39 I don't recall, I don't remember to the FBI

Once someone equates a candidate to a Nazi, just because they don't agree with a set of political policies, their argument loses all credibility. I have yet to see any legitament argument that accurately classifies a republican nominee as such, it's just anither typical response stemming from liberals who find themselves unable to debate in the issues.

No, one equates a candidate to a Nazi when he does what a Nazi does.

Let's review. What make Trump a National Socialist.

1) Finds racial scapegoats- In Hitler's case the Jews, in Trumps case, Mexicans and Muslims.
2) Advocates radical, anti-Capitalist rhetoric.
3) Advocates an exaggerated, xenophobic form of nationalism
4) Advocates authoritarian measures to achieve his goals.

Trump is a Nazi. Deal with it.

What amuses me is that if there is one group that ought to be panicking about Trump's rise, it should be Libertarians like yourself who think Government already has too much authority. But clearly, your racism and misogyny are more dominant in your values system.

A diversion tactic among liberals on the issue would be to refer to the race of those an enforcement of law would effect and label the endorser to strengthening support of the law as a racist, while at the same time addressing no policy of enforcement to tackle the problem effecting our nation. Foreign immigrants sneaking across our border "illegally" and in violation of Federal Immigration Laws is one of those very issues that the previous statement accurately reflects. So enforcement of the law has been reduced to "finding racial scapegoats"

What other issues do the democrats want to avoid addressing. Making general statements without specific examples does not prove your point in the least, rather it only strengthens my previous response. Face facts, you have proven to be incapable of keeping a debate on the issues, without diverting to labeling for a lack of actual substance or facts to bring into the discussion.
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A diversion tactic among liberals on the issue would be to refer to the race of those an enforcement of law would effect and label the endorser to strengthening support of the law as a racist, while at the same time addressing no policy of enforcement to tackle the problem effecting our nation. Foreign immigrants sneaking across our border "illegally" and in violation of Federal Immigration Laws is one of those very issues that the previous statement accurately reflects. So enforcement of the law has been reduced to "finding racial scapegoats"

Nice try. But not really. Trump doesn't talk about the Polish Workers who did work on his buildings in New York or the Models he brought over on business visas to illegally work as models.


Former models for Donald Trump's agency say they violated immigration rules and worked illegally

He's talking about them brown people that racists like you hate.

What other issues do the democrats want to avoid addressing. Making general statements without specific examples does not prove your point in the least, rather it only strengthens my previous response. Face facts, you have proven to be incapable of keeping a debate on the issues, without diverting to labeling for a lack of actual substance or facts to ring into the discussion.

Guy, i just posted two specific examples of Trump's companies violating the immigration laws he now is supposedly for.

But if you want other specific examples of Trump's Nazi tendencies... let's look at these.

This horde of neo-Nazis, KKK, and other extremist leaders all openly backing Trump is chilling

Donald Trump: "Torture works" - CBS News

Donald Trump’s RNC Speech Was a Terrifying Display of Nightmarish Authoritarianism

But the important thing is that Hillary used the wrong e-mail server!!! And she said the Benghazi Attack might have been about a video!!!!
Why did she blame it on her concussion? And how did she suddenly remember all those details in her congressional testimony which also occurred after the concussion? Oh, that's right, according to Comey, she lied to congress.

And when Comey recommends an indictment for that, and gets a conviction in front of a jury of 12 DC residents, I'll take your whelping seriously.

Look, guy, the thing is, I don't care about E-mails or who said what to who.

Your side nominated a crazy Nazi. That's the only issue in this election.

Once someone equates a candidate to a Nazi, just because they don't agree with a set of political policies, their argument loses all credibility. I have yet to see any legitament argument that accurately classifies a republican nominee as such, it's just anither typical response stemming from liberals who find themselves unable to debate in the issues.

It's what Hillary supporters are forced to do because they KNOW their candidate is totally corrupt and even Democrats don't believe what comes out of her mouth!
A diversion tactic among liberals on the issue would be to refer to the race of those an enforcement of law would effect and label the endorser to strengthening support of the law as a racist, while at the same time addressing no policy of enforcement to tackle the problem effecting our nation. Foreign immigrants sneaking across our border "illegally" and in violation of Federal Immigration Laws is one of those very issues that the previous statement accurately reflects. So enforcement of the law has been reduced to "finding racial scapegoats"

Nice try. But not really. Trump doesn't talk about the Polish Workers who did work on his buildings in New York or the Models he brought over on business visas to illegally work as models.


