40,000 slaves cobalt mining for their electric powered cars.....

I seriously doubt that it would even cross the mind of any EV-owner that the car they're driving is powered by minerals that were dug by people being payed $2 per day. They really don't give a fuck, as long as their friends and relatives think they're "saving the planet."
Well....they are getting 2 bucks a day.....ummmm...maybe one dollar a day after they pay off 'the man'.

Not sure how anyone can reconcile anything when dealing with human rights.
But, that's just me.
Will Dems be charged with crimes against humanity? Genocide? Shouldn't Dems be rounded up and held accountable for their crimes?
Yet so many self righteous , virtue signaling sheep will drive around looking over their noses at the poor people destroying our planet. Talk about buyers remorse...."You mean my $80,000 car is only possible because of slave labor, is more harmful to the environment AND uses more energy?"
The truth is out there. And the truth is simply that...."EV's are not a solution, to a problem that does not exist".
EV reminds me of another idiot left wing program. Back in the Clinton era the left claimed we needed to 'save the trees' and BANNED paper bags. The left sang the virtues of plastic bags. Then after a multi decade plastic bag environmental disaster they created, they have now banned plastic bags and brought back paper bags.
Leftists don't care, they're either slaving them or trying to groom them

Tehy represent a handful of elites. They want to drive all those uppity proles out of owning personal vehicles so they can have the roads to themselves. They will also find a way to tax the poor to keep the roads well maintained. The GOP is falling all over themselves to help out with that last part.
Look Dems don't give a shit about those kids in the Congo or the poor and working class here in America that suffer under their taxes and fees and climate change BS that jacks up the cost of everything. In summary, Dems are assholes.
How are children forced into slave labor for $2 a day so liberals can smugly "save the planet" any less of a travesty than mining blood diamonds, gold, oil, and uranium? Those same liberals who own EV's are usually vehemently against oil, uranium, and rich folks who own diamonds.

So why don't woke EV owners feel the same amount of shame for also exploiting children? I see some serious double standards here. We can produce all the oil we need here without child labor.
China is paying the $2.00 an hour so that's okay. Child slaves are fine with democrats.
It's a racket. The system is simple, tell someone they need something they'll buy it. Doesn't matter if there's any truth to it, and EV is a lie from beginning to end. Those who buy one lie to themselves, though they're probably just ignorant with a layer protecting their fragile hydes.

Imagine a world where you can drive 200 miles before having to stop and recharge for an hour or so, assumming you can find a fast charger. All the while, there's a gas powered vehicle that still has well over half a tank. And five minutes gets another tank. Meanwhile, it's the EV that's the most resource intensive.

You have to hand it to Musk, somehow. He's produced these ugly-assed cars "you need if you care", and trendy leftists suck em up. All the while, Musk leans conservative.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
So a wealthy dentist gets a "rebate" AKA taxpayer money, to the tune of $17,000 off his new $80,000 car. Why would that be?..Oh to save the planet of course. Meanwhile, consider a single working mother struggling to afford a $28,000 "economical" family car. She could probably use that $17,000 rebate from taxpayer money as well......But hey she is just a peon that is destroying Earth....unlike the wealthy dentist.

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