
This means nothing unless one knows the same for the person she ends up running against.
But no we're told Hillary beats all comers in a match up.
In truth, Hillary has 100%name recognition and now 39% approval. The more voters see of her the less they like her.
The GOP candidates have far less name recognition but far higher approval ratings. The more people see of them, the more they like them.
It's no contest.
Statistheilhitler is snorting dog cum when he predicts a Hillary blowout. History shows it will be no such thing, except a repeat of Reagan over Carter.

Uhm, no, dogsnot.

Republicans have even worse approval/disapproval ratings than Hillary. You are an interesting liar.
If they DNC had any brains they would dump her and run Webb. I am quite sure that the dem power and money brokers would love to find a way to get rid of the clintons.

But they won't - they'll run Bernie or Liz.
Who the hell are these mysterious power brokers? Hint: Dems have voters, not billionaire POSs brainwashing the chumps and buying off the candidates....
Delusional.....Obama is in bed with Wall Street. So is the DNC....Cut the bullshit.
No one get elected without the backing of wealthy power brokers.
If they DNC had any brains they would dump her and run Webb. I am quite sure that the dem power and money brokers would love to find a way to get rid of the clintons.

But they won't - they'll run Bernie or Liz.

Question: if someone offered to bet you $20 on whether the final Democratic primary candidate will be Sanders or Warren, would you take it on the side of it not being either of them?
Yup. The corporate news love for Sanders is based on their need for controversy and ratings. He's too extreme for the general election.
If they DNC had any brains they would dump her and run Webb. I am quite sure that the dem power and money brokers would love to find a way to get rid of the clintons.

But they won't - they'll run Bernie or Liz.
Who the hell are these mysterious power brokers? Hint: Dems have voters, not billionaire POSs brainwashing the chumps and buying off the candidates....
Delusional.....Obama is in bed with Wall Street. So is the DNC....Cut the bullshit.
No one get elected without the backing of wealthy power brokers.
They are capitalists of course, but for fair regulation, unlike corrupt GOP ideological fools/shills...
lol, lucky for her she's going to get to run against Trump. lol

we can only hope, Trump would destroy her in a debate on any topic, and would beat her in the general. The only republican she could beat is Jeb Bush, and that would be very close because most voters would say "screw it" and stay home.

He can't win with 80% disapproval from Hispanics.

First of all, legal hispanics will vote for him, illegals cannot vote

second, the hispanic vote does not decide our national elections, the people who stay home on election day decide them.
Ny Carb like all other uninformed libs believe everyone of color should vote democrat in lockstep. And those who don't become the target of vicious insults and threats.
Anybody who votes greedy idiot racist fundie New BS GOP deserves ridicule.
Yeah...Way to be a retard. I was referring to members of politically correct protected classes who refuse to vote in lockstep for democrats.
You are breathing the same fire of those you hate.
If they DNC had any brains they would dump her and run Webb. I am quite sure that the dem power and money brokers would love to find a way to get rid of the clintons.

But they won't - they'll run Bernie or Liz.
Who the hell are these mysterious power brokers? Hint: Dems have voters, not billionaire POSs brainwashing the chumps and buying off the candidates....
Delusional.....Obama is in bed with Wall Street. So is the DNC....Cut the bullshit.
No one get elected without the backing of wealthy power brokers.
They are capitalists of course, but for fair regulation, unlike corrupt GOP ideological fools/shills...
Oh please.....Cut the bullshit.
You are a true believer. No one is safe as long as stupid people like you get to have an opinion.
lol, lucky for her she's going to get to run against Trump. lol

we can only hope, Trump would destroy her in a debate on any topic, and would beat her in the general. The only republican she could beat is Jeb Bush, and that would be very close because most voters would say "screw it" and stay home.

Conditional on the eventual Republican nominee not being Bush, and the eventual Democratic nominee being Hillary, how certain are you of a Republican win?
This means nothing unless one knows the same for the person she ends up running against.
But no we're told Hillary beats all comers in a match up.
In truth, Hillary has 100%name recognition and now 39% approval. The more voters see of her the less they like her.
The GOP candidates have far less name recognition but far higher approval ratings. The more people see of them, the more they like them.
It's no contest.
Statistheilhitler is snorting dog cum when he predicts a Hillary blowout. History shows it will be no such thing, except a repeat of Reagan over Carter.

Uhm, no, dogsnot.

