39 I don't recall, I don't remember to the FBI

And what I "hate" Joey...is the idea of someone who displayed such piss poor judgement in Libya...judgement that resulted in the deaths of a US Ambassador and three others...be given control over all of us! Hillary Clinton isn't competent enough to be POTUS and she proved that beyond a shadow of doubt in Libya.
You're the one who tried to excuse Hillary Clinton's incompetence that led to the death of Christopher Stevens and the others in Benghazi by bringing up that tired old liberal talking point about how 60 people died during attacks on US consulates and embassies during the Bush presidency! But when I point out that all of those attacks were suicide bombings that killed people OUTSIDE of our installations...suddenly you're not going to research it because it ain't worth your time? That's pathetic even for you, Joey!

No, I'm not going to waste my time researching your spurious claims that someone how, if a person was killed standing on blue, it makes it okay that he was killed. I don't blame Bush or Hillary for attacks on embassies. I blame our strategy in the Middle East of sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest and then complaining about getting stung

Can't stop trying to blame the people who got killed in Benghazi...can you? The truth is...Christopher Stevens COULDN'T accept "military guards" because we had no status of forces agreement with Libya and a force from the military wouldn't have been covered by the same diplomatic immunity that a security force from the State Department would have had.

So, um, who was going to charge these guys with something, exactly. Because the CIA operatives and mercenaries weren't covered by these rules, either. And they had plenty of guns if Michael Bay is to be believed.

Because Hillary wanted to portray things in Libya as more under control than they actually were for political reasons! She didn't like the "optics" of having to have a large armed force guarding our Ambassador!

Nobody cared about the Optics before the attack. Libya wasn't even on the radar of the debate. So you can spew these Lizard Man Conspiracy theories all day but the reality is...

Shit happens.
And what I "hate" Joey...is the idea of someone who displayed such piss poor judgement in Libya...judgement that resulted in the deaths of a US Ambassador and three others...be given control over all of us! Hillary Clinton isn't competent enough to be POTUS and she proved that beyond a shadow of doubt in Libya.

Two of those three others had nothing to do with Hillary. They worked for the Central Idiocy Agency.

And, yes, I have more faith in Hillary than THAT FUCKING NAZI you guys nominated.
So tell us regressives, what good is experience if you can't remember it and draw from it? Come on folks, tell us again how she's the most qualified person to ever run for the office.

You mean she doesn't remember detailed stuff from things that happened four to eight years ago?

Most of us wouldn't.

Why did she blame it on her concussion? And how did she suddenly remember all those details in her congressional testimony which also occurred after the concussion? Oh, that's right, according to Comey, she lied to congress.
Was it a blame or a guess.

I don't remember what I had for breakfast. Do you?
So tell us regressives, what good is experience if you can't remember it and draw from it? Come on folks, tell us again how she's the most qualified person to ever run for the office.

You mean she doesn't remember detailed stuff from things that happened four to eight years ago?

Most of us wouldn't.

Why did she blame it on her concussion? And how did she suddenly remember all those details in her congressional testimony which also occurred after the concussion? Oh, that's right, according to Comey, she lied to congress.
Was it a blame or a guess.

I don't remember what I had for breakfast. Do you?

Well, now we have a reason for your disjointed totally ignorant posts. You're as senile as jake the fake.
You're the one who tried to excuse Hillary Clinton's incompetence that led to the death of Christopher Stevens and the others in Benghazi by bringing up that tired old liberal talking point about how 60 people died during attacks on US consulates and embassies during the Bush presidency! But when I point out that all of those attacks were suicide bombings that killed people OUTSIDE of our installations...suddenly you're not going to research it because it ain't worth your time? That's pathetic even for you, Joey!

No, I'm not going to waste my time researching your spurious claims that someone how, if a person was killed standing on blue, it makes it okay that he was killed. I don't blame Bush or Hillary for attacks on embassies. I blame our strategy in the Middle East of sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest and then complaining about getting stung

Can't stop trying to blame the people who got killed in Benghazi...can you? The truth is...Christopher Stevens COULDN'T accept "military guards" because we had no status of forces agreement with Libya and a force from the military wouldn't have been covered by the same diplomatic immunity that a security force from the State Department would have had.

