39 I don't recall, I don't remember to the FBI

Address what I said, not what you in your warped mind think I said.

I did. Did you need someone to help you with the big words again?

Bye troll.

Your concession is duly noted, again.

But for the sane.... There is no right to fly on a plane. Plane flight can effect others, and therefore should be controlled.

Gun ownership SHOULD be the same. Even the nuttiest gun nuts admits that crazy people and criminals shouldn't be allowed to own guns. (While no one would thinks that we should take away their first or sixth amendment rights.)

If you aren't intelligent enough to counter my reasoned constitutional arguments with the same, I have no interest in wasting my time with you. And you have a right to liberty, flying, as the court said, is part of that liberty. Now run along troll or treat me with the same respect I've show you by providing a real basis for your arguments. I'm not interested in your opinions.
If you aren't intelligent enough to counter my reasoned constitutional arguments with the same, I have no interest in wasting my time with you. And you have a right to liberty, flying, as the court said, is part of that liberty. Now run along troll or treat me with the same respect I've show you by providing a real basis for your arguments. I'm not interested in your opinions.

I treat you with the same respect I treat all Nazis with... none at all.
If you aren't intelligent enough to counter my reasoned constitutional arguments with the same, I have no interest in wasting my time with you. And you have a right to liberty, flying, as the court said, is part of that liberty. Now run along troll or treat me with the same respect I've show you by providing a real basis for your arguments. I'm not interested in your opinions.

I treat you with the same respect I treat all Nazis with... none at all.

Then feel free to fuck off and DIE.
Address what I said, not what you in your warped mind think I said.

I did. Did you need someone to help you with the big words again?

Bye troll.

He's simply unable to have a real discussion on the issues, and quite frankly I don't babysit someone that replies in little tantrum fits when he doesn't like how a topic of discussion is going. I'm sure he's too old to still be in grade school with that attitude.
He's simply unable to have a real discussion on the issues, and quite frankly I don't babysit someone that replies in little tantrum fits when he doesn't like how a topic of discussion is going. I'm sure he's too old to still be in grade school with that attitude.

Guy, we've had the discussion. You spewed a bunch of racist bullshit, and lost.

Happy to have cleared that up for you.

But don't look now, Trumpenfuhrer said he wants to keep guys on the No-Fly List from buying guns...

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