4.6% unemployment rate

one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters

Riiiiiight Obama is so great he lost the House, Senate, White House, and SCOTUS during his 2 terms. /SARCASM :lmao:
UE is 4.6%

"In October (2016), the real unemployment rate (U-6) was 9.3 percent. That's double the widely-reported unemployment rate (U-3) of 4.6 percent."

Does the Government Lie About Unemployment?

IIRC, the U-3 only counts those individuals that are receiving unemployment benefits. Those that have exhausted their benefits and simply can't find work are not counted, nor are those that are woefully under-employed.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Is there a conservative manual you morons all read from?

No, the U-3 is not based on unemployment benefits. It has absolutely nothing to do with unemployment benefits. Many folks who are not counted in the labor force have never even received unemployment benefits. Many have never even had a job. The vast majority of them don't even want a job.

You rightards are batshit insane. :cuckoo:

if Trump gets the rate down or it goes up there wont be one single dipshit RW who ever heard of the U-3 ...

Unemployment is so fantastic under Obama you people lost the House, Senate, White House, and SCOTUS :laugh:

It was only in year 2 of obozo's rein of terror that he tried to "pivot to jobs", remember? What has he done besides increase regulations and taxes? Two things that definitely don't lead to job growth.

here's yet ANOTHER idiot that is waiting for "trickle down" economics to pee on him.

GWB gave MASSIVE tax cuts (while engaging in 2 costly wars).....So, how was the economy under GWB's tax cuts????

Ahahaha its been a while since we had a BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!!! :lmao:
Just think, in a few months, you'll be missing Boooooooooooosh!

In a few months you'll be moving to Canada after Trump demolishes your entire lib world. OH SNAP!
Unemployment is so fantastic under Obama you people lost the House, Senate, White House, and SCOTUS :laugh:

True.......because IDIOTS like you voted against your own best interests....and have a penchant for the color orange. LOL
Riiiiiight Obama is so great he lost the House, Senate, White House, and SCOTUS during his 2 terms. /SARCASM :lmao:
UE is 4.6%

"In October (2016), the real unemployment rate (U-6) was 9.3 percent. That's double the widely-reported unemployment rate (U-3) of 4.6 percent."

Does the Government Lie About Unemployment?

IIRC, the U-3 only counts those individuals that are receiving unemployment benefits. Those that have exhausted their benefits and simply can't find work are not counted, nor are those that are woefully under-employed.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Is there a conservative manual you morons all read from?

No, the U-3 is not based on unemployment benefits. It has absolutely nothing to do with unemployment benefits. Many folks who are not counted in the labor force have never even received unemployment benefits. Many have never even had a job. The vast majority of them don't even want a job.

You rightards are batshit insane. :cuckoo:

if Trump gets the rate down or it goes up there wont be one single dipshit RW who ever heard of the U-3 ...

Unemployment is so fantastic under Obama you people lost the House, Senate, White House, and SCOTUS :laugh:
NOBODY said it was fantastic The problem was Hillary ignored Wiscon Mich and Penn Didn't tell those looking for work she felt their pain,and it cost her
Unemployment is so fantastic under Obama you people lost the House, Senate, White House, and SCOTUS :laugh:

True.......because IDIOTS like you voted against your own best interests....and have a penchant for the color orange. LOL

My income skyrocketed under Bush and my income skyrocketed under Obama. Here's the funny part, now I'll get a tax cut under Trump oh yeah :eusa_dance:
UE is 4.6%

"In October (2016), the real unemployment rate (U-6) was 9.3 percent. That's double the widely-reported unemployment rate (U-3) of 4.6 percent."

Does the Government Lie About Unemployment?

IIRC, the U-3 only counts those individuals that are receiving unemployment benefits. Those that have exhausted their benefits and simply can't find work are not counted, nor are those that are woefully under-employed.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Is there a conservative manual you morons all read from?

No, the U-3 is not based on unemployment benefits. It has absolutely nothing to do with unemployment benefits. Many folks who are not counted in the labor force have never even received unemployment benefits. Many have never even had a job. The vast majority of them don't even want a job.

You rightards are batshit insane. :cuckoo:

if Trump gets the rate down or it goes up there wont be one single dipshit RW who ever heard of the U-3 ...

