39 I don't recall, I don't remember to the FBI

I don't know what's worse, Joey...a paper that USED to have a reputation for journalism buying into the spin that the Obama White House put out...or people like you who years later are still repeating the nonsense that the New York Times printed!

Last time I checked, the NYT is still the gold standard of journalism in this country.

But you keep listening to Hate Radio, because you wouldn't know what to think otherwise.

It was never about a video! It was a planned attack on the anniversary of 9/11!

Why would those things be mutually exclusive? Also, wouldn't that mean that Stevens wasn't the target, as they didn't know he'd be there?

If Hillary Clinton peed on you and told you it was raining...you'd believe her!

Quite the reverse... you think Hillary is peeing on you every time it rains, but frankly, I don't think we need to hear about your sick sexual fantasies...
Also, wouldn't that mean that Stevens wasn't the target, as they didn't know he'd be there? :lmao::lmao::lmao:dude my gawd are you stupid. everyone knew about the attack coming it's why other countries got their people out. Not ours though, no recognition by the american leaders except Stephens and he struck out and paid for that with his life and you make light of his death. your are a moron.
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You actually believe that the United States of America can't get a fighter jet hundreds of miles in six hours? Here's a hint, Joey...in order for military assets to go ANYWHERE someone first has to give them the order to go. They never got that order from the Obama White House.

Okay, guy, what good was a fighter jet going to do in house to house fighting, exactly?

Again, I love when people who never put a uniform on a day in their lives tell us how they'd have won the war.

Charlene Lamb was the State Dept security specialist responsible for Benghazi,

Again, DILIGAF!!! Point was, you mutants cut 100 million dollars from diplomatic security, and then whined there wasn't enough security at one remote consulate.

She is the one that made the decisions to cut the security staff based on guidance form the hildabitch. She's was intimately involved with those decisions and not just another person with an opinion.

The way you are telling it, it sounds like she's the one who fucked up and not Hillary. unless you think the secretary of state should micromanage down to that level.

Again, you guys had 8 investigations into this, and couldn't prove jack shit.
Also, wouldn't that mean that Stevens wasn't the target, as they didn't know he'd be there? :lmao::lmao::lmao:dude my gawd are you stupid. everyone knew about the attack coming it's why other countries got their people out. Not ours though, no recognition by the american leaders except Stephens and he struck out and paid for that with his life and you make light of his death. your are a moron.

If Stevens knew Benghazi was dangerous and went there anyway, that's on him, isn't it?

And if you think it's southern rednecks that are driving the Trump vote perhaps you'd like to take a stab at explaining Trump's surge in states like Ohio, Colorado and Nevada?

I don't think he'll carry any of those states, but the South doesn't have a monopoly on stupid rednecks who vote against their own interests.

I remember driving through Cleveland once and saw a house with a big old confederate flag on the porch. The house was in complete disrepair and the whole neighborhood was shit. The sad thing is, the GOP has been fertilizing the ground for a Nazi like Trump for decades.
You actually believe that the United States of America can't get a fighter jet hundreds of miles in six hours? Here's a hint, Joey...in order for military assets to go ANYWHERE someone first has to give them the order to go. They never got that order from the Obama White House.

Okay, guy, what good was a fighter jet going to do in house to house fighting, exactly?

Again, I love when people who never put a uniform on a day in their lives tell us how they'd have won the war.

Charlene Lamb was the State Dept security specialist responsible for Benghazi,

Again, DILIGAF!!! Point was, you mutants cut 100 million dollars from diplomatic security, and then whined there wasn't enough security at one remote consulate.

She is the one that made the decisions to cut the security staff based on guidance form the hildabitch. She's was intimately involved with those decisions and not just another person with an opinion.

The way you are telling it, it sounds like she's the one who fucked up and not Hillary. unless you think the secretary of state should micromanage down to that level.

Again, you guys had 8 investigations into this, and couldn't prove jack shit.

