40 Years And Counting....

40 years since Democrat Jimmy Carter installed Ayatollah Khomeini as the leader of Iran.

Thousands of deaths have been the result.

Democrat Obama worked day and night to guarantee nuclear weapons to this 7th century barbaric regime.

Today, - and so far, only reported on i24 news...

"Sources suggest that Iran's Revolutionary Guards, especially its Basij forces -- one of the five forces of the IRGC -- have experienced division, suggesting Iran's leadership is working to counter a budding soft coup.

125 Iranian officials were said to be arrested recently and charged with espionage in an attempt to neutralize them for purportedly turning their backs on the regime.

Many others have been removed from their official posts or simply disappeared from the public eye without any explanation, such as Gen. Ali Nasiri, who has likely been detained, according to sources, while others were killed in assassination plots that include fatal medical injections and car "accidents".

If this is true, and the regime in Tehran is overthrown....

...Trump should be beatified.

When they kill 4,000 + officials, it's a certifiable purge.
They are nowhere near this.

As stated in the OP:

"If this is true, and the regime in Tehran is overthrown....

...Trump should be beatified."

What's your problem?

Only 125 officials is a stern warning to others to instill fear.
A far cry from being a purge, no less a beautification.
Too early to tell, we'll see.

This is what I said.....
If this is true, and the regime in Tehran is overthrown....

...Trump should be beatified.

What's the problem?
40 years since Democrat Jimmy Carter installed Ayatollah Khomeini as the leader of Iran.

Thousands of deaths have been the result.

Democrat Obama worked day and night to guarantee nuclear weapons to this 7th century barbaric regime.

Today, - and so far, only reported on i24 news...

"Sources suggest that Iran's Revolutionary Guards, especially its Basij forces -- one of the five forces of the IRGC -- have experienced division, suggesting Iran's leadership is working to counter a budding soft coup.

125 Iranian officials were said to be arrested recently and charged with espionage in an attempt to neutralize them for purportedly turning their backs on the regime.

Many others have been removed from their official posts or simply disappeared from the public eye without any explanation, such as Gen. Ali Nasiri, who has likely been detained, according to sources, while others were killed in assassination plots that include fatal medical injections and car "accidents".

If this is true, and the regime in Tehran is overthrown....

...Trump should be beatified.

What you mean is 40 years ago, the Iranian people had had more than enough of the murderous dictator the USA installed to prevent Iran from getting too chummy with the Soviets, and overthrew the US back government, deposed the Shah, and threw the Americans out of the country.

The USA shot themselves in the foot on this one. Better dead than red, wasn't just a bumper sticker.

That you claim Carter had anything to do with it, shows why a lying piece of shit you really are. It's either that or whatever money you paid for what passes as an education in your life, was a waste of both your time and money.

Two things you should learn...

1. I never use vulgarity, you low-life

2. I'm never wrong.

"After Carter’s election, Ebrahim Yazdi, one of the Ayatollah Khomeini’s supporters urged him to “begin to think of the ‘new possibilities’ that the expected rift between Tehran and Washington might offer.” Yazdi, an Iranian-born American citizen, wrote to him in Iraq that “the shah’s friends in Washington are out. … It is time to act.” Circumstances dictated that “having picked Khomeini to overthrow the shah, Carter and the French had to get him out of Iraq, clothe him with respectability, and set him up in Paris,” wrote Amir Taheri in “Nest of Spies.”

CIA memoranda regarding Khomeini seem to have either been deliberately ignored by the Carter administration or lost in the great governmental paperwork shuffle. One memo flatly stated, “Khomeini is determined to overthrow the shah and is unlikely to accept compromise. … He has cooperated in the past with Islamic terrorist groups.”

