39 I don't recall, I don't remember to the FBI

If you seriously think the wall can't be built, it's you that doesn't understand engineering.

Here's what an actual engineer has to say...

An Engineer Explains Why Trump's Wall Is So Implausible

The challenge of Trump’s border wall is not technical, but logistical. The leap in complexity between “building a wall” and “building a 2,000-mile-long continuous border wall in the desert” is about equal to the gap between “killing a guy” and “waging a protracted land war.” Trump’s border wall, if built as he has described it, would be one of the largest civil works projects in the history of the country and would face an array of challenges not found when constructing 95-story skyscrapers.

If we assume a border wall length of 1,954 miles (there are 600 or so miles of existing border barrier, but much of this would not qualify for Trump’s wall), then we can make some estimates as to the volume of concrete needed for the project:

  • Foundation: 6 feet deep, 18 inch radius = 42.4 cubic feet
  • Column: 4 square feet area by 30 feet tall = 120 cubic feet
  • Wall panels: 25 feet tall by 10 feet long by 8 inches thick = 166.7 cubic feet
  • Total concrete per 10-foot segment = 329.1 cubic feet
  • 1,954 miles = 10,300,00 feet = 1,030,000 segments (10-feet long each)
  • 1,030,000 segments * 329.1 cubic feet per segment = 339,000,000 cubic feet = 12,555,000 cubic yards. (The cubic yard is the standard unit of measure of concrete volume in the United States.)
Twelve million, six hundred thousand cubic yards. In other words, this wall would contain over three times the amount of concrete used to build the Hoover Dam — a project that, unlike Trump’s wall, has qualitative, verifiable economic benefits.

So your "engineer" doesn't think the wall can be built because it would have 3 times the concrete used to build the Hoover Dam? Who KNEW that the Hoover Dam was the epitome...the be all and end all of engineering feats...never to be exceeded!!!

Can you say ideologue and idiot?
"Brown people that racists like you hate"

Joe, you don't honestly know what a racist is. You just like to divert because you can't honestly talk about the issue of illegal entry by immigrants at our nation's borders. What specific racist remark can you point to that my post specifically made that fits the definition of a racist. You just like throwing terminology around out of convenience for a lack of intelligence on the issue being discussed. Not once were you able to talk about the Federal Immigration Laws as it pertains to our borders and those immigrants who violate it.

In fact, I'd be pretty accurate in summarizing your position to say that - Racism, in the context imposed by liberals such as you Joe, equates to an individual who's views and ideology stands contrary to the liberal perception of the role of government. Simply because I believe our Federal Laws that were passed by Congress and signed into law, should be enforced.

Somehow, I doubt you had such affection for the Assault Weapons ban when Congress passed it.

No, guy, Trump supporters are racist. Just because you don't say "wetback" and "Beaner" doesn't make you any less racist.

Yeah, like people that refer to Hispanics as the Taco Bell vote! Those kinds of racists!!! Oh, wait...that was the people running the Democratic National Convention...
So your "engineer" doesn't think the wall can be built because it would have 3 times the concrete used to build the Hoover Dam? Who KNEW that the Hoover Dam was the epitome...the be all and end all of engineering feats...never to be exceeded!!!

Can you say ideologue and idiot?

did you actually read the article? Or did you need someone to help you with the big words?

Yeah, like people that refer to Hispanics as the Taco Bell vote! Those kinds of racists!!! Oh, wait...that was the people running the Democratic National Convention...

Right, becuase clearly some low level flunky's out of context quote in an e-mail totally reflects the DNC mindset.
So tell us regressives, what good is experience if you can't remember it and draw from it? Come on folks, tell us again how she's the most qualified person to ever run for the office.

Moot point. It's over, done.

FBI director: Clinton did not lie to FBI
FBI Director James Comey says there is no basis to conclude that Hillary Clinton lied to the FBI concerning her handling of classified materials.

See video here:
FBI director: Clinton did not lie to FBI - CNN Video

Comey failed at his job-https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6Z8pnk2rvYo
So your "engineer" doesn't think the wall can be built because it would have 3 times the concrete used to build the Hoover Dam? Who KNEW that the Hoover Dam was the epitome...the be all and end all of engineering feats...never to be exceeded!!!

