35 soul-crushing facts about American income inequality

People need to quit worrying about what other people earn. (Key word: earn.) There will always be someone who makes more than you and less than you.

The bottom line is that if you can't earn enough in America to live comfortably, then you aren't really trying.
I guess you haven't heard about a natural rate of unemployment or corporate downsizing.
No./....What is the "natural rate of unemployment"?.....
And here's a newsflash for you...Businesses shed employees when business cycles dictate.
When the economy picks up, business must increase their respective staffs.
too lazy to even understand the concepts; i got it, allegedly hard working Person on the clueless and Causeless Right.
don't know , don't care Daniel . I just have my life experience of being a regular American that was willing to work a job and my experience has been pretty good , same for my extended family , most of my neighbors . Sure , lots of people have more than me so maybe I just spent too much time drinking beer , eating sandwiches and relaxing .
just as I suspected for Persons on the Right; why claim what you claim, for others when you really don't care.
Care about WHAT?
Is it your view that those of us who decided to get off our asses and work for a better life should somehow feel guilty about it?
so what; even illiterate third worlders with a third world work ethic can make you look lazy, by comparison and contrast. get the relative point; Person on the clueless and Causeless Right.
What the hell did you just post?.....What do workers in the third world have to do with anything?
Look, gum flapper. Hard work is just part of it. Anyone can work hard at a menial low skill job. It does not mean their income will grow. With hard work must come enhancement of skills and either classroom or on the job education.
I've seen this play before. You lefties believe that just because someone who busts their ass hand digging trenches for an irrigation company for 15 years deserves to be paid more than the job is worth to the business. It doesn't work that way....Using this example, the correct path would be for the person using the shovel to learn how to operate other pieces of equipment such as a back hoe or ditch with( trencher)....Or perhaps going to school to learn irrigation design. Community colleges offer these courses. Or perhaps learning the electronics which control the system..There are so many opportunities......
You'd rather complain.
Yet, the right believes that Capitalism is what increases wealth for the People and not socialism.

They are correct. Socialism sucks up wealth and makes it disappear forever.
Nothing but propaganda and rhetoric instead of a "hard work" ethic to understand the issues; the poor in the US are not really poor enough to the Right, by third world absolute (Capital) poverty Standards, due merely to Socialism in the US.
What the hell is that supposed to mean? Your post came nowhere close to a response to the OP....
Cupcake. Perhaps you should choose to post elsewhere. USMB is too advanced for you.
Nothing but diversion; why not get a social hard work ethic. Even the clueless and Cause Right admits that Socialism has won, by claiming the poor in the US are really poor enough by Third World, Capital Standards.
don't know , don't care Daniel . I just have my life experience of being a regular American that was willing to work a job and my experience has been pretty good , same for my extended family , most of my neighbors . Sure , lots of people have more than me so maybe I just spent too much time drinking beer , eating sandwiches and relaxing .
just as I suspected for Persons on the Right; why claim what you claim, for others when you really don't care.
Care about WHAT?
Is it your view that those of us who decided to get off our asses and work for a better life should somehow feel guilty about it?
so what; even illiterate third worlders with a third world work ethic can make you look lazy, by comparison and contrast. get the relative point; Person on the clueless and Causeless Right.
What the hell did you just post?.....What do workers in the third world have to do with anything?
Look, gum flapper. Hard work is just part of it. Anyone can work hard at a menial low skill job. It does not mean their income will grow. With hard work must come enhancement of skills and either classroom or on the job education.
I've seen this play before. You lefties believe that just because someone who busts their ass hand digging trenches for an irrigation company for 15 years deserves to be paid more than the job is worth to the business. It doesn't work that way....Using this example, the correct path would be for the person using the shovel to learn how to operate other pieces of equipment such as a back hoe or ditch with( trencher)....Or perhaps going to school to learn irrigation design. Community colleges offer these courses. Or perhaps learning the electronics which control the system..There are so many opportunities......
You'd rather complain.
It means you are lazy when compared to more, hard working third worlders with a third world work ethic. Why claim hard work in our more Social US is what matters most; clueless and Causeless, Person on the Right.
I always did pretty good and I am no bigshot or inheritor of big money . All I did was go to work and kept working and saving . Nothing to it !!
How well did that work during the Great Depression? Does the Right do No Thing but "bite" the hand that fed them.
What the hell does the Great Depression have to do with anything?
I suppose you must believe that we should all kneel at the "Government is my God" altar because FDR came up with the New Deal?
Bite the hand that fed them?...WHAT?.....Hiney, check your calendar. It's 2015. Not 1940
socialism had to bailout Capitalism, like usual.
Yes....Of course once the nation got back on it's feet, we no longer needed nor could the country afford socialism.
But for our involvement in WW II the Great Depression which lasted into the early 40's would have gone well into the 1950's...The reason. FDR's policies while in the short term did as proposed, the crushing debt left the country in an deeper hole.
People need to quit worrying about what other people earn. (Key word: earn.) There will always be someone who makes more than you and less than you.