Carter viewed Khomeini as a religious holy man in a grass-roots revolution rather than the founding father of modern terrorism. U.N. Ambassador Andrew Young said, “Khomeini will eventually be hailed as a saint.” Iran Ambassador William Sullivan, said, “Khomeini is a Gandhi-like figure.” Adviser James Bill proclaimed in a Newsweek interview in 1979 that Khomeini was not a mad mujahid, but a man of “impeccable integrity and honesty.”

Lubrani later told me Carter was to blame, to some extent, for the current state of affairs in Iran.

Liberal Democrat Jimmy Carter apparently believes evil really does not exist. Terrorist organizations are simply human rights movements; people are basically good; and America should embrace the perpetrators while castigating the victims.

Jimmy Carter is among the number clamoring to change the worldview of terrorists from mass murderers of the innocent to “insurgents” or “liberation movements.” He is quick to indict the U.S. at every opportunity and to champion the downtrodden suicide bombers as “martyrs.”"
Welcome back Carter? - WND - WND
Welcome back Carter? - WND - WND

1. On January 21, 1979, the former Attorney General, Ramsey Clark, arrived in Paris from Tehran. He held some talks with the opposition leader Khomeini and told him Carter's opinions of the recent events. As the news agencies reported, when Clark left Khomeini, he said, "I have a great hope that this revolution will bring social justice to Iranian people."
Al-Hawadess, No. 1161, London, Feb. 3, 1979, p. 26.

2. The Ayatollah came to power as part of US President Jimmy Carter's "Human Rights" policy. William Miller, chief of staff on the US Senate Intelligence Committee, said America had nothing to fear from Khomeini since he would be a progressive force for human rights. U.S. Ambassador William Sullivan compared Khomeini to Mahatma Gandhi.”
Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini - Conservapedia

Democrats have a long record of either being naive or of embracing evil.

Carter and the Muslim President are perfect examples.

Oh....and you, of course.
40 years since Democrat Jimmy Carter installed Ayatollah Khomeini as the leader of Iran.

Thousands of deaths have been the result.

Democrat Obama worked day and night to guarantee nuclear weapons to this 7th century barbaric regime.

Today, - and so far, only reported on i24 news...

"Sources suggest that Iran's Revolutionary Guards, especially its Basij forces -- one of the five forces of the IRGC -- have experienced division, suggesting Iran's leadership is working to counter a budding soft coup.

125 Iranian officials were said to be arrested recently and charged with espionage in an attempt to neutralize them for purportedly turning their backs on the regime.

Many others have been removed from their official posts or simply disappeared from the public eye without any explanation, such as Gen. Ali Nasiri, who has likely been detained, according to sources, while others were killed in assassination plots that include fatal medical injections and car "accidents".

If this is true, and the regime in Tehran is overthrown....

...Trump should be beatified.

I don't think Carter installed Ayatollah..

I'd be happy to provide the details if you like.

I would like, because in this instance, I'm pretty sure it went down like Dragonlady just said.

"After Carter’s election, Ebrahim Yazdi, one of the Ayatollah Khomeini’s supporters urged him to “begin to think of the ‘new possibilities’ that the expected rift between Tehran and Washington might offer.” Yazdi, an Iranian-born American citizen, wrote to him in Iraq that “the shah’s friends in Washington are out. … It is time to act.” Circumstances dictated that “having picked Khomeini to overthrow the shah, Carter and the French had to get him out of Iraq, clothe him with respectability, and set him up in Paris,” wrote Amir Taheri in “Nest of Spies.”

CIA memoranda regarding Khomeini seem to have either been deliberately ignored by the Carter administration or lost in the great governmental paperwork shuffle. One memo flatly stated, “Khomeini is determined to overthrow the shah and is unlikely to accept compromise. … He has cooperated in the past with Islamic terrorist groups.”

Carter viewed Khomeini as a religious holy man in a grass-roots revolution rather than the founding father of modern terrorism. U.N. Ambassador Andrew Young said, “Khomeini will eventually be hailed as a saint.” Iran Ambassador William Sullivan, said, “Khomeini is a Gandhi-like figure.” Adviser James Bill proclaimed in a Newsweek interview in 1979 that Khomeini was not a mad mujahid, but a man of “impeccable integrity and honesty.”

