40 Years And Counting....

Still nothing in the realm of refutation.

Soooo.....you've inadvertently proven everything I post is 100% accurate, correct, and true.

Now that you've served the purpose you were born to serve, you may recede into the oblivion you so richly deserve.

That's another one...a wild misunderstanding as to what constitutes 'proof.'


Let's review.

I post a perfectly constructed and accurate thread, and you, who is irked at

a. not being educate enough to recognize same

b. hurt that everything he swallowed in government school is proven false

c. being inarticulate as well as uneducated

d. ....post....thrice......nothing more than the usual Liberal "oh,yeah....sez you!"

Just between the two of us….are you just a leeeeettttle disappointed at how you turned out?
I can't see past all of that hot air :26:...could you brush your damn teeth and try that out one more time?

Several posters pointed out the absurdity of your OP. My :2cents: was merely to advise the (other) good folks, who aren't so gullible/susceptible to propaganda as you are...to be weary of getting their history from paid Nutbars. You're the poster child for what can happen. Sorry, Charlie! :113:

Fourth post and still not a scintilla of dispute.

If you were more intelligent you'd be embarrassed.
I've already referenced your embarrassing defeat, Ms. Malkin.

It was post #14.

Nothing else was necessary, afterward. It's all just icing, like Ann Coulter's bloodstream.

If you had been able to find any errors in my posts you would have included same here.

You didn't.

You can't.
"On 27 January, 1979, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini - founder of Iran's Islamic Republic, the man who called the United States "the Great Satan" - sent a secret message to Washington.

From his home in exile outside Paris, the defiant leader of the Iranian revolution effectively offered the Carter administration a deal: Iranian military leaders listen to you, he said, but the Iranian people follow my orders.

If President Jimmy Carter could use his influence on the military to clear the way for his takeover, Khomeini suggested, he would calm the nation. Stability could be restored, America's interests and citizens in Iran would be protected.

Persuaded by Carter, Iran's autocratic ruler, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, known as the Shah, had finally departed on a "vacation" abroad, leaving behind an unpopular prime minister and a military in disarray -

Khomeini's message is part of a trove of newly declassified US government documents - diplomatic cables, policy memos, meeting records - that tell the largely unknown story of America's secret engagement with Khomeini, an enigmatic cleric who would soon inspire Islamic fundamentalism and anti-Americanism worldwide.

This story is a detailed account of how Khomeini brokered his return to Iran using a tone of deference and amenability towards the US that has never before been revealed."
America's secret engagement with Khomeini
40 years since Democrat Jimmy Carter installed Ayatollah Khomeini as the leader of Iran.

Thousands of deaths have been the result.

Democrat Obama worked day and night to guarantee nuclear weapons to this 7th century barbaric regime.

Today, - and so far, only reported on i24 news...

"Sources suggest that Iran's Revolutionary Guards, especially its Basij forces -- one of the five forces of the IRGC -- have experienced division, suggesting Iran's leadership is working to counter a budding soft coup.

125 Iranian officials were said to be arrested recently and charged with espionage in an attempt to neutralize them for purportedly turning their backs on the regime.

Many others have been removed from their official posts or simply disappeared from the public eye without any explanation, such as Gen. Ali Nasiri, who has likely been detained, according to sources, while others were killed in assassination plots that include fatal medical injections and car "accidents".

If this is true, and the regime in Tehran is overthrown....

...Trump should be beatified.

I don't think Carter installed Ayatollah..

I'd be happy to provide the details if you like.

I would like, because in this instance, I'm pretty sure it went down like Dragonlady just said.

yeah she gave PC an even much worse ass beating than you or i did.

This is PC now after suffering that humilating ass beating from myself earlier and NOW from dragonlady,



Whoah..she was mistaken in the OP, that is all. It's the 1st time I've seen her be wrong. People make mistakes, they're human.
Likely she's younger than I am, and didn't know.
Just because I want the truth doesn't mean I "beat down" on PC.

People I "beat down" on know it.

One sentence changed in the OP and it would have been just fine.

"40 years since Iran revolted against the shah"...
The "US installed" part isn't even necessary.

"On 27 January, 1979, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini - founder of Iran's Islamic Republic, the man who called the United States "the Great Satan" - sent a secret message to Washington.

From his home in exile outside Paris, the defiant leader of the Iranian revolution effectively offered the Carter administration a deal: Iranian military leaders listen to you, he said, but the Iranian people follow my orders.

If President Jimmy Carter could use his influence on the military to clear the way for his takeover, Khomeini suggested, he would calm the nation. Stability could be restored, America's interests and citizens in Iran would be protected.

Persuaded by Carter, Iran's autocratic ruler, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, known as the Shah, had finally departed on a "vacation" abroad, leaving behind an unpopular prime minister and a military in disarray -

Khomeini's message is part of a trove of newly declassified US government documents - diplomatic cables, policy memos, meeting records - that tell the largely unknown story of America's secret engagement with Khomeini, an enigmatic cleric who would soon inspire Islamic fundamentalism and anti-Americanism worldwide.

