39 I don't recall, I don't remember to the FBI

Anita Broderick - the woman who signed a sworn Affidavit to the effect that Bill Clinton did not rape her? That Anita Broderick?

Juanita, bigot, Juanita... GET THAT SHEET OFF YOUR HEAD, YOU COWARD!!!!!

EXCLUSIVE - Juanita Broaddrick Provides Never Before Published Details On Bill Clinton's Rape

"Juanita Broaddrick has told this reporter that she was raped not once but twice by Bill Clinton during the same infamous encounter in 1978."

Hillary Clinton enabled her sex predator "husband" to rape ... and her racist bigot staff uses racial bigotry to attempt to "discredit" the minority female victim of Bill's predatory behavior approved by Hillary and covered up by Hillary...
Nice deflection, care to actually answer the question asked?

Question was answered, and once again, you were to stupid to understand it, Cleetus.

Then her thirty years experience means absolutely nothing. She has nothing to fall back on for experience.

I think you fail to understand the difference between experience and stuff that happens.

Do you remember what you had for breakfast three weeks ago on Tuesday?


Actually, what you have are a bunch of unsubstantiated names circulating in Right Wing E-mails, a couple of ladies who had consensual relationships with him (Monica, Gracen) and three women (Brodderick Jones and Willey) who were proven to be liars.

Jesus, did you just try to blame the attack on the video? You have no shame...do you, Joey?

It was totally about the Video. The guy who launched the attack said so.


As the attack in Benghazi was unfolding a few hours later, Mr. Abu Khattala told fellow Islamist fighters and others that the assault was retaliation for the same insulting video, according to people who heard him.
Juanita, bigot, Juanita... GET THAT SHEET OFF YOUR HEAD, YOU COWARD!!!!!

EXCLUSIVE - Juanita Broaddrick Provides Never Before Published Details On Bill Clinton's Rape

"Juanita Broaddrick has told this reporter that she was raped not once but twice by Bill Clinton during the same infamous encounter in 1978."

Hillary Clinton enabled her sex predator "husband" to rape ... and her racist bigot staff uses racial bigotry to attempt to "discredit" the minority female victim of Bill's predatory behavior approved by Hillary and covered up by Hillary...

Juanita Brodderick signed an affadavit saying Clinton Never raped her.

When she changed her story, she couldn't remember things like "The date"
The Clintons used violence against many of their "critics," including Herschel Friday and Jerry Parks.

You are defending a rapist white male who raped a minority and then bullied her to sign something she was scared not to, given "the data" of corpses that sits in the wake of the Clintons' rise to power...
Nice deflection, care to actually answer the question asked?

Question was answered, and once again, you were to stupid to understand it, Cleetus.

Then her thirty years experience means absolutely nothing. She has nothing to fall back on for experience.

I think you fail to understand the difference between experience and stuff that happens.

Do you remember what you had for breakfast three weeks ago on Tuesday?


Actually, what you have are a bunch of unsubstantiated names circulating in Right Wing E-mails, a couple of ladies who had consensual relationships with him (Monica, Gracen) and three women (Brodderick Jones and Willey) who were proven to be liars.

Jesus, did you just try to blame the attack on the video? You have no shame...do you, Joey?

It was totally about the Video. The guy who launched the attack said so.


As the attack in Benghazi was unfolding a few hours later, Mr. Abu Khattala told fellow Islamist fighters and others that the assault was retaliation for the same insulting video, according to people who heard him.

I don't know what's worse, Joey...a paper that USED to have a reputation for journalism buying into the spin that the Obama White House put out...or people like you who years later are still repeating the nonsense that the New York Times printed!

It was never about a video! It was a planned attack on the anniversary of 9/11!

If Hillary Clinton peed on you and told you it was raining...you'd believe her!
Once again, you can't tell the difference between technique and tactics. Run along oh feeble minded one.

Hitler's technique was to find scapegoats to blame and then release the fury of people onthem to avoid addressing the real problems.

Just like Trump is doing.

When someone accuses someone else of rape and then admits they made it up...why would you trust anything that person said in the heat of a nasty divorce? Because it gives you something to smear a person you don't like? That says much more about YOU then it does about Trump!

Wait a minute. You give Juanita Brodderick FULL CREDIBILITY even though she filed an affidavit saying Clinton Never raped her before she started claiming he did. So I think you have a bit of a hypocrisy going here.

I look at evidence. When I see a guy who acts like Hitler and someone close to him tells me he had Hitler Speeches on his nightstand, I kind of take that seriously.