Lubrani later told me Carter was to blame, to some extent, for the current state of affairs in Iran.

Liberal Democrat Jimmy Carter apparently believes evil really does not exist. Terrorist organizations are simply human rights movements; people are basically good; and America should embrace the perpetrators while castigating the victims.

Jimmy Carter is among the number clamoring to change the worldview of terrorists from mass murderers of the innocent to “insurgents” or “liberation movements.” He is quick to indict the U.S. at every opportunity and to champion the downtrodden suicide bombers as “martyrs.”"
Welcome back Carter? - WND - WND

Welcome back Carter? - WND - WND

1. On January 21, 1979, the former Attorney General, Ramsey Clark, arrived in Paris from Tehran. He held some talks with the opposition leader Khomeini and told him Carter's opinions of the recent events. As the news agencies reported, when Clark left Khomeini, he said, "I have a great hope that this revolution will bring social justice to Iranian people."

Al-Hawadess, No. 1161, London, Feb. 3, 1979, p. 26.

2. The Ayatollah came to power as part of US President Jimmy Carter's "Human Rights" policy. William Miller, chief of staff on the US Senate Intelligence Committee, said America had nothing to fear from Khomeini since he would be a progressive force for human rights. U.S. Ambassador William Sullivan compared Khomeini to Mahatma Gandhi.”

Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini - Conservapedia

How about Carter writing speeches for Arafat......like that too?
40 years since Democrat Jimmy Carter installed Ayatollah Khomeini as the leader of Iran.

Thousands of deaths have been the result.

Democrat Obama worked day and night to guarantee nuclear weapons to this 7th century barbaric regime.

Today, - and so far, only reported on i24 news...

"Sources suggest that Iran's Revolutionary Guards, especially its Basij forces -- one of the five forces of the IRGC -- have experienced division, suggesting Iran's leadership is working to counter a budding soft coup.

125 Iranian officials were said to be arrested recently and charged with espionage in an attempt to neutralize them for purportedly turning their backs on the regime.

Many others have been removed from their official posts or simply disappeared from the public eye without any explanation, such as Gen. Ali Nasiri, who has likely been detained, according to sources, while others were killed in assassination plots that include fatal medical injections and car "accidents".

If this is true, and the regime in Tehran is overthrown....

...Trump should be beatified.

I don't think Carter installed Ayatollah..

I'd be happy to provide the details if you like.

I would like, because in this instance, I'm pretty sure it went down like Dragonlady just said.

yeah she gave PC an even much worse ass beating than you or i did.

This is PC now after suffering that humilating ass beating from myself earlier and NOW from dragonlady,



Whoah..she was mistaken in the OP, that is all. It's the 1st time I've seen her be wrong. People make mistakes, they're human.
Likely she's younger than I am, and didn't know.
Just because I want the truth doesn't mean I "beat down" on PC.

People I "beat down" on know it.

One sentence changed in the OP and it would have been just fine.

"40 years since Iran revolted against the shah"...
The "US installed" part isn't even necessary.

Never wrong.


Oh.....BTW.....Carter never was a nuclear scientist as he claimed, either.

Like Obama, he is a lying incompetent sack of offal.
40 years since Democrat Jimmy Carter installed Ayatollah Khomeini as the leader of Iran.

Thousands of deaths have been the result.

Democrat Obama worked day and night to guarantee nuclear weapons to this 7th century barbaric regime.

Today, - and so far, only reported on i24 news...

"Sources suggest that Iran's Revolutionary Guards, especially its Basij forces -- one of the five forces of the IRGC -- have experienced division, suggesting Iran's leadership is working to counter a budding soft coup.

125 Iranian officials were said to be arrested recently and charged with espionage in an attempt to neutralize them for purportedly turning their backs on the regime.

