
First of all, legal hispanics will vote for him, illegals cannot vote

second, the hispanic vote does not decide our national elections, the people who stay home on election day decide them.
Ny Carb like all other uninformed libs believe everyone of color should vote democrat in lockstep. And those who don't become the target of vicious insults and threats.
Anybody who votes greedy idiot racist fundie New BS GOP deserves ridicule.
Yeah...Way to be a retard. I was referring to members of politically correct protected classes who refuse to vote in lockstep for democrats.
You are breathing the same fire of those you hate.
I only hate your lying corrupt brainwashers, see sig last line. Could you give me some examples of these PC protected classes? You lost me.
Dude, you'd get lost on a straight stretch of highway with no exits.
That list includes.
Members of minority races.
And any other PC group that was offered the advantages of Affirmative Action.
The opposite...
Don't play fucking stupid....You know EXACTLY what groups are protected classes.
Only in Pubworld. Discriminated against by hater dupes otherwise...
Who the hell are these mysterious power brokers? Hint: Dems have voters, not billionaire POSs brainwashing the chumps and buying off the candidates....
Delusional.....Obama is in bed with Wall Street. So is the DNC....Cut the bullshit.
No one get elected without the backing of wealthy power brokers.
They are capitalists of course, but for fair regulation, unlike corrupt GOP ideological fools/shills...
Oh please.....Cut the bullshit.
You are a true believer. No one is safe as long as stupid people like you get to have an opinion.
Yup, the corrupt GOP meltdowns of 1929, '89, and 2008 never happened on Planet Pub Dupe...
Nice deflection......Ok, Mr Room Temperature IQ, got something else clever to post?
Deflection from your idiotic deflection is being on topic. Obviously well regulated capitalism means continuing prosperity, whereas Pub deregulation always ends with a corrupt bubble, bust, and scandal. Read some history ferchrissakes...
Thank you for your endorsement of Trump. Demz are hanging her out to dry. Demz are not stupid as their supporters.

Two out of your three statements make no sense whatsoever.

Never confuse fact with what lies between your ears.

How did I endorse Trump?

Memo to Liberals: You need lots of capitalist profits to pay for your shit.
make that "free shit"...Which is what these lib leeches keep voting for,

There's a big difference between giving out hand outs and investing in infrastructure, science or education that could add to our economy down the road.

Of course you don't understand this basics of economics.
Two out of your three statements make no sense whatsoever.

Never confuse fact with what lies between your ears.

How did I endorse Trump?

Memo to Liberals: You need lots of capitalist profits to pay for your shit.


He is SPOT ON....Without economic growth to fund your precious social safety nets, we are Greece. And don't you ever forget the fact that the entire welfare state and ll the other wasteful and nonsense garbage the federal govt funds is done so wwith OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY....Run out of that and you get bupkis.
It's the American people's money, and you a-holes need help as much as the smart people who know it's a good idea...and CAUSE the need 99% of the time.
I think the RWnuts around here should spend less time worrying about the Democrats and instead put a little effort into figuring out why the GOP is enroute to nominating your least favorite candidate,

Jeb Bush.

You mean they are enroute to nominating your least favorite candidate. Bush is your favorite.

At least Bush gives a fuck about keeping our economy fair and investment. Not like it is very fair as the rich suck all the profit as the hogs that they're!
I think the RWnuts around here should spend less time worrying about the Democrats and instead put a little effort into figuring out why the GOP is enroute to nominating your least favorite candidate,

Jeb Bush.

You mean they are enroute to nominating your least favorite candidate. Bush is your favorite.

At least Bush gives a fuck about keeping our economy fair and investment. Not like it is very fair as the rich suck all the profit as the hogs that they're!

In other words, he's a crony capitalist. He's also a big supporter of amnesty and open borders. You might as well vote for Hillary.
This means nothing unless one knows the same for the person she ends up running against.
But no we're told Hillary beats all comers in a match up.
In truth, Hillary has 100%name recognition and now 39% approval. The more voters see of her the less they like her.
The GOP candidates have far less name recognition but far higher approval ratings. The more people see of them, the more they like them.
It's no contest.
Statistheilhitler is snorting dog cum when he predicts a Hillary blowout. History shows it will be no such thing, except a repeat of Reagan over Carter.

Uhm, no, dogsnot.

Republicans have even worse approval/disapproval ratings than Hillary. You are an interesting liar.
Wrong, lying asshole.
I can show the data. Can you, pisspage?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Fire away.....Oh,.....More than one source....No blogs...News sources ONLY. Must be verifiable

Well, we don't have to go very far, we can start with SassyLesbiAss's OP, but the ACTUAL .pdf to the GFK poll:



Christie: 23 FAV / 44 UNFAV, -21
Cruz: 20 FAV / 33 UNFAV, -13
Trump: 28 FAV / 58 UNFAV, -30
Paul: 25 FAV / 33 UNFAV, -8
Perry: 19 FAV / 35 UNFAV, -16
Bush: 31 FAV / 44 UNFAV, -13

Clinton: 39 FAV / 49 UNFAV, -10

Apart from Paul, she is doing better than that listing.