I give Juanita Broderick more credibility than Ivana Trump because she didn't have an axe to grind against Clinton in a nasty divorce! She wasn't someone who hated Clinton...she was someone who was a friend of the Clinton campaign BEFORE she was sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton!

The following is an open letter addressed to Hillary Clinton from Juanita Broaddrick. You tell me if she sounds like she is walking back her accusations against the Clinton's!



SUNDAY OCT 15, 2000

As I watched Rick Lazio's interview on Fox News this morning, I felt compelled to
write this open letter to you, Mrs. Clinton. Brit Hume asked Mr. Lazio's views
regarding you as a person and how he perceived you as a candidate. Rick Lazio did
not answer the question, but I know that I can. You know it, too.

I have no doubt that you are the same conniving, self-serving person you were
twenty-two years ago when I had the misfortune to meet you. When I see you on
television, campaigning for the New York senate race, I can see the same hypocrisy
in your face that you displayed to me one evening in 1978. You have not changed.

I remember it as though it was yesterday. I only wish that it were yesterday and
maybe there would still be time to do something about what your husband, Bill
Clinton, did to me. There was a political rally for Mr. Clinton's bid for governor of
Arkansas. I had obligated myself to be at this rally prior to my being assaulted by
your husband in April, 1978. I had made up my mind to make an appearance and then
leave as soon as the two of you arrived. This was a big mistake, but I was still in a
state of shock and denial. You had questioned the gentleman who drove you and Mr.
Clinton from the airport. You asked him about me and if I would be at the gathering.
Do you remember? You told the driver, "Bill has talked so much about Juanita", and
that you were so anxious to meet me. Well, you wasted no time. As soon as you
entered the room, you came directly to me and grabbed my hand. Do you remember
how you thanked me, saying "we want to thank you for everything that you do for
Bill". At that point, I was pretty shaken and started to walk off. Remember how you
kept a tight grip on my hand and drew closer to me? You repeated your statement,
but this time with a coldness and look that I have seen many times on television in the
last eight years. You said, "Everything you do for Bill". You then released your grip
and I said nothing and left the gathering.

What did you mean, Hillary? Were you referring to my keeping quiet about the assault
I had suffered at the hands of your husband only two weeks before? Were you
warning me to continue to keep quiet? We both know the answer to that question.
Yes, I can answer Brit Hume's question. You are the same Hillary that you were
twenty years ago. You are cold, calculating and self-serving. You cannot tolerate the
thought that you will soon be without the power you have wielded for the last eight
years. Your effort to stay in power will be at the expense of the state of New York. I
only hope the voters of New York will wake up in time and realize that Hillary Clinton
is not an honorable or an honest person.

I will end by asking if you believe the statements I made on NBC Dateline when Lisa
Myers asked if I had been assaulted and raped by your husband? Or perhaps, you
are like Vice-President Gore and did not see the interview.

Juanita Broaddrick
are you going to brand every woman whose husband cheated on them their fault ... we get it you don't like democrats/liberals but posting this faker letter, well that tells us how desperate you are ... what next ??? how hillary murdered vince foster???

It's not that Hillary's husband cheated on her, Billy because to be quite frank with you...I don't think Hillary really cares who Bill fucks as long as it doesn't hurt them politically...the letter from Juanita Brodderick illustrates Hillary Clinton's response to women who were sexually assaulted by her husband...intimidation! When you run as a "champion" of women and yet you enable a serial abuser of women...you're about as two faced as they come!

Anita Broderick - the woman who signed a sworn Affidavit to the effect that Bill Clinton did not rape her? That Anita Broderick?

If you're going to smear someone, Dragonlady...at least get their name right!
I don't know what's worse, Joey...a paper that USED to have a reputation for journalism buying into the spin that the Obama White House put out...or people like you who years later are still repeating the nonsense that the New York Times printed!

Last time I checked, the NYT is still the gold standard of journalism in this country.

But you keep listening to Hate Radio, because you wouldn't know what to think otherwise.

It was never about a video! It was a planned attack on the anniversary of 9/11!

Why would those things be mutually exclusive? Also, wouldn't that mean that Stevens wasn't the target, as they didn't know he'd be there?

If Hillary Clinton peed on you and told you it was raining...you'd believe her!

Quite the reverse... you think Hillary is peeing on you every time it rains, but frankly, I don't think we need to hear about your sick sexual fantasies...
Eight investigations that never could get Hillary Clinton to turn over all of her communications on Benghazi because she either hid evidence or destroyed it?

