4.9% UE, 5% income growth, pump prices going lower

And they all get much better gas mileage than they used to.

And if gas prices were still high those would all be hybrid/electric sales. Like I said they are trying to slow the move.

Dude....higher gas mileage for vehicles is not what is forcing prices down. Stop the silliness

it is part of it. More the fear of cars going electric. When are you going to offer more than oppinion?

Fracking caused it...nothing more and nothing less. It forced the Saudi's to lower prices.
It is decreasing demand.

Save it, once again you're trying to talk about something you're clueless about. Have a great day

Sure you just keep ignoring the facts. You have lost.
And they all get much better gas mileage than they used to.

And if gas prices were still high those would all be hybrid/electric sales. Like I said they are trying to slow the move.

Dude....higher gas mileage for vehicles is not what is forcing prices down. Stop the silliness

it is part of it. More the fear of cars going electric. When are you going to offer more than oppinion?

Fracking caused it...nothing more and nothing less. It forced the Saudi's to lower prices.
It is decreasing demand.

Save it, once again you're trying to talk about something you're clueless about. Have a great day
Damn it, look what you did to my irony meter.

And they all get much better gas mileage than they used to.

And if gas prices were still high those would all be hybrid/electric sales. Like I said they are trying to slow the move.

Dude....higher gas mileage for vehicles is not what is forcing prices down. Stop the silliness

it is part of it. More the fear of cars going electric. When are you going to offer more than oppinion?

Fracking caused it...nothing more and nothing less. It forced the Saudi's to lower prices.
It is decreasing demand.

Save it, once again you're trying to talk about something you're clueless about. Have a great day
You are the one who flunked out of your doctoral program in economics. Or was that your sock, econchick?

You literally have no clue about these matters.
Dude....higher gas mileage for vehicles is not what is forcing prices down. Stop the silliness

it is part of it. More the fear of cars going electric. When are you going to offer more than oppinion?

Fracking caused it...nothing more and nothing less. It forced the Saudi's to lower prices.
It is decreasing demand.

Save it, once again you're trying to talk about something you're clueless about. Have a great day
You are the one who flunked out of your doctoral program in economics. Or was that your sock, econchick?

You literally have no clue about these matters.
Uncle says we only count people actively looking for work. Dupes then accept the gov's unemployment number. All those Americans who gave up, well fuck them.
it is part of it. More the fear of cars going electric. When are you going to offer more than oppinion?

Fracking caused it...nothing more and nothing less. It forced the Saudi's to lower prices.
It is decreasing demand.

Save it, once again you're trying to talk about something you're clueless about. Have a great day
You are the one who flunked out of your doctoral program in economics. Or was that your sock, econchick?

You literally have no clue about these matters.
Uncle says we only count people actively looking for work. Dupes then accept the gov's unemployment number. All those Americans who gave up, well fuck them.
That's illiterate way of thinking about it.
Dude....higher gas mileage for vehicles is not what is forcing prices down. Stop the silliness


Time for some basic economics:

Supply and Demand drive commodity pricing right?

Higher gas mileage on cars lowers demand and therefore puts downward pressure on gasoline prices.

Now, OTHER factors can ALSO drive the price down, but when you say higher gas mileage doesn't force prices down you are plainly wrong.
Dude....higher gas mileage for vehicles is not what is forcing prices down. Stop the silliness


Time for some basic economics:

Supply and Demand drive pricing right?

Higher gas mileage on cars lowers demand and therefore puts downward pressure on prices.

Now, that is not say that OTHER factors cannot drive the price down, but when you say higher gas mileage doesn't force prices down you plainly wrong.
Sassy got thrown out of her econchick doctoral economics program. Yes, more efficient consumption means lower prices.
it is part of it. More the fear of cars going electric. When are you going to offer more than oppinion?

Fracking caused it...nothing more and nothing less. It forced the Saudi's to lower prices.
It is decreasing demand.

Save it, once again you're trying to talk about something you're clueless about. Have a great day
You are the one who flunked out of your doctoral program in economics. Or was that your sock, econchick?

You literally have no clue about these matters.
Uncle says we only count people actively looking for work. Dupes then accept the gov's unemployment number. All those Americans who gave up, well fuck them.
Nope. Everyone age 16 and older not in the military, prison, or an institute is included in the sample universe. Unemployed has never meant just not working, but wanting to work. How do we know if someone wants a job? If they're doing something about it. We already know that someone not trying to get a job won't get one, so what would adding them in tell us about how hard it is to get a job?

As far as I know, nobody has ever included people not trying to work as unemployed.

As for "all the Americans who gave up..." First, why should they care if they're classified as unemployed or discouraged or not in the labor force? Second, there are only about half a million who have "given up." But let's look at the difference between not including them and including them:
Tell me what more we learn from including them.
it is part of it. More the fear of cars going electric. When are you going to offer more than oppinion?

Fracking caused it...nothing more and nothing less. It forced the Saudi's to lower prices.
It is decreasing demand.

Save it, once again you're trying to talk about something you're clueless about. Have a great day
You are the one who flunked out of your doctoral program in economics. Or was that your sock, econchick?

You literally have no clue about these matters.
Uncle says we only count people actively looking for work. Dupes then accept the gov's unemployment number. All those Americans who gave up, well fuck them.

If you can stop looking, your need for a job must not have been very great.
Fracking caused it...nothing more and nothing less. It forced the Saudi's to lower prices.
It is decreasing demand.