Former models for Donald Trump's agency say they violated immigration rules and worked illegally

He's talking about them brown people that racists like you hate.

What other issues do the democrats want to avoid addressing. Making general statements without specific examples does not prove your point in the least, rather it only strengthens my previous response. Face facts, you have proven to be incapable of keeping a debate on the issues, without diverting to labeling for a lack of actual substance or facts to ring into the discussion.

Guy, i just posted two specific examples of Trump's companies violating the immigration laws he now is supposedly for.

But if you want other specific examples of Trump's Nazi tendencies... let's look at these.

This horde of neo-Nazis, KKK, and other extremist leaders all openly backing Trump is chilling

Donald Trump: "Torture works" - CBS News

Donald Trump’s RNC Speech Was a Terrifying Display of Nightmarish Authoritarianism

But the important thing is that Hillary used the wrong e-mail server!!! And she said the Benghazi Attack might have been about a video!!!!

You damn fool, we have illegals here from every country in the world, hint, they ain't all brown people.
That's a lie, again, he's also talked about visa entry/exit tracking.

I'm sure the consultants he hired came up witha bunch of "reasonable sounding shit" to go along with the crazy.

It doesn't make the the crazy shit less crazy or racist...

None of his immigration policies are crazy, in fact they are all in accordance with existing law, and why is it when you regressives can't argue facts you always revert to the race card.

Why is the biometric exit tracking system still not in place?

The implementation of a biometric entry-exit screening system was one of the recommendations made in 2004 by the independent, bi-partisan 9/11 Commission. This idea was not original to the commission. In fact, it was already the law, albeit one never obeyed by the executive branch to this day.<<snip>>

Since 1996, an exasperated Congress has passed seven separate laws requiring biometric entry-exit screening. Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama have all failed in their constitutional duty to faithfully execute those laws. And for 20 years, Congress has failed to ensure its laws are taken as more than mere suggestions by the president.

Why is the biometric exit tracking system still not in place?
None of his immigration policies are crazy, in fact they are all in accordance with existing law, and why is it when you regressives can't argue facts you always revert to the race card.

no building a 2000 mile wall and expecting another country to pay for it is batshit crazy stuff meant to appeal to inbred rednecks unable to understand concepts like "Engineering".

If 3 Presidents have ignored this silly law, there's probably a good reason.
None of his immigration policies are crazy, in fact they are all in accordance with existing law, and why is it when you regressives can't argue facts you always revert to the race card.

no building a 2000 mile wall and expecting another country to pay for it is batshit crazy stuff meant to appeal to inbred rednecks unable to understand concepts like "Engineering".

If 3 Presidents have ignored this silly law, there's probably a good reason.

If you seriously think the wall can't be built, it's you that doesn't understand engineering.

And yeah those three had a reason, all three are fucking globalist who could give a rats ass about illegal immigration. It would be extremely easy to track visa overstays and make them pay for their own capture and deportation.
A diversion tactic among liberals on the issue would be to refer to the race of those an enforcement of law would effect and label the endorser to strengthening support of the law as a racist, while at the same time addressing no policy of enforcement to tackle the problem effecting our nation. Foreign immigrants sneaking across our border "illegally" and in violation of Federal Immigration Laws is one of those very issues that the previous statement accurately reflects. So enforcement of the law has been reduced to "finding racial scapegoats"

Nice try. But not really. Trump doesn't talk about the Polish Workers who did work on his buildings in New York or the Models he brought over on business visas to illegally work as models.


Former models for Donald Trump's agency say they violated immigration rules and worked illegally

He's talking about them brown people that racists like you hate.

What other issues do the democrats want to avoid addressing. Making general statements without specific examples does not prove your point in the least, rather it only strengthens my previous response. Face facts, you have proven to be incapable of keeping a debate on the issues, without diverting to labeling for a lack of actual substance or facts to ring into the discussion.

Guy, i just posted two specific examples of Trump's companies violating the immigration laws he now is supposedly for.

But if you want other specific examples of Trump's Nazi tendencies... let's look at these.

This horde of neo-Nazis, KKK, and other extremist leaders all openly backing Trump is chilling

Donald Trump: "Torture works" - CBS News

Donald Trump’s RNC Speech Was a Terrifying Display of Nightmarish Authoritarianism

But the important thing is that Hillary used the wrong e-mail server!!! And she said the Benghazi Attack might have been about a video!!!!

