35 soul-crushing facts about American income inequality

Yet, the right believes that Capitalism is what increases wealth for the People and not socialism.

Capitalism has brought a billion or so Chinese out of poverty, Not Socialism , in recent years. Socialism is just a different type of power play.
Dude, Socialism has built entire cities. Only bad management has prevented the social concept of, from each according to their ability to each according to their need.
People need to quit worrying about what other people earn. (Key word: earn.) There will always be someone who makes more than you and less than you.

The bottom line is that if you can't earn enough in America to live comfortably, then you aren't really trying.
I guess you haven't heard about a natural rate of unemployment or corporate downsizing.
No./....What is the "natural rate of unemployment"?.....
And here's a newsflash for you...Businesses shed employees when business cycles dictate.
When the economy picks up, business must increase their respective staffs.
too lazy to even understand the concepts; i got it, allegedly hard working Person on the clueless and Causeless Right.
Puddin...No one has ever heard of natural rate of unemployment. And quite frankly , nobody cares.
You are a far left wing moon bat who feels entitled to the wealth and possessions of others. We get it....Fortunately, for you to enjoy a socialist utopia, you'll have to find another country in which to live....So when do you pack?
Only the clueless and Causeless Right doesn't Care; simply because it is too much hard social work to have a clue and a Cause.
We don't do "causes". "Causes" are the exclusive province of you lefties.
"hard social work"?....What the hell is THAT?.
Care about WHAT?
Is it your view that those of us who decided to get off our asses and work for a better life should somehow feel guilty about it?
so what; even illiterate third worlders with a third world work ethic can make you look lazy, by comparison and contrast. get the relative point; Person on the clueless and Causeless Right.
What the hell did you just post?.....What do workers in the third world have to do with anything?
Look, gum flapper. Hard work is just part of it. Anyone can work hard at a menial low skill job. It does not mean their income will grow. With hard work must come enhancement of skills and either classroom or on the job education.
I've seen this play before. You lefties believe that just because someone who busts their ass hand digging trenches for an irrigation company for 15 years deserves to be paid more than the job is worth to the business. It doesn't work that way....Using this example, the correct path would be for the person using the shovel to learn how to operate other pieces of equipment such as a back hoe or ditch with( trencher)....Or perhaps going to school to learn irrigation design. Community colleges offer these courses. Or perhaps learning the electronics which control the system..There are so many opportunities......
You'd rather complain.
It means you are lazy when compared to more, hard working third worlders with a third world work ethic. Why claim hard work in our more Social US is what matters most; clueless and Causeless, Person on the Right.
Dude...you are not making any sense. Do you ever proofread your posts for sentence construction and punctuation?...
What the hell is "our more social US"?......Serious question...What was the highest grade in school you completed? If you say 4 year degree, I will point out that not one of your core courses had anything to do with English or economy.
It means you are too lazy to have a social clue and a social Cause; while claiming hard work is what is necessary in our Republic.
A "social clue"?.....By all means....please elaborate. All these new terms. Wow.
Yes...Stay in school. Learn a trade or profession. Work hard. Succeed. Achieve. Simple stuff.
Causes.....Ugh......Only you libs do causes.. Cause....A liberal buzzz term which loosely translates to 'looking for stupid shit with which to bother one's self'......
Dudes. the most convincing proof of all; is how Capitalists of Wealth are willing to lie to stockholders while crying Nanny(-State); please bail us out.
Yet, the right believes that Capitalism is what increases wealth for the People and not socialism.

Capitalism has brought a billion or so Chinese out of poverty, Not Socialism , in recent years. Socialism is just a different type of power play.
Dude, Socialism has built entire cities. Only bad management has prevented the social concept of, from each according to their ability to each according to their need.
Really...Which ones?.....Holy shit....
Ya know what? I think you are here just pulling everyone's chain. I think you're full of shit.
You don't believe a word you post. You are just here to increase your post count.
Dudes. the most convincing proof of all; is how Capitalists of Wealth are willing to lie to stockholders while crying Nanny(-State); please bail us out.

It is not a "convincing proof" of anything to bleat out a trite platitude devoid of meaningful connection to the actual world.
Yet, the right believes that Capitalism is what increases wealth for the People and not socialism.

Capitalism has brought a billion or so Chinese out of poverty, Not Socialism , in recent years. Socialism is just a different type of power play.
Dude, Socialism has built entire cities. Only bad management has prevented the social concept of, from each according to their ability to each according to their need.

Socialism has some fundamental problems, Like large government burocracies here, it puts people in positions of power who dont belong there.

I do some work for a construction company here in California for example, the owner was explaining to me this week when they go out to this particular job site in Sf, the dirt they excavate is considered hazardous waste because it contains 5 parts per million of Naturally occuring asbestos. Its no different from gardening in your back yard, but the EPA in all their wisdom has called it hazardous because it is a job site. If you drive down the freeway there is 200 ppm of asbestos from old brake pads

The guys are having to wear hazmat suits, and go through a lot of extra procedures and expense just to get rid of dirt. it makes the whole job more expensive and inefficient and harder. the owner has me welding up a dirt removal container for the company because they cant rent one for "hazardous wate" Its only because the EPA came down to the job and told them they have to do this. I really cant understand the stupidity, but thats an example of unthinking centralized control. aka Socialism
If you think income inequality in America is so bad and holding you down try your luck in another country I hear Greece is lovely.
Yet, the right believes that Capitalism is what increases wealth for the People and not socialism.

