4 honest gun nutters

Whuts the matter, kiddies?

Can't own up to your own people?


see, this is why you are a lying troll. you claim not to be anti gun, yet here you are again posting an anti gun thread. and on top of that, you are lumping in this 4 people with everyone who supports the second amendment. and on top of that, you basically calling everyone else a liar and only these 4 people are honest.

you're pathetic. don't worry, i don't expect an honest response from you.

So, you can't' respond honestly to the OP either.

Don't you want to accuse me of stalking you again?
Whuts the matter, kiddies?

Can't own up to your own people?


see, this is why you are a lying troll. you claim not to be anti gun, yet here you are again posting an anti gun thread. and on top of that, you are lumping in this 4 people with everyone who supports the second amendment. and on top of that, you basically calling everyone else a liar and only these 4 people are honest.

you're pathetic. don't worry, i don't expect an honest response from you.

So, you can't' respond honestly to the OP either.

Don't you want to accuse me of stalking you again?

1. how was i not honest?

2. for the third time, cite where i accused you of stalking.

3. you didn't address a single thing in my post. typical of you.
see, this is why you are a lying troll. you claim not to be anti gun, yet here you are again posting an anti gun thread. and on top of that, you are lumping in this 4 people with everyone who supports the second amendment. and on top of that, you basically calling everyone else a liar and only these 4 people are honest.

you're pathetic. don't worry, i don't expect an honest response from you.

So, you can't' respond honestly to the OP either.

Don't you want to accuse me of stalking you again?

1. how was i not honest?

2. for the third time, cite where i accused you of stalking.

3. you didn't address a single thing in my post. typical of you.

I just checked my unopened "@mentions" - there is nothing there from you. If you asked where you said I am a stalker, I didn't see it. And, it was in PMs.

Your post is hooey, not worth my time.

Now go yurtle to someone else cuz I'm not interested.
Look at the statistics. Examine them in a political context and you will find that every single mass shooting rampage in modern history was committed by a left wing idiot.
So, you can't' respond honestly to the OP either.

Don't you want to accuse me of stalking you again?

1. how was i not honest?

2. for the third time, cite where i accused you of stalking.

3. you didn't address a single thing in my post. typical of you.

I just checked my unopened "@mentions" - there is nothing there from you. If you asked where you said I am a stalker, I didn't see it. And, it was in PMs.

Your post is hooey, not worth my time.

Now go yurtle to someone else cuz I'm not interested.

so you're posting the content of PM"s on the open board.....and i don't recall ever doing such. i don't always use mentions.

run away luddly, you're very good at. don't address substance, just keep lying.
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The only reason we need assault rifles is when morons such as yourself start looting the local Wal-Mart once this stupid country goes tits up. Survival of the fittest and most well armed.

I don't care about people looting stores. I live out in the boonies.

But if ANY of these liberal loons comes on my property looking to steal ANYTHING that I own, they will be given a free lead-poisoning test faster than they can say "I love Obama". :badgrin:

Fill em so full of lead they can use their tiny #2 sized dick as a pencil.:lol:
1. how was i not honest?

2. for the third time, cite where i accused you of stalking.

3. you didn't address a single thing in my post. typical of you.

I just checked my unopened "@mentions" - there is nothing there from you. If you asked where you said I am a stalker, I didn't see it. And, it was in PMs.

Your post is hooey, not worth my time.

Now go yurtle to someone else cuz I'm not interested.

so you're posting the content of PM"s on the open board.....and i don't recall ever doing such. i don't always use mentions.

run away luddly, you're very good at. don't address substance, just keep lying.

But you gave me permission.

You even admitted you gave me permission.

And, so far, I have not posted the content of those particular PMs.

Ya wanna try some other way to yurtle out of this?
I just checked my unopened "@mentions" - there is nothing there from you. If you asked where you said I am a stalker, I didn't see it. And, it was in PMs.

Your post is hooey, not worth my time.

Now go yurtle to someone else cuz I'm not interested.

so you're posting the content of PM"s on the open board.....and i don't recall ever doing such. i don't always use mentions.

run away luddly, you're very good at. don't address substance, just keep lying.

But you gave me permission.

You even admitted you gave me permission.

And, so far, I have not posted the content of those particular PMs.

Ya wanna try some other way to yurtle out of this?

cite where i gave you permission.

so you're posting the content of PM"s on the open board.....and i don't recall ever doing such. i don't always use mentions.

run away luddly, you're very good at. don't address substance, just keep lying.

But you gave me permission.

You even admitted you gave me permission.

And, so far, I have not posted the content of those particular PMs.

Ya wanna try some other way to yurtle out of this?

cite where i gave you permission.



Okay, so which is it?

You asked me to post it three times? or you didn't ask me to post it three times? I didn't see the other two times but you're very clear here -
2. for the third time, cite where i accused you of stalking.

I still have not posted exactly what you said. Nor will I.

Check your PMs.

I'm done with this.
I can't see the video, but my question would be...so what?

There are stupid people in the world.

Some drive like maniac...

Some drink too much and then drive, or do some other stupid thing.

But society doesn't blame the cars, or the alcohol, they blame the people.

If these were dumbass gun owners or gun grabbers pretending to be dumbass gun owners, blame them.