So, um, who was going to charge these guys with something, exactly. Because the CIA operatives and mercenaries weren't covered by these rules, either. And they had plenty of guns if Michael Bay is to be believed.

Because Hillary wanted to portray things in Libya as more under control than they actually were for political reasons! She didn't like the "optics" of having to have a large armed force guarding our Ambassador!

Nobody cared about the Optics before the attack. Libya wasn't even on the radar of the debate. So you can spew these Lizard Man Conspiracy theories all day but the reality is...

Shit happens.

Spurious claims? You're not going to "research" my claims, Joey because you already know that I'm spot on!

Clinton's concern over optics is what got Stevens killed.
Spurious claims? You're not going to "research" my claims, Joey because you already know that I'm spot on!

Why is it my job to do your work? If you have proof that Bush wasn't responsible for those deaths, it's kind of on you to post them. Not me.

Clinton's concern over optics is what got Stevens killed.

No, what got Stevens killed was that he thought the Libyans weren't murderous shitheads who really loved his sodomite ass.
Spurious claims? You're not going to "research" my claims, Joey because you already know that I'm spot on!

Why is it my job to do your work? If you have proof that Bush wasn't responsible for those deaths, it's kind of on you to post them. Not me.

Clinton's concern over optics is what got Stevens killed.

No, what got Stevens killed was that he thought the Libyans weren't murderous shitheads who really loved his sodomite ass.

Stevens knew exactly how dangerous it was becoming in Libya! It's why he requested additional security DOZENS of times! But you'll blame him for Clinton's incompetence because he's dead and you want Hillary to get elected President...which makes you about as sleazy as they come!
Stevens knew exactly how dangerous it was becoming in Libya! It's why he requested additional security DOZENS of times! But you'll blame him for Clinton's incompetence because he's dead and you want Hillary to get elected President...which makes you about as sleazy as they come!

No, Sleazy is supporting a misogynistic, racist, fradulant Nazi with a bad combover because you are so butthurt that this woman has beaten you every time you've gone after her.

You represent Santayana's classic definition of a fanatic- someone who redoubles his effort while losing sight of his goal.
Fanatics call people things like "Nazi" simply because they don't agree with their politics.

You're wearing blinders, Joey. You're so intent on electing a liberal to the Presidency that you've chosen to ignore how utterly corrupt that liberal is!
Fanatics call people things like "Nazi" simply because they don't agree with their politics.

You're wearing blinders, Joey. You're so intent on electing a liberal to the Presidency that you've chosen to ignore how utterly corrupt that liberal is!

No, I use the term Nazi to actually define a philosophy. A Nazi (National Socialist) is someone who believes in extreme nationalism, xenophobia and totalitarianism. I can't think of a better way to describe Trump.

And sorry, all politicians are corrupt. To claim they aren't is truly wearing blinders.

But twenty years ago, Hillary hurt your little feelings by mocking your philosophy, and you just can't get over it.
IT is so very amusing to observe Democrats care about truth... sometimes... unless it might affect the size of their taxpayer funded checks... and then the concern vanishes with a lame equivocation....

It is essentially "I don't care about anything except what is in it for me..."
Fanatics call people things like "Nazi" simply because they don't agree with their politics.

You're wearing blinders, Joey. You're so intent on electing a liberal to the Presidency that you've chosen to ignore how utterly corrupt that liberal is!

No, I use the term Nazi to actually define a philosophy. A Nazi (National Socialist) is someone who believes in extreme nationalism, xenophobia and totalitarianism. I can't think of a better way to describe Trump.

And sorry, all politicians are corrupt. To claim they aren't is truly wearing blinders.

But twenty years ago, Hillary hurt your little feelings by mocking your philosophy, and you just can't get over it.