Unemployment is so fantastic under Obama you people lost the House, Senate, White House, and SCOTUS :laugh:
NOBODY said it was fantastic The problem was Hillary ignored Wiscon Mich and Penn Didn't tell those looking for work she felt their pain,and it cost her

So Hillary was incompetent, wow shocker we conservatives already knew that. Thankfully she lost so we won't have to endure 4 years of her being an imbecile.
one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters

Riiiiiight Obama is so great he lost the House, Senate, White House, and SCOTUS during his 2 terms. /SARCASM :lmao:
UE is 4.6%

"In October (2016), the real unemployment rate (U-6) was 9.3 percent. That's double the widely-reported unemployment rate (U-3) of 4.6 percent."

Does the Government Lie About Unemployment?

IIRC, the U-3 only counts those individuals that are receiving unemployment benefits. Those that have exhausted their benefits and simply can't find work are not counted, nor are those that are woefully under-employed.
You moron, the U3 is referred as the unemployment rate & always has./ You people are dumber than shit. Your ignorance does not mean some one lied. It means you are a dumbass. Deal with it,.
one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters

Riiiiiight Obama is so great he lost the House, Senate, White House, and SCOTUS during his 2 terms. /SARCASM :lmao:
UE is 4.6%

"In October (2016), the real unemployment rate (U-6) was 9.3 percent. That's double the widely-reported unemployment rate (U-3) of 4.6 percent."

Does the Government Lie About Unemployment?

IIRC, the U-3 only counts those individuals that are receiving unemployment benefits. Those that have exhausted their benefits and simply can't find work are not counted, nor are those that are woefully under-employed.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Is there a conservative manual you morons all read from?

No, the U-3 is not based on unemployment benefits. It has absolutely nothing to do with unemployment benefits. Many folks who are not counted in the labor force have never even received unemployment benefits. Many have never even had a job. The vast majority of them don't even want a job.

You rightards are batshit insane. :cuckoo:

Maybe not insane but definitely straight up retarded.

I was mistaken. My bad. But not anymore retarded than a lot of the crap the left comes up with.

I'm over it now, maybe you should be too.
Good to see the rate continue to drop

Employers added solid 178,000 jobs in Nov.

The labor market perked up modestly in November as employers added 178,000 jobs and the unemployment rate fell to a nine-year low, providing more evidence of a solid economy in the final payroll report before an expected Federal Reserve interest rate hike.

The unemployment rate, which is calculated from a different survey than the payroll total, fell from 4.9% to 4.6%, lowest since August 2007


And the Labor Force Participation rate dropped another .1% down to 62.7% due to another 446,000 people dropping completely out of the workforce.

219,000 people entered the work force, so job creation didn't keep up with the new entrants.

Fortunately, we only have 49 more days of Obama's horrible Reign of Terror against the Economy.
one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters
1. Barry was handed a 'bad economy' by his fellow Democrats who held a near super majority control of all of Congress the last 2 years of Bush's administration - controlling Congress, the BUDGET, SPENDING, & thus the ECONOMY.

In those last 2 years liberals added $1.5 trillion in new debt while presiding over their declining economy.

In Bush's 1st 6 years, with a GOP Congress - during 9/11/01, the economic aftermath, & 2 wars - Bush only added $2.5 trillion, $1 trillion more that the liberals added in only 2 years.

Onama may have inherited a 'bad economy', but it was his fellow Democrats who gave it to him.

2. 4.6 unemployment rate....sounds great, especially when you don't count the 94 million Americans not wrking /in the work force and NOT all being to old to work.

Barry doctors his unemployment numbers as much as he doctored his Stimulus bill's "# of jobs created / saved".

1. Actually Bush added $3.2 trillion in debt his first 6 years, but who cares about actual numbers.
But using your moronic "logic" the GOP took over the House, where all spending is controlled according to the Right, and the GOP National Debt soared by $6 trillion.

2. The UE numbers are not doctored.
And what's the debt today?
$6 trillion more since the GOP took over the control of the purse strings.

How many times did O'Bama threaten to shut down the government if he didn't get his debt limit increase? How many times did he go on TV and tell us that the world would end if we did shut the government down, and he couldn't have HIS increase?

Oh Ye of selective memory. smh

Lets talk about your buddy Ted Cruz. How many billion did he cost the economy?
one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters
It's bullshit of course.
They count U3 when they should be counting U6. U6 Unemployment Rate | Portal Seven
The U3 has always been used.

