
Again your obsessive labeling. Maybe you do not mean what I hear when you keep labeling.

Seriously though. I am a libertarian. Why does it bother you so much that you have an obsessive need to label me yet a complete aversion to labeling me accurately? What about just calling me a libertarian bothers you so much? If you did that, I wouldn't keep thinking you're calling me a Republican when you say you are not when you keep calling me right wing and conservative, which I am not other than fiscally
So no link, not a surprise.
Link to what? What are you talking about?
And now the dumb act.

You said I called you a Republican in this very thread, and I said post the link.
You were lying therefore you can't, so you lie some more, play dumb, and try to change the subject.
Actually I addressed that directly, read the post #274, which is just a couple up.
There was no link to me calling you a Republican or attacking W, only you trying to divert.
Try again.

You provided no link how I am right wing or conservative, only you trying to divert.
Try again
So no link, not a surprise.
Link to what? What are you talking about?
And now the dumb act.

You said I called you a Republican in this very thread, and I said post the link.
You were lying therefore you can't, so you lie some more, play dumb, and try to change the subject.
Actually I addressed that directly, read the post #274, which is just a couple up.
There was no link to me calling you a Republican or attacking W, only you trying to divert.
Try again.

You provided no link how I am right wing or conservative, only you trying to divert.
Try again
Fail again.
Link to what? What are you talking about?
And now the dumb act.

You said I called you a Republican in this very thread, and I said post the link.
You were lying therefore you can't, so you lie some more, play dumb, and try to change the subject.
Actually I addressed that directly, read the post #274, which is just a couple up.
There was no link to me calling you a Republican or attacking W, only you trying to divert.
Try again.

You provided no link how I am right wing or conservative, only you trying to divert.
Try again
Fail again.

You failed again. Where is your link that I am "right wing?"
A low LFPR will stop being an issue to the Right
Stopped reading here. I gave you another chance and you seemed to be taking it. Now you just want to argue with W again. Go to it, there are Republicans everywhere on the board
Bullshit! You read every word and had no answer so you invented your imaginary W reference even though I brought up Tramp and not W.
Here it is again unedited:
A low LFPR will stop being an issue to the Right if it stays low under Tramp, just as Tramp's "real" unemployment number, 96 million, will stop being the "real" unemployment number as it increases every year of the Tramp dictatorship.

JAN. 11, 2017 Press Conference
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.

I'm not a Republican, Holmes, and I'm tired of telling you that. They are all over the board, easy to find. I invite you to do that since they are the only ones you want to debate. No way I'm defending W. I didn't support him, didn't vote for him and I sure don't want to argue for his policies. Besides, it's your turn to be W. So why did you get us in that stupid war, W? I mean both of them. Go ahead, you defend him. Hey W, remember when "Mission Accomplished" bit you in the ass? So what about that?
You can't defend your unemployment lies, so you can only deflect and play dumb.

Dumb is that you keep calling me a Republican...
Poor, demented kaz... can't stop kazzing. :rolleyes: He did not call you a Republican. Don't you think it's about time you put your big boy pants on and respond to what's actually being posted and stop running away by responding to your made up fantasies instead because you don't want to deal with what people are writing?
4.7%. Remember that number folks. That is the unemployment rate on Obama's last day in office.

Anybody think it will be that low on Trump's last day?

Want to bet?

With all the billionaire business criminals and Nazi dingbats he appointed to his cabinet, I'm sure the economy is going to be a shambles by the time he's through.

These corporate leaders all say regulations are "job killers." How come after 8 years of Obama's regulations the unemployment rate is only 4.7%? I don't think it has ever been that low in my lifetime.

The real reason they oppose regulations is because protecting workers, consumers, and the environment takes money out of their greedy hands.

Ironically, the working class white chumps who most strongly supported Trump will be the ones hurting the most in a few years.
On trumps first day gm announced they will be laying off 2000 workers but the good news is Kroger's hiring
Stopped reading here. I gave you another chance and you seemed to be taking it. Now you just want to argue with W again. Go to it, there are Republicans everywhere on the board
Bullshit! You read every word and had no answer so you invented your imaginary W reference even though I brought up Tramp and not W.
Here it is again unedited:
A low LFPR will stop being an issue to the Right if it stays low under Tramp, just as Tramp's "real" unemployment number, 96 million, will stop being the "real" unemployment number as it increases every year of the Tramp dictatorship.