Republicans have even worse approval/disapproval ratings than Hillary. You are an interesting liar.
Wrong, lying asshole.
This means nothing unless one knows the same for the person she ends up running against.
But no we're told Hillary beats all comers in a match up.
In truth, Hillary has 100%name recognition and now 39% approval. The more voters see of her the less they like her.
The GOP candidates have far less name recognition but far higher approval ratings. The more people see of them, the more they like them.
It's no contest.
Statistheilhitler is snorting dog cum when he predicts a Hillary blowout. History shows it will be no such thing, except a repeat of Reagan over Carter.

Uhm, no, dogsnot.

Republicans have even worse approval/disapproval ratings than Hillary. You are an interesting liar.
Wrong, lying asshole.
I can show the data. Can you, pisspage?

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If they DNC had any brains they would dump her and run Webb. I am quite sure that the dem power and money brokers would love to find a way to get rid of the clintons.

But they won't - they'll run Bernie or Liz.
Who the hell are these mysterious power brokers? Hint: Dems have voters, not billionaire POSs brainwashing the chumps and buying off the candidates....
Delusional.....Obama is in bed with Wall Street. So is the DNC....Cut the bullshit.
No one get elected without the backing of wealthy power brokers.

Untrue. A number of candidates (mostly Democrats) have forgone super PAC money.
If they DNC had any brains they would dump her and run Webb. I am quite sure that the dem power and money brokers would love to find a way to get rid of the clintons.

But they won't - they'll run Bernie or Liz.
Who the hell are these mysterious power brokers? Hint: Dems have voters, not billionaire POSs brainwashing the chumps and buying off the candidates....
Delusional.....Obama is in bed with Wall Street. So is the DNC....Cut the bullshit.
No one get elected without the backing of wealthy power brokers.
They are capitalists of course, but for fair regulation, unlike corrupt GOP ideological fools/shills...
Oh please.....Cut the bullshit.
You are a true believer. No one is safe as long as stupid people like you get to have an opinion.
Yup, the corrupt GOP meltdowns of 1929, '89, and 2008 never happened on Planet Pub Dupe...
we can only hope, Trump would destroy her in a debate on any topic, and would beat her in the general. The only republican she could beat is Jeb Bush, and that would be very close because most voters would say "screw it" and stay home.

He can't win with 80% disapproval from Hispanics.

First of all, legal hispanics will vote for him, illegals cannot vote

second, the hispanic vote does not decide our national elections, the people who stay home on election day decide them.
Ny Carb like all other uninformed libs believe everyone of color should vote democrat in lockstep. And those who don't become the target of vicious insults and threats.
Anybody who votes greedy idiot racist fundie New BS GOP deserves ridicule.
Yeah...Way to be a retard. I was referring to members of politically correct protected classes who refuse to vote in lockstep for democrats.
You are breathing the same fire of those you hate.
I only hate your lying corrupt brainwashers, see sig last line. Could you give me some examples of these PC protected classes? You lost me.
Her approval is dropping faster than a submarine with a screen door. Since April she has tanked.

AP-GfK Poll: Clinton's standing falls among Democrats

WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton's standing is falling among Democrats, and voters view her as less decisive and inspiring than when she launched her presidential campaign just three months ago, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll.

The survey offers a series of warning signs for the leading Democratic candidate. Most troubling, perhaps, for her prospects are questions about her compassion for average Americans, a quality that fueled President Barack Obama's two White House victories.

Just 39 percent of all Americans have a favorable view of Clinton, compared to nearly half who say they have a negative opinion of her. That's an eight-point increase in her unfavorable rating from an AP-GfK poll conducted at the end of April.

The drop in Clinton's numbers extends into the Democratic Party. Seven in 10 Democrats gave Clinton positive marks, an 11-point drop from the April survey. Nearly a quarter of Democrats now say they see Clinton in an unfavorable light.

"I used to like her, but I don't trust her," said Donald Walters of Louisville, Kentucky. "Ever since she's announced her candidacy for the presidency I just haven't liked the way she's handled things. She doesn't answer questions directly."

My Way News - AP-GfK Poll Clinton s standing falls among Democrats
arent 39% of all Americans either Robots, Coma Patients, or from Mars?

39% of the electorate would vote for Adolph Hitler if he promised to loot the rich and give them the proceeds. That's actually slightly less than the maximum vote the Nazi party received at its nadir. Exactly the same class of people are Hillary supporters.
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