Many others have been removed from their official posts or simply disappeared from the public eye without any explanation, such as Gen. Ali Nasiri, who has likely been detained, according to sources, while others were killed in assassination plots that include fatal medical injections and car "accidents".

If this is true, and the regime in Tehran is overthrown....

...Trump should be beatified.

When they kill 4,000 + officials, it's a certifiable purge.
They are nowhere near this.

As stated in the OP:

"If this is true, and the regime in Tehran is overthrown....

...Trump should be beatified."

What's your problem?

Only 125 officials is a stern warning to others to instill fear.
A far cry from being a purge, no less a beautification.
Too early to tell, we'll see.

This is what I said.....
If this is true, and the regime in Tehran is overthrown....

...Trump should be beatified.

What's the problem?

Quit trying to lie your way out of this you stupid bitch. You've been called out for lying and trying to create a false narrative by both sides this time, and you're still clinging to your lies.

Iran is not Iraq, and the US couldn't even subdue Iraq which hated Saddam Hussein. 70 years since WWII, and the USA still hasn't learned that you can never win a war against a people on their home soil. Even if you defeat their armies, they will never stop fighting to reclaim their homeland.

Trump is just giving Iranians more excuses to hate the West.
40 years since Democrat Jimmy Carter installed Ayatollah Khomeini as the leader of Iran.

Thousands of deaths have been the result.

Democrat Obama worked day and night to guarantee nuclear weapons to this 7th century barbaric regime.

Today, - and so far, only reported on i24 news...

"Sources suggest that Iran's Revolutionary Guards, especially its Basij forces -- one of the five forces of the IRGC -- have experienced division, suggesting Iran's leadership is working to counter a budding soft coup.

125 Iranian officials were said to be arrested recently and charged with espionage in an attempt to neutralize them for purportedly turning their backs on the regime.

Many others have been removed from their official posts or simply disappeared from the public eye without any explanation, such as Gen. Ali Nasiri, who has likely been detained, according to sources, while others were killed in assassination plots that include fatal medical injections and car "accidents".

If this is true, and the regime in Tehran is overthrown....

...Trump should be beatified.

When they kill 4,000 + officials, it's a certifiable purge.
They are nowhere near this.

As stated in the OP:

"If this is true, and the regime in Tehran is overthrown....

...Trump should be beatified."

What's your problem?

Only 125 officials is a stern warning to others to instill fear.
A far cry from being a purge, no less a beautification.
Too early to tell, we'll see.

This is what I said.....
If this is true, and the regime in Tehran is overthrown....

...Trump should be beatified.

What's the problem?

Quit trying to lie your way out of this you stupid bitch. You've been called out for lying and trying to create a false narrative by both sides this time, and you're still clinging to your lies.

Iran is not Iraq, and the US couldn't even subdue Iraq which hated Saddam Hussein. 70 years since WWII, and the USA still hasn't learned that you can never win a war against a people on their home soil. Even if you defeat their armies, they will never stop fighting to reclaim their homeland.

Trump is just giving Iranians more excuses to hate the West.

You really hate it when I destroy your Leftist-induced worldview.


I love putting a burr under your saddle, you donkey.

Wait til you see what I write about Mossadeq today.

Get the antacids ready.
"Iran Guards Deny Reports Of Several Commanders Fleeing Or Arrested
The spokesman of Islamic revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has denied recent reports and rumors that several commanders have fled or have been arrested.

Ramezan Sharif was quoted Tuesday by IRGC-run Fars news agency saying that the rumors are enemy tactics “using criminal social media networks and media” have taken advantage of recent changes in the IRGC command to spread rumors about top commanders, their families to the effect that some have fled the country or arrested as spies.

In recent weeks there were rumors that well-known commanders have either fled Iran or have been arrested. Radio Farda refrained from reporting mere rumors, but now the IRGC has officially responded to these reports."

