40 Years of Class Warfare in One Chart.

yes govt is essential as long as it very very limited and very carefully controlled as any coercive monopoly must be. This was the wisdom of our Founders that produced the greatest country by far in all of human history.
You're untroubled by the Founding Capitalists endorsements of slavery and ethnic cleansing? Why, are you Chinese?

Yes, I am untroubled by the founding fathers creating the a system the ultimately has resulted in the highest standard of living the world has ever known.

The fact you are, proves you should have been in China to know what it's like to have no freedoms at all for 50 years.
There are several reasons why productivity is up while real wages have stagnated. One big one is that big corporations like McDonald's and Walmart abuse salary standards.

dear, Econ 101 for you:

1) salaries are down because liberals drove entire industries off shore with their taxes and regulations thus leaving Americans without jobs, and because liberals invited in 20 million illegals to take the jobs that remained and to drive down wages
2) our corporations did not suddenly decide to abuse salary standards, but they did decide they must compete with new low cost foreign goods after liberals drove the production of those goods to low wages foreign shores.

do you understand??
Actually it was conservatives who sent industries overseas by giving them tax benefits for doing so. The lower wage jobs are in retail and service industries mostly, these are the jobs that have replaced the good manufacturing jobs that went overseas.

As for Econ 101, you don't seem to understand the simple law of supply and demand. If working people make good money, they'll spend it on goods and services. Increased demand for goods and services means supply must increase to meet the demand. To create the supply and thus meet the demand, producers must then hire more workers. Therefore we learn the most basic economic lesson. Job creators are not big companies or altruistic wealthy individuals. Rather, job creators are ordinary working people.
Does that sound good to you? Really?

I've followed his posts for the past 2 pages of posts. He doesn't make any logical sense. If you can figure out his gibberish, please translate it into English for me. I have no idea what his point is.
Why do you believe anyone should confide in your sincerity, if you don't seem to understand some simple concepts?
dear is there anyone in your family who speaks english well eneough to help you post meaningful comments here? Try short sentences with both a subject and verb.

Here's one:

Liberal Communism is superior to freedom and capitalism because_________
(you fill in after because)
dear, is there anyone in your family with better reading comprehension than yourself, we need adults to have an adult conversation.
dear is there anyone in your family who speaks english well eneough to help you post meaningful comments here? Try short sentences with both a subject and verb.

Here's one:

Liberal Communism is superior to freedom and capitalism because_________
(you fill in after because)
... it is Your red herring ::idon'tknow::
I've followed his posts for the past 2 pages of posts. He doesn't make any logical sense. If you can figure out his gibberish, please translate it into English for me. I have no idea what his point is.
Why do you believe anyone should confide in your sincerity, if you don't seem to understand some simple concepts?
dear is there anyone in your family who speaks english well eneough to help you post meaningful comments here? Try short sentences with both a subject and verb.

Here's one:

Liberal Communism is superior to freedom and capitalism because_________
(you fill in after because)
dear, is there anyone in your family with better reading comprehension than yourself, we need adults to have an adult conversation.
dear is there anyone in your family who speaks english well eneough to help you post meaningful comments here? Try short sentences with both a subject and verb.

Here's one:

Liberal Communism is superior to freedom and capitalism because_________
(you fill in after because)
... it is Your red herring ::idon'tknow::

you don't know if you're a communist or libertarian? Do you know your age?
Actually it was conservatives who sent industries overseas by giving them tax benefits for doing so.

dear, conservatives would eliminate corporate taxes while liberals want the highest taxes in the world that of course will drive corporations off shore.

Do you understand now?
Why do you believe anyone should confide in your sincerity, if you don't seem to understand some simple concepts?
dear is there anyone in your family who speaks english well eneough to help you post meaningful comments here? Try short sentences with both a subject and verb.

Here's one:

Liberal Communism is superior to freedom and capitalism because_________
(you fill in after because)
dear, is there anyone in your family with better reading comprehension than yourself, we need adults to have an adult conversation.
dear is there anyone in your family who speaks english well eneough to help you post meaningful comments here? Try short sentences with both a subject and verb.

Here's one:

Liberal Communism is superior to freedom and capitalism because_________
(you fill in after because)
... it is Your red herring ::idon'tknow::

you don't know if you're a communist or libertarian? Do you know your age?
dude, i am a federalist. I believe in and have Faith in the most Excellent job our Founding Fathers did at the Convention, with our federal Doctrine.
dude, i am a federalist.

do you mean conservative Republican?? Its best to use Republican and Democrat since those are the usual terms used and the terms you encounter in the voting booth. Trying to be too cool with your own BS terminology just slows down real communication. Do you understand?
Last edited:
, job creators are ordinary working people.

so is Steve Jobs the job creator or is the janitor he hires to clean his office the job creator?? Isn't thinking fun?

