4 Things That Were Supposed To Happen By 2016 Because Obama Was Reelected

1. Gas was supposed to cost $6.05 per gallon.
In March 2012, on the floor of the United States Senate, Mike Lee (R-UT) predicted that if Obama was reelected gas would cost $6.05 per gallon by the start 2015. Lee said that gas prices would rise 5 cents for every month Obama was in office, ultimately reaching $6.60 per gallon.

Lee was not alone. Newt Gingrich, running for the GOP nomination, predicted that if Obama was reelected he would push gas to “$10 a gallon.”

2. Unemployment was supposed to be stuck at over 8%
In September 2012, Mitt Romney predicted that if Obama is reelected “you’re going to see chronic high unemployment continue four years or longer.” At the time, the unemployment rate was 8.1%and had been between 8.1% and 8.3% for the entire year.

What would breaking out of “chronic high unemployment” look like in a Romney presidency? Romney pledged that, if elected, he could bring the unemployment rate down to 6% by January 2017.

3. The stock market was supposed to crash
Immediately after Obama won reelection in November 2012, many commenters predicted that the stock market was toast.

Charles Bilderman, the author of the “Intelligent Investing” column at Forbes, wrote that the “market selloff after Obama’s re-election [was] no accident,” predicting “stocks are dropping with no bottom in sight.” Bilderman said that the policies the Obama administration would pursue in his second term would “crash stocks.”

Donald J. Trump


The stock market and US dollar are both plunging today. Welcome to @BarackObama’s second term.

On Bloomberg TV, investor Marc Faber predicted that, because of Obama’s reelection, the stock market would drop at least 20%.

4. The entire U.S. economy was supposed to collapse
Rush Limbaugh predicted that “the country’s economy is going to collapse if Obama is re-elected.” Limbaugh was confident in his prediction: “There’s no if about this. And it’s gonna be ugly. It’s gonna be gut wrenching, but it will happen.”



The economic freefall would begin, according to Limbaugh, because “California is going to declare bankruptcy” and Obama would force states like Texas to “bail them out.” California currently has a $4 billion budget surplus.

Limbaugh added, “I know mathematics, and I know economics. I know history. I know socialism, statism, Marxism, I know where it goes. I know what happens at the end of it.”

Limbaugh said the economic apocalypse could take “a year and a half, two years, three years.” It’s been three years and two months since Limbaugh’s prediction.

4 Things That Were Supposed To Happen By 2016 Because Obama Was Reelected

Your List is incomplete. Keep going.

5. The Obama Administration was supposed to be the most transparent in history

6. American Family Healthcare Costs were supposed to decline by $2,500 per year

7. Americans were supposed to be able to keep their doctor under the new healthcare laws.

8. Obama was going to be the first post-racial President.

9. The World was going to respect the USA under Obama.
The biggest problem is that people who make these ridiculous claims are rarely held accountable for them so they're free to spew any baseless fearmongering nonsense they think will garner the most attention. Why people pay any attention to these ridiculous predictions is beyond me. I'd love to see a rating associated with media and political types "this persons predictions have been correct 12% of the time".
1. Gas was supposed to cost $6.05 per gallon.
In March 2012, on the floor of the United States Senate, Mike Lee (R-UT) predicted that if Obama was reelected gas would cost $6.05 per gallon by the start 2015. Lee said that gas prices would rise 5 cents for every month Obama was in office, ultimately reaching $6.60 per gallon.

Lee was not alone. Newt Gingrich, running for the GOP nomination, predicted that if Obama was reelected he would push gas to “$10 a gallon.”

2. Unemployment was supposed to be stuck at over 8%
In September 2012, Mitt Romney predicted that if Obama is reelected “you’re going to see chronic high unemployment continue four years or longer.” At the time, the unemployment rate was 8.1%and had been between 8.1% and 8.3% for the entire year.

What would breaking out of “chronic high unemployment” look like in a Romney presidency? Romney pledged that, if elected, he could bring the unemployment rate down to 6% by January 2017.

3. The stock market was supposed to crash
Immediately after Obama won reelection in November 2012, many commenters predicted that the stock market was toast.

Charles Bilderman, the author of the “Intelligent Investing” column at Forbes, wrote that the “market selloff after Obama’s re-election [was] no accident,” predicting “stocks are dropping with no bottom in sight.” Bilderman said that the policies the Obama administration would pursue in his second term would “crash stocks.”

Donald J. Trump


The stock market and US dollar are both plunging today. Welcome to @BarackObama’s second term.

On Bloomberg TV, investor Marc Faber predicted that, because of Obama’s reelection, the stock market would drop at least 20%.

4. The entire U.S. economy was supposed to collapse
Rush Limbaugh predicted that “the country’s economy is going to collapse if Obama is re-elected.” Limbaugh was confident in his prediction: “There’s no if about this. And it’s gonna be ugly. It’s gonna be gut wrenching, but it will happen.”



The economic freefall would begin, according to Limbaugh, because “California is going to declare bankruptcy” and Obama would force states like Texas to “bail them out.” California currently has a $4 billion budget surplus.

Limbaugh added, “I know mathematics, and I know economics. I know history. I know socialism, statism, Marxism, I know where it goes. I know what happens at the end of it.”

Limbaugh said the economic apocalypse could take “a year and a half, two years, three years.” It’s been three years and two months since Limbaugh’s prediction.

