39 I don't recall, I don't remember to the FBI

So tell us regressives, what good is experience if you can't remember it and draw from it? Come on folks, tell us again how she's the most qualified person to ever run for the office.

Hillary Clinton appears to be using the Ronald Reagan defense. Lord how that must stick deep the craw.

She doubled and tripled down and Reagan was 10 years older than she is when he testified. Plus, she has been a congenital liar since birth.
Reagan forgot 124 times in the Iran Contra hearings.

More deflection, really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In case you missed it this is about the hildabitch.
Then it must have hit home?
So it was OK for Reagan because he knew Hillary Clinton was going to use the excuse someday?

No he actually had undisclosed dementia.

Same thing as Hillary has, right?
So tell us regressives, what good is experience if you can't remember it and draw from it? Come on folks, tell us again how she's the most qualified person to ever run for the office.

In the Trump fraud case Trump repeated "I dont remember" over 40 times. Even when he was asked if he remembered saying "I have the best memory in the world" his response was "I dont remember" lol.

So lets save the outrage huh?
So tell us regressives, what good is experience if you can't remember it and draw from it? Come on folks, tell us again how she's the most qualified person to ever run for the office.

In the Trump fraud case Trump repeated "I dont remember" over 40 times. Even when he was asked if he remembered saying "I have the best memory in the world" his response was "I dont remember" lol.

So lets save the outrage huh?

Unlike Hillary, Donald Trump has made himself available for literally hundreds and hundreds of interviews over the past few years but you think he's going to remember what he said in each of those? Saying that he doesn't remember if he said "I have the best memory in the world" isn't an attempt to not tell the truth...it's telling the truth.

Hillary can't remember things that make her look bad...like getting briefed on security issues when she became Secretary of State. That isn't some obscure conversation that she had with a member of the media...it's a national security briefing. Something that's a big deal!
So tell us regressives, what good is experience if you can't remember it and draw from it? Come on folks, tell us again how she's the most qualified person to ever run for the office.

In the Trump fraud case Trump repeated "I dont remember" over 40 times. Even when he was asked if he remembered saying "I have the best memory in the world" his response was "I dont remember" lol.

So lets save the outrage huh?

Unlike Hillary, Donald Trump has made himself available for literally hundreds and hundreds of interviews over the past few years but you think he's going to remember what he said in each of those? Saying that he doesn't remember if he said "I have the best memory in the world" isn't an attempt to not tell the truth...it's telling the truth.

Hillary can't remember things that make her look bad...like getting briefed on security issues when she became Secretary of State. That isn't some obscure conversation that she had with a member of the media...it's a national security briefing. Something that's a big deal!

But we arent talking about interviews now are we?
So tell us regressives, what good is experience if you can't remember it and draw from it? Come on folks, tell us again how she's the most qualified person to ever run for the office.

In the Trump fraud case Trump repeated "I dont remember" over 40 times. Even when he was asked if he remembered saying "I have the best memory in the world" his response was "I dont remember" lol.

So lets save the outrage huh?

Unlike Hillary, Donald Trump has made himself available for literally hundreds and hundreds of interviews over the past few years but you think he's going to remember what he said in each of those? Saying that he doesn't remember if he said "I have the best memory in the world" isn't an attempt to not tell the truth...it's telling the truth.

Hillary can't remember things that make her look bad...like getting briefed on security issues when she became Secretary of State. That isn't some obscure conversation that she had with a member of the media...it's a national security briefing. Something that's a big deal!

But we arent talking about interviews now are we?

Since his comment that he had "the best memory in the world" was in an interview and you brought it up in a very pathetic attempt to justify Hillary Clinton's selective memory...then yes, we're talking about interviews now! That doesn't change the fact that Hillary and her people are suffering terrible memory loss or taking the 5th on anything to do with those emails.
So let's talk about two more of Hillary's IT people taking the 5th in front of Congress yesterday...invoking their right not to incriminate themselves in criminal activities!
So tell us regressives, what good is experience if you can't remember it and draw from it? Come on folks, tell us again how she's the most qualified person to ever run for the office.

In the Trump fraud case Trump repeated "I dont remember" over 40 times. Even when he was asked if he remembered saying "I have the best memory in the world" his response was "I dont remember" lol.

So lets save the outrage huh?

Unlike Hillary, Donald Trump has made himself available for literally hundreds and hundreds of interviews over the past few years but you think he's going to remember what he said in each of those? Saying that he doesn't remember if he said "I have the best memory in the world" isn't an attempt to not tell the truth...it's telling the truth.