Iran Guards Deny Reports Of Several Commanders Fleeing Or Arrested

Gee....Iran denies the report.....what could that mean?
40 years since Democrat Jimmy Carter installed Ayatollah Khomeini as the leader of Iran.

Thousands of deaths have been the result.

Democrat Obama worked day and night to guarantee nuclear weapons to this 7th century barbaric regime.

Today, - and so far, only reported on i24 news...

"Sources suggest that Iran's Revolutionary Guards, especially its Basij forces -- one of the five forces of the IRGC -- have experienced division, suggesting Iran's leadership is working to counter a budding soft coup.

125 Iranian officials were said to be arrested recently and charged with espionage in an attempt to neutralize them for purportedly turning their backs on the regime.

Many others have been removed from their official posts or simply disappeared from the public eye without any explanation, such as Gen. Ali Nasiri, who has likely been detained, according to sources, while others were killed in assassination plots that include fatal medical injections and car "accidents".

If this is true, and the regime in Tehran is overthrown....

...Trump should be beatified.

I don't think Carter installed Ayatollah..

I'd be happy to provide the details if you like.

I would like, because in this instance, I'm pretty sure it went down like Dragonlady just said.

yeah she gave PC an even much worse ass beating than you or i did.

This is PC now after suffering that humilating ass beating from myself earlier and NOW from dragonlady,



Whoah..she was mistaken in the OP, that is all. It's the 1st time I've seen her be wrong. People make mistakes, they're human.
Likely she's younger than I am, and didn't know.
Just because I want the truth doesn't mean I "beat down" on PC.

People I "beat down" on know it.

One sentence changed in the OP and it would have been just fine.

"40 years since Iran revolted against the shah"...
The "US installed" part isn't even necessary.

Dude you sure have a short term memory. She ALWAYS lies when she cant back up what she claims. Dragonlady just pointed out her lies,she ALWAYS does that in all her threads,why do you suppose so many people laugh at her all the time?

for instance,she once made a thread talking crap about how Reagan was the best president of the 20th century,and when myself and others took her to school and gave her a major ass beating that he was the most corrupt president ever,she evaded and ignored the facts and made up lies. she has this sad obsession of how the democrats are corrupt but anytime someone gives evidence the republicans are just as much corrupt like my example of Reagan,she cowardly runs off with her tail between her legs and evades the evidence and just starts talking about how the dems are all corrupt all the time.
40 years since Democrat Jimmy Carter installed Ayatollah Khomeini as the leader of Iran.

Thousands of deaths have been the result.

Democrat Obama worked day and night to guarantee nuclear weapons to this 7th century barbaric regime.

Today, - and so far, only reported on i24 news...

"Sources suggest that Iran's Revolutionary Guards, especially its Basij forces -- one of the five forces of the IRGC -- have experienced division, suggesting Iran's leadership is working to counter a budding soft coup.

125 Iranian officials were said to be arrested recently and charged with espionage in an attempt to neutralize them for purportedly turning their backs on the regime.

Many others have been removed from their official posts or simply disappeared from the public eye without any explanation, such as Gen. Ali Nasiri, who has likely been detained, according to sources, while others were killed in assassination plots that include fatal medical injections and car "accidents".

If this is true, and the regime in Tehran is overthrown....

...Trump should be beatified.

I don't think Carter installed Ayatollah..

I'd be happy to provide the details if you like.

Your story is deeply flawed and full of lies. Carter didn't have a choice about accepting the will of the Iranian people. Short of invading Iran, there was nothing he could have done to stop the Ayatollahs from taking control. If you think otherwise, you're even dumber than your first post would make you look.

trust me,she IS that dumb.:2up: she really does believe all that BS about carter.:rolleyes:
40 years since Democrat Jimmy Carter installed Ayatollah Khomeini as the leader of Iran.

Thousands of deaths have been the result.