You claim to have been in the military, what's the first concern of any commander in a situation where hostiles are present, SECURITY! As Sec. she had the ultimate responsibility for every thing that did or did not happen in her organization. Her dept denied or ignored more than 600 requests for additional security in Libya. Making security decisions based on appearance and politics is pure incompetence that went all the way to the top. Trying to say different just makes you look like a fool.
You actually believe that the United States of America can't get a fighter jet hundreds of miles in six hours? Here's a hint, Joey...in order for military assets to go ANYWHERE someone first has to give them the order to go. They never got that order from the Obama White House.

Okay, guy, what good was a fighter jet going to do in house to house fighting, exactly?

Again, I love when people who never put a uniform on a day in their lives tell us how they'd have won the war.

Charlene Lamb was the State Dept security specialist responsible for Benghazi,

Again, DILIGAF!!! Point was, you mutants cut 100 million dollars from diplomatic security, and then whined there wasn't enough security at one remote consulate.

She is the one that made the decisions to cut the security staff based on guidance form the hildabitch. She's was intimately involved with those decisions and not just another person with an opinion.

The way you are telling it, it sounds like she's the one who fucked up and not Hillary. unless you think the secretary of state should micromanage down to that level.

Again, you guys had 8 investigations into this, and couldn't prove jack shit.

What good would an F16 above a battleground being directed to targets by highly trained operators on the ground like were present at the Annex? Gee, Joey...I'm guessing that would have enough to make the attackers turn tail and run for their lives. The US military's biggest advantage is air superiority. One modern fighter jet is a formidable killing machine.

Yes, a hundred million dollars was cut from a budget request...which is pretty much standard for how Washington operates. You ask for 500 million when you really only need 400 million...and a politician running for reelection can tell the voters that they "saved" a 100 million dollars by "cutting" your budget! The talking point that the Clinton camp tried to push that the lack of security in Benghazi was because of budget cuts is laughable! It was never about the money, Joey...it was ALWAYS about the optics. Libya was supposed to be a win for the Obama White House. Admitting that the situation was getting worse...not better...was something neither Clinton nor Obama wanted to admit. Charlene Lamb testified under oath that budget cuts had nothing to do with security staffing levels in Libya! What's amazing is that she also testified that even after the attacks and the loss of American lives that the Clinton State Department was satisfied that the security levels in Libya were adequate!

Micro manage? Charlene Lamb was in charge of the Middle East, Joey. She was not some obscure State Department flunky laboring in a cubicle somewhere. Did you want to claim that Hillary Clinton didn't know what her person in charge of the Middle East was doing? If you want to use that as your excuse...the old "I didn't know!!!" then the question becomes...'Why didn't you know? You're the Secretary of State! How could you NOT know?'
Also, wouldn't that mean that Stevens wasn't the target, as they didn't know he'd be there? :lmao::lmao::lmao:dude my gawd are you stupid. everyone knew about the attack coming it's why other countries got their people out. Not ours though, no recognition by the american leaders except Stephens and he struck out and paid for that with his life and you make light of his death. your are a moron.

If Stevens knew Benghazi was dangerous and went there anyway, that's on him, isn't it?

And if you think it's southern rednecks that are driving the Trump vote perhaps you'd like to take a stab at explaining Trump's surge in states like Ohio, Colorado and Nevada?

I don't think he'll carry any of those states, but the South doesn't have a monopoly on stupid rednecks who vote against their own interests.

I remember driving through Cleveland once and saw a house with a big old confederate flag on the porch. The house was in complete disrepair and the whole neighborhood was shit. The sad thing is, the GOP has been fertilizing the ground for a Nazi like Trump for decades.

So now you're claiming one Confederate flag in Cleveland means that Ohio is full of Southern rednecks? You get more absurd with each post, Joey!
You refer to others as being so ull of hate? The one who refers to Trump as a Nazi with nothing to base it on except your "hate" for him.