Pretty much every single poll shows this trend.

You know how to click on links.

But you gave me an idea..... thanks....
Last edited:
Never confuse fact with what lies between your ears.

How did I endorse Trump?

Memo to Liberals: You need lots of capitalist profits to pay for your shit.


He is SPOT ON....Without economic growth to fund your precious social safety nets, we are Greece. And don't you ever forget the fact that the entire welfare state and ll the other wasteful and nonsense garbage the federal govt funds is done so wwith OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY....Run out of that and you get bupkis.
It's the American people's money, and you a-holes need help as much as the smart people who know it's a good idea...and CAUSE the need 99% of the time.
You're God Damned right it is OUR money. It is NOT the government's money. We earned it.. We should get to keep as much of it as possible.
I neither need not want anyone's "help".....
But no we're told Hillary beats all comers in a match up.
In truth, Hillary has 100%name recognition and now 39% approval. The more voters see of her the less they like her.
The GOP candidates have far less name recognition but far higher approval ratings. The more people see of them, the more they like them.
It's no contest.
Statistheilhitler is snorting dog cum when he predicts a Hillary blowout. History shows it will be no such thing, except a repeat of Reagan over Carter.

Uhm, no, dogsnot.

Republicans have even worse approval/disapproval ratings than Hillary. You are an interesting liar.
Wrong, lying asshole.
I can show the data. Can you, pisspage?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Fire away.....Oh,.....More than one source....No blogs...News sources ONLY. Must be verifiable

Well, we don't have to go very far, we can start with SassyLesbiAss's OP, but the ACTUAL .pdf to the GFK poll:



Christie: 23 FAV / 44 UNFAV, -21
Cruz: 20 FAV / 33 UNFAV, -13
Trump: 28 FAV / 58 UNFAV, -30
Paul: 25 FAV / 33 UNFAV, -8
Perry: 19 FAV / 35 UNFAV, -16
Bush: 31 FAV / 44 UNFAV, -13

Clinton: 39 FAV / 49 UNFAV, -10

Apart from Paul, she is doing better than that listing.

Pretty much every single poll shows this trend.

You know how to click on links.

But you gave me an idea..... thanks....
'Scuse me.....According youy YOUR numbers only Trump is seen as more unfavorable than Cliton....
So what are we talking here..
Ya know what.....Never mind. These polls are all conducted to produce a predetermined result.
The Dems want Hillary to look good, so they hire one to phone likely DEMOCRAT voters. Voila!
The GOP does the same thing.
Lo and behold, the stupid news hacks and talking heads are devastated when the results of the election in question violate the polling trends. In fact here's an example. When the GOP won both the Senate and the US House early last decade the main stream media was at first shocked, then incensed. The pundits on the Alphabet nets all thought both houses of Congress would flip democrat.
In 1994 it was much the same. The msm libs all knew the GOP was going to grab both Houses, but they never imagined such a landslide.....
In both cases, the polls said otherwise.
Polls....They are not longer about the news. And why is this? Because too many Americans are completely tuned out. Or are willfully ignorant...That is unless of course an issue comes crawling across their front lawn....Nowadays, polls ARE the news. That's crap.
Two out of your three statements make no sense whatsoever.

Never confuse fact with what lies between your ears.

How did I endorse Trump?

Memo to Liberals: You need lots of capitalist profits to pay for your shit.
make that "free shit"...Which is what these lib leeches keep voting for,

There's a big difference between giving out hand outs and investing in infrastructure, science or education that could add to our economy down the road.

Of course you don't understand this basics of economics.
" infrastructure, science or education that could add to our economy down the road."
Oh? From government sources? How so?
Now if you're referring to private sector investment, I am all for THAT...
You are locked in on these items with a focus that borders on obsession. it's really quite frightening.
Now, when you mention 'infrastructure', to what do you refer?
When you mention 'science', to what do you refer?...
Lastly, when you mention education( which by the way is invested in the hundreds of billions of dollars already) to what do you refer?
Oh, public education should be a local or state issue. The federal government has no business in public education. There should not be a federal dept of education....
Just answer the questions in a direct fashion...Don't evade them with a bunch of nonsense, that quite frankly, I will see right through...
You may begin.....NOW
How did I endorse Trump?

Memo to Liberals: You need lots of capitalist profits to pay for your shit.


