350-Pound Woman on Welfare: I’m Obese Because I Don’t Get Enough Government Money


Active Member
Dec 4, 2014
A 350-pound British woman claims it’s not her fault she’s morbidly obese — it’s because the government doesn’t give her enough money.
350-Pound Woman on Welfare I m Obese Because I Don t Get Enough Government Money Top Right News
Christina Briggs, 26, of Wigan, England, claims she can only eat fattening junk food — a whole lot of it — because healthier food is just too expensive for her “limited” welfare benefits, according to an interview in The Daily Mail.
How about exercising to lose weight? Out of the question Briggs says — gyms are just too pricey, and she hasn’t been “educated” on how to exercise herself.
>“It’s not my fault – healthy food is too expensive,” And i hope that she is joking! one cucumber - 39 cents, one bag of chips - about 1.30$
Well, maybe i should post this thread to Europe, but i think that in some states we will see such "girls" too.
What do you think guys?
She certainly hasn't missed any meals on that not enough Govt, i.e. taxpayer, money.

Perhaps the fat bitch should get off her equally fat ass, get a job and earn her own money??
I don't condone obesity.

Also - don't condone flashing anecdotes and portraying them as the norm.

Also - don't condone condoning. Stuff. I could go on forever.
A 350-pound British woman claims it’s not her fault she’s morbidly obese — it’s because the government doesn’t give her enough money.
350-Pound Woman on Welfare I m Obese Because I Don t Get Enough Government Money Top Right News
Christina Briggs, 26, of Wigan, England, claims she can only eat fattening junk food — a whole lot of it — because healthier food is just too expensive for her “limited” welfare benefits, according to an interview in The Daily Mail.
How about exercising to lose weight? Out of the question Briggs says — gyms are just too pricey, and she hasn’t been “educated” on how to exercise herself.
>“It’s not my fault – healthy food is too expensive,” And i hope that she is joking! one cucumber - 39 cents, one bag of chips - about 1.30$
Well, maybe i should post this thread to Europe, but i think that in some states we will see such "girls" too.
What do you think guys?[/QUOTE
A 350-pound British woman claims it’s not her fault she’s morbidly obese — it’s because the government doesn’t give her enough money.
350-Pound Woman on Welfare I m Obese Because I Don t Get Enough Government Money Top Right News
Christina Briggs, 26, of Wigan, England, claims she can only eat fattening junk food — a whole lot of it — because healthier food is just too expensive for her “limited” welfare benefits, according to an interview in The Daily Mail.
How about exercising to lose weight? Out of the question Briggs says — gyms are just too pricey, and she hasn’t been “educated” on how to exercise herself.
>“It’s not my fault – healthy food is too expensive,” And i hope that she is joking! one cucumber - 39 cents, one bag of chips - about 1.30$
Well, maybe i should post this thread to Europe, but i think that in some states we will see such "girls" too.
What do you think guys?
It's not always what one eats that cause weight issues. Yes, eating too much, eating the wrong foods, and lack of exercise can, and does, cause weight increases in many. But many other factors also cause obesity. Thyroid problems can cause one to gain weight also.
A 350-pound British woman claims it’s not her fault she’s morbidly obese — it’s because the government doesn’t give her enough money.
350-Pound Woman on Welfare I m Obese Because I Don t Get Enough Government Money Top Right News
Christina Briggs, 26, of Wigan, England, claims she can only eat fattening junk food — a whole lot of it — because healthier food is just too expensive for her “limited” welfare benefits, according to an interview in The Daily Mail.
How about exercising to lose weight? Out of the question Briggs says — gyms are just too pricey, and she hasn’t been “educated” on how to exercise herself.
>“It’s not my fault – healthy food is too expensive,” And i hope that she is joking! one cucumber - 39 cents, one bag of chips - about 1.30$
Well, maybe i should post this thread to Europe, but i think that in some states we will see such "girls" too.
What do you think guys?

Need to start thinking of obesity as the chemical addiction it in fact is. Junk food is specially formulated to be addictive stimulating pleasure centers in the brain just like heroin. If people are especially vulnerable to drug addiction like with a family history, obese parents, etc. they're at increased risk of getting addicted because the introduction begins much earlier. By the time they're older and able to buy food on their own, they'll buy what they've become addicted to.

Instead of ignorant compasionless people shaming them, how about ya'll let people who actually understand these things handle it. Isn't there a border and detention center for you to go and terrorize little kids at?
Maybe she should learn some self control?
Self-control is not PC, sorry.

You're a sexist and a weightist for criticizing her. And if she were not white, you'd be a racist, too.

There. That got us off the "self control" thing, we can't have that.

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