Can you say ideologue and idiot?

did you actually read the article? Or did you need someone to help you with the big words?

Yeah, like people that refer to Hispanics as the Taco Bell vote! Those kinds of racists!!! Oh, wait...that was the people running the Democratic National Convention...

Right, becuase clearly some low level flunky's out of context quote in an e-mail totally reflects the DNC mindset.

Low level flunky's? Don't look now, Joey but Debbie Wasserman Schultz and two other HIGH RANKING leaders of the Democratic National Convention got canned in the middle of their convention. Do you think that happened because of a "out of context quote"?
If you seriously think the wall can't be built, it's you that doesn't understand engineering.

Here's what an actual engineer has to say...

An Engineer Explains Why Trump's Wall Is So Implausible

The challenge of Trump’s border wall is not technical, but logistical. The leap in complexity between “building a wall” and “building a 2,000-mile-long continuous border wall in the desert” is about equal to the gap between “killing a guy” and “waging a protracted land war.” Trump’s border wall, if built as he has described it, would be one of the largest civil works projects in the history of the country and would face an array of challenges not found when constructing 95-story skyscrapers.

If we assume a border wall length of 1,954 miles (there are 600 or so miles of existing border barrier, but much of this would not qualify for Trump’s wall), then we can make some estimates as to the volume of concrete needed for the project:

  • Foundation: 6 feet deep, 18 inch radius = 42.4 cubic feet
  • Column: 4 square feet area by 30 feet tall = 120 cubic feet
  • Wall panels: 25 feet tall by 10 feet long by 8 inches thick = 166.7 cubic feet
  • Total concrete per 10-foot segment = 329.1 cubic feet
  • 1,954 miles = 10,300,00 feet = 1,030,000 segments (10-feet long each)
  • 1,030,000 segments * 329.1 cubic feet per segment = 339,000,000 cubic feet = 12,555,000 cubic yards. (The cubic yard is the standard unit of measure of concrete volume in the United States.)
Twelve million, six hundred thousand cubic yards. In other words, this wall would contain over three times the amount of concrete used to build the Hoover Dam — a project that, unlike Trump’s wall, has qualitative, verifiable economic benefits.

Well bubba, he's full of shit when it comes to engineering. First you can't even estimate what kind of foundation it requires without a soil analysis, I live a hundred miles form the coast and couldn't support a 25' wall with a mere 6' foundation. Much of the wall will be built in river delta areas and such a measly foundation would't do the job. In the rocky areas on the other hand it might work quite well. But at least you back tracked and admitted it can be done. And stopping drugs, people, money and arms from freely moving across the border will have a qualitative benefit. The problem is you regressive sodomite enablers are as intent on the destruction of the country as your dear leader and the other globalist assholes.
Last edited:
And yeah those three had a reason, all three are fucking globalist who could give a rats ass about illegal immigration. It would be extremely easy to track visa overstays and make them pay for their own capture and deportation.

Illegal immigration isn't big enough of a problem to worry about to that degree. It just isn't.

You're wrong, it's costing us tens of billions a year.
If you seriously think the wall can't be built, it's you that doesn't understand engineering.

Here's what an actual engineer has to say...

An Engineer Explains Why Trump's Wall Is So Implausible

The challenge of Trump’s border wall is not technical, but logistical. The leap in complexity between “building a wall” and “building a 2,000-mile-long continuous border wall in the desert” is about equal to the gap between “killing a guy” and “waging a protracted land war.” Trump’s border wall, if built as he has described it, would be one of the largest civil works projects in the history of the country and would face an array of challenges not found when constructing 95-story skyscrapers.