Love the irony.

Uh, I base it on the fact he uses racism to score political points and is an authoritarian and encourages his Brownshirts to beat people up.

Just like Hitler did.

Stevens asked for more security numerous times. Clintons lower level employees denied those requests. Seems she chose very poor lower level employees to delegate the work to

Guy, it's a lot more complicated than that. If Stevens felt that his security was inadequate, he should have threatened to resign. Or maybe take the military security that was offered to him and he turned down.

Official: Amb. Stevens Refused Additional Security | Military.com
He uses racism to score political points? I don't ever recall him saying anything disparaging about minorities. Sure he referred to many of the illegal immigrants as dangerous...and they are....but exactly when did he say something disparagiung about....I don't know....how about blacks?

Seems to me that Clinton is the one who identifies African Americans as a separate group...and not a normal part of the population......

As for Stevens? You say because Hillary Clinton delegated her responsibilities to inept people, he should have resigned?

And that, in your eyes, exonerates Hillary from any blame?


Kind of a pathetic view.
You refer to others as being so ull of hate? The one who refers to Trump as a Nazi with nothing to base it on except your "hate" for him.

Love the irony.

Uh, I base it on the fact he uses racism to score political points and is an authoritarian and encourages his Brownshirts to beat people up.

Just like Hitler did.

Stevens asked for more security numerous times. Clintons lower level employees denied those requests. Seems she chose very poor lower level employees to delegate the work to

Guy, it's a lot more complicated than that. If Stevens felt that his security was inadequate, he should have threatened to resign. Or maybe take the military security that was offered to him and he turned down.

Official: Amb. Stevens Refused Additional Security | Military.com
He uses racism to score political points? I don't ever recall him saying anything disparaging about minorities. Sure he referred to many of the illegal immigrants as dangerous...and they are....but exactly when did he say something disparagiung about....I don't know....how about blacks?

Seems to me that Clinton is the one who identifies African Americans as a separate group...and not a normal part of the population......

As for Stevens? You say because Hillary Clinton delegated her responsibilities to inept people, he should have resigned?

And that, in your eyes, exonerates Hillary from any blame?


Kind of a pathetic view.
when facts aren't on their side, they do what they do to change the subject or deny deny. It's hilarious.

BTW, :clap2::clap2:
You claim to have been in the military, what's the first concern of any commander in a situation where hostiles are present, SECURITY! As Sec. she had the ultimate responsibility for every thing that did or did not happen in her organization.

Except the State Department isn't a military organization... and it's well understood that security of diplomatic facilities is the responsibility of the HOST country.

Her dept denied or ignored more than 600 requests for additional security in Libya. Making security decisions based on appearance and politics is pure incompetence that went all the way to the top. Trying to say different just makes you look like a fool.

Oh, is it "600" now? because you guys keep changing that number.

Point was, they offered Stevens additional security, and he turned it down. He also could have said, "you know, maybe I'll have my meeting with the Turkish official in Tripoli where it's safe instead of Benghazi" or "Maybe I won't have my meeting on Terrorist Holiday Time". Or even, "Hey, maybe I'd better find out what the CIA is doing in Benghazi that is pissing off the locals!"
What good would an F16 above a battleground being directed to targets by highly trained operators on the ground like were present at the Annex? Gee, Joey...I'm guessing that would have enough to make the attackers turn tail and run for their lives. The US military's biggest advantage is air superiority. One modern fighter jet is a formidable killing machine.

I think you are mistaking an F-16 for a magic fairy... So an M-16 drops some bombs, maybe blows up some civilians, which would have looked really good on the news, and how does that save Ambassador Stevens again?

Yes, a hundred million dollars was cut from a budget request...which is pretty much standard for how Washington operates. You ask for 500 million when you really only need 400 million...and a politician running for reelection can tell the voters that they "saved" a 100 million dollars by "cutting" your budget! The talking point that the Clinton camp tried to push that the lack of security in Benghazi was because of budget cuts is laughable!

