39 I don't recall, I don't remember to the FBI

"Fuck those guys!" Really, Joe? Fuck Congress? Do you understand the concept of three branches of government...each with powers to constrain the others? Congress is the people's representatives...

Again- These people's representatives haven't fixed health care, haven't passed a balanced budget, haven't fixed dozens of problems, but they keep holding hearing after hearing about Clinton's Emails.... Seriously, fuck those guys.

When Clinton hid her servers and conducted all of her official business through those hidden servers she broke the law.
That's your opinion. Comey reviewed it and came to a different conclusion. The difference his, his opinion is the one that actually counts.

If that's how she behaves BEFORE she becomes President...what do you think she's going to do if she ever becomes President!

Whatever she does, it's going to still be better than ANYTHING THAT NAZI YOU NOMINATED DOES.

Get it? I don't really care what she does. I don't care if she turns the Lincoln Bedroom into a bordello.

What's in it for me? That's my new standard.

Trump is going to fuck it up. Hillary won't.
The truth, Joey...is that Hillary Clinton brought this whole email scandal on herself! Instead of leveling with the American public about what really took place in Benghazi and taking the blame for leaving our diplomats without adequate security,

Blah, blah, blah... the problem is you wingnuts will keep finding 'scandals' no matter what the Clintons say or do.

The only guy to blame for Benghazi was Stevens going there when he knew it was dangerous. But when you guys couldn't prove Hillary did anything wrong after 9 investigations, you moved on to the e-mails. When you've failed to prove any wrongdoing there, you've moved on to the Clinton Foundation. (You know, the nice people who send food and medicine to poor folks).
Lets say they are not scandals....just conspiracy wingnut crap.....then the following is still true.....

1) Clinton was remiss in her responsibilities when she delegated decisions on Benghazi security to lower level employees. We know this because security was not strong enough when attacked.

2) Clinton was remiss when she chose the individuals who decided a private email server was not a bad idea. We know this because...well...she now says it was not a good idea.

3) She was remiss when she did not send out a mandate to all Clinton Foundation employees from contacting the state department asking for favors. Sure, they were not granted, but did she not know ahead of time that allowing electronic communication between the two entities was not in the best interest of the integrity of the department of state?

So those alone....3 different items of being "remiss" as secretary of state.........one that cost lives, another that compromised national security and a third that put the integrity of the department of state in question.,......does that not give you reason to wonder if she may not be the best decision maker and therefore a very poor choice for the highest office in the land?

I know.,.....now you will divert and say "and trump is a good decision maker?"

But really.....tell me....do you see her as a good decision maker?

Care to take a stab at explaining why two of the IT people who worked on Clinton's private servers took the 5th when called to testify in front of Congress, Joe?

Same reason Lerner did. Fuck those guys. They aren't a court and they aren't law enforcement.

Are we really going to go through this argument again.

Care to explain why another ignored the subpoena issued by Congress to appear? Care to comment on the one who did show up and actually answer questions admitting that he had complete access to Clinton's servers that contained classified information so sensitive that it can't be shown to members of Congress even though that Clinton staffer had no security clearance whatsoever?

Guy, the Government declares NEWS STORIES IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN as "Classified" if it mentions programs they don't want to admit they are doing.

You see, this is why I just can't take you guys seriously... you've been doing this bullshit since the 1990's, and it's getting old.


Because I will say it again. I don't give a fuck if Hillary sends out Seal Team Six to whack Monica Lewinsky. As long as I am making good money and not have to worry about another recession, I could not care less.

The Orange Nazi you guys nominated WILL fuck it up if elected. Even a lot of Republicans have said so. Hillary, probably not.

Jesus, I know you aren't capable of common sense or a sense of proportion, but at least be capable of self-interest!!!!

You see, back in the 1990's, I really boughtinto this bullshit. And then Bush got elected, and man, he didn't fuck any interns.

He crashed the economy, twice, got us into a war, let a major city get wiped out by a hurricane, but boy, he wasn't fucking any interns...

he just gave us a lot of THIS...

and THIS


and THIS


Seriously, fuck you babbling about Servers and shit.