"Brown people that racists like you hate"

Joe, you don't honestly know what a racist is. You just like to divert because you can't honestly talk about the issue of illegal entry by immigrants at our nation's borders. What specific racist remark can you point to that my post specifically made that fits the definition of a racist. You just like throwing terminology around out of convenience for a lack of intelligence on the issue being discussed. Not once were you able to talk about the Federal Immigration Laws as it pertains to our borders and those immigrants who violate it.

In fact, I'd be pretty accurate in summarizing your position to say that - Racism, in the context imposed by liberals such as you Joe, equates to an individual who's views and ideology stands contrary to the liberal perception of the role of government. Simply because I believe our Federal Laws that were passed by Congress and signed into law, should be enforced.
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It's what Hillary supporters are forced to do because they KNOW their candidate is totally corrupt and even Democrats don't believe what comes out of her mouth!

Old Style's Classice Quotes

"A politician lied to me!"

"I went to a whorehouse and didn't feel loved."

"I wend to the Denny's and the food sucked."

You lie almost as badly as Hillary, Joey!
The Dems claim to care about non-whites, but when a non-white decides to exercise his/her freedom to vote for something other than the Democrats, the "care" is quickly replaced by HATE...
You damn fool, we have illegals here from every country in the world, hint, they ain't all brown people.

But yet Trumpenfuhrer wants to only build a wall to keep the brown ones out...

I'm don't think Joe has quite grasped what a racist remark is, as he is the only one in this discussion to be found using such statements.

He's nothing but a fucking troll, but it's too much fun bitch slapping him to put him on ignore.
You damn fool, we have illegals here from every country in the world, hint, they ain't all brown people.

But yet Trumpenfuhrer wants to only build a wall to keep the brown ones out...

I'm don't think Joe has quite grasped what a racist remark is, as he is the only one in this discussion to be found using such statements.

In "Joey World" no liberal can be a racist...no matter how racist the statements they make are...and no conservative can be anything BUT a racist...even if they've never made a racist remark in their entire lives!
If you seriously think the wall can't be built, it's you that doesn't understand engineering.

Here's what an actual engineer has to say...

An Engineer Explains Why Trump's Wall Is So Implausible

The challenge of Trump’s border wall is not technical, but logistical. The leap in complexity between “building a wall” and “building a 2,000-mile-long continuous border wall in the desert” is about equal to the gap between “killing a guy” and “waging a protracted land war.” Trump’s border wall, if built as he has described it, would be one of the largest civil works projects in the history of the country and would face an array of challenges not found when constructing 95-story skyscrapers.

If we assume a border wall length of 1,954 miles (there are 600 or so miles of existing border barrier, but much of this would not qualify for Trump’s wall), then we can make some estimates as to the volume of concrete needed for the project:

  • Foundation: 6 feet deep, 18 inch radius = 42.4 cubic feet
  • Column: 4 square feet area by 30 feet tall = 120 cubic feet
  • Wall panels: 25 feet tall by 10 feet long by 8 inches thick = 166.7 cubic feet
  • Total concrete per 10-foot segment = 329.1 cubic feet
  • 1,954 miles = 10,300,00 feet = 1,030,000 segments (10-feet long each)
  • 1,030,000 segments * 329.1 cubic feet per segment = 339,000,000 cubic feet = 12,555,000 cubic yards. (The cubic yard is the standard unit of measure of concrete volume in the United States.)
Twelve million, six hundred thousand cubic yards. In other words, this wall would contain over three times the amount of concrete used to build the Hoover Dam — a project that, unlike Trump’s wall, has qualitative, verifiable economic benefits.
"Brown people that racists like you hate"

Joe, you don't honestly know what a racist is. You just like to divert because you can't honestly talk about the issue of illegal entry by immigrants at our nation's borders. What specific racist remark can you point to that my post specifically made that fits the definition of a racist. You just like throwing terminology around out of convenience for a lack of intelligence on the issue being discussed. Not once were you able to talk about the Federal Immigration Laws as it pertains to our borders and those immigrants who violate it.

In fact, I'd be pretty accurate in summarizing your position to say that - Racism, in the context imposed by liberals such as you Joe, equates to an individual who's views and ideology stands contrary to the liberal perception of the role of government. Simply because I believe our Federal Laws that were passed by Congress and signed into law, should be enforced.

Somehow, I doubt you had such affection for the Assault Weapons ban when Congress passed it.

No, guy, Trump supporters are racist. Just because you don't say "wetback" and "Beaner" doesn't make you any less racist.

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