It isn't incumbant on Hillary to disprove whacky accusation of the week... it's up to you guys to prove it.. and you spent millions of dollars and they all came to the same conclusion.

Chris Stevens showed really shitty judgment, but we don't want to say bad stuff about the dead guy.

The investigations "embarrassed" Clinton because they showed how incompetent she was as Secretary of State and furthermore revealed her two private servers and her "pay for play" scheme with the Clinton Foundation and the State Department!

Meh, the only people embarrassed by these investigations are Boehner and McCarthy, who don't have jobs anymore.

You don't want to say bad things about the guy? Then why are you making HIM the scapegoat for Hillary Clinton's bad judgement? Chris Stevens asked repeatedly that his State Department security detail not be reduced...citing an increasingly dangerous situation in Libya...a situation so perilous in fact that even the Red Cross was withdrawing it's people...but the Clinton run State Department didn't like the "optics" on that because they were pushing the narrative that Libya was a success. But you blame the deaths of those men on Chris Stevens? What did he ever do except try to do his job?

Stevens was warned NOT to go to Benghazi because things were known to be very dangerous there. Stevens opted to ignore the warnings and go anyway. As well, Republicans in the House reduced the State Department security budget by 1/3. A lot of security upgrades had been added to the compound in Benghazi in preceding months but with the cuts to the budget, and increasing security needs of consulates throughout the Middle East, they couldn't do everything requested.

The military didn't have anyone in place that they could get to Benghazi quick enough to have changed the outcome. The Pentagon now has rescue squads stationed much closer to political hot-spots in the Middle East, but at that time, they weren't close enough to get there in sufficient time.

7 different investigations came to the same conclusion: Once events began, there was no way to have prevented these deaths. Clinton did not lie, there was no cover-up, and neither Clinton nor Obama was to blame for these deaths.

Then Republicans close the Reports, look into the camera and say "Hillary Clinton caused these deaths. There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Absolute BULLSHIT, Dragonlady! When Charlotte Lamb who was in charge of that area for the State Department was asked under oath by the Senate investigating committee if budget cuts in any way affected security levels in Libya she answered that they did not and that the State Department STILL thought security staffing was adequate! That talking point by Clinton and liberal Democrat supporters of Clinton got shot down so quickly that only the truly ignorant still try and push it!

As for where the military had assets? There was no response by the military. They didn't send anyone because they never got the orders to send them! If that battle at the Annex had lasted another six hours they STILL wouldn't have been helped by military assets sent by the Obama Administration! A conflict that lasted 8 hours with the Obama Administration more concerned about spinning a story about a spontaneous protest turned violent than rescuing Americans literally fighting for their lives!
I don't know what's worse, Joey...a paper that USED to have a reputation for journalism buying into the spin that the Obama White House put out...or people like you who years later are still repeating the nonsense that the New York Times printed!

Last time I checked, the NYT is still the gold standard of journalism in this country.

But you keep listening to Hate Radio, because you wouldn't know what to think otherwise.

It was never about a video! It was a planned attack on the anniversary of 9/11!

Why would those things be mutually exclusive? Also, wouldn't that mean that Stevens wasn't the target, as they didn't know he'd be there?

If Hillary Clinton peed on you and told you it was raining...you'd believe her!

Quite the reverse... you think Hillary is peeing on you every time it rains, but frankly, I don't think we need to hear about your sick sexual fantasies...

I would suggest checking again then, Joey! The New York Times has become a shadow of it's former self when it comes to reputation. If it comes from the Times these days it's almost a given that it will have a liberal bias...something that even the Times itself has admitted.
Absolute BULLSHIT, Dragonlady! When Charlotte Lamb who was in charge of that area for the State Department was asked under oath by the Senate investigating committee if budget cuts in any way affected security levels in Libya she answered that they did not and that the State Department STILL thought security staffing was adequate! That talking point by Clinton and liberal Democrat supporters of Clinton got shot down so quickly that only the truly ignorant still try and push it!

Again, who the fuck is Charlotte Lamb? That's just one person with one opinion. You cut 100 million from security, security is going to suffer. They are going to make decisions about how many people they put where.

As for where the military had assets? There was no response by the military. They didn't send anyone because they never got the orders to send them! If that battle at the Annex had lasted another six hours they STILL wouldn't have been helped by military assets sent by the Obama Administration! A conflict that lasted 8 hours with the Obama Administration more concerned about spinning a story about a spontaneous protest turned violent than rescuing Americans literally fighting for their lives!

Obviously, you've never served in the military....

