39 I don't recall, I don't remember to the FBI

So tell us regressives, what good is experience if you can't remember it and draw from it? Come on folks, tell us again how she's the most qualified person to ever run for the office.

Well I will tell you that their are real concerns with me about Hillary Clinton in regards to her judgement and some of the contents of the emails. She fucked up, period. Regarding Benghazi I don't think she is at fault. It was a tragedy that happens sometimes with all administrations, and there has been a witch hunt to try and blame her for causing deaths, pretty deplorable politics. That said the email leaks make her untrustworthy. As more comes out the position changes constantly, she lies about it. The DNC email leaks were also very eye opening about how things are done in the Democratic party, and it isn't pretty. Hillary is the torchbearer of the "third way democrat"(left on social issues but complete sell out to business and money) that the Democratic party has become. Also it is clear that she is just a terrible candidate, propped up by the DNC as the best option and voted as nominee by lemming Democrat voters...they could have chosen a better candidate but here we are.

That said Trump is a joke candidate and I rip on him relentlessly, it is easy to do and I won't get into all the reason he is a horrible choice. I lean left but vote for who I think is best for the job:Trump and Clinton both don't deserve it and I won't be voting for either of them. And for Democrats that will rip on me for this, it's not my fault for being childish or selfish, which I have been told I am because I won't vote for Hilldawg. It is your fault for giving me a shitty nominee I don't want to vote for. A lot of you condescending assholes have done all you can to drive independents away from the party during the primaries and are still doubling down on it.

What do you think about the courts being used to force crap down the throats of Americans, especially in areas the feds have no constitutional authority over?
"Why Stevens turned down the offers was unclear, given embassy officials during an Aug. 15 meeting concluded they could not defend the consulate in Benghazi amid deteriorating conditions in the city, government officials told McClatchy in an article published Tuesday."

Articles like that one are laughable, Joey because if they'd simply done a little research instead of taking the "word" of anonymous government officials they would have known that Stevens COULDN'T accept those offers! Testimony by Gregory Hicks explained why.

Who is Gregory Hicks and who cares? Point was, Stevens chose to go to Benghazi knowing the danger.

BUt you wingnuts think 5000 Americans dying over Bush's Lies is okay, but Hillary is totally responsible for Chris Steven's bad judgment.

And your solution... "Let's Elect the Nazi who wants to abuse millions of people!"

Who is Gregory Hicks? Really? Why don't you just admit that you don't know diddly about what really happened in Benghazi, Joey!
We're back to the nonsense Ivana Trump was saying in the midst of a nasty divorce back in 1990, Joey? You know like her claiming Trump "raped" her and then admitting years later that it never happened? You really are scraping the bottom of the barrel for your propaganda today, little buddy!

Right... so it's just a coincidence that Ivana says that Trump reads Hitler's speeches and then does the same thing.

Fuck, guy, so let's see... Hillary is somehow professor moriarity, being guilty of everything despite millions spent investigating her...

But people saying bad stuff about Trump - even the mother of his children- we should totally ignore that.

When the person who said the "bad stuff" admits that it never happened? Yeah, we should totally ignore that! Duh?
So tell us regressives, what good is experience if you can't remember it and draw from it? Come on folks, tell us again how she's the most qualified person to ever run for the office.

Well I will tell you that their are real concerns with me about Hillary Clinton in regards to her judgement and some of the contents of the emails. She fucked up, period. Regarding Benghazi I don't think she is at fault. It was a tragedy that happens sometimes with all administrations, and there has been a witch hunt to try and blame her for causing deaths, pretty deplorable politics. That said the email leaks make her untrustworthy. As more comes out the position changes constantly, she lies about it. The DNC email leaks were also very eye opening about how things are done in the Democratic party, and it isn't pretty. Hillary is the torchbearer of the "third way democrat"(left on social issues but complete sell out to business and money) that the Democratic party has become. Also it is clear that she is just a terrible candidate, propped up by the DNC as the best option and voted as nominee by lemming Democrat voters...they could have chosen a better candidate but here we are.

That said Trump is a joke candidate and I rip on him relentlessly, it is easy to do and I won't get into all the reason he is a horrible choice. I lean left but vote for who I think is best for the job:Trump and Clinton both don't deserve it and I won't be voting for either of them. And for Democrats that will rip on me for this, it's not my fault for being childish or selfish, which I have been told I am because I won't vote for Hilldawg. It is your fault for giving me a shitty nominee I don't want to vote for. A lot of you condescending assholes have done all you can to drive independents away from the party during the primaries and are still doubling down on it.

What do you think about the courts being used to force crap down the throats of Americans, especially in areas the feds have no constitutional authority over?
I think you would be surprised with some of the issues I agree with you on and disagree with others, most likely social issues.
Who is Gregory Hicks? Really? Why don't you just admit that you don't know diddly about what really happened in Benghazi, Joey!

