40 Years of Class Warfare in One Chart.

If workers set up their own enterprise in a free market, that is capitalism, n
How did you arrive at that conclusion? Capitalism consolidates the decision making process among a small percentage of executives and board members; WSDEs democratize decision making among the majority of workers.

No, capitalism is economic freedom. You don't know what you're talking about. Nothing in our system stops workers from banding, producing and selling products and keeping all the profit cutting out management and shareholders entirely. So why don't they do it?

It usually requires a lot of capital and unions do band together, produce and sell; but, can't always afford the privileges and immunities wealthy capitalists can.

Has the right undercut any union contracts lately?
If workers set up their own enterprise in a free market, that is capitalism, n
How did you arrive at that conclusion? Capitalism consolidates the decision making process among a small percentage of executives and board members; WSDEs democratize decision making among the majority of workers.

No, capitalism is economic freedom. You don't know what you're talking about. Nothing in our system stops workers from banding, producing and selling products and keeping all the profit cutting out management and shareholders entirely. So why don't they do it?

It usually requires a lot of capital and unions do band together, produce and sell; but, can't always afford the privileges and immunities wealthy capitalists can.

That's ridiculous. All businesses are formed with funding by the seat of our pants. There is nothing workers can't do that I can't. No one gave me anything other than what was in their own interest. So again, why can't workers do that, Karl? Why can't they form their own company and kick our ass with lower cost since we're just a bunch of leaches?

Has the right undercut any union contracts lately?

What does that mean?
Since capitalism is only useless to the right and I am on the left and believe we should merely Use capitalism for all of its worth; we should be solving for some simple social dilemma. Why not abolish capitalism's laissez-fare laziness regarding its Natural off Rate Unemployment by using socialism's capital work ethic to bailout capitalism like usual.

this is gibberish english written by a total illiterate liberal. Why not have your mother translate before you post?
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Why not abolish capitalism's laissez-fare laziness.

dear, that is not clever in any way, its just illiterate and embarrasing. You must have your mother edit before you post or try to write very short sentences with subject and verb; than ask yourself if the sentence makes sense before you post it.
Since capitalism is only useless to the right and I am on the left and believe we should merely Use capitalism for all of its worth; we should be solving for some simple social dilemma. Why not abolish capitalism's laissez-fare laziness regarding its Natural off Rate Unemployment by using socialism's capital work ethic to bailout capitalism like usual.

this is gibberish english written by a total illiterate liberal. Why not have your mother translate before you post?
because she knows better when i don't resort to any fallacies through diversion simply due to a lack of a clue or a Cause, like most all of those of the opposing view.
Why not abolish capitalism's laissez-fare laziness.

dear, that is not clever in any way, its just illiterate and embarrasing. You must have your mother edit before you post or try to write very short sentences with subject and verb; than ask yourself if the sentence makes sense before you post it.

dude, you either get the clue or the Cause or you resort to diversion simply because you are full of fallacy,
It means you really don't have a clue or a Cause.

So I think I can do it, build a business on my own. You think government has to do it. Which makes me clueless. Even though I did it. LOL. Yeah
I never claimed government had to build businesses; i only claim to believe we need public sector means of production that are as market friendly as Hoover Dam or the Fed.
Absolutely nothing stops them. You keep making the claim they can't. Why not? Since they are cutting out management and shareholders, they can cut prices and still make more than other companies. You tell me why they can't since you're the one making the arguments based on that they can't
Seed money would seem one likely obstacle to WSDE start-ups since the "rugged individualists" on Wall Street would naturally oppose collectivist competition to their old-boy networks.
"There are two main objections to collectivism from the ideas of individualism.

"One is that collectivism stifles individuality and diversity by insisting upon a common social identity, such as nationalism or some other group focus.

"The other is that collectivism is linked to statism and the diminution of freedom when political authority is used to advance collectivist goals."
Collectivism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Absolutely nothing stops them. You keep making the claim they can't. Why not? Since they are cutting out management and shareholders, they can cut prices and still make more than other companies. You tell me why they can't since you're the one making the arguments based on that they can't
Seed money would seem one likely obstacle to WSDE start-ups since the "rugged individualists" on Wall Street would naturally oppose collectivist competition to their old-boy networks.
"There are two main objections to collectivism from the ideas of individualism.

"One is that collectivism stifles individuality and diversity by insisting upon a common social identity, such as nationalism or some other group focus.