If we assume a border wall length of 1,954 miles (there are 600 or so miles of existing border barrier, but much of this would not qualify for Trump’s wall), then we can make some estimates as to the volume of concrete needed for the project:

  • Foundation: 6 feet deep, 18 inch radius = 42.4 cubic feet
  • Column: 4 square feet area by 30 feet tall = 120 cubic feet
  • Wall panels: 25 feet tall by 10 feet long by 8 inches thick = 166.7 cubic feet
  • Total concrete per 10-foot segment = 329.1 cubic feet
  • 1,954 miles = 10,300,00 feet = 1,030,000 segments (10-feet long each)
  • 1,030,000 segments * 329.1 cubic feet per segment = 339,000,000 cubic feet = 12,555,000 cubic yards. (The cubic yard is the standard unit of measure of concrete volume in the United States.)
Twelve million, six hundred thousand cubic yards. In other words, this wall would contain over three times the amount of concrete used to build the Hoover Dam — a project that, unlike Trump’s wall, has qualitative, verifiable economic benefits.

So your "engineer" doesn't think the wall can be built because it would have 3 times the concrete used to build the Hoover Dam? Who KNEW that the Hoover Dam was the epitome...the be all and end all of engineering feats...never to be exceeded!!!

Can you say ideologue and idiot?

Hell I-10 through LA is a greater feat of engineering than the Hoover Dam.
Low level flunky's? Don't look now, Joey but Debbie Wasserman Schultz and two other HIGH RANKING leaders of the Democratic National Convention got canned in the middle of their convention. Do you think that happened because of a "out of context quote"?

No, I think it happened beccause Schultz antagonized a lot of the Bernie Bros... not that she was the one who said what you attributed to her.

Well bubba, he's full of shit when it comes to engineering. First you can't even estimate what kind of foundation is requires without a soil analysis, I live a hundred miles form the coast and couldn't support a 25' wall with a mere 6' foundation.

I'll take the word of a real engineer over some inbred redneck from Texas.

You're wrong, it's costing us tens of billions a year.

So does gun violence, but I don't see you bubba rednecks supporitng common sense gun control.
You mean why would he piss away millions of more dollars defending a lawsuit that had already been dismissed?

He already won the court case. Paying Jones to go back to the Trailer Park was just cutting his losses.

Always interesting when a liberal bashes poor people. So, because she was trailer trash, no one should believe her over Bill Clinton? Yea, can't trust those poor folks. Gosh, I thought Hillary said we should believe women when they tell us they were sexually assaulted. Of course, we know she meant when they were attacked by someone other than Slick Willy.
Low level flunky's? Don't look now, Joey but Debbie Wasserman Schultz and two other HIGH RANKING leaders of the Democratic National Convention got canned in the middle of their convention. Do you think that happened because of a "out of context quote"?

No, I think it happened beccause Schultz antagonized a lot of the Bernie Bros... not that she was the one who said what you attributed to her.

Well bubba, he's full of shit when it comes to engineering. First you can't even estimate what kind of foundation is requires without a soil analysis, I live a hundred miles form the coast and couldn't support a 25' wall with a mere 6' foundation.

I'll take the word of a real engineer over some inbred redneck from Texas.

You're wrong, it's costing us tens of billions a year.

So does gun violence, but I don't see you bubba rednecks supporitng common sense gun control.

Well dumbass, I was one of the guys that actually built shit for real, not just on paper. Also I would be happy to support common sense gun control if anyone actually comes up with something that makes sense. Until then, how about we actually enforce the laws on the books. Prosecution for gun trafficking is way down under your dear leader, he want's the issue, he's not concerned about solving the problem.
Low level flunky's? Don't look now, Joey but Debbie Wasserman Schultz and two other HIGH RANKING leaders of the Democratic National Convention got canned in the middle of their convention. Do you think that happened because of a "out of context quote"?

No, I think it happened beccause Schultz antagonized a lot of the Bernie Bros... not that she was the one who said what you attributed to her.

Well bubba, he's full of shit when it comes to engineering. First you can't even estimate what kind of foundation is requires without a soil analysis, I live a hundred miles form the coast and couldn't support a 25' wall with a mere 6' foundation.

I'll take the word of a real engineer over some inbred redneck from Texas.

You're wrong, it's costing us tens of billions a year.

So does gun violence, but I don't see you bubba rednecks supporitng common sense gun control.

Oh, trust me...Debbie DID "antagonize" a lot of the Bernie Sanders people! You tend to get pissed off when you find out the other side has been fixing the race! That however doesn't change the fact that leadership in the DNC were jokingly referring to Hispanics as the "Taco Bell Vote"!