Uh, yeah, you guys gutting security and then complaining about a security lapse is really bad optics.

Micro manage? Charlene Lamb was in charge of the Middle East, Joey. She was not some obscure State Department flunky laboring in a cubicle somewhere. Did you want to claim that Hillary Clinton didn't know what her person in charge of the Middle East was doing? If you want to use that as your excuse...the old "I didn't know!!!" then the question becomes...'Why didn't you know? You're the Secretary of State! How could you NOT know?'

Again, why should she have known? We could go over a whole list of things Bush should have known or should have bothered to find out before he plunged us into the Iraq War, but you guys keep making excuses.

CHarlene Lamb was not in charge of "The Middle East"... she was in charge of embassy security. So I suspect there are a whole lot of people between her and the secretary...

Again, this obsession you have is really not healthy. What are you going to do when she becomes President?
You claim to have been in the military, what's the first concern of any commander in a situation where hostiles are present, SECURITY! As Sec. she had the ultimate responsibility for every thing that did or did not happen in her organization.

Except the State Department isn't a military organization... and it's well understood that security of diplomatic facilities is the responsibility of the HOST country.

Her dept denied or ignored more than 600 requests for additional security in Libya. Making security decisions based on appearance and politics is pure incompetence that went all the way to the top. Trying to say different just makes you look like a fool.

Oh, is it "600" now? because you guys keep changing that number.

Point was, they offered Stevens additional security, and he turned it down. He also could have said, "you know, maybe I'll have my meeting with the Turkish official in Tripoli where it's safe instead of Benghazi" or "Maybe I won't have my meeting on Terrorist Holiday Time". Or even, "Hey, maybe I'd better find out what the CIA is doing in Benghazi that is pissing off the locals!"

Transcript, video at link. My bold.

POMPEO: "Do you know how many security requests there were in the 1st quarter of 2012?"

CLINTON: "For everyone or for Benghazi?"

POMPEO: "I’m sorry, yes ma’am. Related to Benghazi and Libya. Do you know how many there were?"


POMPEO: "Ma’am, there were just over 100 plus. In the 2nd quarter, do you know how many there were?"

CLINTON: "No, I do not."

POMPEO: "Ma’am there were 172ish – might have been 171 or 173. … How many were there in July and August and then in that week and few days before the attacks? Do you know?"

CLINTON: "There were a number of them. I know that."

POMPEO: "Yes, ma’am – 83 by our count. That’s over 600 requests. You’ve testified this morning that you’ve had none of those reach your desk. Is that correct also?"

CLINTON: "That’s correct."

More Than 600 Benghazi Security Requests Never Reached Clinton’s Desk, But Reports on Libya from Her ‘Friend’ Did

As many as 172 request in ONE QUARTER, an average of almost 2 a day, none reached the hildabitches desk. That is total incompetence.
What good would an F16 above a battleground being directed to targets by highly trained operators on the ground like were present at the Annex? Gee, Joey...I'm guessing that would have enough to make the attackers turn tail and run for their lives. The US military's biggest advantage is air superiority. One modern fighter jet is a formidable killing machine.

I think you are mistaking an F-16 for a magic fairy... So an M-16 drops some bombs, maybe blows up some civilians, which would have looked really good on the news, and how does that save Ambassador Stevens again?

Yes, a hundred million dollars was cut from a budget request...which is pretty much standard for how Washington operates. You ask for 500 million when you really only need 400 million...and a politician running for reelection can tell the voters that they "saved" a 100 million dollars by "cutting" your budget! The talking point that the Clinton camp tried to push that the lack of security in Benghazi was because of budget cuts is laughable!

Uh, yeah, you guys gutting security and then complaining about a security lapse is really bad optics.