Democrat Obama worked day and night to guarantee nuclear weapons to this 7th century barbaric regime.

Today, - and so far, only reported on i24 news...

"Sources suggest that Iran's Revolutionary Guards, especially its Basij forces -- one of the five forces of the IRGC -- have experienced division, suggesting Iran's leadership is working to counter a budding soft coup.

125 Iranian officials were said to be arrested recently and charged with espionage in an attempt to neutralize them for purportedly turning their backs on the regime.

Many others have been removed from their official posts or simply disappeared from the public eye without any explanation, such as Gen. Ali Nasiri, who has likely been detained, according to sources, while others were killed in assassination plots that include fatal medical injections and car "accidents".

If this is true, and the regime in Tehran is overthrown....

...Trump should be beatified.

I don't think Carter installed Ayatollah..

I'd be happy to provide the details if you like.

Your story is deeply flawed and full of lies. Carter didn't have a choice about accepting the will of the Iranian people. Short of invading Iran, there was nothing he could have done to stop the Ayatollahs from taking control. If you think otherwise, you're even dumber than your first post would make you look.

trust me,she IS that dumb.:2up: she really does believe all that BS about carter.:rolleyes:
It's what happens when you get your "History" from paid propagandist dolts like Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter. A completely warped cognitive bias, incapable of correcting itself with accurate information.
40 years since Democrat Jimmy Carter installed Ayatollah Khomeini as the leader of Iran.

Thousands of deaths have been the result.

Democrat Obama worked day and night to guarantee nuclear weapons to this 7th century barbaric regime.

Today, - and so far, only reported on i24 news...

"Sources suggest that Iran's Revolutionary Guards, especially its Basij forces -- one of the five forces of the IRGC -- have experienced division, suggesting Iran's leadership is working to counter a budding soft coup.

125 Iranian officials were said to be arrested recently and charged with espionage in an attempt to neutralize them for purportedly turning their backs on the regime.

Many others have been removed from their official posts or simply disappeared from the public eye without any explanation, such as Gen. Ali Nasiri, who has likely been detained, according to sources, while others were killed in assassination plots that include fatal medical injections and car "accidents".

If this is true, and the regime in Tehran is overthrown....

...Trump should be beatified.

I don't think Carter installed Ayatollah..

I'd be happy to provide the details if you like.

Your story is deeply flawed and full of lies. Carter didn't have a choice about accepting the will of the Iranian people. Short of invading Iran, there was nothing he could have done to stop the Ayatollahs from taking control. If you think otherwise, you're even dumber than your first post would make you look.

trust me,she IS that dumb.:2up: she really does believe all that BS about carter.:rolleyes:
It's what happens when you get your "History" from paid propagandist dolts like Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter. A completely warped cognitive bias, incapable of correcting itself with accurate information.

One more iteration of the "is not, isssssss nooootttttttt!!!" post that morons produce.

The sort of post one pens when they'd like to refute the material.......but can't.
I don't think Carter installed Ayatollah..

I'd be happy to provide the details if you like.

Your story is deeply flawed and full of lies. Carter didn't have a choice about accepting the will of the Iranian people. Short of invading Iran, there was nothing he could have done to stop the Ayatollahs from taking control. If you think otherwise, you're even dumber than your first post would make you look.

trust me,she IS that dumb.:2up: she really does believe all that BS about carter.:rolleyes:
It's what happens when you get your "History" from paid propagandist dolts like Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter. A completely warped cognitive bias, incapable of correcting itself with accurate information.

One more iteration of the "is not, isssssss nooootttttttt!!!" post that morons produce.

The sort of post one pens when they'd like to refute the material.......but can't.
Ohhh...for sure! It's that...or, we have wildly differing standards on what we'd consider "material."

You're an extremist winger on the internet...dime a dozen. News at 11.
I'd be happy to provide the details if you like.