4 Things That Were Supposed To Happen By 2016 Because Obama Was Reelected
You missed:
You'll lose the doctor you liked
Your Healthcare costs will skyrocket.
Islamic terrorism will become common within America.
Our allies will distrust us.
The Cold War with Russia will rejuvenate.
Record number of Americans will be on welfare.
The government will illegally spy on US Lawmakers.
Iraq would be taken over by Islamic terrorists.
Afghanistan would be taken over by Islamic terrorists.
The worlds leading sponsor of terrorism would be given billions of dollars and US taxpayers would have to pay for the Iran hostages.
American hostages would be held in Iran.
Iran would be free to to create nuclear weapons.
Iran would be free to create missiles that carry nuclear weapons.
Record number of Americans would be without work.
Guns would be confiscated.
Not to mention unemployment is over 8%

Or do you actually believe the U2 numbers as much as they've been corrupted to paint as rosy a picture as possible?

U6 is a far better judge.
2016 just began....give Ears time to phuck it up

ok, you hold your breath until he does.

There are already tremblings in the markets...pay attention, loon

The market does a lot of trembling on a daily basis before it closes at yet another record high.

Perhaps you haven't noticed 2015 was flat?

That's because people took out money to build mansions and upscale commercial property.
Poor bastards.
2016 just began....give Ears time to phuck it up

ok, you hold your breath until he does.

There are already tremblings in the markets...pay attention, loon

The market does a lot of trembling on a daily basis before it closes at yet another record high.
Add that one too.
The rich got richer and poor got poorer under Obama.

Why would a rightwing nut bitch about that?
2016 just began....give Ears time to phuck it up

ok, you hold your breath until he does.

There are already tremblings in the markets...pay attention, loon

The market does a lot of trembling on a daily basis before it closes at yet another record high.

Perhaps you haven't noticed 2015 was flat?

Bush's entire presidency was flat, dumbass.
Not to mention unemployment is over 8%

Or do you actually believe the U2 numbers as much as they've been corrupted to paint as rosy a picture as possible?

U6 is a far better judge.

U6 is down 5 points since Obama took office.

lol. That's a bigger drop than the headline U3 number.
2016 just began....give Ears time to phuck it up

ok, you hold your breath until he does.

There are already tremblings in the markets...pay attention, loon

The market does a lot of trembling on a daily basis before it closes at yet another record high.

Perhaps you haven't noticed 2015 was flat?

Bush's entire presidency was flat, dumbass.

Why don't you go bother someone that buys into your lunacy, fag?
ok, you hold your breath until he does.

There are already tremblings in the markets...pay attention, loon

The market does a lot of trembling on a daily basis before it closes at yet another record high.

Perhaps you haven't noticed 2015 was flat?

Bush's entire presidency was flat, dumbass.

Why don't you go bother someone that buys into your lunacy, fag?

Ad hominem...I win.
Why don't you explain to me how Long Island and NYC is exploding with Luxury Property construction despite your bellyaching that the economy sucks because of Obama?
ok, you hold your breath until he does.

There are already tremblings in the markets...pay attention, loon

The market does a lot of trembling on a daily basis before it closes at yet another record high.

Perhaps you haven't noticed 2015 was flat?

Bush's entire presidency was flat, dumbass.

Why don't you go bother someone that buys into your lunacy, fag?

Dull wit and sharp tongue. The classic combination for a rightwing granny.
There are already tremblings in the markets...pay attention, loon

The market does a lot of trembling on a daily basis before it closes at yet another record high.

Perhaps you haven't noticed 2015 was flat?

Bush's entire presidency was flat, dumbass.

Why don't you go bother someone that buys into your lunacy, fag?

Ad hominem...I win.
Why don't you explain to me how Long Island and NYC is exploding with Luxury Property construction despite your bellyaching that the economy sucks because of Obama?

I wasn't talking to you...you win nothing with the exception of the Dumbass Response of the Day
ok, you hold your breath until he does.

There are already tremblings in the markets...pay attention, loon

The market does a lot of trembling on a daily basis before it closes at yet another record high.

Perhaps you haven't noticed 2015 was flat?

Bush's entire presidency was flat, dumbass.

Why don't you go bother someone that buys into your lunacy, fag?

Oh excuse me, the stock market wasn't actually flat over the course of Bush's presidency.

It was DOWN:

The market does a lot of trembling on a daily basis before it closes at yet another record high.

Perhaps you haven't noticed 2015 was flat?

Bush's entire presidency was flat, dumbass.

Why don't you go bother someone that buys into your lunacy, fag?

Ad hominem...I win.
Why don't you explain to me how Long Island and NYC is exploding with Luxury Property construction despite your bellyaching that the economy sucks because of Obama?

I wasn't talking to you...you win nothing with the exception of the Dumbass Response of the Day

Should you be drinking when you're pregnant? Try to get back on topic.
There are already tremblings in the markets...pay attention, loon

The market does a lot of trembling on a daily basis before it closes at yet another record high.

Perhaps you haven't noticed 2015 was flat?

Bush's entire presidency was flat, dumbass.

Why don't you go bother someone that buys into your lunacy, fag?

Dull wit and sharp tongue. The classic combination for a rightwing granny.

Stupid and uninformed...I tuned 31 @midnight last night. Care to keep playing?
Perhaps you haven't noticed 2015 was flat?

Bush's entire presidency was flat, dumbass.

Why don't you go bother someone that buys into your lunacy, fag?

Ad hominem...I win.
Why don't you explain to me how Long Island and NYC is exploding with Luxury Property construction despite your bellyaching that the economy sucks because of Obama?

I wasn't talking to you...you win nothing with the exception of the Dumbass Response of the Day

Should you be drinking when you're pregnant? Try to get back on topic.

Now you're just being stupid in your juvenile hissy fit because someone calls you for what you are

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