4.6% unemployment rate

Once again, we have a good jobs report & instead of being happy for our country, the anti_American whiners have to try to paint it black.

What did Trump say about it?
Once again, we have a good jobs report & instead of being happy for our country, the anti_American whiners have to try to paint it black.

What did Trump say about it?

far as I know his big mouth was shut on that subject It's been said Obama could find a cure for cancer and republicans would bash him
one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters

It would be awesome if self-declared educated liberals understood the numbers to begin with.

For example Do you understand 800000 on the unemployment line in just gwb's last month ?? How's that number ?? Obamas fault??
one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters

It would be awesome if self-declared educated liberals understood the numbers to begin with.
What's so hard to understand?

We lost 800K jobs when Bush left office. We're now in our 72nd consecutive month (6 straight years) of job growth...

one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters

It would be awesome if self-declared educated liberals understood the numbers to begin with.
Oh, and not for nothin', but ....

72 consecutive months of job growth in the U.S. is unprecedented.

Had that occurred under a Republican president, you righties would be calling for such a president's face to be printed on our currency. You'd be petitioning to have his/her bust carved into Mt. Rushmore. You'd be be naming aircraft carriers after them and considering sainthood.

But because it's a Democrat and not a Republican, all we hear from the right is about how horrible the labor force participation rate is; how the U-6 now replaces the U-3 as the unemployment rate; how all the jobs gained were part time jobs; and how they're all minimum wage jobs.
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one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters

It would be awesome if self-declared educated liberals understood the numbers to begin with.
What's so hard to understand?

We lost 800K jobs when Bush left office. We're now in our 72nd consecutive month (6 straight years) of job growth...

So obozo has done a great job, huh? Specifically what has he done, policy wise, for this blesses job growth?
one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters

It would be awesome if self-declared educated liberals understood the numbers to begin with.
What's so hard to understand?

We lost 800K jobs when Bush left office. We're now in our 72nd consecutive month (6 straight years) of job growth...

Keep taking bows s0n..........nobody is caring. Soetero crawls out in about 45 days.:deal:

Cant wait for the inauguration!!! Gonna be a hoot..............:coffee:
one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters

It would be awesome if self-declared educated liberals understood the numbers to begin with.
What's so hard to understand?

We lost 800K jobs when Bush left office. We're now in our 72nd consecutive month (6 straight years) of job growth...

So obozo has done a great job, huh? Specifically what has he done, policy wise, for this blesses job growth?
I've been down this garden path with other loons ... it only leads to denying any of his policies helped.
Far more concerned about the record number of people out of the labor force, a problem that skyrocketed under Obama.

If you can't give credit to Obama's policies.....then you are a real Trumpster....

Good to see the rate continue to drop

Employers added solid 178,000 jobs in Nov.

The labor market perked up modestly in November as employers added 178,000 jobs and the unemployment rate fell to a nine-year low, providing more evidence of a solid economy in the final payroll report before an expected Federal Reserve interest rate hike.

The unemployment rate, which is calculated from a different survey than the payroll total, fell from 4.9% to 4.6%, lowest since August 2007

Hey, this is nothing compared to the 800 jobs that Trump bought.
Comparing a President to someone not in office. Nice standards.
I am following suit with the Trump people.
one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters

It would be awesome if self-declared educated liberals understood the numbers to begin with.
What's so hard to understand?

We lost 800K jobs when Bush left office. We're now in our 72nd consecutive month (6 straight years) of job growth...

Keep taking bows s0n..........nobody is caring. Soetero crawls out in about 45 days.:deal:

Cant wait for the inauguration!!! Gonna be a hoot..............:coffee:
He was leaving on January 20th, 2017 no matter what. Still, he will leave office with the economy in pretty good shape and far better than it was when he became president. He will likely leave office with one of the highest job approval ratings on record. Republicans can name only one president to do that in almost 60 years.
one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters

It would be awesome if self-declared educated liberals understood the numbers to begin with.
What's so hard to understand?

We lost 800K jobs when Bush left office. We're now in our 72nd consecutive month (6 straight years) of job growth...

So obozo has done a great job, huh? Specifically what has he done, policy wise, for this blesses job growth?
I've been down this garden path with other loons ... it only leads to denying any of his policies helped.