There are only two things I need to know about Benghazi

1) EIGHT investigations found that there was no wrongdoing on Mrs. Clinton's Part.
2) Congressional Republicans admitted these investigations were meant to embarrass Mrs. Clinton.
"Why Stevens turned down the offers was unclear, given embassy officials during an Aug. 15 meeting concluded they could not defend the consulate in Benghazi amid deteriorating conditions in the city, government officials told McClatchy in an article published Tuesday."

Articles like that one are laughable, Joey because if they'd simply done a little research instead of taking the "word" of anonymous government officials they would have known that Stevens COULDN'T accept those offers! Testimony by Gregory Hicks explained why.

Who is Gregory Hicks and who cares? Point was, Stevens chose to go to Benghazi knowing the danger.

BUt you wingnuts think 5000 Americans dying over Bush's Lies is okay, but Hillary is totally responsible for Chris Steven's bad judgment.

And your solution... "Let's Elect the Nazi who wants to abuse millions of people!"

Only really stupid people would try to equate studying the techniques of a successful populist candidate to subscribing to their views. But then no one has confused you with smart people.
Only really stupid people would try to equate studying the techniques of a successful populist candidate to subscribing to their views. But then no one has confused you with smart people.

Hey, I heard that Hitler got the trains running on time...

So lets see now. Trump reads the speeches of the most evil, racist person ever, and then emulates his tactics... and you don't see anything wrong with that.

I am always amazed how much you guys will sacrifice any principle to support this guy, because you hate Hillary so much.
So tell us regressives, what good is experience if you can't remember it and draw from it? Come on folks, tell us again how she's the most qualified person to ever run for the office.

Well I will tell you that their are real concerns with me about Hillary Clinton in regards to her judgement and some of the contents of the emails. She fucked up, period. Regarding Benghazi I don't think she is at fault. It was a tragedy that happens sometimes with all administrations, and there has been a witch hunt to try and blame her for causing deaths, pretty deplorable politics. That said the email leaks make her untrustworthy. As more comes out the position changes constantly, she lies about it. The DNC email leaks were also very eye opening about how things are done in the Democratic party, and it isn't pretty. Hillary is the torchbearer of the "third way democrat"(left on social issues but complete sell out to business and money) that the Democratic party has become. Also it is clear that she is just a terrible candidate, propped up by the DNC as the best option and voted as nominee by lemming Democrat voters...they could have chosen a better candidate but here we are.

That said Trump is a joke candidate and I rip on him relentlessly, it is easy to do and I won't get into all the reason he is a horrible choice. I lean left but vote for who I think is best for the job:Trump and Clinton both don't deserve it and I won't be voting for either of them. And for Democrats that will rip on me for this, it's not my fault for being childish or selfish, which I have been told I am because I won't vote for Hilldawg. It is your fault for giving me a shitty nominee I don't want to vote for. A lot of you condescending assholes have done all you can to drive independents away from the party during the primaries and are still doubling down on it.

What do you think about the courts being used to force crap down the throats of Americans, especially in areas the feds have no constitutional authority over?
I think you would be surprised with some of the issues I agree with you on and disagree with others, most likely social issues.

So you have no problem with commiecrats ignoring laws, taking powers not granted by the Constitution and using judges that have no problem ignoring their oath of office to do it?
Only really stupid people would try to equate studying the techniques of a successful populist candidate to subscribing to their views. But then no one has confused you with smart people.

Hey, I heard that Hitler got the trains running on time...

So lets see now. Trump reads the speeches of the most evil, racist person ever, and then emulates his tactics... and you don't see anything wrong with that.

I am always amazed how much you guys will sacrifice any principle to support this guy, because you hate Hillary so much.

Once again, you can't tell the difference between technique and tactics. Run along oh feeble minded one.

When the person who said the "bad stuff" admits that it never happened? Yeah, we should totally ignore that! Duh?

When did Ivana admit Trump didn't read Hitlers speeches?

When someone accuses someone else of rape and then admits they made it up...why would you trust anything that person said in the heat of a nasty divorce? Because it gives you something to smear a person you don't like? That says much more about YOU then it does about Trump!
Who is Gregory Hicks? Really? Why don't you just admit that you don't know diddly about what really happened in Benghazi, Joey!

There are only two things I need to know about Benghazi

1) EIGHT investigations found that there was no wrongdoing on Mrs. Clinton's Part.
2) Congressional Republicans admitted these investigations were meant to embarrass Mrs. Clinton.

Eight investigations that never could get Hillary Clinton to turn over all of her communications on Benghazi because she either hid evidence or destroyed it?