Save it, once again you're trying to talk about something you're clueless about. Have a great day
You are the one who flunked out of your doctoral program in economics. Or was that your sock, econchick?

You literally have no clue about these matters.
Uncle says we only count people actively looking for work. Dupes then accept the gov's unemployment number. All those Americans who gave up, well fuck them.

If you can stop looking, your need for a job must not have been very great.
gipper and sassy won't get it.
weatherman does not understand that the UK and the US are part of the world economy. The significant part was "In July, the International Monetary Fund cut its global growth forecast for 2016 to 3.1 percent from 3.2 percent and its U.S. outlook to 2.2 percent from 2.4 percent. That is far better than what he posted."

"Forecasted numbers" versus real numbers....you just are not good at this child.
weatherman does not understand that the UK and the US are part of the world economy. The significant part was "In July, the International Monetary Fund cut its global growth forecast for 2016 to 3.1 percent from 3.2 percent and its U.S. outlook to 2.2 percent from 2.4 percent. That is far better than what he posted."

"Forecasted numbers" versus real numbers....you just are not good at this child.
:lol: You got skinned yet again.
weatherman does not understand that the UK and the US are part of the world economy. The significant part was "In July, the International Monetary Fund cut its global growth forecast for 2016 to 3.1 percent from 3.2 percent and its U.S. outlook to 2.2 percent from 2.4 percent. That is far better than what he posted."

Your OP isn't about a "Global Economy" Mr. Starkey. You like Gary Johnson are just not a bright man.
Gasoline here costs three cents a gallon more than it did at five o'clock last night.

Thank you "President" Obama for the cost reduction?

Don't fret, Jake, they'll teach the difference between subtraction and addition in 4th grade.

Save it, once again you're trying to talk about something you're clueless about. Have a great day
You are the one who flunked out of your doctoral program in economics. Or was that your sock, econchick?

You literally have no clue about these matters.
Uncle says we only count people actively looking for work. Dupes then accept the gov's unemployment number. All those Americans who gave up, well fuck them.

If you can stop looking, your need for a job must not have been very great.
gipper and sassy won't get it.
We logically don't believe a lying government. You chose to believe liars, as long as a D is in charge.
weatherman does not understand that the UK and the US are part of the world economy. The significant part was "In July, the International Monetary Fund cut its global growth forecast for 2016 to 3.1 percent from 3.2 percent and its U.S. outlook to 2.2 percent from 2.4 percent. That is far better than what he posted."

"Forecasted numbers" versus real numbers....you just are not good at this child.
:lol: You got skinned yet again.

Sorry old man, you haven't a clue as to what you are talking abut. You like my dick in your ass don' you?
Your dick was cut off a long time ago by a tranny, thus you known as Little Bear.

To the OP: you don't understand the IMF or what it is for or how it works. It's forecast is twice as good as the silly stuff blowfish was talking about and that you misunderstood.
Save it, once again you're trying to talk about something you're clueless about. Have a great day
You are the one who flunked out of your doctoral program in economics. Or was that your sock, econchick?

You literally have no clue about these matters.
Uncle says we only count people actively looking for work. Dupes then accept the gov's unemployment number. All those Americans who gave up, well fuck them.

If you can stop looking, your need for a job must not have been very great.
gipper and sassy won't get it.
We logically don't believe a lying government. You chose to believe liars, as long as a D is in charge.
Your head is hurting again.
weatherman does not understand that the UK and the US are part of the world economy. The significant part was "In July, the International Monetary Fund cut its global growth forecast for 2016 to 3.1 percent from 3.2 percent and its U.S. outlook to 2.2 percent from 2.4 percent. That is far better than what he posted."

"Forecasted numbers" versus real numbers....you just are not good at this child.
:lol: You got skinned yet again.

Sorry old man, you haven't a clue as to what you are talking abut. You like my dick in your ass don' you?
Your dick was cut off a long time ago by a tranny, thus you known as Little Bear.

To the OP: you don't understand the IMF or what it is for or how it works. It's forecast is twice as good as the silly stuff blowfish was talking about and that you misunderstood.

You mistake bluster for knowledge old man. You've been slapped down and now attempt to move the goal posts.
To the OP: It was about the US, not the Global Economy. You now attempt to save face but that ship has sailed. Sorry.
Save it, once again you're trying to talk about something you're clueless about. Have a great day
You are the one who flunked out of your doctoral program in economics. Or was that your sock, econchick?

You literally have no clue about these matters.
Uncle says we only count people actively looking for work. Dupes then accept the gov's unemployment number. All those Americans who gave up, well fuck them.

If you can stop looking, your need for a job must not have been very great.
gipper and sassy won't get it.
We logically don't believe a lying government. You chose to believe liars, as long as a D is in charge.
So, show a specific lie from any of the government statistics.
Save it, once again you're trying to talk about something you're clueless about. Have a great day
You are the one who flunked out of your doctoral program in economics. Or was that your sock, econchick?

You literally have no clue about these matters.
Uncle says we only count people actively looking for work. Dupes then accept the gov's unemployment number. All those Americans who gave up, well fuck them.

If you can stop looking, your need for a job must not have been very great.
gipper and sassy won't get it.
We logically don't believe a lying government. You chose to believe liars, as long as a D is in charge.
Again... from where did you get the not in labor force figures you posted earlier...?

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