The bottom line is that if you can't earn enough in America to live comfortably, then you aren't really trying.
I guess you haven't heard about a natural rate of unemployment or corporate downsizing.
No./....What is the "natural rate of unemployment"?.....
And here's a newsflash for you...Businesses shed employees when business cycles dictate.
When the economy picks up, business must increase their respective staffs.
too lazy to even understand the concepts; i got it, allegedly hard working Person on the clueless and Causeless Right.
Puddin...No one has ever heard of natural rate of unemployment. And quite frankly , nobody cares.
You are a far left wing moon bat who feels entitled to the wealth and possessions of others. We get it....Fortunately, for you to enjoy a socialist utopia, you'll have to find another country in which to live....So when do you pack?
Yet, the right believes that Capitalism is what increases wealth for the People and not socialism.

They are correct. Socialism sucks up wealth and makes it disappear forever.
Nothing but propaganda and rhetoric instead of a "hard work" ethic to understand the issues; the poor in the US are not really poor enough to the Right, by third world absolute (Capital) poverty Standards, due merely to Socialism in the US.
What the hell is that supposed to mean? Your post came nowhere close to a response to the OP....
Cupcake. Perhaps you should choose to post elsewhere. USMB is too advanced for you.
Nothing but diversion; why not get a social hard work ethic. Even the clueless and Cause Right admits that Socialism has won, by claiming the poor in the US are really poor enough by Third World, Capital Standards.
What the fuck is a "social hard work ethic"?.....This should be a good one.
don't know , don't care Daniel . I just have my life experience of being a regular American that was willing to work a job and my experience has been pretty good , same for my extended family , most of my neighbors . Sure , lots of people have more than me so maybe I just spent too much time drinking beer , eating sandwiches and relaxing .
just as I suspected for Persons on the Right; why claim what you claim, for others when you really don't care.
Care about WHAT?
Is it your view that those of us who decided to get off our asses and work for a better life should somehow feel guilty about it?
so what; even illiterate third worlders with a third world work ethic can make you look lazy, by comparison and contrast. get the relative point; Person on the clueless and Causeless Right.
What the hell did you just post?.....What do workers in the third world have to do with anything?
Look, gum flapper. Hard work is just part of it. Anyone can work hard at a menial low skill job. It does not mean their income will grow. With hard work must come enhancement of skills and either classroom or on the job education.
I've seen this play before. You lefties believe that just because someone who busts their ass hand digging trenches for an irrigation company for 15 years deserves to be paid more than the job is worth to the business. It doesn't work that way....Using this example, the correct path would be for the person using the shovel to learn how to operate other pieces of equipment such as a back hoe or ditch with( trencher)....Or perhaps going to school to learn irrigation design. Community colleges offer these courses. Or perhaps learning the electronics which control the system..There are so many opportunities......
You'd rather complain.
It means you are lazy when compared to more, hard working third worlders with a third world work ethic. Why claim hard work in our more Social US is what matters most; clueless and Causeless, Person on the Right.
Dude...you are not making any sense. Do you ever proofread your posts for sentence construction and punctuation?...
What the hell is "our more social US"?......Serious question...What was the highest grade in school you completed? If you say 4 year degree, I will point out that not one of your core courses had anything to do with English or economy.
Yet, the right believes that Capitalism is what increases wealth for the People and not socialism.