"Fuck those guys!" Really, Joe? Fuck Congress? Do you understand the concept of three branches of government...each with powers to constrain the others? Congress is the people's representatives...they are who we elect locally to protect our interests nationally. It's Congress' job to oversee the Executive Branch...in large part to prevent corruption. When Clinton hid her servers and conducted all of her official business through those hidden servers she broke the law. You can't be a government official or employee and not maintain your official documents and communications. Those don't belong to you...they belong to the public and the public can demand to see them through the Freedom of Information Act or through their elected Congressperson or Senator. When Clinton destroyed those 33,000 emails that she knew Congress wanted to see she was flaunting the Freedom of Information Act and giving Congress the finger. If that's how she behaves BEFORE she becomes President...what do you think she's going to do if she ever becomes President!

It does little good to debate a partisan hack.

If anyone on this forum is a paid DNC or Soros poster it is Joe. He has consistently attacked Rs are every turn, while commending and defending Ds at every turn....he is the epitome of a partisan hack.
The truth, Joey...is that Hillary Clinton brought this whole email scandal on herself! Instead of leveling with the American public about what really took place in Benghazi and taking the blame for leaving our diplomats without adequate security,

Blah, blah, blah... the problem is you wingnuts will keep finding 'scandals' no matter what the Clintons say or do.

The only guy to blame for Benghazi was Stevens going there when he knew it was dangerous. But when you guys couldn't prove Hillary did anything wrong after 9 investigations, you moved on to the e-mails. When you've failed to prove any wrongdoing there, you've moved on to the Clinton Foundation. (You know, the nice people who send food and medicine to poor folks).
Lets say they are not scandals....just conspiracy wingnut crap.....then the following is still true.....

1) Clinton was remiss in her responsibilities when she delegated decisions on Benghazi security to lower level employees. We know this because security was not strong enough when attacked.

2) Clinton was remiss when she chose the individuals who decided a private email server was not a bad idea. We know this because...well...she now says it was not a good idea.

3) She was remiss when she did not send out a mandate to all Clinton Foundation employees from contacting the state department asking for favors. Sure, they were not granted, but did she not know ahead of time that allowing electronic communication between the two entities was not in the best interest of the integrity of the department of state?

So those alone....3 different items of being "remiss" as secretary of state.........one that cost lives, another that compromised national security and a third that put the integrity of the department of state in question.,......does that not give you reason to wonder if she may not be the best decision maker and therefore a very poor choice for the highest office in the land?

I know.,.....now you will divert and say "and trump is a good decision maker?"

But really.....tell me....do you see her as a good decision maker?

Care to take a stab at explaining why two of the IT people who worked on Clinton's private servers took the 5th when called to testify in front of Congress, Joe?

Same reason Lerner did. Fuck those guys. They aren't a court and they aren't law enforcement.

Are we really going to go through this argument again.

Care to explain why another ignored the subpoena issued by Congress to appear? Care to comment on the one who did show up and actually answer questions admitting that he had complete access to Clinton's servers that contained classified information so sensitive that it can't be shown to members of Congress even though that Clinton staffer had no security clearance whatsoever?

Guy, the Government declares NEWS STORIES IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN as "Classified" if it mentions programs they don't want to admit they are doing.

You see, this is why I just can't take you guys seriously... you've been doing this bullshit since the 1990's, and it's getting old.


Because I will say it again. I don't give a fuck if Hillary sends out Seal Team Six to whack Monica Lewinsky. As long as I am making good money and not have to worry about another recession, I could not care less.

The Orange Nazi you guys nominated WILL fuck it up if elected. Even a lot of Republicans have said so. Hillary, probably not.

Jesus, I know you aren't capable of common sense or a sense of proportion, but at least be capable of self-interest!!!!

You see, back in the 1990's, I really boughtinto this bullshit. And then Bush got elected, and man, he didn't fuck any interns.

He crashed the economy, twice, got us into a war, let a major city get wiped out by a hurricane, but boy, he wasn't fucking any interns...

he just gave us a lot of THIS...

and THIS


and THIS


Seriously, fuck you babbling about Servers and shit.

"Fuck those guys!" Really, Joe? Fuck Congress? Do you understand the concept of three branches of government...each with powers to constrain the others? Congress is the people's representatives...they are who we elect locally to protect our interests nationally. It's Congress' job to oversee the Executive Branch...in large part to prevent corruption. When Clinton hid her servers and conducted all of her official business through those hidden servers she broke the law. You can't be a government official or employee and not maintain your official documents and communications. Those don't belong to you...they belong to the public and the public can demand to see them through the Freedom of Information Act or through their elected Congressperson or Senator. When Clinton destroyed those 33,000 emails that she knew Congress wanted to see she was flaunting the Freedom of Information Act and giving Congress the finger. If that's how she behaves BEFORE she becomes President...what do you think she's going to do if she ever becomes President!

