39 I don't recall, I don't remember to the FBI

Hey, how about requiring a Judge and an actual hearing to put a citizen on the list. Otherwise the mere existence of a list is unconstitutional.

So essentially, you think the Constitution IS a suicide pact. Got it.

Nope, you want list, do it the right way, then you can use it for any damn thing you want. But secret lists that deny a person their liberty is a violation of the 4th and 6th Amendments.
Nope, you want list, do it the right way, then you can use it for any damn thing you want. But secret lists that deny a person their liberty is a violation of the 4th and 6th Amendments.

Has anyone challenged the constitutionality of the No Fly List and won?

Didn't think so.

Yep, but the courts didn't go far enough, they only provided a way to appeal being on the list instead of requiring due process to be placed on the list in the first place.
Yep, but the courts didn't go far enough, they only provided a way to appeal being on the list instead of requiring due process to be placed on the list in the first place.

Meh, the thing is, by the time you do the "Due Process" to put a crazy person on the list, he's probably already flown the plane into the skyscraper...

But don't worry, he's still totally free to shoot up the nightclub. Just like the Founding Slave Rapists wanted.
You pontificate about "honesty", Joey...while supporting one of the most dishonest people in the history of our country...someone who has lied repeatedly for decades about both large and small things. You accuse conservatives of all being racists while excusing liberals who use derogatory descriptions of Hispanics. Who's really the dishonest person here?

Ive seen morelies coming out of your piehole than Hillary's, douchebag.

Lets take the current one. You claimed someone in the DNC said something about "Taco Bell" and then claimed that's why DWS resigned... That's not an honest discussion

I support Hillary because Trump is a fucking Nazi. That she lied about blow jobs or emails isn't important. because again... you nominated a fucking Nazi.

I didn't claim that the Taco Bell comment got Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the three others canned. It was the outrage from Bernie Sanders' supporters who booed her off the stage every time she tried to speak that made that happen! What's telling is they weren't outraged about the Taco Bell comment...that didn't even ruffle feathers in the Democratic Party! Yet you accuse Republicans of being racists all the time.

Donald Trump is not a Nazi. You lie every time you make that claim.
I didn't claim that the Taco Bell comment got Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the three others canned. It was the outrage from Bernie Sanders' supporters who booed her off the stage every time she tried to speak that made that happen! What's telling is they weren't outraged about the Taco Bell comment...that didn't even ruffle feathers in the Democratic Party! Yet you accuse Republicans of being racists all the time.

Probably because it wasn't said by anyone important and more than likely, taken out of context. Since you've been whining about it for two pages now, you are probably making shit up.

So wasting my time..

Fox News' MacDonald Falsely Claims Leaked DNC “Taco Bowl Engagement” Email Was A “Slam On Latino Voters”

Fox News’ Liz MacDonald falsely claimed one of the leaked email from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) hack showed party officials referring to Latino voter engagement as “taco bowl engagement.” The actualemail is discussing a new video “to mop up more taco bowl engagement, and demonstrate Trump isn’t actually trying.” The email is dated May 6, one day after Donald Trump’s “taco bowls” tweet on Cinco de Mayo. A Univision article highlighted the timing, and pointed out the DNC put out a video on May 6, slamming Trump’s offensive tweet. McDonald ignored the context of the email, calling it “basically a slam on Latino voters.” From the July 27 edition of Fox Business Network’s Varney & Co.:
Yep, but the courts didn't go far enough, they only provided a way to appeal being on the list instead of requiring due process to be placed on the list in the first place.

Meh, the thing is, by the time you do the "Due Process" to put a crazy person on the list, he's probably already flown the plane into the skyscraper...

But don't worry, he's still totally free to shoot up the nightclub. Just like the Founding Slave Rapists wanted.

Great, let's just throw your ass in jail and let you go through appeals to try to get out. Same principle.
Oh, trust me...Debbie DID "antagonize" a lot of the Bernie Sanders people! You tend to get pissed off when you find out the other side has been fixing the race! That however doesn't change the fact that leadership in the DNC were jokingly referring to Hispanics as the "Taco Bell Vote"!

You see, this is where you are being typically dishonest Dog Style. Debbie didn't call them that. Neither did anyone who was a top leader. And since these emails came from Trumps Russian Masters, you have to take them with a grain of salt.

Everything OK just said about the wall is simple common sense, Sparky. Your "engineer" is the one with no clue about what building the wall would require. By the way...securing the border doesn't have to consist of just a big wall from the Gulf to the Pacific Ocean. With the technology we have now we SHOULD be able to monitor hundreds of miles of that border with cameras and drones sending Border Patrol agents to where they are needed. That of course would require the will to do it.

Well, we can really build a wall even though engineers say we can't, but dammit, we don't really need to build a wall.

Of course, you racists don't put the blame for this problem where it really belongs- on American policy. The reason why we had a big influx of illegals in the 1990's was because thanks to our farm policy, cheap yellow corn (subsidized by the government and able to get into Mexico thanks to NAFTA) pretty much wiped out Mexican farmers who grew white corn.

But you see, the problem is, because you and OKRedneck and FakeLibertarian are racists, you don't see the source of the problem, nor that only half of the undocumented immigrants came from Mexico. Or that the reason why illegals come here is because Rich people like Trump hire them so they don't have to pay Americans a fair wage.

Nope, some Nazi tells you he's going to get those guys by building a wall, and you pretty much seig heil when he does like mindless drones.

That's saying a lot from someone who only recently said "illegal immigration isn't a big enough problem to worry about."

Judging by that bloviated rhetoric tone and choice of words above, I'd say you are rather ignorant and by far worse than those (so called) racist haters you label as Trump supporters . By all means continue Joe, and show us more of that well educated 'holier than thou' image. It's rather entertaining coming from you
Great, let's just throw your ass in jail and let you go through appeals to try to get out. Same principle.