JAN. 11, 2017 Press Conference
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.

I'm not a Republican, Holmes, and I'm tired of telling you that. They are all over the board, easy to find. I invite you to do that since they are the only ones you want to debate. No way I'm defending W. I didn't support him, didn't vote for him and I sure don't want to argue for his policies. Besides, it's your turn to be W. So why did you get us in that stupid war, W? I mean both of them. Go ahead, you defend him. Hey W, remember when "Mission Accomplished" bit you in the ass? So what about that?
You can't defend your unemployment lies, so you can only deflect and play dumb.

Dumb is that you keep calling me a Republican...
Poor, demented kaz... can't stop kazzing. :rolleyes: He did not call you a Republican. Don't you think it's about time you put your big boy pants on and respond to what's actually being posted and stop running away by responding to your made up fantasies instead because you don't want to deal with what people are writing?
I can't keep track is he a rino, teabaggers, libertarian, neo conn, Reagan Republican or log cabin Republican?
Bullshit! You read every word and had no answer so you invented your imaginary W reference even though I brought up Tramp and not W.
Here it is again unedited:

I'm not a Republican, Holmes, and I'm tired of telling you that. They are all over the board, easy to find. I invite you to do that since they are the only ones you want to debate. No way I'm defending W. I didn't support him, didn't vote for him and I sure don't want to argue for his policies. Besides, it's your turn to be W. So why did you get us in that stupid war, W? I mean both of them. Go ahead, you defend him. Hey W, remember when "Mission Accomplished" bit you in the ass? So what about that?
You can't defend your unemployment lies, so you can only deflect and play dumb.

Dumb is that you keep calling me a Republican...
Poor, demented kaz... can't stop kazzing. :rolleyes: He did not call you a Republican. Don't you think it's about time you put your big boy pants on and respond to what's actually being posted and stop running away by responding to your made up fantasies instead because you don't want to deal with what people are writing?
I can't keep track is he a rino, teabaggers, libertarian, neo conn, Reagan Republican or log cabin Republican?

Really? Being a libertarian and staying a libertarian is too hard for you to track? Not the sharpest tack, are you?
I'm not a Republican, Holmes, and I'm tired of telling you that. They are all over the board, easy to find. I invite you to do that since they are the only ones you want to debate. No way I'm defending W. I didn't support him, didn't vote for him and I sure don't want to argue for his policies. Besides, it's your turn to be W. So why did you get us in that stupid war, W? I mean both of them. Go ahead, you defend him. Hey W, remember when "Mission Accomplished" bit you in the ass? So what about that?
You can't defend your unemployment lies, so you can only deflect and play dumb.

Dumb is that you keep calling me a Republican...
Poor, demented kaz... can't stop kazzing. :rolleyes: He did not call you a Republican. Don't you think it's about time you put your big boy pants on and respond to what's actually being posted and stop running away by responding to your made up fantasies instead because you don't want to deal with what people are writing?
I can't keep track is he a rino, teabaggers, libertarian, neo conn, Reagan Republican or log cabin Republican?

Really? Being a libertarian and staying a libertarian is too hard for you to track? Not the sharpest tack, are you?
Nobody cares dude. You're a Republican.

Which nut are you?

Who cares? You're still a nut.
You can't defend your unemployment lies, so you can only deflect and play dumb.

Dumb is that you keep calling me a Republican...
Poor, demented kaz... can't stop kazzing. :rolleyes: He did not call you a Republican. Don't you think it's about time you put your big boy pants on and respond to what's actually being posted and stop running away by responding to your made up fantasies instead because you don't want to deal with what people are writing?
I can't keep track is he a rino, teabaggers, libertarian, neo conn, Reagan Republican or log cabin Republican?

Really? Being a libertarian and staying a libertarian is too hard for you to track? Not the sharpest tack, are you?
Nobody cares dude. You're a Republican.

Which nut are you?

Who cares? You're still a nut.

Exactly the point I keep making. You're not capable of distinguishing between anyone not a Democrat. So your label for not being a Democrat is a Republican.