Capitalism has brought a billion or so Chinese out of poverty, Not Socialism , in recent years. Socialism is just a different type of power play.
Dude, Socialism has built entire cities. Only bad management has prevented the social concept of, from each according to their ability to each according to their need.
Yes...Poor management of SOCIAL programs.....Detroit is a perfect example of failed social policy combined with the arrogance of absolute power.
1. too many people living off the public dole.
2. too many entrenched politicians who arrogantly believe they are entitled to get their palm greased.
Dudes. the most convincing proof of all; is how Capitalists of Wealth are willing to lie to stockholders while crying Nanny(-State); please bail us out.
There's a big difference between capitalism, and crony capitalism. crony capitalism is what we have now and it's breed by socialism, or government control. How do you think the rockefellers made 1/6 of the entire US economy?

You want proof of capitalism working, look no further than Switzerland. It's been around for 500 years and has been at the top at least 3 in almost every category for a long time: wealth, standard of living, overall happiness, education. Not to mention some of the lowest crime statistics, which is weird bc I thought no guns made people safer. Oh and no foreign wars.

You want proof socialism isn't working, look at Greece, Spain, Italy, and the rest of the euro zone about to follow. Not to mention Venezuela, that sounds like a wonderful place to live
just a general reply but anyone of reasonable sound mind has got it made in the USA . Especially in my times and the times of my parents . So that's maybe 1945 after WW2 to my best guess of about 2008 when things started going downhill . Maybe bush but certainly mrobama when it has gone downhill . Still doesn't affect most of my generation but those that are younger are said to be dependent on parents when I was independent at 16 - 18 .
I became a socialist after 30 years of being screwed by the capitalists I wonder how one becomes a capitalist. I just "WAS ONE" because that's what we are taught to be in school,at home etc. The REAL WORLD showed me otherwise. Hard work,doing your best,getting an education is bullshit when it comes to getting ahead. Now kissing ass,knowing the boss,bribery is the way to succeed truly at capitalism the kind of capitalism where you multiple mansions,a dozen cars and employees on welfare because you refuse to pay them more so they can live a decent life. Capitalists especially the ones here were A. VERY lucky in their careers,2. Born with silver spoon in mouth or 3. Never held a REAL job in their lives and had to deal with the capitalist system.
I became a socialist after 30 years of being screwed by the capitalists I wonder how one becomes a capitalist. I just "WAS ONE" because that's what we are taught to be in school,at home etc. The REAL WORLD showed me otherwise. Hard work,doing your best,getting an education is bullshit when it comes to getting ahead. Now kissing ass,knowing the boss,bribery is the way to succeed truly at capitalism the kind of capitalism where you multiple mansions,a dozen cars and employees on welfare because you refuse to pay them more so they can live a decent life. Capitalists especially the ones here were A. VERY lucky in their careers,2. Born with silver spoon in mouth or 3. Never held a REAL job in their lives and had to deal with the capitalist system.
We don't have capitalism we have crony capitalism... Thank you US politicians for the last 40 years
I became a socialist after 30 years of being screwed by the capitalists I wonder how one becomes a capitalist. I just "WAS ONE" because that's what we are taught to be in school,at home etc. The REAL WORLD showed me otherwise. Hard work,doing your best,getting an education is bullshit when it comes to getting ahead. Now kissing ass,knowing the boss,bribery is the way to succeed truly at capitalism the kind of capitalism where you multiple mansions,a dozen cars and employees on welfare because you refuse to pay them more so they can live a decent life. Capitalists especially the ones here were A. VERY lucky in their careers,2. Born with silver spoon in mouth or 3. Never held a REAL job in their lives and had to deal with the capitalist system.
ry me a fucking river...
Specifically, what is it that made you believe you have been screwed?..
BTW, like it or not, you ARE STILL a capitalist.....Unless of course you work for nothing and live off the public dole.....Do you?
don't know , don't care Daniel . I just have my life experience of being a regular American that was willing to work a job and my experience has been pretty good , same for my extended family , most of my neighbors . Sure , lots of people have more than me so maybe I just spent too much time drinking beer , eating sandwiches and relaxing .
just as I suspected for Persons on the Right; why claim what you claim, for others when you really don't care.
Care about WHAT?
I became a socialist after 30 years of being screwed by the capitalists I wonder how one becomes a capitalist. I just "WAS ONE" because that's what we are taught to be in school,at home etc. The REAL WORLD showed me otherwise. Hard work,doing your best,getting an education is bullshit when it comes to getting ahead. Now kissing ass,knowing the boss,bribery is the way to succeed truly at capitalism the kind of capitalism where you multiple mansions,a dozen cars and employees on welfare because you refuse to pay them more so they can live a decent life. Capitalists especially the ones here were A. VERY lucky in their careers,2. Born with silver spoon in mouth or 3. Never held a REAL job in their lives and had to deal with the capitalist system.
The typical lib excuse..."They won the lottery of life".....Go see your local Priest...He'll punch your ticket for you.
Yet, the right believes that Capitalism is what increases wealth for the People and not socialism.
Ok, then how would socialism which has been an abject failure elsewhere be any different in the US?
"The people"?......That a buzz term for "collective"......
It hasn't been an abject failure. Only capitalism has failed everywhere it has been tried; did you miss 1929 and the socialism required to bailout Capitalism; like usual.
But for our entry into WW II, the recovery would have been much slower. And quite possibly, never would have happened.
FDR's policies left crushing debt for which there was no way to repay. There was no tax base. Only the tremendous ramp up of industrial activity to build the materiel to fight the war stimulated the economy to the point where the federal deficit could be managed.
You could not be more absent of logic here.
responding to someone , don't care about his definition of hunger . Mighta been you Spoon . Anyway no one of reasonable sound mind starves in the USA . So , keeping fed is the biggest concern and if that can be done everything else will be added , maybe slowly but added in time to a person of reasonable thinking and capability Spoon !!

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