It does little good to debate a partisan hack.

If anyone on this forum is a paid DNC or Soros poster it is Joe. He has consistently attacked Rs are every turn, while commending and defending Ds at every turn....he is the epitome of a partisan hack.

People like Joey are why Donald Trump is gaining on Hillary Clinton. I think the average American is tired of the liberal bullshit. Donald Trump isn't a "Nazi" but progressives practice the politics of division these days. If you don't agree with their political views then you're in the "basket of deplorables" and you're labeled as such!
The truth, Joey...is that Hillary Clinton brought this whole email scandal on herself! Instead of leveling with the American public about what really took place in Benghazi and taking the blame for leaving our diplomats without adequate security,

Blah, blah, blah... the problem is you wingnuts will keep finding 'scandals' no matter what the Clintons say or do.

The only guy to blame for Benghazi was Stevens going there when he knew it was dangerous. But when you guys couldn't prove Hillary did anything wrong after 9 investigations, you moved on to the e-mails. When you've failed to prove any wrongdoing there, you've moved on to the Clinton Foundation. (You know, the nice people who send food and medicine to poor folks).
Lets say they are not scandals....just conspiracy wingnut crap.....then the following is still true.....

1) Clinton was remiss in her responsibilities when she delegated decisions on Benghazi security to lower level employees. We know this because security was not strong enough when attacked.

2) Clinton was remiss when she chose the individuals who decided a private email server was not a bad idea. We know this because...well...she now says it was not a good idea.

3) She was remiss when she did not send out a mandate to all Clinton Foundation employees from contacting the state department asking for favors. Sure, they were not granted, but did she not know ahead of time that allowing electronic communication between the two entities was not in the best interest of the integrity of the department of state?

So those alone....3 different items of being "remiss" as secretary of state.........one that cost lives, another that compromised national security and a third that put the integrity of the department of state in question.,......does that not give you reason to wonder if she may not be the best decision maker and therefore a very poor choice for the highest office in the land?

I know.,.....now you will divert and say "and trump is a good decision maker?"

But really.....tell me....do you see her as a good decision maker?

Care to take a stab at explaining why two of the IT people who worked on Clinton's private servers took the 5th when called to testify in front of Congress, Joe?

Same reason Lerner did. Fuck those guys. They aren't a court and they aren't law enforcement.

Are we really going to go through this argument again.

Care to explain why another ignored the subpoena issued by Congress to appear? Care to comment on the one who did show up and actually answer questions admitting that he had complete access to Clinton's servers that contained classified information so sensitive that it can't be shown to members of Congress even though that Clinton staffer had no security clearance whatsoever?

Guy, the Government declares NEWS STORIES IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN as "Classified" if it mentions programs they don't want to admit they are doing.

You see, this is why I just can't take you guys seriously... you've been doing this bullshit since the 1990's, and it's getting old.


Because I will say it again. I don't give a fuck if Hillary sends out Seal Team Six to whack Monica Lewinsky. As long as I am making good money and not have to worry about another recession, I could not care less.

The Orange Nazi you guys nominated WILL fuck it up if elected. Even a lot of Republicans have said so. Hillary, probably not.

Jesus, I know you aren't capable of common sense or a sense of proportion, but at least be capable of self-interest!!!!

You see, back in the 1990's, I really boughtinto this bullshit. And then Bush got elected, and man, he didn't fuck any interns.

He crashed the economy, twice, got us into a war, let a major city get wiped out by a hurricane, but boy, he wasn't fucking any interns...

he just gave us a lot of THIS...

and THIS


and THIS


Seriously, fuck you babbling about Servers and shit.

"Fuck those guys!" Really, Joe? Fuck Congress? Do you understand the concept of three branches of government...each with powers to constrain the others? Congress is the people's representatives...they are who we elect locally to protect our interests nationally. It's Congress' job to oversee the Executive Branch...in large part to prevent corruption. When Clinton hid her servers and conducted all of her official business through those hidden servers she broke the law. You can't be a government official or employee and not maintain your official documents and communications. Those don't belong to you...they belong to the public and the public can demand to see them through the Freedom of Information Act or through their elected Congressperson or Senator. When Clinton destroyed those 33,000 emails that she knew Congress wanted to see she was flaunting the Freedom of Information Act and giving Congress the finger. If that's how she behaves BEFORE she becomes President...what do you think she's going to do if she ever becomes President!

It does little good to debate a partisan hack.

