks unless he got his way
hunger is hunger . To quote that old Armenian lady , in the USA even the homeless run around with a chicken leg in each hand SwimExpert !!
In the US, the wealthiest even get to keep their multimillion dollar bonuses while on means tested, corporate welfare.
You have an example of this corporate welfare?

One example of subsidies is USA's military providing protection for oil companies operating in the middle east. Including deaths and injuries to servicemen protecting these for profit companies and the american taxpayers footing the bill, sometimes health care costs for life for some service men, the oil companies are getting a pretty sweet deal. And sometimes they manage to pay no taxes at all, like exxon. Since oil products are one of usa's biggest exports, it's certainly not about getting oil to the homefront or america won't survive.

The Surprising Truth About Oil and Gas Company Corporate Tax Rates - US News
Another who cannot understand what subsidies means? I pretty much gave you the definition....

What money did the US Government give to these oil companies?

BTW....Us military protecting American interests pretty much sums up what their mission statement is...and the first priority of our government is to protect our interests.....

Protection is NOT subsidies....try again.

Protection is a subsidy when that company chooses to work in dangerous areas... How is it in US interest to spend $2+ trillion on a war and
little under 15 billion on on renewable and energy efficiency in the last 10 years...

Over the 37-year period from the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) inception at the beginning of fiscal year (FY) 1978 through FY2014, federal funding for renewable energy R&D amounted to about 17% of the energy R&D total, compared with 15% for energy efficiency, 26% for fossil, and 38% for nuclear. For the 67-year period from 1948 through 2014, nearly 12% went to renewables, compared with 10% for efficiency, 25% for fossil, and 49% for nuclear.


So they continue spending more on Fossil Energy.

Darkwind you have been had... US with interest payments is racking up a bill of $6 trillion dollars on a war to secure oil in just one country.
The laugh is the Middle East doesn't sell oil to US (well in no real high quantities), but they sure as hell love the GOP fascination with
hunger is hunger . To quote that old Armenian lady , in the USA even the homeless run around with a chicken leg in each hand SwimExpert !!
In the US, the wealthiest even get to keep their multimillion dollar bonuses while on means tested, corporate welfare.
You have an example of this corporate welfare?

One example of subsidies is USA's military providing protection for oil companies operating in the middle east. Including deaths and injuries to servicemen protecting these for profit companies and the american taxpayers footing the bill, sometimes health care costs for life for some service men, the oil companies are getting a pretty sweet deal. And sometimes they manage to pay no taxes at all, like exxon. Since oil products are one of usa's biggest exports, it's certainly not about getting oil to the homefront or america won't survive.

The Surprising Truth About Oil and Gas Company Corporate Tax Rates - US News
Another who cannot understand what subsidies means? I pretty much gave you the definition....

What money did the US Government give to these oil companies?

BTW....Us military protecting American interests pretty much sums up what their mission statement is...and the first priority of our government is to protect our interests.....

Protection is NOT subsidies....try again.

Protection is a subsidy when that company chooses to work in dangerous areas... How is it in US interest to spend $2+ trillion on a war and
little under 15 billion on on renewable and energy efficiency in the last 10 years...

Over the 37-year period from the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) inception at the beginning of fiscal year (FY) 1978 through FY2014, federal funding for renewable energy R&D amounted to about 17% of the energy R&D total, compared with 15% for energy efficiency, 26% for fossil, and 38% for nuclear. For the 67-year period from 1948 through 2014, nearly 12% went to renewables, compared with 10% for efficiency, 25% for fossil, and 49% for nuclear.

View attachment 45041

So they continue spending more on Fossil Energy.

Darkwind you have been had... US with interest payments is racking up a bill of $6 trillion dollars on a war to secure oil in just one country.
The laugh is the Middle East doesn't sell oil to US (well in no real high quantities), but they sure as hell love the GOP fascination with
Make up your mind is it 2 trillion or 6 trillion or is it 18 trillion?

Where is the links to break down the cost of those two wars?
If you think income inequality in America is so bad and holding you down try your luck in another country I hear Greece is lovely.
I am on the left; I don't mind having a social hard work ethic for free; unlike the capital right who is too lazy to have a clue or a Cause.
Enjoy Greece.
Instead of the social, US where supply side economics merely means, bail out the wealthiest and then let it trickle down?

Didn't Reagan come up with "trickle down" when they were bailing out the S&L crowd?
"Trickle down" was a term coined by a democrat~ Will Rodgers

Reagan never used it.
And the whiners continue to whine instead of actually doing something to improve their financial position

If you think income inequality in America is so bad and holding you down try your luck in another country I hear Greece is lovely.
I am on the left; I don't mind having a social hard work ethic for free; unlike the capital right who is too lazy to have a clue or a Cause.
Enjoy Greece.
Instead of the social, US where supply side economics merely means, bail out the wealthiest and then let it trickle down?

Didn't Reagan come up with "trickle down" when they were bailing out the S&L crowd?
As I said if you feel this country's economic system is holding back or keeping you down go find a country that has one you feel will work better for you.
How much hard work is it to simply hire entire departments to help you conform to rational choice theory or fill out corporate welfare forms in triplicate?
yet you still don't have a link how much money the tax payers sending them in physicall dollars?

Like we are surprised.

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