Do you see why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

The only reason Apple makes jobs available is if people spend money on Apple products. If the Janitor, the secretary, the engineer, the teacher, the cashier at a Big Box store, the farmer or the pizza delivery guy aren't buying Apple products, then the President of Apple won't create any jobs. So to answer your question, the janitor creates the need for the job, Steve Jobs seeing that need, then creates the actual job. The idea that CEOs sit on high and benignly create jobs out of the goodness of their hearts and so thus should have no regulations and a tax code written to benefit only them is absurd.
, job creators are ordinary working people.

so is Steve Jobs the job creator or is the janitor he hires to clean his office the job creator?? Isn't thinking fun?

Do you see why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

The only reason Apple makes jobs available is if people spend money on Apple products. If the Janitor, the secretary, the engineer, the teacher, the cashier at a Big Box store, the farmer or the pizza delivery guy aren't buying Apple products, then the President of Apple won't create any jobs. So to answer your question, the janitor creates the need for the job, Steve Jobs seeing that need, then creates the actual job. The idea that CEOs sit on high and benignly create jobs out of the goodness of their hearts and so thus should have no regulations and a tax code written to benefit only them is absurd.

dear the human race sat still for 1 million years with everyone a farmer. When a Republican supply sider capitalist finally invented the wheel and plow milllions of new jobs were created by those inventors and standards of living rose.. To say the guy who worked the plow created the job is 100% stupid and liberal.
, job creators are ordinary working people.

so is Steve Jobs the job creator or is the janitor he hires to clean his office the job creator?? Isn't thinking fun?

Do you see why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

The only reason Apple makes jobs available is if people spend money on Apple products. If the Janitor, the secretary, the engineer, the teacher, the cashier at a Big Box store, the farmer or the pizza delivery guy aren't buying Apple products, then the President of Apple won't create any jobs. So to answer your question, the janitor creates the need for the job, Steve Jobs seeing that need, then creates the actual job. The idea that CEOs sit on high and benignly create jobs out of the goodness of their hearts and so thus should have no regulations and a tax code written to benefit only them is absurd.

dear the human race sat still for 1 million years with everyone a farmer. When a Republican supply sider capitalist finally invented the wheel and plow milllions of new jobs were created by those inventors and standards of living rose.. To say the guy who worked the plow created the job is 100% stupid and liberal.
How about the guy who actually built the plow? You know no self respecting Republican supply sider capitalist does any of his own building. He outsources that function to lowest bidder.
you didn't answer my question?? Did Steve Jobs create his job and his janitors job or did the janitor create his job and Steve Job's job. Are you afraid to answer??
You know no self respecting Republican supply sider capitalist does any of his own building. He outsources that function to lowest bidder.

too stupid. Steve Jobs time was far better spent designing stuff than building. Do you understand?
dude, i am a federalist.

do you mean conservative Republican??
you really should get your reading comprehension checked.
do you mean you're a conservative Republican?? Its best to use Republican and Democrat since those are the usual terms used and the terms you encounter in the voting booth. Trying to be too cool with your own BS terminology just slows down real communication. Do you understand?
you didn't answer my question?? Did Steve Jobs create his job and his janitors job or did the janitor create his job and Steve Job's job. Are you afraid to answer??
I directly answered your question. Try reading next time. Steve Jobs created a product. The janitor or other people have to buy the product or neither he nor Steve Jobs would have a job at Apple.
dude, i am a federalist.

do you mean conservative Republican??
you really should get your reading comprehension checked.
do you mean you're a conservative Republican?? Its best to use Republican and Democrat since those are the usual terms used and the terms you encounter in the voting booth. Trying to be too cool with your own BS terminology just slows down real communication. Do you understand?
here it is dear, for your ease and convenience:

I believe in and have Faith in the federal Doctrine, not the Republican doctrine.
you didn't answer my question?? Did Steve Jobs create his job and his janitors job or did the janitor create his job and Steve Job's job. Are you afraid to answer??
I directly answered your question. Try reading next time. Steve Jobs created a product. The janitor or other people have to buy the product or neither he nor Steve Jobs would have a job at Apple.
yes Steve jobs and janitor are essential to enterprise so why does janitor volunteer to work for $10/ hour if he is as important as Jobs who volunteered to work for $10 billion?
dude, i am a federalist.

do you mean conservative Republican??
you really should get your reading comprehension checked.
do you mean you're a conservative Republican?? Its best to use Republican and Democrat since those are the usual terms used and the terms you encounter in the voting booth. Trying to be too cool with your own BS terminology just slows down real communication. Do you understand?
here it is dear, for your ease and convenience:

I believe in and have Faith in the federal Doctrine, not the Republican doctrine.
what is definition of each since you use your own too cool language to make communication impossible
you didn't answer my question?? Did Steve Jobs create his job and his janitors job or did the janitor create his job and Steve Job's job. Are you afraid to answer??
I directly answered your question. Try reading next time. Steve Jobs created a product. The janitor or other people have to buy the product or neither he nor Steve Jobs would have a job at Apple.

yes Steve jobs and janitor are essential to enterprise so why does janitor volunteer to work for $10/ hour if he is as important as Jobs?
He doesn't volunteer. He has a family to feed and if a $10/hour janitor job is what is available to him, then he takes it.

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