Your story is deeply flawed and full of lies. Carter didn't have a choice about accepting the will of the Iranian people. Short of invading Iran, there was nothing he could have done to stop the Ayatollahs from taking control. If you think otherwise, you're even dumber than your first post would make you look.

trust me,she IS that dumb.:2up: she really does believe all that BS about carter.:rolleyes:
It's what happens when you get your "History" from paid propagandist dolts like Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter. A completely warped cognitive bias, incapable of correcting itself with accurate information.

One more iteration of the "is not, isssssss nooootttttttt!!!" post that morons produce.

The sort of post one pens when they'd like to refute the material.......but can't.
Ohhh...for sure! It's that...or, we have wildly differing standards on what we'd consider "material."

You're an extremist winger on the internet...dime a dozen. News at 11.

Still nothing in the realm of refutation.

Soooo.....you've inadvertently proven everything I post is 100% accurate, correct, and true.

Now that you've served the purpose you were born to serve, you may recede into the oblivion you so richly deserve.

Your story is deeply flawed and full of lies. Carter didn't have a choice about accepting the will of the Iranian people. Short of invading Iran, there was nothing he could have done to stop the Ayatollahs from taking control. If you think otherwise, you're even dumber than your first post would make you look.

trust me,she IS that dumb.:2up: she really does believe all that BS about carter.:rolleyes:
It's what happens when you get your "History" from paid propagandist dolts like Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter. A completely warped cognitive bias, incapable of correcting itself with accurate information.

One more iteration of the "is not, isssssss nooootttttttt!!!" post that morons produce.

The sort of post one pens when they'd like to refute the material.......but can't.
Ohhh...for sure! It's that...or, we have wildly differing standards on what we'd consider "material."

You're an extremist winger on the internet...dime a dozen. News at 11.

Still nothing in the realm of refutation.

Soooo.....you've inadvertently proven everything I post is 100% accurate, correct, and true.

Now that you've served the purpose you were born to serve, you may recede into the oblivion you so richly deserve.

That's another one...a wild misunderstanding as to what constitutes 'proof.'

trust me,she IS that dumb.:2up: she really does believe all that BS about carter.:rolleyes:
It's what happens when you get your "History" from paid propagandist dolts like Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter. A completely warped cognitive bias, incapable of correcting itself with accurate information.

One more iteration of the "is not, isssssss nooootttttttt!!!" post that morons produce.

The sort of post one pens when they'd like to refute the material.......but can't.
Ohhh...for sure! It's that...or, we have wildly differing standards on what we'd consider "material."

You're an extremist winger on the internet...dime a dozen. News at 11.

Still nothing in the realm of refutation.

Soooo.....you've inadvertently proven everything I post is 100% accurate, correct, and true.

Now that you've served the purpose you were born to serve, you may recede into the oblivion you so richly deserve.

That's another one...a wild misunderstanding as to what constitutes 'proof.'


Let's review.

I post a perfectly constructed and accurate thread, and you, who is irked at

a. not being educate enough to recognize same

b. hurt that everything he swallowed in government school is proven false

c. being inarticulate as well as uneducated

d. ....post....thrice......nothing more than the usual Liberal "oh,yeah....sez you!"

Just between the two of us….are you just a leeeeettttle disappointed at how you turned out?
If this is true, and the regime in Tehran is overthrown....

...Trump should be beatified.
Trump is certainly bold and not adverse to taking risks, I'll give him that.

If the regime is not overthrown but keeps processing their uranium and ends up building a bomb, what then? I wonder if he will he change his tune like he has done with North Korea.
It's what happens when you get your "History" from paid propagandist dolts like Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter. A completely warped cognitive bias, incapable of correcting itself with accurate information.

One more iteration of the "is not, isssssss nooootttttttt!!!" post that morons produce.

The sort of post one pens when they'd like to refute the material.......but can't.
Ohhh...for sure! It's that...or, we have wildly differing standards on what we'd consider "material."

You're an extremist winger on the internet...dime a dozen. News at 11.

