4 out of 50 most dangerous cities are in the U.S., guess which party runs them?

You're being 100% deceitful. You're conveniently forgetting the ideological change between Democrats and Republicans in the 60's. Making my case; The best economy EVER for the middle class was 1956 due primarily to the Union supported Republicans. Stop being such a conservative blowhard.

Izzatrite Comrade?

In 1956 the average family had how many square feet in their home? Is it more or less now? They had how many TV sets? How many cars? What percent had air conditioning? How many bathrooms in the house? How often could they afford steak each week? How often did they eat out?

Stop being such a leftist liar.
I saw this on thegunfeed.com...and followed the link.....of the 50 most dangerous cities in the world, 4 are in the United States....and all 4 of them have been run by democrats for decades....

World's 50 most violent cities revealed, and 21 of them are in Brazil

But the list doesn't just include Latin America, with U.S. cities St Louis, Baltimore, Detroit and New Orleans also featuring.

The question is...Which came first, the abject poverty or the Democrats?

Detroit was a wealthy city then progressive Democrats took it over and after 50+ years of uninterrupted rule Detroit is collapsing, it is billions of dollars in debt (yes, a single city is billions of dollars in debt) and the people who can leave are doing so. It has lost 60% of its population since 1950. Progressives take other peoples money, give it to those who are not productive and when they run out of other peoples money they begin to eat their own. That is the phase they are in now.

If progressivism was so damned good Detroit should be a model of progress and culture. Instead it looks like this...


Nothing at all to do with Nixon allowing Japan to product dump cars in exchange for air bases in southern Japan, or the big three designing and engineering crap cars in the 70's and 80's. Detroit was a company town, when the company failed, so did the town.

Considering the Democrats had been in power for over two decades by then the answer is no. No matter how much you try and blame the repubs for everything the facts are these. In 1932 the wealthiest two percent of this country controlled 76% of the nations wealth. Democrats took control of both houses of Congress and ruled them with an iron fist for 40 continuous years. They also controlled the Presidency for a good portion of that reign as well. The net result after all of that control was the wealthiest 1 percent now control 90% of this nations wealth.

So, dumbass... who were the Democrats working for? Because it sure as hell doesn't look like they were working for the poor and middle class now does it.

You're being 100% deceitful. You're conveniently forgetting the ideological change between Democrats and Republicans in the 60's. Making my case; The best economy EVER for the middle class was 1956 due primarily to the Union supported Republicans. Stop being such a conservative blowhard.

Bullshit. It was because everyone was employed from WWII. EVERYONE had a job who wanted one. The US was the most prosperous country on the planet and we milked it for all it was worth. Then progressives got into power and have been pissing it away ever since. When it was liberal Democrats running things all was well. It's the progressive element that has fucked everything up.
I saw this on thegunfeed.com...and followed the link.....of the 50 most dangerous cities in the world, 4 are in the United States....and all 4 of them have been run by democrats for decades....

World's 50 most violent cities revealed, and 21 of them are in Brazil

But the list doesn't just include Latin America, with U.S. cities St Louis, Baltimore, Detroit and New Orleans also featuring.

The question is...Which came first, the abject poverty or the Democrats?

Detroit was a wealthy city then progressive Democrats took it over and after 50+ years of uninterrupted rule Detroit is collapsing, it is billions of dollars in debt (yes, a single city is billions of dollars in debt) and the people who can leave are doing so. It has lost 60% of its population since 1950. Progressives take other peoples money, give it to those who are not productive and when they run out of other peoples money they begin to eat their own. That is the phase they are in now.

If progressivism was so damned good Detroit should be a model of progress and culture. Instead it looks like this...


Nothing at all to do with Nixon allowing Japan to product dump cars in exchange for air bases in southern Japan, or the big three designing and engineering crap cars in the 70's and 80's. Detroit was a company town, when the company failed, so did the town.
Total bull shit!!!

Detroit was failing much earlier than the 70s and 80s. White flight started in the late 50s and after it's disasterous riot of 1967, whites fled the city. By the mid 70s when the auto companies were producing shit, Detroit was already shit. The auto companies demise had little to do with it.