It was only in year 2 of obozo's rein of terror that he tried to "pivot to jobs", remember? What has he done besides increase regulations and taxes? Two things that definitely don't lead to job growth.
Good to see the rate continue to drop

Employers added solid 178,000 jobs in Nov.

The labor market perked up modestly in November as employers added 178,000 jobs and the unemployment rate fell to a nine-year low, providing more evidence of a solid economy in the final payroll report before an expected Federal Reserve interest rate hike.

The unemployment rate, which is calculated from a different survey than the payroll total, fell from 4.9% to 4.6%, lowest since August 2007

More liberal bullshit concocted numbers, just like the made up polls that showed Clinton 332 vs Trump 216, on Nov. 7.

They're on a mission to made Obama look good. Keep putting lipstick on that pig, guys. Does it reflect the millions out of work and stopped looking? No. Does it reflect the record number of food stamps? no. Does it reflect the hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs lost? No. Does it reflect record black unemployment? No. The list goes on and on. This is all leftist mumbo jumbo and a failed effort to save the first black president's disastrous legacy.
one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters

It would be awesome if self-declared educated liberals understood the numbers to begin with.
What's so hard to understand?

We lost 800K jobs when Bush left office. We're now in our 72nd consecutive month (6 straight years) of job growth...

So obozo has done a great job, huh? Specifically what has he done, policy wise, for this blesses job growth?
I've been down this garden path with other loons ... it only leads to denying any of his policies helped.


So you expect the readers to just take your word for it? Stop being such a pussy.
Good to see the rate continue to drop

Employers added solid 178,000 jobs in Nov.

The labor market perked up modestly in November as employers added 178,000 jobs and the unemployment rate fell to a nine-year low, providing more evidence of a solid economy in the final payroll report before an expected Federal Reserve interest rate hike.

The unemployment rate, which is calculated from a different survey than the payroll total, fell from 4.9% to 4.6%, lowest since August 2007

More liberal bullshit concocted numbers, just like the made up polls that showed Clinton 332 vs Trump 216, on Nov. 7.

They're on a mission to made Obama look good. Keep putting lipstick on that pig, guys. Does it reflect the millions out of work and stopped looking? No. Does it reflect the record number of food stamps? no. Does it reflect the hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs lost? No. Does it reflect record black unemployment? No. The list goes on and on. This is all leftist mumbo jumbo and a failed effort to save the first black president's disastrous legacy.

Think the BLS numbers are "made up"?

Ready to claim they are fake when they report on the Trump economy?
one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters

Riiiiiight Obama is so great he lost the House, Senate, White House, and SCOTUS during his 2 terms. /SARCASM :lmao:
UE is 4.6%

"In October (2016), the real unemployment rate (U-6) was 9.3 percent. That's double the widely-reported unemployment rate (U-3) of 4.6 percent."

Does the Government Lie About Unemployment?

IIRC, the U-3 only counts those individuals that are receiving unemployment benefits. Those that have exhausted their benefits and simply can't find work are not counted, nor are those that are woefully under-employed.

It was only in year 2 of obozo's rein of terror that he tried to "pivot to jobs", remember? What has he done besides increase regulations and taxes? Two things that definitely don't lead to job growth.

here's yet ANOTHER idiot who is waiting for "trickle down" economics to pee on him.

GWB gave MASSIVE tax cuts (while engaging in 2 costly wars).....So, how was the economy under GWB's tax cuts????
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"In October (2016), the real unemployment rate (U-6) was 9.3 percent. That's double the widely-reported unemployment rate (U-3) of 4.6 percent."

Does the Government Lie About Unemployment?

IIRC, the U-3 only counts those individuals that are receiving unemployment benefits. Those that have exhausted their benefits and simply can't find work are not counted, nor are those that are woefully under-employed.

Use the very SAME skepticism when the Donald's administration shows you unemployment rates...

It was only in year 2 of obozo's rein of terror that he tried to "pivot to jobs", remember? What has he done besides increase regulations and taxes? Two things that definitely don't lead to job growth.

here's yet ANOTHER idiot that is waiting for "trickle down" economics to pee on him.

GWB gave MASSIVE tax cuts (while engaging in 2 costly wars).....So, how was the economy under GWB's tax cuts????

Better than obozo's as matter of fact. Maybe you can answer the question Faun is too chickenshit to answer?

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