So you've had 8 investigations, all of which proved that Steven was dead long before the military could react. But, no, no, there was some deleted e-mail that proved that Hillary put a hit on Stevens. Or something. Becuase he knew the truth about Juanita Brodderick.

I would suggest checking again then, Joey! The New York Times has become a shadow of it's former self when it comes to reputation. If it comes from the Times these days it's almost a given that it will have a liberal bias...something that even the Times itself has admitted.

Reality has a liberal bias... because Conservatism is based on fables like "God" and "Supply Side Economics".
Absolute BULLSHIT, Dragonlady! When Charlotte Lamb who was in charge of that area for the State Department was asked under oath by the Senate investigating committee if budget cuts in any way affected security levels in Libya she answered that they did not and that the State Department STILL thought security staffing was adequate! That talking point by Clinton and liberal Democrat supporters of Clinton got shot down so quickly that only the truly ignorant still try and push it!

Again, who the fuck is Charlotte Lamb? That's just one person with one opinion. You cut 100 million from security, security is going to suffer. They are going to make decisions about how many people they put where.

As for where the military had assets? There was no response by the military. They didn't send anyone because they never got the orders to send them! If that battle at the Annex had lasted another six hours they STILL wouldn't have been helped by military assets sent by the Obama Administration! A conflict that lasted 8 hours with the Obama Administration more concerned about spinning a story about a spontaneous protest turned violent than rescuing Americans literally fighting for their lives!

Obviously, you've never served in the military....

So you've had 8 investigations, all of which proved that Steven was dead long before the military could react. But, no, no, there was some deleted e-mail that proved that Hillary put a hit on Stevens. Or something. Becuase he knew the truth about Juanita Brodderick.

I would suggest checking again then, Joey! The New York Times has become a shadow of it's former self when it comes to reputation. If it comes from the Times these days it's almost a given that it will have a liberal bias...something that even the Times itself has admitted.

Reality has a liberal bias... because Conservatism is based on fables like "God" and "Supply Side Economics".

Since no military response was coming...did it really matter to the people at the Annex that died later that Chris Stevens was already dead? We had Americans under fire from heavily armed terrorists and no military response was made by this White House. Those men fighting at the Annex expected the cavalry to show up because that's what's supposed to happen when Americans are attacked! Instead of sending help however Barry and Hillary were busy coming up with a story that wouldn't hurt their chances of getting elected to office.
Absolute BULLSHIT, Dragonlady! When Charlotte Lamb who was in charge of that area for the State Department was asked under oath by the Senate investigating committee if budget cuts in any way affected security levels in Libya she answered that they did not and that the State Department STILL thought security staffing was adequate! That talking point by Clinton and liberal Democrat supporters of Clinton got shot down so quickly that only the truly ignorant still try and push it!

Again, who the fuck is Charlotte Lamb? That's just one person with one opinion. You cut 100 million from security, security is going to suffer. They are going to make decisions about how many people they put where.

As for where the military had assets? There was no response by the military. They didn't send anyone because they never got the orders to send them! If that battle at the Annex had lasted another six hours they STILL wouldn't have been helped by military assets sent by the Obama Administration! A conflict that lasted 8 hours with the Obama Administration more concerned about spinning a story about a spontaneous protest turned violent than rescuing Americans literally fighting for their lives!

Obviously, you've never served in the military....

So you've had 8 investigations, all of which proved that Steven was dead long before the military could react. But, no, no, there was some deleted e-mail that proved that Hillary put a hit on Stevens. Or something. Becuase he knew the truth about Juanita Brodderick.

I would suggest checking again then, Joey! The New York Times has become a shadow of it's former self when it comes to reputation. If it comes from the Times these days it's almost a given that it will have a liberal bias...something that even the Times itself has admitted.

Reality has a liberal bias... because Conservatism is based on fables like "God" and "Supply Side Economics".

Gee, Joey...I'm a fiscal conservative who happens to be an agnostic...so you obviously know little about what conservatism even IS! You want to talk about economic "fables"? How about the liberal fable that you can spend your way out of economic downturns without consequences?
ince no military response was coming...did it really matter to the people at the Annex that died later that Chris Stevens was already dead? We had Americans under fire from heavily armed terrorists and no military response was made by this White House. Those men fighting at the Annex expected the cavalry to show up because that's what's supposed to happen when Americans are attacked! Instead of sending help however Barry and Hillary were busy coming up with a story that wouldn't hurt their chances of getting elected to office.