Everything OK just said about the wall is simple common sense, Sparky. Your "engineer" is the one with no clue about what building the wall would require. By the way...securing the border doesn't have to consist of just a big wall from the Gulf to the Pacific Ocean. With the technology we have now we SHOULD be able to monitor hundreds of miles of that border with cameras and drones sending Border Patrol agents to where they are needed. That of course would require the will to do it.

What I find amusing is the concept that the same country that put men on the moon can't secure a border!
Low level flunky's? Don't look now, Joey but Debbie Wasserman Schultz and two other HIGH RANKING leaders of the Democratic National Convention got canned in the middle of their convention. Do you think that happened because of a "out of context quote"?

No, I think it happened beccause Schultz antagonized a lot of the Bernie Bros... not that she was the one who said what you attributed to her.

Well bubba, he's full of shit when it comes to engineering. First you can't even estimate what kind of foundation is requires without a soil analysis, I live a hundred miles form the coast and couldn't support a 25' wall with a mere 6' foundation.

I'll take the word of a real engineer over some inbred redneck from Texas.

You're wrong, it's costing us tens of billions a year.

So does gun violence, but I don't see you bubba rednecks supporitng common sense gun control.

Well dumbass, I was one of the guys that actually built shit for real, not just on paper. Also I would be happy to support common sense gun control if anyone actually comes up with something that makes sense. Until then, how about we actually enforce the laws on the books. Prosecution for gun trafficking is way down under your dear leader, he want's the issue, he's not concerned about solving the problem.

If the Obama administration hadnt screwed up so bad under Fast and Furious, we wouldn't find so many of the drug cartels heavily armed and spilling that drug violence across an open border. If we are going to have an active national security with the enforcement and respect of our federal immigration laws, it won't be through Hillary Clinton.
Always interesting when a liberal bashes poor people. So, because she was trailer trash, no one should believe her over Bill Clinton? Yea, can't trust those poor folks. Gosh, I thought Hillary said we should believe women when they tell us they were sexually assaulted. Of course, we know she meant when they were attacked by someone other than Slick Willy.

No, nobody should believe her because her story wasn't credible, and she was clearly in it for the money.

Except she was so fantastically stupid that when it was all over, the lawyers got all the money and she was stripping for Penthouse and doing boxing matches with Tonya Harding.

Nobody should believe her because the judge in the case dismissed her lawsuit as having no merit.
Oh, trust me...Debbie DID "antagonize" a lot of the Bernie Sanders people! You tend to get pissed off when you find out the other side has been fixing the race! That however doesn't change the fact that leadership in the DNC were jokingly referring to Hispanics as the "Taco Bell Vote"!

You see, this is where you are being typically dishonest Dog Style. Debbie didn't call them that. Neither did anyone who was a top leader. And since these emails came from Trumps Russian Masters, you have to take them with a grain of salt.

Everything OK just said about the wall is simple common sense, Sparky. Your "engineer" is the one with no clue about what building the wall would require. By the way...securing the border doesn't have to consist of just a big wall from the Gulf to the Pacific Ocean. With the technology we have now we SHOULD be able to monitor hundreds of miles of that border with cameras and drones sending Border Patrol agents to where they are needed. That of course would require the will to do it.

Well, we can really build a wall even though engineers say we can't, but dammit, we don't really need to build a wall.

Of course, you racists don't put the blame for this problem where it really belongs- on American policy. The reason why we had a big influx of illegals in the 1990's was because thanks to our farm policy, cheap yellow corn (subsidized by the government and able to get into Mexico thanks to NAFTA) pretty much wiped out Mexican farmers who grew white corn.

But you see, the problem is, because you and OKRedneck and FakeLibertarian are racists, you don't see the source of the problem, nor that only half of the undocumented immigrants came from Mexico. Or that the reason why illegals come here is because Rich people like Trump hire them so they don't have to pay Americans a fair wage.

Nope, some Nazi tells you he's going to get those guys by building a wall, and you pretty much seig heil when he does like mindless drones.
Well dumbass, I was one of the guys that actually built shit for real, not just on paper. Also I would be happy to support common sense gun control if anyone actually comes up with something that makes sense. Until then, how about we actually enforce the laws on the books. Prosecution for gun trafficking is way down under your dear leader, he want's the issue, he's not concerned about solving the problem.