Tell me again how you're smarter than Republicans because you aren't all black and white like they are ...


What a dumb ass, hysterical
Dumb is that you keep calling me a Republican...
Poor, demented kaz... can't stop kazzing. :rolleyes: He did not call you a Republican. Don't you think it's about time you put your big boy pants on and respond to what's actually being posted and stop running away by responding to your made up fantasies instead because you don't want to deal with what people are writing?
I can't keep track is he a rino, teabaggers, libertarian, neo conn, Reagan Republican or log cabin Republican?

Really? Being a libertarian and staying a libertarian is too hard for you to track? Not the sharpest tack, are you?
Nobody cares dude. You're a Republican.

Which nut are you?

Who cares? You're still a nut.

Exactly the point I keep making. You're not capable of distinguishing between anyone not a Democrat. So your label for not being a Democrat is a Republican.

Tell me again how you're smarter than Republicans because you aren't all black and white like they are ...


What a dumb ass, hysterical

No one cares about libertards. Sorry. Since we will never lead with a libertard who cares what you think. Republicans aren't libertards, Trumps not a libertard, what do you have 2 guys in all of government?
Poor, demented kaz... can't stop kazzing. :rolleyes: He did not call you a Republican. Don't you think it's about time you put your big boy pants on and respond to what's actually being posted and stop running away by responding to your made up fantasies instead because you don't want to deal with what people are writing?
I can't keep track is he a rino, teabaggers, libertarian, neo conn, Reagan Republican or log cabin Republican?

Really? Being a libertarian and staying a libertarian is too hard for you to track? Not the sharpest tack, are you?
Nobody cares dude. You're a Republican.

Which nut are you?

Who cares? You're still a nut.

Exactly the point I keep making. You're not capable of distinguishing between anyone not a Democrat. So your label for not being a Democrat is a Republican.

Tell me again how you're smarter than Republicans because you aren't all black and white like they are ...


What a dumb ass, hysterical

No one cares about libertards. Sorry.

I'm well aware of your mental acuity limitations, you make it abundantly clear
A low LFPR will stop being an issue to the Right
Stopped reading here. I gave you another chance and you seemed to be taking it. Now you just want to argue with W again. Go to it, there are Republicans everywhere on the board
Bullshit! You read every word and had no answer so you invented your imaginary W reference even though I brought up Tramp and not W.
Here it is again unedited:
A low LFPR will stop being an issue to the Right if it stays low under Tramp, just as Tramp's "real" unemployment number, 96 million, will stop being the "real" unemployment number as it increases every year of the Tramp dictatorship.

JAN. 11, 2017 Press Conference
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.

I'm not a Republican, Holmes, and I'm tired of telling you that. They are all over the board, easy to find. I invite you to do that since they are the only ones you want to debate. No way I'm defending W. I didn't support him, didn't vote for him and I sure don't want to argue for his policies. Besides, it's your turn to be W. So why did you get us in that stupid war, W? I mean both of them. Go ahead, you defend him. Hey W, remember when "Mission Accomplished" bit you in the ass? So what about that?
You can't defend your unemployment lies, so you can only deflect and play dumb.

Dumb is that you keep calling me a Republican and arguing with W. Again, I have no problem with that you only want to debate Republicans. Go to it, my blessing! I'm just not one and I have no interest in defending their views

Nearly all congressional Republicans are self-described fiscal conservatives. But Trump has shown support for vast new federal spending — like that $1 trillion infrastructure proposal — and an indifference to deficit spending if it can spur U.S. economic growth. For instance, Republicans largely agree that tax cuts do not need to be paid for and consider them economic stimulus.

GOP '200 Day' Agenda Calls for Spending, Tax Cuts. But What About the Deficit?

So no one gives a fuck about the little subtle nuances between each of you.
Stopped reading here. I gave you another chance and you seemed to be taking it. Now you just want to argue with W again. Go to it, there are Republicans everywhere on the board
Bullshit! You read every word and had no answer so you invented your imaginary W reference even though I brought up Tramp and not W.
Here it is again unedited:
A low LFPR will stop being an issue to the Right if it stays low under Tramp, just as Tramp's "real" unemployment number, 96 million, will stop being the "real" unemployment number as it increases every year of the Tramp dictatorship.