Hillary can't remember things that make her look bad...like getting briefed on security issues when she became Secretary of State. That isn't some obscure conversation that she had with a member of the media...it's a national security briefing. Something that's a big deal!

But we arent talking about interviews now are we?

Since his comment that he had "the best memory in the world" was in an interview and you brought it up in a very pathetic attempt to justify Hillary Clinton's selective memory...then yes, we're talking about interviews now! That doesn't change the fact that Hillary and her people are suffering terrible memory loss or taking the 5th on anything to do with those emails.

So lets get this straight. Clinton doesnt recall and thats bad. Trump cant remember and thats good.

Is that it?
You say that, Joe...but then you claim Clinton settled out of court to save himself money? Why would he do so if the women he sexually harassed were "imaginary"? You can't even keep your story straight.

I thik you miss the key part of the settlement. He settled without admitting wrongdoing. Then it becomes "Go the fuck away" money. If Jones and her lawyers had agreed to that years ago, she wouldn't have had to strip for Penthouse. (Again, Class, Paula, Classy)

And I'm always amused by the usual Clinton supporter complaint that the investigations into Bill and Hillary are costing the taxpayers too much money! The reason those investigations drag on for as long as they do is that the Clinton's are so good at withholding evidence and stonewalling investigators.

Right. So let's look at that. Kenny the Pervert started out investigating Whitewater.

He found no wrongdoing there, so he moved on to the Rose Law Firm.
No wrongdoing there, so he moved on to the Suicide of Vince Foster
No Wrongdoing there, he moved on to the Travel Office Firings.
No Wrongdoing there, he moved on to the FBI Files.
No Wrongdoing there, he moved on to Monica's Jizz Stained Dress.

Hillary's current email scandal is a perfect example. She destroys evidence. She then denies...denies...and denies. Then when it's obvious that she's lying she'll admit partial responsibility but then denies...denies and denies anything else was her fault.

You mean you guys keep changing what she supposedly did wrong. Let's not forget, this all started out as an investigation into Benghaaaaazi... No wrongdoing there, so now we move on to having a private e-mail server... no wrongdoing there, let's move on to if some of those files might have had classified information in them... and so on.

Then when that is shown to be a lie she'll change her story once more and admit a bit more responsibility. That goes on for month after month forcing investigators to painstakingly dig for the truth. You know why a Clinton scandal costs the taxpayers so much money? Because of the Clinton's own tactics!

Nope, it has to do with Repbulican fishing expeditions.
You say that, Joe...but then you claim Clinton settled out of court to save himself money? Why would he do so if the women he sexually harassed were "imaginary"? You can't even keep your story straight.

I thik you miss the key part of the settlement. He settled without admitting wrongdoing. Then it becomes "Go the fuck away" money. If Jones and her lawyers had agreed to that years ago, she wouldn't have had to strip for Penthouse. (Again, Class, Paula, Classy)

And I'm always amused by the usual Clinton supporter complaint that the investigations into Bill and Hillary are costing the taxpayers too much money! The reason those investigations drag on for as long as they do is that the Clinton's are so good at withholding evidence and stonewalling investigators.

Right. So let's look at that. Kenny the Pervert started out investigating Whitewater.

He found no wrongdoing there, so he moved on to the Rose Law Firm.
No wrongdoing there, so he moved on to the Suicide of Vince Foster
No Wrongdoing there, he moved on to the Travel Office Firings.
No Wrongdoing there, he moved on to the FBI Files.
No Wrongdoing there, he moved on to Monica's Jizz Stained Dress.

Hillary's current email scandal is a perfect example. She destroys evidence. She then denies...denies...and denies. Then when it's obvious that she's lying she'll admit partial responsibility but then denies...denies and denies anything else was her fault.

You mean you guys keep changing what she supposedly did wrong. Let's not forget, this all started out as an investigation into Benghaaaaazi... No wrongdoing there, so now we move on to having a private e-mail server... no wrongdoing there, let's move on to if some of those files might have had classified information in them... and so on.

Then when that is shown to be a lie she'll change her story once more and admit a bit more responsibility. That goes on for month after month forcing investigators to painstakingly dig for the truth. You know why a Clinton scandal costs the taxpayers so much money? Because of the Clinton's own tactics!

Nope, it has to do with Repbulican fishing expeditions.