Okay, I realize that's what Hate Radio tells you to think, but the nearest relief force was hundreds of miles away, so not so much. But again, 8 investigations and millions of dollars spent, and you guys haven't proven any of your fables.

Gee, Joey...I'm a fiscal conservative who happens to be an agnostic...so you obviously know little about what conservatism even IS! You want to talk about economic "fables"? How about the liberal fable that you can spend your way out of economic downturns without consequences?

I used to be more Right Wing than you are, until my boss explained that he could fuck me over because "He didn't have to deal with a union".

How come every time you "fiscal conservatives" get in charge, we get recessions and skyrockeing debt. Shit, Bill Clinton was posting SURPLUSES. And you guys couldn't put an end to that shit fast enough.

The only reason why you guys get away with your nonsense is that you keep convincing the Bubba Rednecks that gay marriage makes Baby Jesus Cry.
ince no military response was coming...did it really matter to the people at the Annex that died later that Chris Stevens was already dead? We had Americans under fire from heavily armed terrorists and no military response was made by this White House. Those men fighting at the Annex expected the cavalry to show up because that's what's supposed to happen when Americans are attacked! Instead of sending help however Barry and Hillary were busy coming up with a story that wouldn't hurt their chances of getting elected to office.

Okay, I realize that's what Hate Radio tells you to think, but the nearest relief force was hundreds of miles away, so not so much. But again, 8 investigations and millions of dollars spent, and you guys haven't proven any of your fables.

Gee, Joey...I'm a fiscal conservative who happens to be an agnostic...so you obviously know little about what conservatism even IS! You want to talk about economic "fables"? How about the liberal fable that you can spend your way out of economic downturns without consequences?

I used to be more Right Wing than you are, until my boss explained that he could fuck me over because "He didn't have to deal with a union".

How come every time you "fiscal conservatives" get in charge, we get recessions and skyrockeing debt. Shit, Bill Clinton was posting SURPLUSES. And you guys couldn't put an end to that shit fast enough.

The only reason why you guys get away with your nonsense is that you keep convincing the Bubba Rednecks that gay marriage makes Baby Jesus Cry.

You actually believe that the United States of America can't get a fighter jet hundreds of miles in six hours? Here's a hint, Joey...in order for military assets to go ANYWHERE someone first has to give them the order to go. They never got that order from the Obama White House.

Speaking of "fables"...you believe in one if you think Bill Clinton created a surplus. It never happened.
And if you think it's southern rednecks that are driving the Trump vote perhaps you'd like to take a stab at explaining Trump's surge in states like Ohio, Colorado and Nevada?
Hillary didn't learn anything from Bill, since they never slept together.

Hillary was a dishonest greedy selfish witch before she met Bill.
Absolute BULLSHIT, Dragonlady! When Charlotte Lamb who was in charge of that area for the State Department was asked under oath by the Senate investigating committee if budget cuts in any way affected security levels in Libya she answered that they did not and that the State Department STILL thought security staffing was adequate! That talking point by Clinton and liberal Democrat supporters of Clinton got shot down so quickly that only the truly ignorant still try and push it!

Again, who the fuck is Charlotte Lamb? That's just one person with one opinion. You cut 100 million from security, security is going to suffer. They are going to make decisions about how many people they put where.

As for where the military had assets? There was no response by the military. They didn't send anyone because they never got the orders to send them! If that battle at the Annex had lasted another six hours they STILL wouldn't have been helped by military assets sent by the Obama Administration! A conflict that lasted 8 hours with the Obama Administration more concerned about spinning a story about a spontaneous protest turned violent than rescuing Americans literally fighting for their lives!

Obviously, you've never served in the military....

So you've had 8 investigations, all of which proved that Steven was dead long before the military could react. But, no, no, there was some deleted e-mail that proved that Hillary put a hit on Stevens. Or something. Becuase he knew the truth about Juanita Brodderick.

I would suggest checking again then, Joey! The New York Times has become a shadow of it's former self when it comes to reputation. If it comes from the Times these days it's almost a given that it will have a liberal bias...something that even the Times itself has admitted.

Reality has a liberal bias... because Conservatism is based on fables like "God" and "Supply Side Economics".

Charlene Lamb was the State Dept security specialist responsible for Benghazi, She told congress that the decisions in Benghazi were made to give an appearance of normalcy and budgets had nothing to do with those decisions. She is the one that made the decisions to cut the security staff based on guidance form the hildabitch. She's was intimately involved with those decisions and not just another person with an opinion. BTW she is the only one to resign over Benghazi. So take you bullshit regressive talking points and shove them up your ass.

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