JAN. 11, 2017 Press Conference
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.

I'm not a Republican, Holmes, and I'm tired of telling you that. They are all over the board, easy to find. I invite you to do that since they are the only ones you want to debate. No way I'm defending W. I didn't support him, didn't vote for him and I sure don't want to argue for his policies. Besides, it's your turn to be W. So why did you get us in that stupid war, W? I mean both of them. Go ahead, you defend him. Hey W, remember when "Mission Accomplished" bit you in the ass? So what about that?
You can't defend your unemployment lies, so you can only deflect and play dumb.

Dumb is that you keep calling me a Republican and arguing with W. Again, I have no problem with that you only want to debate Republicans. Go to it, my blessing! I'm just not one and I have no interest in defending their views

Nearly all congressional Republicans are self-described fiscal conservatives. But Trump has shown support for vast new federal spending — like that $1 trillion infrastructure proposal — and an indifference to deficit spending if it can spur U.S. economic growth. For instance, Republicans largely agree that tax cuts do not need to be paid for and consider them economic stimulus.

GOP '200 Day' Agenda Calls for Spending, Tax Cuts. But What About the Deficit?

So no one gives a fuck about the little subtle nuances between each of you.

Ah, you don't know what a libertarian is. Figures, you're not very bright and you have no intellectual curiousity
Bullshit! You read every word and had no answer so you invented your imaginary W reference even though I brought up Tramp and not W.
Here it is again unedited:

I'm not a Republican, Holmes, and I'm tired of telling you that. They are all over the board, easy to find. I invite you to do that since they are the only ones you want to debate. No way I'm defending W. I didn't support him, didn't vote for him and I sure don't want to argue for his policies. Besides, it's your turn to be W. So why did you get us in that stupid war, W? I mean both of them. Go ahead, you defend him. Hey W, remember when "Mission Accomplished" bit you in the ass? So what about that?
You can't defend your unemployment lies, so you can only deflect and play dumb.

Dumb is that you keep calling me a Republican and arguing with W. Again, I have no problem with that you only want to debate Republicans. Go to it, my blessing! I'm just not one and I have no interest in defending their views

Nearly all congressional Republicans are self-described fiscal conservatives. But Trump has shown support for vast new federal spending — like that $1 trillion infrastructure proposal — and an indifference to deficit spending if it can spur U.S. economic growth. For instance, Republicans largely agree that tax cuts do not need to be paid for and consider them economic stimulus.

GOP '200 Day' Agenda Calls for Spending, Tax Cuts. But What About the Deficit?

So no one gives a fuck about the little subtle nuances between each of you.

Ah, you don't know what a libertarian is. Figures, you're not very bright and you have no intellectual curiousity
A Libertarian is a CON$ervative rightly ashamed to admit they are a CON$ervative. :)
Bullshit! You read every word and had no answer so you invented your imaginary W reference even though I brought up Tramp and not W.
Here it is again unedited:

I'm not a Republican, Holmes, and I'm tired of telling you that. They are all over the board, easy to find. I invite you to do that since they are the only ones you want to debate. No way I'm defending W. I didn't support him, didn't vote for him and I sure don't want to argue for his policies. Besides, it's your turn to be W. So why did you get us in that stupid war, W? I mean both of them. Go ahead, you defend him. Hey W, remember when "Mission Accomplished" bit you in the ass? So what about that?
You can't defend your unemployment lies, so you can only deflect and play dumb.

Dumb is that you keep calling me a Republican and arguing with W. Again, I have no problem with that you only want to debate Republicans. Go to it, my blessing! I'm just not one and I have no interest in defending their views

Nearly all congressional Republicans are self-described fiscal conservatives. But Trump has shown support for vast new federal spending — like that $1 trillion infrastructure proposal — and an indifference to deficit spending if it can spur U.S. economic growth. For instance, Republicans largely agree that tax cuts do not need to be paid for and consider them economic stimulus.

GOP '200 Day' Agenda Calls for Spending, Tax Cuts. But What About the Deficit?

So no one gives a fuck about the little subtle nuances between each of you.