It's demise was about a lot of things mostly government incompetence...including rising crime, corrupt police department, shitty p-schools, bussing, racial problems, e-ways allowing easy access to suburbs with new homes, good schools, and no crime were whites moved to. HUD selling homes to blacks for $1 and city allowing them to fail to maintain the homes.

I know because I witnessed as it happened.

Los Angeles had the Watts riots, and today if you want a house in Watts it will set you back $250k.

When you have a Detroit, and one industry controls directly and indirectly 80% of the populations paychecks, and the industry fails, you have a Detroit.

Los Angeles was built around the defense, and movie industries. Those are being slowly dismantled by progressive policies and now CA is dropping in every class of living except number of people getting WIC and other entitlements.
I saw this on thegunfeed.com...and followed the link.....of the 50 most dangerous cities in the world, 4 are in the United States....and all 4 of them have been run by democrats for decades....

World's 50 most violent cities revealed, and 21 of them are in Brazil

But the list doesn't just include Latin America, with U.S. cities St Louis, Baltimore, Detroit and New Orleans also featuring.

The question is...Which came first, the abject poverty or the Democrats?

Detroit was a wealthy city then progressive Democrats took it over and after 50+ years of uninterrupted rule Detroit is collapsing, it is billions of dollars in debt (yes, a single city is billions of dollars in debt) and the people who can leave are doing so. It has lost 60% of its population since 1950. Progressives take other peoples money, give it to those who are not productive and when they run out of other peoples money they begin to eat their own. That is the phase they are in now.

If progressivism was so damned good Detroit should be a model of progress and culture. Instead it looks like this...


Nothing at all to do with Nixon allowing Japan to product dump cars in exchange for air bases in southern Japan, or the big three designing and engineering crap cars in the 70's and 80's. Detroit was a company town, when the company failed, so did the town.
Total bull shit!!!

Detroit was failing much earlier than the 70s and 80s. White flight started in the late 50s and after it's disasterous riot of 1967, whites fled the city. By the mid 70s when the auto companies were producing shit, Detroit was already shit. The auto companies demise had little to do with it.

It's demise was about a lot of things mostly government incompetence...including rising crime, corrupt police department, shitty p-schools, bussing, racial problems, e-ways allowing easy access to suburbs with new homes, good schools, and no crime were whites moved to. HUD selling homes to blacks for $1 and city allowing them to fail to maintain the homes.

I know because I witnessed as it happened.

Los Angeles had the Watts riots, and today if you want a house in Watts it will set you back $250k.

When you have a Detroit, and one industry controls directly and indirectly 80% of the populations paychecks, and the industry fails, you have a Detroit.
I saw this on thegunfeed.com...and followed the link.....of the 50 most dangerous cities in the world, 4 are in the United States....and all 4 of them have been run by democrats for decades....

World's 50 most violent cities revealed, and 21 of them are in Brazil

But the list doesn't just include Latin America, with U.S. cities St Louis, Baltimore, Detroit and New Orleans also featuring.

The question is...Which came first, the abject poverty or the Democrats?

Detroit was a wealthy city then progressive Democrats took it over and after 50+ years of uninterrupted rule Detroit is collapsing, it is billions of dollars in debt (yes, a single city is billions of dollars in debt) and the people who can leave are doing so. It has lost 60% of its population since 1950. Progressives take other peoples money, give it to those who are not productive and when they run out of other peoples money they begin to eat their own. That is the phase they are in now.

If progressivism was so damned good Detroit should be a model of progress and culture. Instead it looks like this...


Nothing at all to do with Nixon allowing Japan to product dump cars in exchange for air bases in southern Japan, or the big three designing and engineering crap cars in the 70's and 80's. Detroit was a company town, when the company failed, so did the town.
Total bull shit!!!

Detroit was failing much earlier than the 70s and 80s. White flight started in the late 50s and after it's disasterous riot of 1967, whites fled the city. By the mid 70s when the auto companies were producing shit, Detroit was already shit. The auto companies demise had little to do with it.

It's demise was about a lot of things mostly government incompetence...including rising crime, corrupt police department, shitty p-schools, bussing, racial problems, e-ways allowing easy access to suburbs with new homes, good schools, and no crime were whites moved to. HUD selling homes to blacks for $1 and city allowing them to fail to maintain the homes.

