37 short stories PDF book

Oct 4, 2020
Free PDF of my short story collection only available on this board and nowhere else.


  • Fed Starving's 37 Short Stories 2.1.pdf
    941.5 KB · Views: 103
Message to the moderators, that first account is locked up and I cannot retrieve the login that is why I made this second account.

I am a very prolific artist when other things arent getting in the way, particularly with writing or music. I can write and write or play and play and never seem to run out of ideas. My limitations seem to be physical endurance and sleep. I love sleeping probably more than anything else, so you can see how difficult this can be for me.

I dont really need to write new stories at this time but if anyone is interested in reading some new tales then I can put something fun and suspenseful together. I got a few good ideas. I like storytelling and if there was someone around to listen to me babble I probably wouldn't be on a message board looking for an audience.

In any case, take it easy.

This book hasn't been printed so I modified this free stock image to give it a sense of being real, seeing as digital books dont have covers.
A link could contain a virus, so I won't click on yours.

But good luck with your writing career.
It isnt a career, it's a hobby. I never make money from art and wouldn't believe that to be very much possible in the least. Regardless, I'm gonna write anyways and write whatever I want. No editor or publisher will ever tell me what I can or cannot do.

That said, I found that yes, PDF files can contain viruses, as outlined in this webpage:
But you cant get a virus from merely downloading the PDF, you must open it first, so it is recommended that you download the PDF and then scan it for viruses.

I can assure you that I would never spread computer viruses on the internet and I handle all of my documents and media myself so there isnt a chance that someone else can intercede and meddle with my work.
I am working on something exciting and new and very secret and might share here on this message board. If you like sci-fi you might wanna look me up in about 7 months. I will return.
I posted my 37 Short Stories PDF on a free eBook site and today it showed up on Bing search above the US Message Board version. I checked it out to see if the download was still working correctly and noticed the ridiculous cover was the great pyramid in what appears to be blueprint style drawing. I didn't choose this cover and I suppose it was randomly generated. Here's the link to that page:

822 downloads as of today with a 1of 5 star rating. Not bad! I honestly didn't think there would be any downloads but I guess free eBook.net has a lot of traffic.

It is worth noting that this book contains no pyramids or Egyptian themes.

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