Still nothing in the realm of refutation.

Soooo.....you've inadvertently proven everything I post is 100% accurate, correct, and true.

Now that you've served the purpose you were born to serve, you may recede into the oblivion you so richly deserve.

That's another one...a wild misunderstanding as to what constitutes 'proof.'


Let's review.

I post a perfectly constructed and accurate thread, and you, who is irked at

a. not being educate enough to recognize same

b. hurt that everything he swallowed in government school is proven false

c. being inarticulate as well as uneducated

d. ....post....thrice......nothing more than the usual Liberal "oh,yeah....sez you!"

Just between the two of us….are you just a leeeeettttle disappointed at how you turned out?
I can't see past all of that hot air :26:...could you brush your damn teeth and try that out one more time?

Several posters pointed out the absurdity of your OP. My :2cents: was merely to advise the (other) good folks, who aren't so gullible/susceptible to propaganda as you are...to be weary of getting their history from paid Nutbars. You're the poster child for what can happen. Sorry, Charlie! :113:
One more iteration of the "is not, isssssss nooootttttttt!!!" post that morons produce.

The sort of post one pens when they'd like to refute the material.......but can't.
Ohhh...for sure! It's that...or, we have wildly differing standards on what we'd consider "material."

You're an extremist winger on the internet...dime a dozen. News at 11.

Still nothing in the realm of refutation.

Soooo.....you've inadvertently proven everything I post is 100% accurate, correct, and true.

Now that you've served the purpose you were born to serve, you may recede into the oblivion you so richly deserve.

That's another one...a wild misunderstanding as to what constitutes 'proof.'


Let's review.

I post a perfectly constructed and accurate thread, and you, who is irked at

a. not being educate enough to recognize same

b. hurt that everything he swallowed in government school is proven false

c. being inarticulate as well as uneducated

d. ....post....thrice......nothing more than the usual Liberal "oh,yeah....sez you!"

Just between the two of us….are you just a leeeeettttle disappointed at how you turned out?
I can't see past all of that hot air :26:...could you brush your damn teeth and try that out one more time?

Several posters pointed out the absurdity of your OP. My :2cents: was merely to advise the (other) good folks, who aren't so gullible/susceptible to propaganda as you are...to be weary of getting their history from paid Nutbars. You're the poster child for what can happen. Sorry, Charlie! :113:

Fourth post and still not a scintilla of dispute.

If you were more intelligent you'd be embarrassed.
Ohhh...for sure! It's that...or, we have wildly differing standards on what we'd consider "material."

You're an extremist winger on the internet...dime a dozen. News at 11.

Still nothing in the realm of refutation.

Soooo.....you've inadvertently proven everything I post is 100% accurate, correct, and true.

Now that you've served the purpose you were born to serve, you may recede into the oblivion you so richly deserve.

That's another one...a wild misunderstanding as to what constitutes 'proof.'


Let's review.

I post a perfectly constructed and accurate thread, and you, who is irked at

a. not being educate enough to recognize same

b. hurt that everything he swallowed in government school is proven false

c. being inarticulate as well as uneducated

d. ....post....thrice......nothing more than the usual Liberal "oh,yeah....sez you!"

Just between the two of us….are you just a leeeeettttle disappointed at how you turned out?
I can't see past all of that hot air :26:...could you brush your damn teeth and try that out one more time?

Several posters pointed out the absurdity of your OP. My :2cents: was merely to advise the (other) good folks, who aren't so gullible/susceptible to propaganda as you are...to be weary of getting their history from paid Nutbars. You're the poster child for what can happen. Sorry, Charlie! :113:

Fourth post and still not a scintilla of dispute.

If you were more intelligent you'd be embarrassed.
I've already referenced your embarrassing defeat, Ms. Malkin.

It was post #14.

Nothing else was necessary, afterward. It's all just icing, like Ann Coulter's bloodstream.

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