He is SPOT ON....Without economic growth to fund your precious social safety nets, we are Greece. And don't you ever forget the fact that the entire welfare state and ll the other wasteful and nonsense garbage the federal govt funds is done so wwith OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY....Run out of that and you get bupkis.
It's the American people's money, and you a-holes need help as much as the smart people who know it's a good idea...and CAUSE the need 99% of the time.
You're God Damned right it is OUR money. It is NOT the government's money. We earned it.. We should get to keep as much of it as possible.
I neither need not want anyone's "help".....
Until you do...
Delusional.....Obama is in bed with Wall Street. So is the DNC....Cut the bullshit.
No one get elected without the backing of wealthy power brokers.
They are capitalists of course, but for fair regulation, unlike corrupt GOP ideological fools/shills...
Oh please.....Cut the bullshit.
You are a true believer. No one is safe as long as stupid people like you get to have an opinion.
Yup, the corrupt GOP meltdowns of 1929, '89, and 2008 never happened on Planet Pub Dupe...
Nice deflection......Ok, Mr Room Temperature IQ, got something else clever to post?
Deflection from your idiotic deflection is being on topic. Obviously well regulated capitalism means continuing prosperity, whereas Pub deregulation always ends with a corrupt bubble, bust, and scandal. Read some history ferchrissakes...
WHAT deregulation......You make these accusations that have absolutely no basis in fact.
In fact, if anything, American business is over regulated and over taxed. Hence the reason why the US is non competitive in certain industries....And NAFTA and CAFTA were just political smokescreens. US Businesses were being taxed and regulated to the point where the rest of the world was kicking our ass. So the politicians came up with this bullshit theory that if we allowed US based business to relocate elsewhere in North America, the other nations would prosper. And of course the laws of unintended consequences were ignored. US business lost out anyway and US based manufacturing took it in the shorts.
Now of course all you lefties can think about is protectionist tariffs and market lock downs.....
Memo to Liberals: You need lots of capitalist profits to pay for your shit.


He is SPOT ON....Without economic growth to fund your precious social safety nets, we are Greece. And don't you ever forget the fact that the entire welfare state and ll the other wasteful and nonsense garbage the federal govt funds is done so wwith OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY....Run out of that and you get bupkis.
It's the American people's money, and you a-holes need help as much as the smart people who know it's a good idea...and CAUSE the need 99% of the time.
You're God Damned right it is OUR money. It is NOT the government's money. We earned it.. We should get to keep as much of it as possible.
I neither need not want anyone's "help".....
Until you do...
I won't....I need government for the following.,.To provide a national defense. To provide a stable banking system with a common currency. To be in fear of its citizens.
To PROMOTE( not provide) the general welfare of the people....to establish and maintain a a system of juris prudence. To maintain a forum to where the people may seek redress.
To promote commerce. To provide a stable and maintain systems of travel for national defense, commerce and so that the people may move about freely.
Provide and maintain a system of civil defense and warning in the event of an emergency.
Other than that , the government and all of it's officials can keep their fucking noses out of the business of the people.
Now, YOU may want government as your mommy, daddy and baby sitter. The thing is most Americans don't. We want to be left alone. We want to be able to raise our families, go to work, create, achieve and succeed to the best of our abilities.
Are their folks that need the help of others? Absolutely. DO I want those who NEED our help to get it? Of course.
Unfortunately, politicians who feel the need to make a career out of politics have decided over the decades that one of the easiest ways to maintain a seat in government is to give things to those who would then vote for them in anticipation of getting even more.
Now we have over 55% of the total federal budget going to social programs. And less than half of the population pays into the system that funds it.
tell ya what....When government sets in place an enforcement system that over time can catch and kick off every single person that is gaming the system, you can then have all the welfare money you want. Until the cheats and lazy fucks are given the boot, we will continue to fight the current system.
We are now quite through. it's been stimulating I'm sure.
He is SPOT ON....Without economic growth to fund your precious social safety nets, we are Greece. And don't you ever forget the fact that the entire welfare state and ll the other wasteful and nonsense garbage the federal govt funds is done so wwith OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY....Run out of that and you get bupkis.
It's the American people's money, and you a-holes need help as much as the smart people who know it's a good idea...and CAUSE the need 99% of the time.
You're God Damned right it is OUR money. It is NOT the government's money. We earned it.. We should get to keep as much of it as possible.
I neither need not want anyone's "help".....
Until you do...
I won't....I need government for the following.,.To provide a national defense. To provide a stable banking system with a common currency. To be in fear of its citizens.
To PROMOTE( not provide) the general welfare of the people....to establish and maintain a a system of juris prudence. To maintain a forum to where the people may seek redress.
To promote commerce. To provide a stable and maintain systems of travel for national defense, commerce and so that the people may move about freely.
Provide and maintain a system of civil defense and warning in the event of an emergency.
Other than that , the government and all of it's officials can keep their fucking noses out of the business of the people.
Now, YOU may want government as your mommy, daddy and baby sitter. The thing is most Americans don't. We want to be left alone. We want to be able to raise our families, go to work, create, achieve and succeed to the best of our abilities.
Are their folks that need the help of others? Absolutely. DO I want those who NEED our help to get it? Of course.
Unfortunately, politicians who feel the need to make a career out of politics have decided over the decades that one of the easiest ways to maintain a seat in government is to give things to those who would then vote for them in anticipation of getting even more.
Now we have over 55% of the total federal budget going to social programs. And less than half of the population pays into the system that funds it.
tell ya what....When government sets in place an enforcement system that over time can catch and kick off every single person that is gaming the system, you can then have all the welfare money you want. Until the cheats and lazy fucks are given the boot, we will continue to fight the current system.
We are now quite through. it's been stimulating I'm sure.
Who cares what you need? The Constitution insists the federal government "provides" for the "general welfare" of the country.

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