The truth, Joey...is that Hillary Clinton brought this whole email scandal on herself! Instead of leveling with the American public about what really took place in Benghazi and taking the blame for leaving our diplomats without adequate security, Hillary did what Clinton's usually do which is to deny that she did anything wrong while destroying the evidence of that wrongdoing. So by withholding as much as she could from Congressional investigators, Hillary forced them to start digging for the truth of what took place in Benghazi.which in turn led to the discovery of her two private email servers that she'd hidden in her house up in Westchester County and that she was conducting official State Department business including top secret communications. This isn't something the GOP "invented"...this is something that Hillary Clinton deliberately DID and was caught at because she was incapable of admitting she fucked up in Benghazi!
The truth, Joey...is that Hillary Clinton brought this whole email scandal on herself! Instead of leveling with the American public about what really took place in Benghazi and taking the blame for leaving our diplomats without adequate security,

Blah, blah, blah... the problem is you wingnuts will keep finding 'scandals' no matter what the Clintons say or do.

The only guy to blame for Benghazi was Stevens going there when he knew it was dangerous. But when you guys couldn't prove Hillary did anything wrong after 9 investigations, you moved on to the e-mails. When you've failed to prove any wrongdoing there, you've moved on to the Clinton Foundation. (You know, the nice people who send food and medicine to poor folks).
The truth, Joey...is that Hillary Clinton brought this whole email scandal on herself! Instead of leveling with the American public about what really took place in Benghazi and taking the blame for leaving our diplomats without adequate security,

Blah, blah, blah... the problem is you wingnuts will keep finding 'scandals' no matter what the Clintons say or do.

The only guy to blame for Benghazi was Stevens going there when he knew it was dangerous. But when you guys couldn't prove Hillary did anything wrong after 9 investigations, you moved on to the e-mails. When you've failed to prove any wrongdoing there, you've moved on to the Clinton Foundation. (You know, the nice people who send food and medicine to poor folks).

Care to take a stab at explaining why two of the IT people who worked on Clinton's private servers took the 5th when called to testify in front of Congress, Joe? Care to explain why another ignored the subpoena issued by Congress to appear? Care to comment on the one who did show up and actually answer questions admitting that he had complete access to Clinton's servers that contained classified information so sensitive that it can't be shown to members of Congress even though that Clinton staffer had no security clearance whatsoever?

No wrong doing? That's laughable!
The truth, Joey...is that Hillary Clinton brought this whole email scandal on herself! Instead of leveling with the American public about what really took place in Benghazi and taking the blame for leaving our diplomats without adequate security,

Blah, blah, blah... the problem is you wingnuts will keep finding 'scandals' no matter what the Clintons say or do.

The only guy to blame for Benghazi was Stevens going there when he knew it was dangerous. But when you guys couldn't prove Hillary did anything wrong after 9 investigations, you moved on to the e-mails. When you've failed to prove any wrongdoing there, you've moved on to the Clinton Foundation. (You know, the nice people who send food and medicine to poor folks).
Lets say they are not scandals....just conspiracy wingnut crap.....then the following is still true.....

1) Clinton was remiss in her responsibilities when she delegated decisions on Benghazi security to lower level employees. We know this because security was not strong enough when attacked.

2) Clinton was remiss when she chose the individuals who decided a private email server was not a bad idea. We know this because...well...she now says it was not a good idea.

3) She was remiss when she did not send out a mandate to all Clinton Foundation employees from contacting the state department asking for favors. Sure, they were not granted, but did she not know ahead of time that allowing electronic communication between the two entities was not in the best interest of the integrity of the department of state?

So those alone....3 different items of being "remiss" as secretary of state.........one that cost lives, another that compromised national security and a third that put the integrity of the department of state in question.,......does that not give you reason to wonder if she may not be the best decision maker and therefore a very poor choice for the highest office in the land?

I know.,.....now you will divert and say "and trump is a good decision maker?"

But really.....tell me....do you see her as a good decision maker?
Hillary's future tombstone:

Born - can't recall
Died - can't recall
1) Clinton was remiss in her responsibilities when she delegated decisions on Benghazi security to lower level employees. We know this because security was not strong enough when attacked.

Okay, most details are handled by lower level employees, and Clearly Stevens much have thought it was just fine, as he went there despite the danger.

2) Clinton was remiss when she chose the individuals who decided a private email server was not a bad idea. We know this because...well...she now says it was not a good idea.

Except all of her predecessors did the same thing. So, uh, no.

