4 armed guards, 2000 inmates, is a common ratio

May 21, 2015
at night, that same 2000 inmates is "controlled" by at most 50 cops . The teachers, cooks, factory supervisors, etc, have all gone home at 5 pm, folks. The total ratio of cops to inmates is 400 cops to 2000 inmates, if there's a fence, for a federal prison, but that's for 4 shifts. 168 hours in a week, folks. There's a lot of those "guards" who are teachers, etc, A LOT. Probably half of them. So it's 50 cops per 2000 inmates, (at best,)at night. Only the 2 gate guards and 2 guards in perimeter trucks have guns. No guns are allowed inside of the fences. All the other guns are outside, in a vault. So, if shtf, and the inmates get motivated to act together, all of them can be outside that fence in a few minutes.

The "secured' buildings are just hollow concrete block walls. The "secured " bunks are just bolted to the concrete floor. If 4 inmates rock a double bunk back and forth for a minute or so, the bolts break. Then they can use the bunk to break thru the block walls. In just a few minutes they are loose on the yard. Then they can break into the tool room, get the torches, and cut the chains on the forklift, using the latter to lift up a huge section of fence. The tool room also has wire cutters, believe it or not . Another thing, there are bleachers that any dozen men can lift free of their stakes, and carry over to the inside fence. With some mattresses and blankets thrown to the razor wire and between the fences, it's a simple matter to run up the bleachers and jump, then crawl over the outside fence. The 4 cops have at most a couple of AR's, and 9mm's with a spare mag. The 2 gate guards just have the pistols. From many angles, the outside truck patrol cannot fire into the inside yard. Once they are out of ammo, if it's shtf, those guards are just going home to their families, folks. Faced with hundreds of inmates pouring out of their barracks, at night, the guards might well just go home and save the ammo for their own needs, if it's shtf, giving no opposition AT ALL to the inmate's escaping.
cops MISS with half of their shots, ya know, even in daylight. A lot of hits are poor hits, and a lot of GOOD hits have no immediate effect, especially with pistol rds. The prisons have nothing like enough ammo, mags, etc, to shoot all the inmates, much less the time to make use of them. If shtf, the guards will probably just loot the armory and go home to their loved ones, first thing. they are not going to be caring what happens to the community at large.
a lot of inmates are going to be pouring out in to surrounding communities, unopposed, if shtf. Probably with guns that they liberated from the prison armory and certainly lots of vehicles that they so looted, to include some with red lights and sirens. :) They will have body armor and night vision goggles, too
also, many of those inmates have friends and family who really care about them. Once the guards have fled, anyone with a big truck can just crash thru the fences with it, and not even have to stop, going on out the other side. Pouf, in less than a minute, every inmate in the place can leave.
It's amazing to me how many "shtf" scenarios that you nutjobs come up with sound like the plots to bad action movies from the 90s.

It really highlights how much it all has to with fantasy rather than reality.
a lot of inmates are going to be pouring out in to surrounding communities, unopposed, if shtf. Probably with guns that they liberated from the prison armory and certainly lots of vehicles that they so looted, to include some with red lights and sirens. :) They will have body armor and night vision goggles, too

You wish. If that sort of thing were ever to occur you would see a whole lot of dead felons, in a real big hurry.
It's amazing to me how many "shtf" scenarios that you nutjobs come up with sound like the plots to bad action movies from the 90s.

It really highlights how much it all has to with fantasy rather than reality.

This guy is a know nothing trying to make himself sound like an expert. He's a loon to boot.
Simple solution to that: in the event of a riot, a prison should be sealed off and several thousand cubic feet of phosgene or chlorine gas pumped in. Problem solved.

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