Not really. Not having a gun wouldn't have any real effect on my life. Neither would never flying on a plane ever again.

On the other hand, if I really were a terrorist, I could do real damage with those things. And people have.

Now, I understand wny you gun nuts piss yourselves over the thought of someone deciding whether or not you need a gun... most of you don't.
That's saying a lot from someone who only recently said "illegal immigration isn't a big enough problem to worry about."

Judging by that bloviated rhetoric tone and choice of words above, I'd say you are rather ignorant and by far worse than those (so called) racist haters you label as Trump supporters . By all means continue Joe, and show us more of that well educated 'holier than thou' image. It's rather entertaining coming from you

I usually don't engage retarded libertarian children....but clearly, your inability to address the points made are duly noted.
Great, let's just throw your ass in jail and let you go through appeals to try to get out. Same principle.

Not really. Not having a gun wouldn't have any real effect on my life. Neither would never flying on a plane ever again.

On the other hand, if I really were a terrorist, I could do real damage with those things. And people have.

Now, I understand wny you gun nuts piss yourselves over the thought of someone deciding whether or not you need a gun... most of you don't.

"The court concludes international travel is not a mere convenience or luxury in this modern world. Indeed, for many international travel is a necessary aspect of liberties sacred to members of a free society," wrote U.S. District Court Judge Anna Brown in Portland, Ore. "Accordingly, on this record the court concludes plaintiffs inclusion on the no-fly list constitutes a significant deprivation of their liberty interests in international travel."

Judge rules no-fly list violates travelers' rights

It's all about the deprivation of liberty with out due process dummy. The 4th and 14th amendments say you can't do that and the 6th guarantees your right to confront your accusers. If the government wants to violate these rights it has to be done before a court of law, not some bureaucrat entering data on a computer. And now you idiots want to deny 2nd amendment rights based on the same, that's bullshit. So yeah putting your ass in jail without charges and making you prove your innocence though appeals is the SAME PRINCIPLE.
That's saying a lot from someone who only recently said "illegal immigration isn't a big enough problem to worry about."

Judging by that bloviated rhetoric tone and choice of words above, I'd say you are rather ignorant and by far worse than those (so called) racist haters you label as Trump supporters . By all means continue Joe, and show us more of that well educated 'holier than thou' image. It's rather entertaining coming from you

I usually don't engage retarded libertarian children....but clearly, your inability to address the points made are duly noted.

Wait! Who was going on the childish rant of calling Trump supporters racist and nazis? Shall I go over some of your chosen rhetoric
over the issue of border enforcement? Try growing up a little son if you can't handle a thread like an adult.

As for the issue of illegal immigration, democrats (as I have stated earlier) don't have a plan to solve the flow of illegals sneaking across our border. Rather, they set up and support sanctuary cities which encourages more illegals to come over, by concealing their immigration status from ICE. Liberal supporters support the use of taxpayer dollars to offer illegals a driver's license, paid tuition, as well as receive paid state healthcare with the passage of the ACA mandate, while they are not even following the most basic and legitiment Federal Law. President Obama even protects states which are in violation, as there is no clear legislative language provided by Congress that allows sanctuary cities such authority to set their own immigration policy contrary to what our nation allows.

Our Federal Immigration laws specifically states what classifies an individual as an illegal or American citizen, and WHO has the authority of deportation to those immigrants who are breaking the law. That is the central focal point of the issue, a respect and support of our federal law. A law which gives clear set of government procedures and background checks for ALL immigrants that desire an opportunity to become American citizens to follow. It doesn't give favored treatment to any select group(s) needing a fast track to citizenship. Our current Immigration Law gives equal treatment and the same procedures, rules, and opportunities to establish a legal means of acquiring the rights of a citizen of the United States.

If you desire to label those who have a respect of those laws as racist, for wanting to uphold the legislative process that granted our current system of immigration. Then YOU are a big part of the problem of desiring to set your own preferred policies, when you find yourself unable to use and follow our established Constitutional method for CHANGING those laws.

Now are you finally able to put on your big boy pants and debate the issues, or do you want to stick to your childish ignorant rants that you've shown on this thread?
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It's all about the deprivation of liberty with out due process dummy. The 4th and 14th amendments say you can't do that and the 6th guarantees your right to confront your accusers. If the government wants to violate these rights it has to be done before a court of law, not some bureaucrat entering data on a computer. And now you idiots want to deny 2nd amendment rights based on the same, that's bullshit. So yeah putting your ass in jail without charges and making you prove your innocence though appeals is the SAME PRINCIPLE.

so essentially, you think that your bizarre interpretation of the Militia Amendment is more important that protecting lives.

Got it.

It's all about the deprivation of liberty with out due process dummy. The 4th and 14th amendments say you can't do that and the 6th guarantees your right to confront your accusers. If the government wants to violate these rights it has to be done before a court of law, not some bureaucrat entering data on a computer. And now you idiots want to deny 2nd amendment rights based on the same, that's bullshit. So yeah putting your ass in jail without charges and making you prove your innocence though appeals is the SAME PRINCIPLE.

so essentially, you think that your bizarre interpretation of the Militia Amendment is more important that protecting lives.

Got it.

Address what I said, not what you in your warped mind think I said.
Address what I said, not what you in your warped mind think I said.

I did. Did you need someone to help you with the big words again?

Bye troll.

Your concession is duly noted, again.

But for the sane.... There is no right to fly on a plane. Plane flight can effect others, and therefore should be controlled.

Gun ownership SHOULD be the same. Even the nuttiest gun nuts admits that crazy people and criminals shouldn't be allowed to own guns. (While no one would thinks that we should take away their first or sixth amendment rights.)

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