Micro manage? Charlene Lamb was in charge of the Middle East, Joey. She was not some obscure State Department flunky laboring in a cubicle somewhere. Did you want to claim that Hillary Clinton didn't know what her person in charge of the Middle East was doing? If you want to use that as your excuse...the old "I didn't know!!!" then the question becomes...'Why didn't you know? You're the Secretary of State! How could you NOT know?'

Again, why should she have known? We could go over a whole list of things Bush should have known or should have bothered to find out before he plunged us into the Iraq War, but you guys keep making excuses.

CHarlene Lamb was not in charge of "The Middle East"... she was in charge of embassy security. So I suspect there are a whole lot of people between her and the secretary...

Again, this obsession you have is really not healthy. What are you going to do when she becomes President?

Where have I ever said an F-16 or any other military asset sent after the attack began at the consulate would have saved Chris Stevens? Security at the consulate was so poor that they were totally overwhelmed in a matter of minutes by the attackers. Where an F-16 would have made a huge difference is the attack that took place at the Annex some six hours later since one fighter can carry a large number of air to ground missiles as well as employ a lethal 20mm cannon for strafing. The operators on the roof top of that Annex were asking for air support and got none.
And once again, Joey...nobody "gutted" embassy security in the State Department budget. Congress gave the State Department more money in that budget for security than they did in the previous budget. Did they give the State Department everything that they asked for, budget wise? No they didn't but Congress very seldom DOES give government agencies all they ask for. The Clinton talking point that security might have been compromised by a lack of money is total crap and they knew it when they pushed that narrative. That security wasn't there because the Clinton State Department made a conscious choice to downsize the security force.
What good would an F16 above a battleground being directed to targets by highly trained operators on the ground like were present at the Annex? Gee, Joey...I'm guessing that would have enough to make the attackers turn tail and run for their lives. The US military's biggest advantage is air superiority. One modern fighter jet is a formidable killing machine.

I think you are mistaking an F-16 for a magic fairy... So an M-16 drops some bombs, maybe blows up some civilians, which would have looked really good on the news, and how does that save Ambassador Stevens again?

Yes, a hundred million dollars was cut from a budget request...which is pretty much standard for how Washington operates. You ask for 500 million when you really only need 400 million...and a politician running for reelection can tell the voters that they "saved" a 100 million dollars by "cutting" your budget! The talking point that the Clinton camp tried to push that the lack of security in Benghazi was because of budget cuts is laughable!

Uh, yeah, you guys gutting security and then complaining about a security lapse is really bad optics.

Micro manage? Charlene Lamb was in charge of the Middle East, Joey. She was not some obscure State Department flunky laboring in a cubicle somewhere. Did you want to claim that Hillary Clinton didn't know what her person in charge of the Middle East was doing? If you want to use that as your excuse...the old "I didn't know!!!" then the question becomes...'Why didn't you know? You're the Secretary of State! How could you NOT know?'

Again, why should she have known? We could go over a whole list of things Bush should have known or should have bothered to find out before he plunged us into the Iraq War, but you guys keep making excuses.

CHarlene Lamb was not in charge of "The Middle East"... she was in charge of embassy security. So I suspect there are a whole lot of people between her and the secretary...

Again, this obsession you have is really not healthy. What are you going to do when she becomes President?

So 100 million in a total 3.4 billion security budget in fy 2010 is a big deal, really?????

$1.8 billion for security-related construction and major facility rehabilitation requirements of U.S. embassies and consulates.

$1.6 billion to increase security for diplomatic personnel and facilities worldwide.

International Affairs - FY 2010 Budget

I guess the hildabitch took it all from Libya, ROFLMAO
Transcript, video at link. My bold.

so there were 100 or 172 or 173 or 600... "requests" related to Libya, not Benghazi. All of which were handled by lower level people whose job it was, not Hillary.

Again, 8 Congressional Investigations, and you guys never found any evidence of wrongdoing.