I know because I witnessed as it happened.

Los Angeles had the Watts riots, and today if you want a house in Watts it will set you back $250k.

When you have a Detroit, and one industry controls directly and indirectly 80% of the populations paychecks, and the industry fails, you have a Detroit.
You are ignorant of the history of Detroit. Are you aware it had a very nasty race riot in 1967. The auto industry was booming in 1967? Whites had been fleeing the city prior to riot in large numbers, but after riot they nearly all left. When a city loses it's tax base, it dies.

It had little to do with the auto industry.
The question is...Which came first, the abject poverty or the Democrats?

Detroit was a wealthy city then progressive Democrats took it over and after 50+ years of uninterrupted rule Detroit is collapsing, it is billions of dollars in debt (yes, a single city is billions of dollars in debt) and the people who can leave are doing so. It has lost 60% of its population since 1950. Progressives take other peoples money, give it to those who are not productive and when they run out of other peoples money they begin to eat their own. That is the phase they are in now.

If progressivism was so damned good Detroit should be a model of progress and culture. Instead it looks like this...


Nothing at all to do with Nixon allowing Japan to product dump cars in exchange for air bases in southern Japan, or the big three designing and engineering crap cars in the 70's and 80's. Detroit was a company town, when the company failed, so did the town.

Considering the Democrats had been in power for over two decades by then the answer is no. No matter how much you try and blame the repubs for everything the facts are these. In 1932 the wealthiest two percent of this country controlled 76% of the nations wealth. Democrats took control of both houses of Congress and ruled them with an iron fist for 40 continuous years. They also controlled the Presidency for a good portion of that reign as well. The net result after all of that control was the wealthiest 1 percent now control 90% of this nations wealth.

So, dumbass... who were the Democrats working for? Because it sure as hell doesn't look like they were working for the poor and middle class now does it.

You're being 100% deceitful. You're conveniently forgetting the ideological change between Democrats and Republicans in the 60's. Making my case; The best economy EVER for the middle class was 1956 due primarily to the Union supported Republicans. Stop being such a conservative blowhard.

Bullshit. It was because everyone was employed from WWII. EVERYONE had a job who wanted one. The US was the most prosperous country on the planet and we milked it for all it was worth. Then progressives got into power and have been pissing it away ever since. When it was liberal Democrats running things all was well. It's the progressive element that has fucked everything up.

Yes....democrat tax policies in california.........have driven movie making out of california.....
Out of the top 10 crime ridden cities in the US 9 are Democratic stronghold. Number 10 was Dem also until a few years ago, and their crime rate has begun to drop.
Mark Levin points out democrats/progressives/statitsts/leftists are like locusts.....they go to a city....raise taxes, fines, and fees on every business they can....they then attack the police and protect criminals....and then they protect the unions over the children in schools...and create real crap holes.....then the businesses move out, the middle income earners move out, and then all you have are progressive rich types and the really poor....then the progressives decide they don't like the city anymore and move on to the next city...and repeat the process all over again......

Just like locusts.....
Yeah, Tx, Georgia, and Fl have gotten alot of the movie industry now.
Detroit was a wealthy city then progressive Democrats took it over and after 50+ years of uninterrupted rule Detroit is collapsing, it is billions of dollars in debt (yes, a single city is billions of dollars in debt) and the people who can leave are doing so. It has lost 60% of its population since 1950. Progressives take other peoples money, give it to those who are not productive and when they run out of other peoples money they begin to eat their own. That is the phase they are in now.

If progressivism was so damned good Detroit should be a model of progress and culture. Instead it looks like this...


Nothing at all to do with Nixon allowing Japan to product dump cars in exchange for air bases in southern Japan, or the big three designing and engineering crap cars in the 70's and 80's. Detroit was a company town, when the company failed, so did the town.

Considering the Democrats had been in power for over two decades by then the answer is no. No matter how much you try and blame the repubs for everything the facts are these. In 1932 the wealthiest two percent of this country controlled 76% of the nations wealth. Democrats took control of both houses of Congress and ruled them with an iron fist for 40 continuous years. They also controlled the Presidency for a good portion of that reign as well. The net result after all of that control was the wealthiest 1 percent now control 90% of this nations wealth.