You fucking whiners want to use the U6 because it is a higher number & you think it makes Obama look bad.

The reality is that the U3 is just an indicator used to note where the economy is heading.
Good to see the rate continue to drop

Employers added solid 178,000 jobs in Nov.

The labor market perked up modestly in November as employers added 178,000 jobs and the unemployment rate fell to a nine-year low, providing more evidence of a solid economy in the final payroll report before an expected Federal Reserve interest rate hike.

The unemployment rate, which is calculated from a different survey than the payroll total, fell from 4.9% to 4.6%, lowest since August 2007


And the Labor Force Participation rate dropped another .1% down to 62.7% due to another 446,000 people dropping completely out of the workforce.

219,000 people entered the work force, so job creation didn't keep up with the new entrants.

Fortunately, we only have 49 more days of Obama's horrible Reign of Terror against the Economy.

Interesting....are you going to be concerned about the Labor Force Participation rate once Trump becomes President?
You know it will continue to drop for the next four years....it can't do anything else with 4 million people a year retiring

But, never fear.....I intend to report on the Labor Participation Rate in every month of Trumps presidency. Trump seemed to think it was important when he was complaining about Obama
No one can deny that businesses hire a glut of workers for the Christmas season.

Who is in office, or coming into office, is completely irrelevant, and to be blunt, a stupid fucking position that is deficient of much reality.

Nov/Dec are washes, Jan is often a wash because they retain some of them to help out with year end inventory and let them go in Jan.

What matters is the bigger picture, not random months that reflect well known rises and falls of seasonal employment.

You can't look at Alaska in the winter and judge her economy because we have a shit ton of seasonal summer jobs that pay big bucks - same concept.
No one can deny that businesses hire a glut of workers for the Christmas season.

Who is in office, or coming into office, is completely irrelevant, and to be blunt, a stupid fucking position that is deficient of much reality.

Nov/Dec are washes, Jan is often a wash because they retain some of them to help out with year end inventory and let them go in Jan.

What matters is the bigger picture, not random months that reflect well known rises and falls of seasonal employment.

You can't look at Alaska in the winter and judge her economy because we have a shit ton of seasonal summer jobs that pay big bucks - same concept.

U3 Unemployment rate is seasonally adjusted
Retailers reported a drop of 8000 workers in November
My income skyrocketed under Bush and my income skyrocketed under Obama. Here's the funny part, now I'll get a tax cut under Trump oh yeah

Didn't know that WalMart greeters were doing so damn well.....LOL

It was only in year 2 of obozo's rein of terror that he tried to "pivot to jobs", remember? What has he done besides increase regulations and taxes? Two things that definitely don't lead to job growth.

here's yet ANOTHER idiot that is waiting for "trickle down" economics to pee on him.

GWB gave MASSIVE tax cuts (while engaging in 2 costly wars).....So, how was the economy under GWB's tax cuts????

Ahahaha its been a while since we had a BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!!! :lmao:
Just think, in a few months, you'll be missing Boooooooooooosh!

In a few months you'll be moving to Canada after Trump demolishes your entire lib world. OH SNAP!
I think you underestimate how Liberal Trump is. Lemme guess ... you believe the conservative positions he spouted while running to get the rightwing vote ... am I right?

Psych! :lmao:
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one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

The job participation rate in this country is the lowest in many decades… Shit for brains
Well, fucked up liars, you well know you are lying through your teeth. You include retired seniors, students as young as 16, and stay at home mothers, and those physically or mentally unable to work. The unemployment rate is 4.6%, using exactly the same methods used when Bush was in office.

And the market is around 19,000, after a low of 6500 created the last time the GOP had it's way with the economy. I am very sure that Trump can triple the former number and reduce the latter number to a fourth of it's present value. Bet he does it by the end of 2019.
The numbers do not lie, most of the so called job creation over the last eight years have been part time service jobs replacing great paying jobs like mining jobs.
Unemployment is so fantastic under Obama you people lost the House, Senate, White House, and SCOTUS :laugh:

True.......because IDIOTS like you voted against your own best interests....and have a penchant for the color orange. LOL

My income skyrocketed under Bush and my income skyrocketed under Obama. Here's the funny part, now I'll get a tax cut under Trump oh yeah :eusa_dance:
And then you'll defend Trump as the debt goes up. Oh yeah :badgrin:

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