$4.7 Million In Stimulus Saves 473 Teacher Jobs In Northern Chicago...


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
The problem is that particular District employs only 290 Teachers in total. This is according to a recent Chicago Tribune investigation of White House claims of 473 jobs saved in that North Chicago area. These large discrepancies are now becoming common in other Chicago areas as well.

In the White House official report,Wilmette Public Schools District 39 was credited with 166 jobs saved by stimulus aid. Superintendent Raymond Lechner said the number should be zero.

At Dolton Riverdale School District 148,stimulus funds were said to have saved the equivalent of 382 Full-Time teaching jobs. That's 142 more than the district actually has.

A similar discrepancy was found in data for Kankakee School District 111,where the stimulus report logged the equivalent of 665 Full-Time jobs saved. "That's impossible",a top Kankakee school official said,adding that "the entire payroll Full and Part-Time is only 600 Workers."

Oh well,your hard earned Tax Dollars at work i guess. Yikes! Once you see how this is being done on a small scale it becomes easier to understand why their numbers just don't seem very credible. Pretty sad stuff.
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More horeshit from the Con Man in Chief. When will this clown realize that all of this "saved jobs" claims is making him look like an absolute fool.
Just multiply these small scale numbers by Thousands and you arrive at their incredibly fraudulent inflated numbers. It really is so sad to see so many especially many in the Media continuing to parrot this White House's dishonest Talking Points.
The White House keeps right on saying things are better, the economy is improving and it's all a pack of lies. They think that if you repeat it enough it will come true!!!!

Nothing could be further from the truth.
Sounds kind of like Goebbels no? Repeat the lie long enough and it becomes truth. I have to give Kudos to the Chicago Tribune though for showing some real bravery in bucking the White House on this one. Far too many in the MSM are still continuing to parrot the White House Talking Points. Shame on them.
The state of California is now reporting that these cooked numbers are rampant there as well. How sad.
NJ has been cooking the books as well. Those numbers should be in soon. Disgraceful.
Yea i read about that one too Crusader. Impossible for them to have had 1,200 Teachers registered to vote in that district. Someone's definitely cooking the books up there in Chicago. So who are these people producing these bogus numbers up there? Another important question that should be answered. It's actually pretty sad.
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wow, we could have bought a torpedo with that money.

libril bastids

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