If anyone on this forum is a paid DNC or Soros poster it is Joe. He has consistently attacked Rs are every turn, while commending and defending Ds at every turn....he is the epitome of a partisan hack.

People like Joey are why Donald Trump is gaining on Hillary Clinton. I think the average American is tired of the liberal bullshit. Donald Trump isn't a "Nazi" but progressives practice the politics of division these days. If you don't agree with their political views then you're in the "basket of deplorables" and you're labeled as such!
You most certainly are right about the left and their media dividing Americans with their inflammatory propaganda. They must demonize their political opponents to keep their followers on the plantation.

Most of the lefties here think anyone on the right is automatically a racist, sexist, homophobe, Islamaphobe, etc...they are told this propaganda every day and they are not smart enough to overcome it.
People like Joey are why Donald Trump is gaining on Hillary Clinton. I think the average American is tired of the liberal bullshit. Donald Trump isn't a "Nazi" but progressives practice the politics of division these days. If you don't agree with their political views then you're in the "basket of deplorables" and you're labeled as such!

Trump is gaining on Hillary because we are a stupid country that mistakes celebrity for merit. That and people like you are so full of hate that you can't see what danger you are putting the world into.
1) Clinton was remiss in her responsibilities when she delegated decisions on Benghazi security to lower level employees. We know this because security was not strong enough when attacked.

Okay, most details are handled by lower level employees, and Clearly Stevens much have thought it was just fine, as he went there despite the danger.

2) Clinton was remiss when she chose the individuals who decided a private email server was not a bad idea. We know this because...well...she now says it was not a good idea.

Except all of her predecessors did the same thing. So, uh, no.

3) She was remiss when she did not send out a mandate to all Clinton Foundation employees from contacting the state department asking for favors. Sure, they were not granted, but did she not know ahead of time that allowing electronic communication between the two entities was not in the best interest of the integrity of the department of state?

Again, we have the "Clinton Standard". The Clintons should never engage in the sort of behavior that everyone inWashington engages in. It's the kind of thinking where Newt moves for impeachment over a blow job while he's banging a Lobbyist.

So those alone....3 different items of being "remiss" as secretary of state.........one that cost lives, another that compromised national security and a third that put the integrity of the department of state in question.,......does that not give you reason to wonder if she may not be the best decision maker and therefore a very poor choice for the highest office in the land?

Stevens asked for more security numerous times. Clintons lower level employees denied those requests. Seems she chose very poor lower level employees to delegate the work to

You have not been paying attention. Whereas her predecessors DID have personal email addresses that they used for personal and non classified business....NONE had their own server. It is the server that was the issue. Not the email address. Pay attention.

Clinton is running for president. She SHOULD be held to a higher standard.

You are a classical example of a "sheeple"
People like Joey are why Donald Trump is gaining on Hillary Clinton. I think the average American is tired of the liberal bullshit. Donald Trump isn't a "Nazi" but progressives practice the politics of division these days. If you don't agree with their political views then you're in the "basket of deplorables" and you're labeled as such!

Trump is gaining on Hillary because we are a stupid country that mistakes celebrity for merit. That and people like you are so full of hate that you can't see what danger you are putting the world into.
You refer to others as being so ull of hate? The one who refers to Trump as a Nazi with nothing to base it on except your "hate" for him.

Love the irony.
Trump is gaining on Hillary because we are a stupid country that mistakes celebrity for merit. That and people like you are so full of hate that you can't see what danger you are putting the world into.
Why do you hate Americans? I understand you hate me because you don't think I'm American, but the other 320+ million?
People like Joey are why Donald Trump is gaining on Hillary Clinton. I think the average American is tired of the liberal bullshit. Donald Trump isn't a "Nazi" but progressives practice the politics of division these days. If you don't agree with their political views then you're in the "basket of deplorables" and you're labeled as such!

Trump is gaining on Hillary because we are a stupid country that mistakes celebrity for merit. That and people like you are so full of hate that you can't see what danger you are putting the world into.
See? I told you so. Anyone who prefers Trump over Hillary is full of hate.

Left wingers are indoctrinated with this propaganda every day.
People like Joey are why Donald Trump is gaining on Hillary Clinton. I think the average American is tired of the liberal bullshit. Donald Trump isn't a "Nazi" but progressives practice the politics of division these days. If you don't agree with their political views then you're in the "basket of deplorables" and you're labeled as such!

Trump is a Nazi. But you cant get past your misogyny and racism to see it.

I would like to think our country is too smart to elect a complete racism, Nazi buffoon like Trump.

