35 soul-crushing facts about American income inequality

I am not inclined to perform clickage on a Whingefest List for Losers.

The problem in America is not Income Equality, it is destruction of the cultural values of Individual Responsibility and Independency.
Individuals against a Corporation don't get anywhere. Together as a UNION we can though...that's why it scares republicans. Can't have the wittle man fighting back now can we.

Have you actually ever been a union member?

I have for brief period of time. It was a quite instructive education in how union leadership rigs the job assignments and work rules so that their cronies make a lot of money for very little effort on the backs of powerless members who have to pay dues in order to have a job.

No thanks. I'd rather live by my own initiative and wits.
So be it then. Unions are the ONLY reason we have higher decent wages in SOME jobs. Be glad to leave the south behind for that one reason. Low ass wages thanks to republican policies.

That is absolute poppycock.

The reason we have decent wages is increased worker productivity due to innovation and technology...due to Real Capitalism, not the perverted Big Government Cronyism that has replaced it in many sectors of the economy.

The accurate word..."Crony Socialism."

I am not inclined to perform clickage on a Whingefest List for Losers.

The problem in America is not Income Equality, it is destruction of the cultural values of Individual Responsibility and Independency.
Individuals against a Corporation don't get anywhere. Together as a UNION we can though...that's why it scares republicans. Can't have the wittle man fighting back now can we.

Yes....and those in charge of the unions...living hand to mouth are they?

I am not inclined to perform clickage on a Whingefest List for Losers.

The problem in America is not Income Equality, it is destruction of the cultural values of Individual Responsibility and Independency.
Individuals against a Corporation don't get anywhere. Together as a UNION we can though...that's why it scares republicans. Can't have the wittle man fighting back now can we.

Have you actually ever been a union member?

I have for brief period of time. It was a quite instructive education in how union leadership rigs the job assignments and work rules so that their cronies make a lot of money for very little effort on the backs of powerless members who have to pay dues in order to have a job.

No thanks. I'd rather live by my own initiative and wits.
So be it then. Unions are the ONLY reason we have higher decent wages in SOME jobs. Be glad to leave the south behind for that one reason. Low ass wages thanks to republican policies.
Unions are a high powered dangerous faction that had their place but are now too powerful and too corrupt.
This isn't about Obama. I already stated he is just as bad as the rest of the presidents democrat and republican alike.
And yet out of the gate you single out republicans and blame it all on them in your OP.
Now you want to back out of that statement?
I always did pretty good and I am no bigshot or inheritor of big money . All I did was go to work and kept working and saving . Nothing to it !!
Income inequality is directly related to output inequality.
Yet, the right believes that Capitalism is what increases wealth for the People and not socialism.
It does increase wealth for the 1% which is who runs the republican party,who pays for the republican party to exist so the republican party members can make sure the fed gov stays off their backs to pay a fair share of taxes,pay livable wages,and to keep jobs here. Granted the fed gov isn't doing a very good job of any of those either but its better to have them do SOMETHING n allow the 1% free reign over things.

Give me a f*cking break.
You people are so gullible and ignorant of any truth beyond what MSNBC tells you.
I suppose you heard of the term "Reaganomics" - trickle down theory of giving money to the top so that it will "trickle down" to the masses.
Well then...are you aware that Obama has engaged in the LARGEST MOST EXPANSIVE use of trickle down economics in the history of America? No administration even comes close to the $trillions of taxpayer dollars STILL BE GIVEN AT NO COST to elite corporations and the financial giants.
Are you aware that the top 7% since Obama took office have lavished in a RECORD 33% earnings increase while the remaining 93% of WORKING Americans have suffered a 5% decline??? At a time of record welfare??
Wake the f*ck up simpletons. Obama is an elitist/corporatist who has promoted Americas transformation into an oligarchy than any President in history. All the while receiving your praise and so ignorant as to blame someone else.

Man you low information people make me sick.
Why do you think they call them "useful idiots"?

People in general are poorer, but, they have gay marriage and that damned flag is down in SC.

What more can they want?
I am not inclined to perform clickage on a Whingefest List for Losers.

The problem in America is not Income Equality, it is destruction of the cultural values of Individual Responsibility and Independency.
Individuals against a Corporation don't get anywhere. Together as a UNION we can though...that's why it scares republicans. Can't have the wittle man fighting back now can we.

Have you actually ever been a union member?

I have for brief period of time. It was a quite instructive education in how union leadership rigs the job assignments and work rules so that their cronies make a lot of money for very little effort on the backs of powerless members who have to pay dues in order to have a job.

No thanks. I'd rather live by my own initiative and wits.
So be it then. Unions are the ONLY reason we have higher decent wages in SOME jobs. Be glad to leave the south behind for that one reason. Low ass wages thanks to republican policies.