This story is a detailed account of how Khomeini brokered his return to Iran using a tone of deference and amenability towards the US that has never before been revealed."
America's secret engagement with Khomeini
40 years since Democrat Jimmy Carter installed Ayatollah Khomeini as the leader of Iran.

Thousands of deaths have been the result.

Democrat Obama worked day and night to guarantee nuclear weapons to this 7th century barbaric regime.

Today, - and so far, only reported on i24 news...

"Sources suggest that Iran's Revolutionary Guards, especially its Basij forces -- one of the five forces of the IRGC -- have experienced division, suggesting Iran's leadership is working to counter a budding soft coup.

125 Iranian officials were said to be arrested recently and charged with espionage in an attempt to neutralize them for purportedly turning their backs on the regime.

Many others have been removed from their official posts or simply disappeared from the public eye without any explanation, such as Gen. Ali Nasiri, who has likely been detained, according to sources, while others were killed in assassination plots that include fatal medical injections and car "accidents".

If this is true, and the regime in Tehran is overthrown....

...Trump should be beatified.

When they kill 4,000 + officials, it's a certifiable purge.
They are nowhere near this.

As stated in the OP:

"If this is true, and the regime in Tehran is overthrown....

...Trump should be beatified."

What's your problem?

Only 125 officials is a stern warning to others to instill fear.
A far cry from being a purge, no less a beautification.
Too early to tell, we'll see.

This is what I said.....
If this is true, and the regime in Tehran is overthrown....

...Trump should be beatified.

What's the problem?

Quit trying to lie your way out of this you stupid bitch. You've been called out for lying and trying to create a false narrative by both sides this time, and you're still clinging to your lies.

Iran is not Iraq, and the US couldn't even subdue Iraq which hated Saddam Hussein. 70 years since WWII, and the USA still hasn't learned that you can never win a war against a people on their home soil. Even if you defeat their armies, they will never stop fighting to reclaim their homeland.

Trump is just giving Iranians more excuses to hate the West.

"On 27 January, 1979, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini - founder of Iran's Islamic Republic, the man who called the United States "the Great Satan" - sent a secret message to Washington.

From his home in exile outside Paris, the defiant leader of the Iranian revolution effectively offered the Carter administration a deal: Iranian military leaders listen to you, he said, but the Iranian people follow my orders.

If President Jimmy Carter could use his influence on the military to clear the way for his takeover, Khomeini suggested, he would calm the nation. Stability could be restored, America's interests and citizens in Iran would be protected.

Persuaded by Carter, Iran's autocratic ruler, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, known as the Shah, had finally departed on a "vacation" abroad, leaving behind an unpopular prime minister and a military in disarray -

Khomeini's message is part of a trove of newly declassified US government documents - diplomatic cables, policy memos, meeting records - that tell the largely unknown story of America's secret engagement with Khomeini, an enigmatic cleric who would soon inspire Islamic fundamentalism and anti-Americanism worldwide.

This story is a detailed account of how Khomeini brokered his return to Iran using a tone of deference and amenability towards the US that has never before been revealed."
America's secret engagement with Khomeini

I win again, huh?
"Documents seen by BBC suggest Carter administration paved way for Khomeini to return to Iran"
US had extensive contact with Ayatollah Khomeini before Iran revolution

Sooooo......Jimmy 'I'll Never Lie To You' Carter

a. installed the Ayatollah in Iran

b. Wrote speeches for Yasser Arafat

c. Lied when he claimed to be a nuclear scientist.

No Carter.....no Iran problem.

"On 27 January, 1979, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini - founder of Iran's Islamic Republic, the man who called the United States "the Great Satan" - sent a secret message to Washington.

From his home in exile outside Paris, the defiant leader of the Iranian revolution effectively offered the Carter administration a deal: Iranian military leaders listen to you, he said, but the Iranian people follow my orders.

If President Jimmy Carter could use his influence on the military to clear the way for his takeover, Khomeini suggested, he would calm the nation. Stability could be restored, America's interests and citizens in Iran would be protected.

Persuaded by Carter, Iran's autocratic ruler, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, known as the Shah, had finally departed on a "vacation" abroad, leaving behind an unpopular prime minister and a military in disarray -

Khomeini's message is part of a trove of newly declassified US government documents - diplomatic cables, policy memos, meeting records - that tell the largely unknown story of America's secret engagement with Khomeini, an enigmatic cleric who would soon inspire Islamic fundamentalism and anti-Americanism worldwide.

This story is a detailed account of how Khomeini brokered his return to Iran using a tone of deference and amenability towards the US that has never before been revealed."
America's secret engagement with Khomeini

Look, that BBC article has zero bibliography, so I don't believe a word of it.

Something like that requires pictures of the newpapers at the time at a minimum.

IMO, this is an example of people using the internet to rewrite history.
Last edited:
"On 27 January, 1979, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini - founder of Iran's Islamic Republic, the man who called the United States "the Great Satan" - sent a secret message to Washington.

From his home in exile outside Paris, the defiant leader of the Iranian revolution effectively offered the Carter administration a deal: Iranian military leaders listen to you, he said, but the Iranian people follow my orders.

