4 Hours at the Capitol (BBC/HBO)

Bwaaahhhaaaaa...Only an idiot would think the election wasnt stolen. Here is the guy even admitting to the voter fraud.

Yet there is no evidence. You have a film made by an election fraudster and that is pretty much the bottom of the barrel.
You cling on to that nonsense Mike. It obviously gives you comfort.
Was it nonsense when the British who were the strongest army in the world got their asses kicked by a rag tag bunch of militiamen?

The problem with queers is that they assume the Democrats are for them, but since Demofags are also for Muslims, there is a conflict of interest.

If you deny yourself information then you run the risk of being misinformed.Either you support the work of the J6th commitee or you hate America.
I think everyone on here and their cousins all know who is the misinformed one here. The J6 wackos are the most unAmerican thing going since Poopeypants stopped oil production and opened up illegal flow. You are a brainless idiot Commie, did you know that?
Was it nonsense when the British who were the strongest army in the world got their asses kicked by a rag tag bunch of militiamen?

The problem with queers is that they assume the Democrats are for them, but since Demofags are also for Muslims, there is a conflict of interest.

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You have gone postal here Mike. Have a beer and calm down.
I think everyone on here and their cousins all know who is the misinformed one here. The J6 wackos are the most unAmerican thing going since Poopeypants stopped oil production and opened up illegal flow. You are a brainless idiot Commie, did you know that?
Why do you hate America ? Do you want a country hostage to ill educated louts ?
Why do you hate America ? Do you want a country hostage to ill educated louts ?
That is what is in control of the government right now. uneducated Joe Biden Voters who stole the 2020 election just so they could destroy the US from within. More citizens are seeing this, which is why the 2022 election is going to go heavily against the Dims, unless...

Why do you hate America ? Do you want a country hostage to ill educated louts ?
I served 25 years in supporting my country, how many years did you serve in love and support of yours lunkhead? A flag waving and baby carriage protest has nothing to do with education, it has to do with exercising the rights as Americans. I want a leader who supports us as Americans, not one who tries to turn us into brainless billy goats like you.
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That is what is in control of the government right now. uneducated Joe Biden Voters who stole the 2020 election just so they could destroy the US from within. More citizens are seeing this, which is why the 2022 election is going to go heavily against the Dims, unless...

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I cant debate with you if you persist with the big lie. You have no proof of this and are living in your own deluded state.
I served 25 years in supporting my country, how many years did you serve in love and support of yours lunkhead? A flag waving and baby carriage protest has nothing to do with education, it has to do with exercising the rights as Americans. I want a leader who supports us as Americans, not one who tries to turn us into brainless billy goats like you.
And yet you want to steal the votes of 80 million Americans. What the fuck were you fighting for ?
And yet you want to steal the votes of 80 million Americans. What the fuck were you fighting for ?
You really are an idiot if you think Poopeypants received that many legitimate votes, he did not. His county total alone doesnt work out if anyone would simply take a look at that. What am I fighting for? To protect our country from idiots like Poopeypants and you.
Taint hasn’t been persuasive once, ever, in any of his trollish efforts here at USMB. And, of course, all of his efforts are trollish.

This thread is just another in his long history of fail.
Looking forward to seeing it.

The usual suspects will say the jihadis are actually all FBI, BLM and Antifa plants, because that's the best they can come up with.

This is good, Mac. Stay 100% focused on J6. Don't think about inflation, the border, the economy, gas prices, or the war in Europe. Let the Republicans worry about that.

This is good, Mac. Stay 100% focused on J6. Don't think about inflation, the border, the economy, gas prices, or the war in Europe. Let the Republicans worry about that.

I realize you poor souls can only concentrate on one simple thing at a time.

Good for you, slugger! You go!

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