And then I imagine my grandfather in Germany saying the same thing about Hitler in 1933.
People like Joey are why Donald Trump is gaining on Hillary Clinton. I think the average American is tired of the liberal bullshit. Donald Trump isn't a "Nazi" but progressives practice the politics of division these days. If you don't agree with their political views then you're in the "basket of deplorables" and you're labeled as such!

Trump is a Nazi. But you cant get past your misogyny and racism to see it.

I would like to think our country is too smart to elect a complete racism, Nazi buffoon like Trump.

And then I imagine my grandfather in Germany saying the same thing about Hitler in 1933.

Donald Trump is not a Nazi. Resorting to calling him one simply shows how desperate you on the left have become. Labeling the opposition racist is what you people do when you're getting your ass handed to you.
You refer to others as being so ull of hate? The one who refers to Trump as a Nazi with nothing to base it on except your "hate" for him.

Love the irony.

Uh, I base it on the fact he uses racism to score political points and is an authoritarian and encourages his Brownshirts to beat people up.

Just like Hitler did.

Stevens asked for more security numerous times. Clintons lower level employees denied those requests. Seems she chose very poor lower level employees to delegate the work to

Guy, it's a lot more complicated than that. If Stevens felt that his security was inadequate, he should have threatened to resign. Or maybe take the military security that was offered to him and he turned down.

Official: Amb. Stevens Refused Additional Security | Military.com
People like Joey are why Donald Trump is gaining on Hillary Clinton. I think the average American is tired of the liberal bullshit. Donald Trump isn't a "Nazi" but progressives practice the politics of division these days. If you don't agree with their political views then you're in the "basket of deplorables" and you're labeled as such!

Trump is a Nazi. But you cant get past your misogyny and racism to see it.

I would like to think our country is too smart to elect a complete racism, Nazi buffoon like Trump.

And then I imagine my grandfather in Germany saying the same thing about Hitler in 1933.
Ah, the voices in Joey's head again.
Donald Trump is not a Nazi. Resorting to calling him one simply shows how desperate you on the left have become. Labeling the opposition racist is what you people do when you're getting your ass handed to you.

No calling someone a Nazi is what you do when a bunch of angry hateful people are about to elect one...

Trump is a Nazi..

Oh, here's a gem from your hero's ex-wife...

Donald Trump's ex-wife once said Trump kept a book of Hitler's speeches by his bed

"Last April, perhaps in a surge of Czech nationalism, Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed ... Hitler's speeches, from his earliest days up through the Phony War of 1939, reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist," Marie Brennerwrote.
You refer to others as being so ull of hate? The one who refers to Trump as a Nazi with nothing to base it on except your "hate" for him.

Love the irony.

Uh, I base it on the fact he uses racism to score political points and is an authoritarian and encourages his Brownshirts to beat people up.

Just like Hitler did.

Stevens asked for more security numerous times. Clintons lower level employees denied those requests. Seems she chose very poor lower level employees to delegate the work to

Guy, it's a lot more complicated than that. If Stevens felt that his security was inadequate, he should have threatened to resign. Or maybe take the military security that was offered to him and he turned down.

Official: Amb. Stevens Refused Additional Security | Military.com

"Why Stevens turned down the offers was unclear, given embassy officials during an Aug. 15 meeting concluded they could not defend the consulate in Benghazi amid deteriorating conditions in the city, government officials told McClatchy in an article published Tuesday."

Articles like that one are laughable, Joey because if they'd simply done a little research instead of taking the "word" of anonymous government officials they would have known that Stevens COULDN'T accept those offers! Testimony by Gregory Hicks explained why.

"What appears indisputable is that on two occasions in July and August 2012, General Carter Ham, commander of Africa Command (AFRICOM), asked Stevens directly if he wanted a special forces security team for Benghazi, which Ham could provide operating under military command. The offer was made because of Stevens’s concerns that the DOD-provided team he had was set to leave, when its term expired in August 2012. Security forces available for the U.S. Mission compound in Benghazi would drop to near zero with the departure of that team.

And Stevens did say no, when faced with this question from Ham. But he wasn’t saying no to an opportunity to have a big enough security force. He was saying no to an offer he didn’t have the authority to accept.

The State Department’s policy was to let the existing, DOD-provided security team go, and seek security support from the Libyans. Stevens had been arguing against that policy – Hicks gives chapter and verse on that – but he was losing.

