3D guns captured in Australia...gun control heaven...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yeah.....gun control doesn't work in Australia either....their biker gangs and immigrant communities have all the guns they want...and now they are making or bringing in 3D guns and parts to guns.....

Struth Australian Police Seize 3D Printed Guns - The Truth About Guns

“Police in Australia have seized a haul of 3D-printed weapons and gun parts,” cnet.com reports, “in what law enforcement officials say is the first seizure of its kind in the state of Queensland.” Or anywhere else, I imagine. “Police descended on a 28-year-old man’s residence just south of Queensland’s Gold Coast, and said a subsequent search revealed a hoard of drugs, ammunition, a sawn-off .22 rifle and the 3D-printed weapons.” TTAG called 3D firearm printmeister Cody Wilson for a quote. But first, more deets . . .

According to Detective Inspector Scott Knowles of Queensland’s Major and Organised Crime Squad, the weapons included a set of 3D-printed knuckle dusters and “sufficient parts to make four concealable firearms” — each with roughly 8 parts per weapon.”

Detective Inspector Knowles revealed the parts were created on a 3D printer belonging to a commercial business. The printer had been left with the 28 year old in order to be calibrated. The man has since been charged with a number of drugs and weapons offences and is set to appear in court.

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