Ah, you don't know what a libertarian is. Figures, you're not very bright and you have no intellectual curiousity
I used to work with and debate the head of the Michigan libertarian party on breaks during the bush years.

Here's my immitate.

What's wrong with healthcare? Too many regulations. Why is gas prices $4 a gallon? Too many regulations. Companies not paying fair wages? Let the market decide. Social security is unconstitutional
I'm not a Republican, Holmes, and I'm tired of telling you that. They are all over the board, easy to find. I invite you to do that since they are the only ones you want to debate. No way I'm defending W. I didn't support him, didn't vote for him and I sure don't want to argue for his policies. Besides, it's your turn to be W. So why did you get us in that stupid war, W? I mean both of them. Go ahead, you defend him. Hey W, remember when "Mission Accomplished" bit you in the ass? So what about that?
You can't defend your unemployment lies, so you can only deflect and play dumb.

Dumb is that you keep calling me a Republican and arguing with W. Again, I have no problem with that you only want to debate Republicans. Go to it, my blessing! I'm just not one and I have no interest in defending their views

Nearly all congressional Republicans are self-described fiscal conservatives. But Trump has shown support for vast new federal spending — like that $1 trillion infrastructure proposal — and an indifference to deficit spending if it can spur U.S. economic growth. For instance, Republicans largely agree that tax cuts do not need to be paid for and consider them economic stimulus.

GOP '200 Day' Agenda Calls for Spending, Tax Cuts. But What About the Deficit?

So no one gives a fuck about the little subtle nuances between each of you.

Ah, you don't know what a libertarian is. Figures, you're not very bright and you have no intellectual curiousity
A Libertarian is a CON$ervative rightly ashamed to admit they are a CON$ervative. :)

Why would I be ashamed to admit I am conservative if I was conservative? I don't know any conservatives who are ashamed to admit it. What are you talking about? Just more musings of an idiot, huh?
4.7%. Remember that number folks. That is the unemployment rate on Obama's last day in office.

Anybody think it will be that low on Trump's last day?

Want to bet?

With all the billionaire business criminals and Nazi dingbats he appointed to his cabinet, I'm sure the economy is going to be a shambles by the time he's through.

These corporate leaders all say regulations are "job killers." How come after 8 years of Obama's regulations the unemployment rate is only 4.7%? I don't think it has ever been that low in my lifetime.

The real reason they oppose regulations is because protecting workers, consumers, and the environment takes money out of their greedy hands.

Ironically, the working class white chumps who most strongly supported Trump will be the ones hurting the most in a few years.
Want to bet it's NOT 4.7%!
I'm not a Republican, Holmes, and I'm tired of telling you that. They are all over the board, easy to find. I invite you to do that since they are the only ones you want to debate. No way I'm defending W. I didn't support him, didn't vote for him and I sure don't want to argue for his policies. Besides, it's your turn to be W. So why did you get us in that stupid war, W? I mean both of them. Go ahead, you defend him. Hey W, remember when "Mission Accomplished" bit you in the ass? So what about that?
You can't defend your unemployment lies, so you can only deflect and play dumb.

Dumb is that you keep calling me a Republican and arguing with W. Again, I have no problem with that you only want to debate Republicans. Go to it, my blessing! I'm just not one and I have no interest in defending their views

Nearly all congressional Republicans are self-described fiscal conservatives. But Trump has shown support for vast new federal spending — like that $1 trillion infrastructure proposal — and an indifference to deficit spending if it can spur U.S. economic growth. For instance, Republicans largely agree that tax cuts do not need to be paid for and consider them economic stimulus.

GOP '200 Day' Agenda Calls for Spending, Tax Cuts. But What About the Deficit?

So no one gives a fuck about the little subtle nuances between each of you.

Ah, you don't know what a libertarian is. Figures, you're not very bright and you have no intellectual curiousity
I used to work with and debate the head of the Michigan libertarian party on breaks during the bush years.

Here's my immitate.

What's wrong with healthcare? Too many regulations. Why is gas prices $4 a gallon? Too many regulations. Companies not paying fair wages? Let the market decide. Social security is unconstitutional

He's right about all four, but the libertarian answers are a lot more than that

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