All those mexicans will surely help...right?
They already are;

The United States is the world's largest national economy, representing 22% of nominal global GDP and 17% of global GDP (PPP).[2] The United States' GDP was estimated to be $17.710 trillion as of Q1 2015.[2][30] The U.S. dollar is the currency most used in international transactions and is the world's foremost reserve currency.[31] Several countries use it as their official currency, and in many others it is the de facto currency.[32] The United States has a mixed economy[33][34] and has maintained a stable overall GDP growth rate, a moderate unemployment rate, and high levels of research and capital investment.[35] Its six largest trading partners are Canada, China, Mexico, Japan, Germany, and South Korea.[36]--Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_the_United_States

Simply by coming over here and making us look bad with a third world, capital work ethic, and sending money home so they can buy US goods.

What a dumbass,they're driving down wages while you cry about income equality.:cuckoo:
Rent seeking or price seeking by sending jobs overseas is really helping our job market, right. It is merely public policies which accomplish that. We have a Commerce Clause and an official Mint. Why are there No Good Capitalist to be found who can make money on Commerce (well regulated) at our borders.

Funny,I worked for a company that opened a machine shop just over the border.
They fired all the average guys and kept the good ones to rework all the shit that came out of that place.
That's typical. In the home building business, illegals are used for labor. I have a friend who was a superintendent for a production builder. He said the punch lists were long and repetitive. Poor workmanship...
I always did pretty good and I am no bigshot or inheritor of big money . All I did was go to work and kept working and saving . Nothing to it !!
How well did that work during the Great Depression? Does the Right do No Thing but "bite" the hand that fed them.
What the hell does the Great Depression have to do with anything?
I suppose you must believe that we should all kneel at the "Government is my God" altar because FDR came up with the New Deal?
Bite the hand that fed them?...WHAT?.....Hiney, check your calendar. It's 2015. Not 1940
socialism had to bailout Capitalism, like usual.
Yes....Of course once the nation got back on it's feet, we no longer needed nor could the country afford socialism.
But for our involvement in WW II the Great Depression which lasted into the early 40's would have gone well into the 1950's...The reason. FDR's policies while in the short term did as proposed, the crushing debt left the country in an deeper hole.
Did you know it was the social concepts (i.e. regulations) from the Great Depression that were applied to our financial sector and are still with us today. Are you seriously claiming we have less Socialism today.
People need to quit worrying about what other people earn. (Key word: earn.) There will always be someone who makes more than you and less than you.

The bottom line is that if you can't earn enough in America to live comfortably, then you aren't really trying.
I guess you haven't heard about a natural rate of unemployment or corporate downsizing.
No./....What is the "natural rate of unemployment"?.....
And here's a newsflash for you...Businesses shed employees when business cycles dictate.
When the economy picks up, business must increase their respective staffs.
too lazy to even understand the concepts; i got it, allegedly hard working Person on the clueless and Causeless Right.
Puddin...No one has ever heard of natural rate of unemployment. And quite frankly , nobody cares.
You are a far left wing moon bat who feels entitled to the wealth and possessions of others. We get it....Fortunately, for you to enjoy a socialist utopia, you'll have to find another country in which to live....So when do you pack?
Only the clueless and Causeless Right doesn't Care; simply because it is too much hard social work to have a clue and a Cause.
1%ers are a class of their own that transcends republican or democrat.
Yet, the right believes that Capitalism is what increases wealth for the People and not socialism.
It does increase wealth for the 1% which is who runs the republican party,who pays for the republican party to exist so the republican party members can make sure the fed gov stays off their backs to pay a fair share of taxes,pay livable wages,and to keep jobs here. Granted the fed gov isn't doing a very good job of any of those either but its better to have them do SOMETHING than allow the 1% free reign over things.

There are more 1%ers that are Democrats than are Republicans.[/QUO

Why did you post "It does increase wealth for the 1% which is who runs the republican party" if it transcends parties?
Odium is spewing typical lib talking points...Cannot keep the bullshit story straight.
Yet, the right believes that Capitalism is what increases wealth for the People and not socialism.