That is absolute poppycock.

The reason we have decent wages is increased worker productivity due to innovation and technology...due to Real Capitalism, not the perverted Big Government Cronyism that has replaced it in many sectors of the economy.

The accurate word..."Crony Socialism."

Obama is nothing but what I called him years ago, Wall Street's "clean, articulate Negro".
What's more interesting is you post this thread 7 years into a liberal presidents term

Seven fucking years ....

And he just made it worse

So more of the same will change it?

I am sure he buys into the trumped up economic figures and half truths this administration and the left media shove down their open throats.
I repeat the FACT that the top 7% since 2009 have had a record 33% earnings increase, while the remaining 93% of WORKING Americans have lost 5% of their income. And YET THEY BITCH ABOUT INCOME INEQUALITY as if it is someone else's fault?????
You will never get the left to talk about this. To talk about how Obama is a corporatist to the core. He is the wolf in sheep's clothing. He has the audacity to talk about the shrinking middle class, yet he has done everything in his power to continue our decline.
For black people who incredibly still support him, in every single category they are worse off now than before!
These people are blind because it is all they know. All they know to do is blame republicans because it can't possibly be any fault of theirs.
Keep on doing the same things over again and expecting different results it's just insanity....

Obama didn't do shit, except get in the way and helped wall street

He fucked the middle class
Keep on doing the same things over again and expecting different results it's just insanity....

Obama didn't do shit, except get in the way and helped wall street

He fucked the middle class
The middle class is mostly white, WTF did you expect him to do?

Didn't anybody read his book or listen to him?
What's more interesting is you post this thread 7 years into a liberal presidents term

Seven fucking years ....

And he just made it worse

So more of the same will change it?

I am sure he buys into the trumped up economic figures and half truths this administration and the left media shove down their open throats.
I repeat the FACT that the top 7% since 2009 have had a record 33% earnings increase, while the remaining 93% of WORKING Americans have lost 5% of their income. And YET THEY BITCH ABOUT INCOME INEQUALITY as if it is someone else's fault?????
You will never get the left to talk about this. To talk about how Obama is a corporatist to the core. He is the wolf in sheep's clothing. He has the audacity to talk about the shrinking middle class, yet he has done everything in his power to continue our decline.
For black people who incredibly still support him, in every single category they are worse off now than before!
These people are blind because it is all they know. All they know to do is blame republicans because it can't possibly be any fault of theirs.
simply because the Right had nothing but repeal instead of a money making capital plan.
Yet, the right believes that Capitalism is what increases wealth for the People and not socialism.
It does increase wealth for the 1% which is who runs the republican party,who pays for the republican party to exist so the republican party members can make sure the fed gov stays off their backs to pay a fair share of taxes,pay livable wages,and to keep jobs here. Granted the fed gov isn't doing a very good job of any of those either but its better to have them do SOMETHING than allow the 1% free reign over things.
That's funny, I seem to remember that a certain has been in office for the past 7 years, and in those 7 years the income gap have done nothing but grow. And the middle class has done nothing but shrunk. How is that possible?? Obama and other dens couldn't be in with the rich, he said he wasn't going to add 1 new lobbyist to Washington, and he didn't ( except for those 60 some). And ACA is cheap affordable coverage... Your coverage just shrinks, and insurance companies are seeing record profit. And TPP is free trade... Free trade in a sense that foreign and domestic companies can make their own laws. Hey, you ever notice how when someone gets elected to office, they become magically good at real estate deals, and picking stocks? Yea these are the people that need to tell us what to do with our money, and are the definite driving forces of our economy
Yet, the right believes that Capitalism is what increases wealth for the People and not socialism.
It does increase wealth for the 1% which is who runs the republican party,who pays for the republican party to exist so the republican party members can make sure the fed gov stays off their backs to pay a fair share of taxes,pay livable wages,and to keep jobs here. Granted the fed gov isn't doing a very good job of any of those either but its better to have them do SOMETHING than allow the 1% free reign over things.

Excuse me, who populated their cabinet with executives from Goldman Sachs? Yes Obama did, suck on it!

Correct, and working stiff repubs on this board still think he's a progressive or socialist. He's a corporate democrat and wouldn't have been funded by wall street if he hadn't been. Still, if you're down and out, you might get help from one of the programs that democrats have initiated over the decades. Republicans will kick you when you're down, call you a freeloader, and try to end any of the programs initiated to help those in need including babes in the cradle. Notice how even the mention of the program WIC will drive some repub posters into a purple rage?
outright lies......this is the problem with people like you. Someone has a different way of solving a problem and you don't agree with the solution, you immediately make up lies such as this.
hunger is hunger . To quote that old Armenian lady , in the USA even the homeless run around with a chicken leg in each hand SwimExpert !!

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