3) She was remiss when she did not send out a mandate to all Clinton Foundation employees from contacting the state department asking for favors. Sure, they were not granted, but did she not know ahead of time that allowing electronic communication between the two entities was not in the best interest of the integrity of the department of state?

Again, we have the "Clinton Standard". The Clintons should never engage in the sort of behavior that everyone inWashington engages in. It's the kind of thinking where Newt moves for impeachment over a blow job while he's banging a Lobbyist.

So those alone....3 different items of being "remiss" as secretary of state.........one that cost lives, another that compromised national security and a third that put the integrity of the department of state in question.,......does that not give you reason to wonder if she may not be the best decision maker and therefore a very poor choice for the highest office in the land?

Care to take a stab at explaining why two of the IT people who worked on Clinton's private servers took the 5th when called to testify in front of Congress, Joe?

Same reason Lerner did. Fuck those guys. They aren't a court and they aren't law enforcement.

Are we really going to go through this argument again.

Care to explain why another ignored the subpoena issued by Congress to appear? Care to comment on the one who did show up and actually answer questions admitting that he had complete access to Clinton's servers that contained classified information so sensitive that it can't be shown to members of Congress even though that Clinton staffer had no security clearance whatsoever?

Guy, the Government declares NEWS STORIES IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN as "Classified" if it mentions programs they don't want to admit they are doing.

You see, this is why I just can't take you guys seriously... you've been doing this bullshit since the 1990's, and it's getting old.


Because I will say it again. I don't give a fuck if Hillary sends out Seal Team Six to whack Monica Lewinsky. As long as I am making good money and not have to worry about another recession, I could not care less.

The Orange Nazi you guys nominated WILL fuck it up if elected. Even a lot of Republicans have said so. Hillary, probably not.

Jesus, I know you aren't capable of common sense or a sense of proportion, but at least be capable of self-interest!!!!

You see, back in the 1990's, I really boughtinto this bullshit. And then Bush got elected, and man, he didn't fuck any interns.

He crashed the economy, twice, got us into a war, let a major city get wiped out by a hurricane, but boy, he wasn't fucking any interns...

he just gave us a lot of THIS...

and THIS


and THIS


Seriously, fuck you babbling about Servers and shit.
Care to take a stab at explaining why two of the IT people who worked on Clinton's private servers took the 5th when called to testify in front of Congress, Joe?

Same reason Lerner did. Fuck those guys. They aren't a court and they aren't law enforcement.

Are we really going to go through this argument again.

Care to explain why another ignored the subpoena issued by Congress to appear? Care to comment on the one who did show up and actually answer questions admitting that he had complete access to Clinton's servers that contained classified information so sensitive that it can't be shown to members of Congress even though that Clinton staffer had no security clearance whatsoever?

Guy, the Government declares NEWS STORIES IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN as "Classified" if it mentions programs they don't want to admit they are doing.

You see, this is why I just can't take you guys seriously... you've been doing this bullshit since the 1990's, and it's getting old.


Because I will say it again. I don't give a fuck if Hillary sends out Seal Team Six to whack Monica Lewinsky. As long as I am making good money and not have to worry about another recession, I could not care less.

The Orange Nazi you guys nominated WILL fuck it up if elected. Even a lot of Republicans have said so. Hillary, probably not.

Jesus, I know you aren't capable of common sense or a sense of proportion, but at least be capable of self-interest!!!!

You see, back in the 1990's, I really boughtinto this bullshit. And then Bush got elected, and man, he didn't fuck any interns.

He crashed the economy, twice, got us into a war, let a major city get wiped out by a hurricane, but boy, he wasn't fucking any interns...

he just gave us a lot of THIS...

and THIS


and THIS


Seriously, fuck you babbling about Servers and shit.

"Fuck those guys!" Really, Joe? Fuck Congress? Do you understand the concept of three branches of government...each with powers to constrain the others? Congress is the people's representatives...they are who we elect locally to protect our interests nationally. It's Congress' job to oversee the Executive Branch...in large part to prevent corruption. When Clinton hid her servers and conducted all of her official business through those hidden servers she broke the law. You can't be a government official or employee and not maintain your official documents and communications. Those don't belong to you...they belong to the public and the public can demand to see them through the Freedom of Information Act or through their elected Congressperson or Senator. When Clinton destroyed those 33,000 emails that she knew Congress wanted to see she was flaunting the Freedom of Information Act and giving Congress the finger. If that's how she behaves BEFORE she becomes President...what do you think she's going to do if she ever becomes President!

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