4.6% unemployment rate

Trump's Labor Force Participation rate for the future is going to be terrible: it will be pointed out every day.
Only then it will suddenly be a sign of a strong economy, so strong people no longer need to work.
Good to see the rate continue to drop

Employers added solid 178,000 jobs in Nov.

The labor market perked up modestly in November as employers added 178,000 jobs and the unemployment rate fell to a nine-year low, providing more evidence of a solid economy in the final payroll report before an expected Federal Reserve interest rate hike.

The unemployment rate, which is calculated from a different survey than the payroll total, fell from 4.9% to 4.6%, lowest since August 2007


We still counting part time jobs and McDonalds?

Only when democrats are in office...when a Republican is in office they don't count any more....

Then either way the numbers are bull shit. Im not sure Trump will accept that either. Sure, he is waffling on allot of stuff, but he does love winning and im thinking he will want solid numbers on jobs ASAP. Whatever faith I lack in him in all his other issues on this im thinking he will kick ass no matter how progressive he is.

(we are at near full employment)

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA millions out of the workforce and ding dong claims we're at near full employment

Do you understand what full employment is?

Housewives, retirees and students don't count
one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters
1. Barry was handed a 'bad economy' by his fellow Democrats who held a near super majority control of all of Congress the last 2 years of Bush's administration - controlling Congress, the BUDGET, SPENDING, & thus the ECONOMY.

In those last 2 years liberals added $1.5 trillion in new debt while presiding over their declining economy.

In Bush's 1st 6 years, with a GOP Congress - during 9/11/01, the economic aftermath, & 2 wars - Bush only added $2.5 trillion, $1 trillion more that the liberals added in only 2 years.

Onama may have inherited a 'bad economy', but it was his fellow Democrats who gave it to him.

2. 4.6 unemployment rate....sounds great, especially when you don't count the 94 million Americans not wrking /in the work force and NOT all being to old to work.

Barry doctors his unemployment numbers as much as he doctored his Stimulus bill's "# of jobs created / saved".

1. Actually Bush added $3.2 trillion in debt his first 6 years, but who cares about actual numbers.
But using your moronic "logic" the GOP took over the House, where all spending is controlled according to the Right, and the GOP National Debt soared by $6 trillion.

2. The UE numbers are not doctored.
Pretty fucking amazing what Obama has been able to do for our country...I use to attack him on the economy but what he has done has changed that.

The guy doesn't get the credit that he deserves. It isn't right but it is the way it is.

he did what dubya and bammer did. not impressive at all.
one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters
1. Barry was handed a 'bad economy' by his fellow Democrats who held a near super majority control of all of Congress the last 2 years of Bush's administration - controlling Congress, the BUDGET, SPENDING, & thus the ECONOMY.

In those last 2 years liberals added $1.5 trillion in new debt while presiding over their declining economy.

In Bush's 1st 6 years, with a GOP Congress - during 9/11/01, the economic aftermath, & 2 wars - Bush only added $2.5 trillion, $1 trillion more that the liberals added in only 2 years.

Onama may have inherited a 'bad economy', but it was his fellow Democrats who gave it to him.

2. 4.6 unemployment rate....sounds great, especially when you don't count the 94 million Americans not wrking /in the work force and NOT all being to old to work.

Barry doctors his unemployment numbers as much as he doctored his Stimulus bill's "# of jobs created / saved".

1. Actually Bush added $3.2 trillion in debt his first 6 years, but who cares about actual numbers.
But using your moronic "logic" the GOP took over the House, where all spending is controlled according to the Right, and the GOP National Debt soared by $6 trillion.

2. The UE numbers are not doctored.
And what's the debt today?
Loans as a result of the liberals thinking everyone should have a house even if they can't afford it.
Again that was Bush's 2004 election chant that he started in 2002.

October 2002

I set an ambitious goal. It's one that I believe we can achieve. It's a clear goal, that by the end of this decade we'll increase the number of minority homeowners by at least 5.5 million families. (Applause.)
First of all the economy sucks. Second of all when will people stop with the stupid premise that the president controls the economy and job market?
one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters
1. Barry was handed a 'bad economy' by his fellow Democrats who held a near super majority control of all of Congress the last 2 years of Bush's administration - controlling Congress, the BUDGET, SPENDING, & thus the ECONOMY.

In those last 2 years liberals added $1.5 trillion in new debt while presiding over their declining economy.