The investigations "embarrassed" Clinton because they showed how incompetent she was as Secretary of State and furthermore revealed her two private servers and her "pay for play" scheme with the Clinton Foundation and the State Department!
Only really stupid people would try to equate studying the techniques of a successful populist candidate to subscribing to their views. But then no one has confused you with smart people.

Hey, I heard that Hitler got the trains running on time...

So lets see now. Trump reads the speeches of the most evil, racist person ever, and then emulates his tactics... and you don't see anything wrong with that.

I am always amazed how much you guys will sacrifice any principle to support this guy, because you hate Hillary so much.

I'm NOT amazed at how low you guys will stoop to support Hillary Clinton...someone who's proven repeatedly that she doesn't have an honest bone in her body and would do anything for political power and wealth.
Once again, you can't tell the difference between technique and tactics. Run along oh feeble minded one.

Hitler's technique was to find scapegoats to blame and then release the fury of people onthem to avoid addressing the real problems.

Just like Trump is doing.

When someone accuses someone else of rape and then admits they made it up...why would you trust anything that person said in the heat of a nasty divorce? Because it gives you something to smear a person you don't like? That says much more about YOU then it does about Trump!

Wait a minute. You give Juanita Brodderick FULL CREDIBILITY even though she filed an affidavit saying Clinton Never raped her before she started claiming he did. So I think you have a bit of a hypocrisy going here.

I look at evidence. When I see a guy who acts like Hitler and someone close to him tells me he had Hitler Speeches on his nightstand, I kind of take that seriously.
I'm NOT amazed at how low you guys will stoop to support Hillary Clinton...someone who's proven repeatedly that she doesn't have an honest bone in her body and would do anything for political power and wealth.

Trump has told more lies than Hillary has.

Guy, their politicians. Of course they aregoing to lie. We don't reward them for telling the truth.

I'll bet you're the guy who went to the whorehouse and complained about not feeling loved.
Eight investigations that never could get Hillary Clinton to turn over all of her communications on Benghazi because she either hid evidence or destroyed it?

It isn't incumbant on Hillary to disprove whacky accusation of the week... it's up to you guys to prove it.. and you spent millions of dollars and they all came to the same conclusion.

Chris Stevens showed really shitty judgment, but we don't want to say bad stuff about the dead guy.

The investigations "embarrassed" Clinton because they showed how incompetent she was as Secretary of State and furthermore revealed her two private servers and her "pay for play" scheme with the Clinton Foundation and the State Department!

Meh, the only people embarrassed by these investigations are Boehner and McCarthy, who don't have jobs anymore.
So tell us regressives, what good is experience if you can't remember it and draw from it? Come on folks, tell us again how she's the most qualified person to ever run for the office.

You mean she doesn't remember detailed stuff from things that happened four to eight years ago?

Most of us wouldn't.

She can't remember if she was under sniper fire and had to run for her life, or was greeted by a young girl in Bosnia. It can be tough to keep such similar situations separated in your mind.
Once again, you can't tell the difference between technique and tactics. Run along oh feeble minded one.

Hitler's technique was to find scapegoats to blame and then release the fury of people onthem to avoid addressing the real problems.

Just like Trump is doing.

When someone accuses someone else of rape and then admits they made it up...why would you trust anything that person said in the heat of a nasty divorce? Because it gives you something to smear a person you don't like? That says much more about YOU then it does about Trump!

Wait a minute. You give Juanita Brodderick FULL CREDIBILITY even though she filed an affidavit saying Clinton Never raped her before she started claiming he did. So I think you have a bit of a hypocrisy going here.

I look at evidence. When I see a guy who acts like Hitler and someone close to him tells me he had Hitler Speeches on his nightstand, I kind of take that seriously.

Yep, and Trumps villains are the status quo politicians, you know the folks with approval ratings in the teens. The hildabitches policies align more with Hitler than Trumps. But hey, feel free to keep making false comparisons and we'll continue to kick your ass.
Guy, their politicians


Regarding Hillary's campaign and supporters, is there no "there there" in they're all stupid selfish leeches addicted to THEIR government checks?

Public education at work - dumbed down, addicted to government check, unconcerned that Dem nominee is a sick-in-the-head pathological liar and kleptocrat.... nope, what matters is THAT CHECK and NOTHING ELSE...
Yep, and Trumps villains are the status quo politicians, you know the folks with approval ratings in the teens. The hildabitches policies align more with Hitler than Trumps. But hey, feel free to keep making false comparisons and we'll continue to kick your ass.

THe sad thing is, you guys have sold out your principles in order to feed your hate.

Trump isn't a conservative.
He isn't a Christian.
He isn't a Libertarian.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you aren't a racist Nazi. But the fact you are willing to support someone who is is kind of telling.

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