Kind of hard to prosecute for gun trafficking when almost nothing about it is actually illegal, thanks to the National Rampage Association.

Hey, how about "not letting people on the Terror Watch List" buy guns. That would seem to be common sense, except for the National Rampage Association, which has fought against that tooth and nail.
If the Obama administration hadnt screwed up so bad under Fast and Furious, we wouldn't find so many of the drug cartels heavily armed and spilling that drug violence across an open border. If we are going to have an active national security with the enforcement and respect of our federal immigration laws, it won't be through Hillary Clinton.

Guy, a quarter million guns cross the border every year. That was going on before Fast and Furious and is going on now. The ATF brought the gun runners to the local prosecutors practically gift wrapped, but the local prosecutors, all too scared of the National Rampage Association, refused to prosecute.
Oh, trust me...Debbie DID "antagonize" a lot of the Bernie Sanders people! You tend to get pissed off when you find out the other side has been fixing the race! That however doesn't change the fact that leadership in the DNC were jokingly referring to Hispanics as the "Taco Bell Vote"!

You see, this is where you are being typically dishonest Dog Style. Debbie didn't call them that. Neither did anyone who was a top leader. And since these emails came from Trumps Russian Masters, you have to take them with a grain of salt.

Everything OK just said about the wall is simple common sense, Sparky. Your "engineer" is the one with no clue about what building the wall would require. By the way...securing the border doesn't have to consist of just a big wall from the Gulf to the Pacific Ocean. With the technology we have now we SHOULD be able to monitor hundreds of miles of that border with cameras and drones sending Border Patrol agents to where they are needed. That of course would require the will to do it.

Well, we can really build a wall even though engineers say we can't, but dammit, we don't really need to build a wall.

Of course, you racists don't put the blame for this problem where it really belongs- on American policy. The reason why we had a big influx of illegals in the 1990's was because thanks to our farm policy, cheap yellow corn (subsidized by the government and able to get into Mexico thanks to NAFTA) pretty much wiped out Mexican farmers who grew white corn.

But you see, the problem is, because you and OKRedneck and FakeLibertarian are racists, you don't see the source of the problem, nor that only half of the undocumented immigrants came from Mexico. Or that the reason why illegals come here is because Rich people like Trump hire them so they don't have to pay Americans a fair wage.

Nope, some Nazi tells you he's going to get those guys by building a wall, and you pretty much seig heil when he does like mindless drones.

You pontificate about "honesty", Joey...while supporting one of the most dishonest people in the history of our country...someone who has lied repeatedly for decades about both large and small things. You accuse conservatives of all being racists while excusing liberals who use derogatory descriptions of Hispanics. Who's really the dishonest person here?
Well dumbass, I was one of the guys that actually built shit for real, not just on paper. Also I would be happy to support common sense gun control if anyone actually comes up with something that makes sense. Until then, how about we actually enforce the laws on the books. Prosecution for gun trafficking is way down under your dear leader, he want's the issue, he's not concerned about solving the problem.

Kind of hard to prosecute for gun trafficking when almost nothing about it is actually illegal, thanks to the National Rampage Association.

Hey, how about "not letting people on the Terror Watch List" buy guns. That would seem to be common sense, except for the National Rampage Association, which has fought against that tooth and nail.

Hey, how about requiring a Judge and an actual hearing to put a citizen on the list. Otherwise the mere existence of a list is unconstitutional.
You pontificate about "honesty", Joey...while supporting one of the most dishonest people in the history of our country...someone who has lied repeatedly for decades about both large and small things. You accuse conservatives of all being racists while excusing liberals who use derogatory descriptions of Hispanics. Who's really the dishonest person here?

Ive seen morelies coming out of your piehole than Hillary's, douchebag.

Lets take the current one. You claimed someone in the DNC said something about "Taco Bell" and then claimed that's why DWS resigned... That's not an honest discussion

I support Hillary because Trump is a fucking Nazi. That she lied about blow jobs or emails isn't important. because again... you nominated a fucking Nazi.

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