In Bush's 1st 6 years, with a GOP Congress - during 9/11/01, the economic aftermath, & 2 wars - Bush only added $2.5 trillion, $1 trillion more that the liberals added in only 2 years.

Onama may have inherited a 'bad economy', but it was his fellow Democrats who gave it to him.

2. 4.6 unemployment rate....sounds great, especially when you don't count the 94 million Americans not wrking /in the work force and NOT all being to old to work.

Barry doctors his unemployment numbers as much as he doctored his Stimulus bill's "# of jobs created / saved".

1. Actually Bush added $3.2 trillion in debt his first 6 years, but who cares about actual numbers.
But using your moronic "logic" the GOP took over the House, where all spending is controlled according to the Right, and the GOP National Debt soared by $6 trillion.

2. The UE numbers are not doctored.
And what's the debt today?
$6 trillion more since the GOP took over the control of the purse strings.
Of course those fake unemployment numbers are gonna go down, when the labor force participation rate is in the toilet that's what happens. The OP has shit for brains…
I knew one of you whiners would bring up the Labor Participation Rate. You asshats do know it has as lot to do with demographics, right.

Two examples why having a fit about the LPR is childish.

Say I work for an air condition maker in PA & the factory closes & moves to Mexico ( Not one of the winners Trump picked). I get a job that pays half of what I used to make & my wife needs to go to work. This is bad economic news yet the LPR just went up making you happier than a billionaire in the Trump administration.

Later, I get a good paying job & my wife can quit her job & stay home with the kids. The LPS just went down. And you are having a fit even though the economic aspects were good.

You people really need to quit being such ignorant dicks & become better informed.
The problem is with that, the jobs that are being created lately during Barrys term are mostly part time service jobs while eliminating great paying jobs like mining jobs…
one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters
1. Barry was handed a 'bad economy' by his fellow Democrats who held a near super majority control of all of Congress the last 2 years of Bush's administration - controlling Congress, the BUDGET, SPENDING, & thus the ECONOMY.

In those last 2 years liberals added $1.5 trillion in new debt while presiding over their declining economy.

In Bush's 1st 6 years, with a GOP Congress - during 9/11/01, the economic aftermath, & 2 wars - Bush only added $2.5 trillion, $1 trillion more that the liberals added in only 2 years.

Onama may have inherited a 'bad economy', but it was his fellow Democrats who gave it to him.

2. 4.6 unemployment rate....sounds great, especially when you don't count the 94 million Americans not wrking /in the work force and NOT all being to old to work.

Barry doctors his unemployment numbers as much as he doctored his Stimulus bill's "# of jobs created / saved".

490/49 split on 20p07 & 32008 is now a "near superf msajotity"

I pointed out trhat lie thew orther dasy yet herev you are spewing it agaibn.

Do you EVER tell trhe tyrith?
I just can't wait to blame everything bad over the next 8 years on Obama!
Like the 4.6% unemployment rate?
Forget that phony rose-colored-glasses U3 rate. The U6 rate is at 9.3%

Bullshit, U6 trends are consistent with U3 trends.


You need to learn to read a graph. Consistent but higher. That is the real unemployment that can't be hidden.

Obama has been a disaster for this country but Trump will fix that by lowering taxes and reducing regulations.

Obama could have done that to stimulate capitalism but the idiot was more interested in redistribution of income, wasn't he? You know, reparations.
I love it when you whiners have to talk about the U6 because you can't talk about the unemployment rate dropping yet again.
As if that helps them. The U-6 rate still dropped from 17.1% to 9.3% while Obama's been president.
All anyone will be saying is how about Carrier!

A president that knows the art of negotiation wow
Yeah, the great negotiator paid a company $ 7 million to move 1,300 jobs to Mexico.
Brilliant Trumpery.
one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters
The real rate is 9.3
Down from it's recession high of 17.1%. Under Bush, it went the opposite direction from 7.3% to 14.2%

Hell, the U-6 was higher in November of 2004 than it is now when you rightards decided to give Bush 4 more years.

Far more concerned about the record number of people out of the labor force, a problem that skyrocketed under Obama.
And when it balloons to over 100 million under Tramp, it suddenly will no longer be a problem.
I predict we will never hear about the number of people not in the labor force once the Tramp Circus begins!!!!!!
Because the population will be working!
There will be over 100 million NOT working.

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