So 100 million in a total 3.4 billion security budget in fy 2010 is a big deal, really?????

Sounds like a big deal to me...

And once again, Joey...nobody "gutted" embassy security in the State Department budget. Congress gave the State Department more money in that budget for security than they did in the previous budget. Did they give the State Department everything that they asked for, budget wise? No they didn't but Congress very seldom DOES give government agencies all they ask for. The Clinton talking point that security might have been compromised by a lack of money is total crap and they knew it when they pushed that narrative. That security wasn't there because the Clinton State Department made a conscious choice to downsize the security force.

Guy, you have had 8 investigations trying to prove HIllary did something wrong, and came up with nothing.. I think the only one pushing crap here is you. Fact is, Republicans cut 100 million from security requests, and then whined we didn't have enough security when there were 30 attacks on US Embassies after the Video you like to pretend didn't exist pissed off the whole Islamic World.
Transcript, video at link. My bold.

so there were 100 or 172 or 173 or 600... "requests" related to Libya, not Benghazi. All of which were handled by lower level people whose job it was, not Hillary.

Again, 8 Congressional Investigations, and you guys never found any evidence of wrongdoing.

So 100 million in a total 3.4 billion security budget in fy 2010 is a big deal, really?????

Sounds like a big deal to me...

And once again, Joey...nobody "gutted" embassy security in the State Department budget. Congress gave the State Department more money in that budget for security than they did in the previous budget. Did they give the State Department everything that they asked for, budget wise? No they didn't but Congress very seldom DOES give government agencies all they ask for. The Clinton talking point that security might have been compromised by a lack of money is total crap and they knew it when they pushed that narrative. That security wasn't there because the Clinton State Department made a conscious choice to downsize the security force.

Guy, you have had 8 investigations trying to prove HIllary did something wrong, and came up with nothing.. I think the only one pushing crap here is you. Fact is, Republicans cut 100 million from security requests, and then whined we didn't have enough security when there were 30 attacks on US Embassies after the Video you like to pretend didn't exist pissed off the whole Islamic World.

Republicans increased the State Department budget for security by a rather large amount, Joey. Where the State Department chose to spend that money was up to the State Department. Clinton's State Department made a conscious decision to draw down the State Department security detail in Libya because they didn't like the "optics" of having a large armed force of Americans guarding diplomats in a country that they were pointing to as one of their "successes" in the Middle East!

According to you of course, Hillary Clinton was totally clueless about the hundreds of requests coming from our people in Libya begging for more security as they saw the situation in that country deteriorating. She also seems to have been totally clueless about other western organizations drawing their people out of Libya because it was deemed to dangerous to have them in country. Which begs the question...what the fuck was Hillary doing at the State Department that she wasn't aware of these things? Too busy raking in "donations" to deal with petty things like the security of the people who work for her? Yeah, let's elect THAT person President of the United States! That's a GREAT idea!!!
Republicans increased the State Department budget for security by a rather large amount, Joey. Where the State Department chose to spend that money was up to the State Department. Clinton's State Department made a conscious decision to draw down the State Department security detail in Libya because they didn't like the "optics" of having a large armed force of Americans guarding diplomats in a country that they were pointing to as one of their "successes" in the Middle East!

Right.. So um, did anyone talk about the issue before the attack on the consulate... this sounds like a lot of 20/20 hindsight... Point is, Republicans thought that slashing 100 million from a budget would have no effect when clearly it did.

According to you of course, Hillary Clinton was totally clueless about the hundreds of requests coming from our people in Libya begging for more security as they saw the situation in that country deteriorating.

Why would that be a detail she's be paying attention to.

Now, if you find that email from Chris stevens marked "Get me the fuck out of here, I'm scared", you might have a point. But end of the day, Chris Stevens went to Benghazi. No one put a gun to his head and made him go there. He turned down an offer of military guards. He chose to spend the night rather than leave when his meeting was over.

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