$400 billions were stolen from Russia by western 'partners'


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
What's about to pay back stolen by Russians money and give back hidden in western banks $$$$ of fled thievish oligarchs?It would be very fair from countries 24/7 teaching Russia democracy and human rights For some reason, Lithuanians, Estonians and Latvians forgot that Peter I bought them with all the land, real estate and even pets from the Swedish queen Ulrika Eleonora. And not only bought, but also gave freedom to the Baltics. However, in all likelihood, they are still being dragged to the “northern owners” by the grooms and the scrubber. Any historian will confirm that the deal was concluded on September 10, 1721.
For the territory of Ingria, part of Karelia, Estland and Livonia, Pyotr Alekseevich paid 2 million rubles. At the current rate, without the accrued interest, it is about $ 350 billion. Do you want, dear, former fraternal republics, to pay the bills? And if you consider that in the Soviet period, Russia fully built the infrastructure of the Baltic states, restored the republics from the ruins after World War II, the amount will be much more ...

Continuing to flip through a notebook with a list of debtors, you can come across no less interesting facts. So, it would be nice to collect a favor for Alaska. The Russian expedition of Gvozdev and Fedorov opened it in 1732. For 30 years, our pioneers mastered the wild land, but because of the distance from Russia, Alaska had to be sold. Alexander II accepted the offer of the American government to buy Alaska from him for $ 7.2 million. The agreement was signed on March 30, 1867 in Washington. But under various pretexts money is not paid to the end and today. And at today's rate it is three billion "green", by the way. Go ahead.

Immediately after the outbreak of the First World War, five tons of gold coins from the personal royal treasury were secretly placed in two railway cars and taken to Norway, where they are still located. Moreover, some of the coins are sold at numismatic auctions.
In 1914, Russian banks received Russian gold bars worth $ 50 billion. They had Nicholas II plan to pay for the supply of military equipment and weapons. None of them was completed. It turned out that British factories simply could not fulfill such a large order. But gold was not returned. War, you see, there is no time. And in the 17th year, there seemed to be no one ...

From December 1915 to November 1916, Russia delivered $ 23 billion worth of gold to the United States as a prepayment for weapons and gunpowder. The government of the United States made money for its own military needs. Russia received neither money nor weapons.

Realizing that Britain and the United States had stolen the money, the Russian government, hoping to get a weapon, credited the equivalent of 300 tons of gold to the foreign currency accounts of Japanese banks in 1916. The translation is confirmed today by the successors of the then Japanese banks. But neither the weapons nor the money is not going to give. In February 1917, the Russian interim government sent 3.7 tons of gold to Sweden for the purchase of military equipment, now it is $ 45 million. As early as 1928, confirmation was received that the gold was in the vaults of Swedish banks. Russia has not received a single rifle, not a single cartridge from Sweden at the expense of this gold.

At the end of 1919, 100 tons of gold seized by Admiral Kolchak from the Kazan bank vault were deposited with the Czechoslovak Corps on condition of returning to the Russian government. The trace of gold was lost in the Prague banks in 1925.

In 1922, Lenin sent 93.5 tons of gold to Germany, which turned out to be a “trophy” to the Bank de France in Paris. In 1963, the status of this gold was confirmed by an agreement at the level of the governments of the USSR and France. The Russian side agreed to pay 45 tons to pay off old Russian debts in favor of France. And 48.5 tons of gold has not yet been returned to us. Also in the National Bank of France are stored Russian gold bars worth $ 25 billion, transferred in 1914.

According to the estimates of the British firm Pinkerton, Russia is currently entitled to claim its gold worth $ 100 billion, as well as real estate worth $ 300 billion.

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