Seems pretty simple to me.
But you gave me permission.

You even admitted you gave me permission.

And, so far, I have not posted the content of those particular PMs.

Ya wanna try some other way to yurtle out of this?

cite where i gave you permission.



Okay, so which is it?

You asked me to post it three times? or you didn't ask me to post it three times? I didn't see the other two times but you're very clear here -
2. for the third time, cite where i accused you of stalking.

I still have not posted exactly what you said. Nor will I.

Check your PMs.

I'm done with this.

you little dishonest shit. if i said it in PM, you could have merely sent me the PM in private instead of crying about and breaking the rules by discussing what i said in a PM, allegedly.

you're a liar luddly. you could have resolved this simply by sending me these alleged PM's instead of being a little baby and running to you know who.

and yes, you did post what i allegedly said: "stalker"

so, yes, you did break the rules, even if i never sent you that PM.

oh [MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION]
Kids...let's try to get back to something approaching the topic here. Conversations about stalking and other such intimate affairs might do better in the Flame Zone where you can more suitably address the...ah...problems. :)
hilarious luddly thanks you, yet, he brought it up

i really wish he would address the contents of my posts that were on topic. luddly, can you do that? thanks.
Look at the statistics. Examine them in a political context and you will find that every single mass shooting rampage in modern history was committed by a left wing idiot.
Whitehall, you truly need to look at the statistics and not believe every email that is sent your way....

1. Nidal Hasan (the Ft. Hood shooter) lived in either Virginia (his state of residence prior to being sent to Ft. Hood) or Texas, neither of which has partisan registration. Therefore the claim that he was a "registered Democrat" is false. I do not know if he voted or how he voted, but I do know that unless he was registered in a state in which he did not reside, that the claim that he is a registered Democrat is FALSE.
2. Since Virginia does not have partisan registration there is also no way to tell whether Seung-Hui Cho was a Democrat, but again because there is no partisan registration in the state we can say that the claim that he is a registered Democrat is FALSE. (Update: A more obvious point is that Cho was a resident alien, not a US citizen, so he was not eligible to vote in the US)
3. The false allegation that James Holmes was a registered Democrat was based on a Breitbart blogger named Joel Pollack, who found voter registration records for a DIFFERENT James Holmes who was approximately the same age as the shooter James Holmes. Alex Jones’ Infowars and other right-wing websites then incredulously repeated the false information without verifying it. It was later determined that the Colorado Theater Shooter James Holmes was NOT registered to vote, as evidenced by this retraction: {Newly-released information on the suspect’s birthdate (which, as indicated in our initial report, was a slight mismatch), combined with new details Breitbart News has obtained about the suspect’s likely addresses, together suggest that the suspect may, in fact, not have been registered to vote.}. However, most conservative bloggers continued to promote the lie without printing the Breitbart site's retraction. The claim that James Holmes was a registered Democrat is FALSE.
4. The claim that Adama Lanza is a registered Democrat has been suggested based not on any evidence that he was registered as one, but on the rather dubious claim that because Connecticut has almost 2 to 1 Democratic registration over Republicans, he was probably a Democrat. (Claim: "Adam Lanza, NewtownConn murderer. Registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by about a 2-1 ratio in Connecticut. The odds are therefore that the Lanza family are (sic) Democrats.") This of course is a bogus argument to begin with, but even if we were to make the claim that a mass shooter’s political affiliation must be the same as the majority of the people in his area, we can debunk this foolish idea by taking this shoddy analysis down to the local level. Yes, Connecticut voted for Barack Obama, BUT the city of Newtown voted for Mitt Romney. If we look at the results we find that Mitt Romney defeated Barack Obama in Newtown by 7451-6784 votes or 51.7 percent to 47 percent. Republican Senate candidate and Tea Party favorite Linda McMahon carried the city over Democrat Chris Murphy by an even larger margin. Add in the other information we have that Lanza’s mother was a “doomsday prepper” and a home schooler in a Republican-leaning city and we can pretty well dispense with the erroneous assumption that Lanza must have been a Democrat (UPDATE: According to at least one media source, Nancy Lanza was a registered Republican. The source does not provide a link, but the author of this article is seeking further confirmation). We can therefore claim that with no evidence to support the claim, the assertion that Lanza was a Democrat is not demonstrated and that in the absence of any evidence it is likely FALSE.
5. Klebold and Harris of course were not old enough to vote and they had no apparent political affiliation. Allegations that they came from families of Democrats or liberal progressives appear to have no sources to substantiate those claims. What little ideology the boys demonstrated owed mostly to an admiration for Timothy McVeigh not Ted Kennedy. Harris’ father was a retired Air Force pilot and Eric Harris wanted to join the Marine Corps. The boys lived in Littleton, Colorado a relatively conservative and affluent suburb of Denver. The claim that their parents were Democrats is UNSUBSTANTIATED. Any suggestion that the two boys were Democrats is demonstrably FALSE.
The idea that recent mass shooters are mostly registered Democrats is a myth - Tulsa FBI | Examiner.com
hilarious luddly thanks you, yet, he brought it up

i really wish he would address the contents of my posts that were on topic. luddly, can you do that? thanks.

i see luddly opted to not discuss the contents of my posts related to the OP

oh well...i tried

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