40,000 slaves cobalt mining for their electric powered cars.....

You're annoying...and I don't trust you.

Whiny little man violating forum rules and in turn running to be protected

Cobalt is being used to produce EV batteries, children are being used to mine it. Fact

Save your left loon BS for other leftists

Understand, you limp?
So the slave labor used to produce the electronic device you are CURRENTLY using is ok… but for EVs not so much

Partisan hypocrit
So the slave labor used to produce the electronic device you are CURRENTLY using is ok… but for EVs not so much

Partisan hypocrit

Tell us exactly what device that person is using and precisely who had to slave to make it.

You losers never have any proof, just blather.

Hey dumbass… are you seriously saying that you don’t know that cobalt is used extensively in cell phones, I pads. Laptops, and computers?

And with no evidence to the contrary you deny that?


Where did I do that?

Keep coming back and whining.

Somebody doesn't react the way YOU want them to, and suddenly they're slaver-sympahtizers?...Oh, puh-leeeeze... is that the best you can do, twit?

Like I give a frog's fat a$$ about any of that... 🙄
Yeah we know you don't give a (how you put it?) A "FROG'S FAT ASS" about any of it. None it. Zero, zilch nada nothing.

Pretty sure you are agreeing with me but you're a bit too dense to understand that.
Yeah we know you don't give a (how you put it?) A "FROG'S FAT ASS" about any of it. None it. Zero, zilch nada nothing.

Pretty sure you are agreeing with me but you're a bit too dense to understand that.
Oh... I can be dumber than a good many folks... but I DO take some small amount of comfort in the fact that you are not numbered amongst those... :cool:
Yeah we know you don't give a (how you put it?) A "FROG'S FAT ASS" about any of it. None it. Zero, zilch nada nothing.

Pretty sure you are agreeing with me but you're a bit too dense to understand that.
I care a great deal about the fate of children... they are mankind's most sacred trust...
Evidence? Where is your link proving that the website lies? Where is your evidence that the post is incorrect?

You saying that someone is lying it’s a waste of your time without evidence.
You lied.
Here is what you claimed:

Cobalt is no longer being used in EV batteries:

Here is what your link said:

With millions of zero emission cars set to hit the streets over the next few years, the race is on to find a formula for lithium-ion electric vehicle batteries that ditches cobalt in favor of more abundant, less expensive materials.

You can get all the juicy details from the research team’s studies, recently published in the journals Advanced Materials and theJournal of Power Sources, but don’t get too excited just yet. As described by the lab, NFA-class energy storage is still in the early stages of research.
You lied.
Here is what you claimed:

Cobalt is no longer being used in EV batteries:

Here is what your link said:

With millions of zero emission cars set to hit the streets over the next few years, the race is on to find a formula for lithium-ion electric vehicle batteries that ditches cobalt in favor of more abundant, less expensive materials.

You can get all the juicy details from the research team’s studies, recently published in the journals Advanced Materials and theJournal of Power Sources, but don’t get too excited just yet. As described by the lab, NFA-class energy storage is still in the early stages of research.
You're peeing up a flagpole with that one.

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