Significantly, the DOD-provided team whose term was almost up at the time worked for State (meaning it reported to Stevens), and had diplomatic immunity for anything it might have to do to ensure security for the U.S. mission in country. If Stevens accepted a special forces team from Ham, it would be a on a different basis.

Two factors made the offer from Ham a non-starter for Stevens. One, it wasn’t in his power to override State policy. His uncommunicative “no’s” to General Ham were a way of complying with State policy, without airing the internal debate between him and his superiors.

Two, the issue of diplomatic immunity mattered. The U.S. had no status of forces agreement with Libya, the standard instrument by which the purview of U.S. military security forces is established between America and a foreign country where our forces operate. If a special forces team was there as part of the U.S. diplomatic mission, it had immunity; if it was there under DOD command, its status was unnegotiated: existing in a sort of twilight zone in which its actions – which could well include killing Libyans – would make our soldiers vulnerable to arrest and prosecution, and create major problems for Stevens and the U.S. government." Wall Street Journal
Donald Trump is not a Nazi. Resorting to calling him one simply shows how desperate you on the left have become. Labeling the opposition racist is what you people do when you're getting your ass handed to you.

No calling someone a Nazi is what you do when a bunch of angry hateful people are about to elect one...

Trump is a Nazi..

Oh, here's a gem from your hero's ex-wife...

Donald Trump's ex-wife once said Trump kept a book of Hitler's speeches by his bed

"Last April, perhaps in a surge of Czech nationalism, Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed ... Hitler's speeches, from his earliest days up through the Phony War of 1939, reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist," Marie Brennerwrote.

We're back to the nonsense Ivana Trump was saying in the midst of a nasty divorce back in 1990, Joey? You know like her claiming Trump "raped" her and then admitting years later that it never happened? You really are scraping the bottom of the barrel for your propaganda today, little buddy!
"Why Stevens turned down the offers was unclear, given embassy officials during an Aug. 15 meeting concluded they could not defend the consulate in Benghazi amid deteriorating conditions in the city, government officials told McClatchy in an article published Tuesday."

Articles like that one are laughable, Joey because if they'd simply done a little research instead of taking the "word" of anonymous government officials they would have known that Stevens COULDN'T accept those offers! Testimony by Gregory Hicks explained why.

Who is Gregory Hicks and who cares? Point was, Stevens chose to go to Benghazi knowing the danger.

BUt you wingnuts think 5000 Americans dying over Bush's Lies is okay, but Hillary is totally responsible for Chris Steven's bad judgment.

And your solution... "Let's Elect the Nazi who wants to abuse millions of people!"
We're back to the nonsense Ivana Trump was saying in the midst of a nasty divorce back in 1990, Joey? You know like her claiming Trump "raped" her and then admitting years later that it never happened? You really are scraping the bottom of the barrel for your propaganda today, little buddy!

Right... so it's just a coincidence that Ivana says that Trump reads Hitler's speeches and then does the same thing.

Fuck, guy, so let's see... Hillary is somehow professor moriarity, being guilty of everything despite millions spent investigating her...

But people saying bad stuff about Trump - even the mother of his children- we should totally ignore that.
So tell us regressives, what good is experience if you can't remember it and draw from it? Come on folks, tell us again how she's the most qualified person to ever run for the office.

Well I will tell you that their are real concerns with me about Hillary Clinton in regards to her judgement and some of the contents of the emails. She fucked up, period. Regarding Benghazi I don't think she is at fault. It was a tragedy that happens sometimes with all administrations, and there has been a witch hunt to try and blame her for causing deaths, pretty deplorable politics. That said the email leaks make her untrustworthy. As more comes out the position changes constantly, she lies about it. The DNC email leaks were also very eye opening about how things are done in the Democratic party, and it isn't pretty. Hillary is the torchbearer of the "third way democrat"(left on social issues but complete sell out to business and money) that the Democratic party has become. Also it is clear that she is just a terrible candidate, propped up by the DNC as the best option and voted as nominee by lemming Democrat voters...they could have chosen a better candidate but here we are.

That said Trump is a joke candidate and I rip on him relentlessly, it is easy to do and I won't get into all the reason he is a horrible choice. I lean left but vote for who I think is best for the job:Trump and Clinton both don't deserve it and I won't be voting for either of them. And for Democrats that will rip on me for this, it's not my fault for being childish or selfish, which I have been told I am because I won't vote for Hilldawg. It is your fault for giving me a shitty nominee I don't want to vote for. A lot of you condescending assholes have done all you can to drive independents away from the party during the primaries and are still doubling down on it.

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