Hillary Clinton was corrupt twenty years ago...and she's even more corrupt today. Many politicians are corrupt but her and her hubbie are the POSTER CHILDREN for political corruption! Putting them back into the White House is giving them license to steal.

Hillary Clinton was corrupt twenty years ago...and she's even more corrupt today. Many politicians are corrupt but her and her hubbie are the POSTER CHILDREN for political corruption! Putting them back into the White House is giving them license to steal.

Snookums, your side has spent decades, millions of dollars and thousands of manhours trying to prove the Clintons have done something "Corrupt" or illegal. And the only things you've come up with so far is "Lied about a blow job' and "used the wrong kind of e-mail server".

So the only logical conclusions one can come to are...

1) They are brilliant Criminal Masterminds, capable of feats worthy of Professor Moriarty


2) You are full of shit.

I'm kind of going with the second one.
IT is so very amusing to observe Democrats care about truth... sometimes... unless it might affect the size of their taxpayer funded checks... and then the concern vanishes with a lame equivocation....

It is essentially "I don't care about anything except what is in it for me..."

What's wrong with that approach?

You see, back in the 1990's, I used to be one of you right wing assholes, and I got all upset that Clinton Lied about the blow job and cheated on his wife and all that other stuff.

I ignored the fact that we had peace, prosperity and good times under his stewardship. Truly, we needed a man with "good morals".

And then we got George W. Stupid in there. At the end of it, I had a busted 401K, an underwater mortgage and I took a 25% pay cut for the privilege of continuing to work, and I consider myself relatively lucky. I had a period there where I was working three jobs to keep my head above water.

But, boy, that guy didn't get any blow jobs from an intern! He just got us into recessions, wars and completely fucked up responses to natural disasters.

Hillary Clinton was corrupt twenty years ago...and she's even more corrupt today. Many politicians are corrupt but her and her hubbie are the POSTER CHILDREN for political corruption! Putting them back into the White House is giving them license to steal.

Snookums, your side has spent decades, millions of dollars and thousands of manhours trying to prove the Clintons have done something "Corrupt" or illegal. And the only things you've come up with so far is "Lied about a blow job' and "used the wrong kind of e-mail server".

So the only logical conclusions one can come to are...

1) They are brilliant Criminal Masterminds, capable of feats worthy of Professor Moriarty


2) You are full of shit.

I'm kind of going with the second one.

Yeah...and Barry Bonds never failed a drug test! Which proves what?
Why did she blame it on her concussion? And how did she suddenly remember all those details in her congressional testimony which also occurred after the concussion? Oh, that's right, according to Comey, she lied to congress.

And when Comey recommends an indictment for that, and gets a conviction in front of a jury of 12 DC residents, I'll take your whelping seriously.

Look, guy, the thing is, I don't care about E-mails or who said what to who.

Your side nominated a crazy Nazi. That's the only issue in this election.

Once someone equates a candidate to a Nazi, just because they don't agree with a set of political policies, their argument loses all credibility. I have yet to see any legitament argument that accurately classifies a republican nominee as such, it's just anither typical response stemming from liberals who find themselves unable to debate in the issues.
Once someone equates a candidate to a Nazi, just because they don't agree with a set of political policies, their argument loses all credibility. I have yet to see any legitament argument that accurately classifies a republican nominee as such, it's just anither typical response stemming from liberals who find themselves unable to debate in the issues.

No, one equates a candidate to a Nazi when he does what a Nazi does.

Let's review. What make Trump a National Socialist.

1) Finds racial scapegoats- In Hitler's case the Jews, in Trumps case, Mexicans and Muslims.
2) Advocates radical, anti-Capitalist rhetoric.
3) Advocates an exaggerated, xenophobic form of nationalism
4) Advocates authoritarian measures to achieve his goals.

Trump is a Nazi. Deal with it.

What amuses me is that if there is one group that ought to be panicking about Trump's rise, it should be Libertarians like yourself who think Government already has too much authority. But clearly, your racism and misogyny are more dominant in your values system.

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