If President Jimmy Carter could use his influence on the military to clear the way for his takeover, Khomeini suggested, he would calm the nation. Stability could be restored, America's interests and citizens in Iran would be protected.

Persuaded by Carter, Iran's autocratic ruler, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, known as the Shah, had finally departed on a "vacation" abroad, leaving behind an unpopular prime minister and a military in disarray -

Khomeini's message is part of a trove of newly declassified US government documents - diplomatic cables, policy memos, meeting records - that tell the largely unknown story of America's secret engagement with Khomeini, an enigmatic cleric who would soon inspire Islamic fundamentalism and anti-Americanism worldwide.

This story is a detailed account of how Khomeini brokered his return to Iran using a tone of deference and amenability towards the US that has never before been revealed."
America's secret engagement with Khomeini

Look, that BBC article has zero bibliography, so I don't believe a word of it.

Something like that requires pictures of the newpapers at the time at a minimum.

I'm never wrong.

.Jimmy 'I'll Never Lie To You' Carter

a. installed the Ayatollah in Iran

b. Wrote speeches for Yasser Arafat

c. Lied when he claimed to be a nuclear scientist.

No Carter.....no Iran problem.

"On 27 January, 1979, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini - founder of Iran's Islamic Republic, the man who called the United States "the Great Satan" - sent a secret message to Washington.

From his home in exile outside Paris, the defiant leader of the Iranian revolution effectively offered the Carter administration a deal: Iranian military leaders listen to you, he said, but the Iranian people follow my orders.

If President Jimmy Carter could use his influence on the military to clear the way for his takeover, Khomeini suggested, he would calm the nation. Stability could be restored, America's interests and citizens in Iran would be protected.

Persuaded by Carter, Iran's autocratic ruler, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, known as the Shah, had finally departed on a "vacation" abroad, leaving behind an unpopular prime minister and a military in disarray -

Khomeini's message is part of a trove of newly declassified US government documents - diplomatic cables, policy memos, meeting records - that tell the largely unknown story of America's secret engagement with Khomeini, an enigmatic cleric who would soon inspire Islamic fundamentalism and anti-Americanism worldwide.

This story is a detailed account of how Khomeini brokered his return to Iran using a tone of deference and amenability towards the US that has never before been revealed."
America's secret engagement with Khomeini

Look, that BBC article has zero bibliography, so I don't believe a word of it.

Something like that requires pictures of the newpapers at the time at a minimum.

I'm never wrong.

.Jimmy 'I'll Never Lie To You' Carter

a. installed the Ayatollah in Iran

b. Wrote speeches for Yasser Arafat

c. Lied when he claimed to be a nuclear scientist.

No Carter.....no Iran problem.


You're wrong today.

The Ayatollah took Iran back over from the US-installed Shah and Jimmy Carter was weak on him. This is why Reagan won.

Jimmy Carter was too much of a liberal pacifist.

See: SALT talks.

I'd like to think that's the 1st time the US tried the always failed "regime-change" thing that never works.

(In 1953 when they installed the Shah)
40 years since Democrat Jimmy Carter installed Ayatollah Khomeini as the leader of Iran.

Thousands of deaths have been the result.

Democrat Obama worked day and night to guarantee nuclear weapons to this 7th century barbaric regime.

Today, - and so far, only reported on i24 news...

"Sources suggest that Iran's Revolutionary Guards, especially its Basij forces -- one of the five forces of the IRGC -- have experienced division, suggesting Iran's leadership is working to counter a budding soft coup.

125 Iranian officials were said to be arrested recently and charged with espionage in an attempt to neutralize them for purportedly turning their backs on the regime.

Many others have been removed from their official posts or simply disappeared from the public eye without any explanation, such as Gen. Ali Nasiri, who has likely been detained, according to sources, while others were killed in assassination plots that include fatal medical injections and car "accidents".

If this is true, and the regime in Tehran is overthrown....

...Trump should be beatified.
Obama gave this regime a nuclear weapons program because he hates Israel...
A Death in Tehran
40 years since Democrat Jimmy Carter installed Ayatollah Khomeini as the leader of Iran.

Thousands of deaths have been the result.

Democrat Obama worked day and night to guarantee nuclear weapons to this 7th century barbaric regime.

Today, - and so far, only reported on i24 news...

"Sources suggest that Iran's Revolutionary Guards, especially its Basij forces -- one of the five forces of the IRGC -- have experienced division, suggesting Iran's leadership is working to counter a budding soft coup.

125 Iranian officials were said to be arrested recently and charged with espionage in an attempt to neutralize them for purportedly turning their backs on the regime.

Many others have been removed from their official posts or simply disappeared from the public eye without any explanation, such as Gen. Ali Nasiri, who has likely been detained, according to sources, while others were killed in assassination plots that include fatal medical injections and car "accidents".

If this is true, and the regime in Tehran is overthrown....

...Trump should be beatified.
Obama gave this regime a nuclear weapons program because he hates Israel...
A Death in Tehran

Do notice that women in Iran don't have to cover up all that much, and can wear makeup and pants.

Just something I noticed a couple years back. Rumor has it they are allowed to drive, too.

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