40,000 slaves cobalt mining for their electric powered cars.....

I seriously doubt that it would even cross the mind of any EV-owner that the car they're driving is powered by minerals that were dug by people being payed $2 per day. They really don't give a fuck, as long as their friends and relatives think they're "saving the planet."
As opposed to the slaves mining for blood diamonds, gold, oil, uranium

How are children forced into slave labor for $2 a day so liberals can smugly "save the planet" any less of a travesty than mining blood diamonds, gold, oil, and uranium? Those same liberals who own EV's are usually vehemently against oil, uranium, and rich folks who own diamonds.

So why don't woke EV owners feel the same amount of shame for also exploiting children? I see some serious double standards here. We can produce all the oil we need here without child labor.
How are children forced into slave labor for $2 a day so liberals can smugly "save the planet" any less of a travesty than mining blood diamonds, gold, oil, and uranium? Those same liberals who own EV's are usually vehemently against oil, uranium, and rich folks who own diamonds.

So why don't woke EV owners feel the same amount of shame for also exploiting children? I see some serious double standards here.
Do you feel shame for all the slave labor that you benefit from?
The absurdity of the farce of EV's replacing internal combustion engines is slowly being vetted out. This is just one of many "dirty little secrets" about EV's that is finally coming to light. The main selling point for these cars is "virtue signaling" for wealthy buyers. The EV's actually do more harm to the environment and also use more energy. The mining practices are horrifying and will never be able to produce the "second round" of batteries that will be needed. Once the "virtue signaling" angle has been debunked, it will be embarrassing to own an EV.
Get in a fender bender? Time to haul that worthless, toxic EV to the land fill. Battery getting weak after just a few years? Take it to the landfill. All those tires that wear out quickly due to the much heavier weight? Chuck them in the landfill. Running out of slave labor mineral mines? Start up some more strip mines and toxic chemical pools.
All those thousands of people that will die while stuck in massive freeway jams in snow storms or hurricane evacuations? Might as well just take them to the landfill too.

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