So, dumbass... who were the Democrats working for? Because it sure as hell doesn't look like they were working for the poor and middle class now does it.

You're being 100% deceitful. You're conveniently forgetting the ideological change between Democrats and Republicans in the 60's. Making my case; The best economy EVER for the middle class was 1956 due primarily to the Union supported Republicans. Stop being such a conservative blowhard.

Bullshit. It was because everyone was employed from WWII. EVERYONE had a job who wanted one. The US was the most prosperous country on the planet and we milked it for all it was worth. Then progressives got into power and have been pissing it away ever since. When it was liberal Democrats running things all was well. It's the progressive element that has fucked everything up.

Yes....democrat tax policies in california.........have driven movie making out of california.....
Irony... Detroit was a great city...one of the best in the world. Then over two decades it is destroyed mostly by government incompetence lead by one political party. This is ignored and other much less heinous crimes are magnified, such as the Flint water crisis.
Los Angeles was built around the defense, and movie industries. Those are being slowly dismantled by progressive policies and now CA is dropping in every class of living except number of people getting WIC and other entitlements.

And yet California's GDP is the highest of any State.
California's GDP is the 10th highest in the world, beating Canada.
If employers paid a living wage there would be few if any that collected WIC.
You are ignorant of the history of Detroit. Are you aware it had a very nasty race riot in 1967. The auto industry was booming in 1967? Whites had been fleeing the city prior to riot in large numbers, but after riot they nearly all left. When a city loses it's tax base, it dies.

It had little to do with the auto industry.

Detroit lost it's tax base when the largest industry collapsed due to Nixon allowing Japan to product dump.
Yes....democrat tax policies in california.........have driven movie making out of california.....

California (No. 3) doesn't offer substantial subsidies like Louisiana (No. 1) and Canada (no.2) do. However, almost all post production is done in California.
You have been using that SAME line on every thread thinking it makes you look smart. What it DOES do is make you look like an idiot.

he is not smart enough to be an idiot, slope head is befitting.:up:

oooh.., BTW, "after this"
Los Angeles was built around the defense, and movie industries. Those are being slowly dismantled by progressive policies and now CA is dropping in every class of living except number of people getting WIC and other entitlements.

And yet California's GDP is the highest of any State.
California's GDP is the 10th highest in the world, beating Canada.
If employers paid a living wage there would be few if any that collected WIC.

Simply because it takes a long time to kill the goose that lays the golden egg. When I was a young man CA was the 6th largest GDP on the planet. Now, depending on who you look at it is either 8th or 11th. Regardless, it is on the way down and its fall is accelerating. The problem with morons like you is you are nothing more than children. You have no ability to see beyond the one M&M that is presented to you right now, that second M&M that is yours for the taking if only you can wait a little while is beyond your ability to understand.

CA was one of THE industrial powerhouses of the world. Now it is shifting to a service based economy. So, tell us junior, what happens to service based economies compared to manufacturing based ones?
Yes....democrat tax policies in california.........have driven movie making out of california.....

California (No. 3) doesn't offer substantial subsidies like Louisiana (No. 1) and Canada (no.2) do. However, almost all post production is done in California.

No, it's not. Marketing is about all that's left. Vancouver got the majority of it and they have excellent production facilities there. Disney has work done in Burbank but the actual production of the animation is farmed out to Korea for the majority of that work. Basically the work that is done in Hollywood are the story boards, the marketing, and the deal making. The actual production though is farmed out, away from CA.

I have friends who are still in the industry and they are moving out of CA as fast as they can. One of my friends who works for Disney actually lives in Idaho where he does most of his work and he only go's to LA for the production meetings.
Has it occurred to you guys that is repub policies were so great they would get elected? How is it the small government party can't get elected at the smallest levels of government? They really need to work on their policies.
Has it occurred to you guys that is repub policies were so great they would get elected? How is it the small government party can't get elected at the smallest levels of government? They really need to work on their policies.

Because they won't promise to give people free crap..........As Rush said, it is hard to beat Santa Clause.......

And it is the tax, spend, give away free crap that is destroying these cities and states......I know..look at Chicago..the School district can't pay it's teachers past the end of February and the teachers still want pay raises....

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