Capitalism has brought a billion or so Chinese out of poverty, Not Socialism , in recent years. Socialism is just a different type of power play.
just as I suspected for Persons on the Right; why claim what you claim, for others when you really don't care.
Care about WHAT?
Is it your view that those of us who decided to get off our asses and work for a better life should somehow feel guilty about it?
so what; even illiterate third worlders with a third world work ethic can make you look lazy, by comparison and contrast. get the relative point; Person on the clueless and Causeless Right.
What the hell did you just post?.....What do workers in the third world have to do with anything?
Look, gum flapper. Hard work is just part of it. Anyone can work hard at a menial low skill job. It does not mean their income will grow. With hard work must come enhancement of skills and either classroom or on the job education.
I've seen this play before. You lefties believe that just because someone who busts their ass hand digging trenches for an irrigation company for 15 years deserves to be paid more than the job is worth to the business. It doesn't work that way....Using this example, the correct path would be for the person using the shovel to learn how to operate other pieces of equipment such as a back hoe or ditch with( trencher)....Or perhaps going to school to learn irrigation design. Community colleges offer these courses. Or perhaps learning the electronics which control the system..There are so many opportunities......
You'd rather complain.
It means you are lazy when compared to more, hard working third worlders with a third world work ethic. Why claim hard work in our more Social US is what matters most; clueless and Causeless, Person on the Right.
Dude...you are not making any sense. Do you ever proofread your posts for sentence construction and punctuation?...
What the hell is "our more social US"?......Serious question...What was the highest grade in school you completed? If you say 4 year degree, I will point out that not one of your core courses had anything to do with English or economy.
It means you are too lazy to have a social clue and a social Cause; while claiming hard work is what is necessary in our Republic.

I am not inclined to perform clickage on a Whingefest List for Losers.

The problem in America is not Income Equality, it is destruction of the cultural values of Individual Responsibility and Independency.
Individuals against a Corporation don't get anywhere. Together as a UNION we can though...that's why it scares republicans. Can't have the wittle man fighting back now can we.
Ahh. So we finally get to your actual point...Unions.. Genius, there are a plethora of reasons why union membership is down to under 7% ( private sector)....Number one....unreasonable and non competitive labor costs.

I am not inclined to perform clickage on a Whingefest List for Losers.

The problem in America is not Income Equality, it is destruction of the cultural values of Individual Responsibility and Independency.
Individuals against a Corporation don't get anywhere. Together as a UNION we can though...that's why it scares republicans. Can't have the wittle man fighting back now can we.

Have you actually ever been a union member?

I have for brief period of time. It was a quite instructive education in how union leadership rigs the job assignments and work rules so that their cronies make a lot of money for very little effort on the backs of powerless members who have to pay dues in order to have a job.

No thanks. I'd rather live by my own initiative and wits.
So be it then. Unions are the ONLY reason we have higher decent wages in SOME jobs. Be glad to leave the south behind for that one reason. Low ass wages thanks to republican policies.
You can believe that if it makes you feel better.
All those mexicans will surely help...right?
They already are;

The United States is the world's largest national economy, representing 22% of nominal global GDP and 17% of global GDP (PPP).[2] The United States' GDP was estimated to be $17.710 trillion as of Q1 2015.[2][30] The U.S. dollar is the currency most used in international transactions and is the world's foremost reserve currency.[31] Several countries use it as their official currency, and in many others it is the de facto currency.[32] The United States has a mixed economy[33][34] and has maintained a stable overall GDP growth rate, a moderate unemployment rate, and high levels of research and capital investment.[35] Its six largest trading partners are Canada, China, Mexico, Japan, Germany, and South Korea.[36]--Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_the_United_States

Simply by coming over here and making us look bad with a third world, capital work ethic, and sending money home so they can buy US goods.

What a dumbass,they're driving down wages while you cry about income equality.:cuckoo:
Rent seeking or price seeking by sending jobs overseas is really helping our job market, right. It is merely public policies which accomplish that. We have a Commerce Clause and an official Mint. Why are there No Good Capitalist to be found who can make money on Commerce (well regulated) at our borders.

Funny,I worked for a company that opened a machine shop just over the border.
They fired all the average guys and kept the good ones to rework all the shit that came out of that place.
That's typical. In the home building business, illegals are used for labor. I have a friend who was a superintendent for a production builder. He said the punch lists were long and repetitive. Poor workmanship...
Is management not willing to work hard enough to go union?
hunger is hunger . To quote that old Armenian lady , in the USA even the homeless run around with a chicken leg in each hand SwimExpert !!

Perhaps now you're starting to comprehend how poverty only exists in relation to one's surrounding culture.

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