"The other is that collectivism is linked to statism and the diminution of freedom when political authority is used to advance collectivist goals."
Collectivism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

That one industry after another such as Ma Bell, telecom, airlines, bookstores, department stores, electronics, ... gets blown away by startups shows what crap that is. 35 years ago Microsoft was blowing away IBM and now they've gone nowhere the last 15 years as their business gets eaten.

VCs seek game changers, they don't shun them. You don't know what you are talking about and everything you know is wrong
So I think I can do it, build a business on my own. You think government has to do it. Which makes me clueless. Even though I did it. LOL. Yeah
I never claimed government had to build businesses; i only claim to believe we need public sector means of production that are as market friendly as Hoover Dam or the Fed.


Re-read my question and what you just wrote...
George wants to know why people aren't given more money in the free market, after all, money is free, right?
Because, capitalism is only useless to the right; the left knows we should be Using capitalism for all of its worth.

We could solve simple poverty in our republic, by investing in the general welfare.

My hangover cure is to take 4 aspirin and drink lots of water. Maybe you can come back and explain what that means when you can think straight again
would it be Any form of problem for any private sector in our republic, if we solved for a poverty of money in our Institution of money based markets with existing legal and physical infrastructure?

Maybe you could be a little more specific how you propose to accomplish that. Trillions spent on the war on poverty hasn't dented poverty rates, maybe we need a better solution, one based on personal accountability instead of the one we have now which incents dependence
Since capitalism is only useless to the right and I am on the left and believe we should merely Use capitalism for all of its worth; we should be solving for some simple social dilemma. Why not abolish capitalism's laissez-fare laziness regarding its Natural off Rate Unemployment by using socialism's capital work ethic to bailout capitalism like usual.

It should not be too difficult to discover some means to achieve that social end, on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

That was the most bonkers nonsensical blather, on this thread yet.
That one industry after another such as Ma Bell, telecom, airlines, bookstores, department stores, electronics, ... gets blown away by startups shows what crap that is. 35 years ago Microsoft was blowing away IBM and now they've gone nowhere the last 15 years as their business gets eaten
Start-ups that don't question the traditional capitalist bull shit get funded by VCs. Any start-up that questions the "Golden Rule" doesn't get funded, or maybe you imagine Microsoft would have received the same amount of venture capital if it had began as a non-profit? Like most capitalists you can't separate right from wrong without a $pread $heet.
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So I think I can do it, build a business on my own. You think government has to do it. Which makes me clueless. Even though I did it. LOL. Yeah
I never claimed government had to build businesses; i only claim to believe we need public sector means of production that are as market friendly as Hoover Dam or the Fed.


Re-read my question and what you just wrote...

Here is my rebuttal to your begged question:

I never claimed government had to build businesses; i only claim to believe we need public sector means of production that are as market friendly as Hoover Dam or the Fed.
It means you really don't have a clue or a Cause.

If you don't have a point, then stop talking Daniel. It's really boring for the rest of us, to read pointless posts by you.
I do have a point; it is the feigned ignorance as that form of appeal to it that seems to be the moral problem, as if by custom and habit among those of your point of view.
That one industry after another such as Ma Bell, telecom, airlines, bookstores, department stores, electronics, ... gets blown away by startups shows what crap that is. 35 years ago Microsoft was blowing away IBM and now they've gone nowhere the last 15 years as their business gets eaten
Start-ups that don't question the traditional capitalist bull shit get funded by VCs. Any start-up that questions the "Golden Rule" doesn't get funded, or maybe you imagine Microsoft would have received the same amount of venture capital if it had began as a non-profit? Like most capitalists you can't separate right from wrong without a $pread $heet.

It was ridiculous blather, but I thanked you for the spreadsheet reference, I do love spreadsheets. Corporate America runs on Excel, you got one thing right.

So when ventures blow away established businesses, they aren't challenging the status quo. Got it. What ridiculous drivel. I live this, you are full of it
So I think I can do it, build a business on my own. You think government has to do it. Which makes me clueless. Even though I did it. LOL. Yeah
I never claimed government had to build businesses; i only claim to believe we need public sector means of production that are as market friendly as Hoover Dam or the Fed.


Re-read my question and what you just wrote...

Here is my rebuttal to your begged question:

I never claimed government had to build businesses; i only claim to believe we need public sector means of production that are as market friendly as Hoover Dam or the Fed.

Why. We need public means of production.... why?

For thousands of years of human progress, we didn't. For the first 100+ years of this country, we didn't.

Why is it a requirement now?

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