400 Private Jets Arrive For UN Climate Summit


Are you suggesting that their current condition has never happened before?

A drought that affects water levels of one river on one continent is one thing. But there are multiple rivers worldwide experiencing record lows. China's drought is the worst since they've been keeping records, and they've been keeping records for, oh, 5,000 years. Europe (Germany & Italy) are facing their worst drought in 500 years. The Western US is facing its worst drought in 1,200 years.

Yes, droughts happen, but on multiple continents at the same time? Unprecedented in human history.

Yes, we've had carbon levels of 420 ppm, but the last time that happened was before civilization existed.

The problem of climate change will probably first manifest itself as food shortages and there's a very good chance we will see this in 2023. The wealthier countries (i.e, us, Canada, Europe, Japan, Korea, China) will get food because we will be able to out-bid poorer countries. People in poor countries will starve - probably by the millions. People in richer countries probably will not - at least not at first - but we will pay a LOT more for food than we're used to. People with middle class salaries will not feel so middle class.

FWIW, that's why I disagree with my Dem/prog compadres who say that inflation is going down - it's not. Not at all. Inflation is going to murder the poor. We're stuck with it. Inflation is too many dollars chasing too few goods. When the environment degrades, you have the same amount of $ in hand, but fewer goods. Result? Inflation.

Over time? Inflation becomes political violence.
Nah, it's pretty solidly established science. They know that carbon traps heat. They can measure the carbon in the atmosphere. They have all kinds of scientific records and they can pretty easily estimate how much carbon we've emitted into the atmosphere. Human activity not only can warm the earth - it's not even disputable anymore. Saying humans can't warm the earth's atmosphere is like arguing that they can't cut down a forest.

No, we're not the cause. The atmospheres of several planets are in transition and are undergoing changes. Has nothing to do with carbon. That big orange ball is causing significant changes to several planets.
No, we're not the cause. The atmospheres of several planets are in transition and are undergoing changes. Has nothing to do with carbon. That big orange ball is causing significant changes to several planets.

I mean no offense but total bullshit.

Carbon and methane have heat-trapping properties and there's been a shit-load more of it pumped into the atmosphere over the last 75 years.

Sorry, but solar activity, planet alignment, volcanism...no, just no. Sorry.
I mean no offense but total bullshit.

Carbon and methane have heat-trapping properties and there's been a shit-load more of it pumped into the atmosphere over the last 75 years.

Sorry, but solar activity, planet alignment, volcanism...no, just no. Sorry.

Again, you are preaching to the wrong people. You need to be preaching to those who want these things addressed. You do not address these kinds of things by prancing to 4 star resorts on private jets.

One MUST lead by example.
Again, you are preaching to the wrong people. You need to be preaching to those who want these things addressed. You do not address these kinds of things by prancing to 4 star resorts on private jets.

One MUST lead by example.

I don't disagree they need to lead by example. Truth be told, I think most of the public policy people in favor of green new deals or whatever really understand just how serious the problem is. They probably believe that we can just invent some new technology that will make the problem magically disappear, but that is very, very unlikely to happen.

I'm only going by what the scientists are saying - it's extremely serious. If anything, the scientists themselves didn't overestimate global climate change, they underestimated it, and we will be feeling the impacts of it a lot sooner and a lot more dramatically 'experts' imagined.

I didn't really believe in manmade climate change until maybe 15 years ago and even then, I probably didn't take it that seriously until the last year or two. I thought it was probably a problem that future generations would have to deal with, but you have to have your head in the sand or just reject any and all science to not recognize the problem now.
I don't disagree they need to lead by example. Truth be told, I think most of the public policy people in favor of green new deals or whatever really understand just how serious the problem is. They probably believe that we can just invent some new technology that will make the problem magically disappear, but that is very, very unlikely to happen.

I'm only going by what the scientists are saying - it's extremely serious. If anything, the scientists themselves didn't overestimate global climate change, they underestimated it, and we will be feeling the impacts of it a lot sooner and a lot more dramatically 'experts' imagined.

But when you say one thing but do another, what do you expect others who are being asked to sacrifice believe?

No, you are not arguing they are right in what they are doing but until one leads by example....................
Thank your Salad In Chief and have a fun time eating your neighbors in whatever blue shithole you live in.

The Salad in Chief isn't causing inflation. Central bank policies over the last 10 years probably did, but that's being addressed now. The kinds of inflation I'm talking about happens when rivers dry up and crops fail. There's nothing a central bank can do about that.
But when you say one thing but do another, what do you expect others who are being asked to sacrifice believe?

No, you are not arguing they are right in what they are doing but until one leads by example....................

Unfortunately, I can't disagree with any of this. It's a problem.
The Salad in Chief isn't causing inflation. Central bank policies over the last 10 years probably did, but that's being addressed now. The kinds of inflation I'm talking about happens when rivers dry up and crops fail. There's nothing a central bank can do about that.

While the Central bank played a huge role in inflation, so did the debt. Now one can argue the debt wouldn't have been as easy without the actions of the Central bank.........

Nudge, Nudge, Wink, Wink - #NewWorldNextWeek​

Interview 1763 - Nudge, Nudge, Wink, Wink - #NewWorldNextWeek

Corbett • 11/11/2022

Story #1: UN Demands $2 Trillion A Year From Rich Countries For ‘Climate Justice’

Story #2: UK “Nudge Unit” Recommends Banks Track Carbon Footprint of Transactions, Reward “Sustainable Behaviors”

Story #3: Destructive Ruling Against LBRY “Sets Dangerous Precedent” for Crypto In The US

As usual, all links are at website.

PDF: “Finance for Climate Action - Scaling Up Investment for Climate and Development”

Greta Finally Gets It! Greta Thunberg - UN Climate Summit COP27 Is a ‘Scam’

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The Salad in Chief isn't causing inflation. Central bank policies over the last 10 years probably did, but that's being addressed now. The kinds of inflation I'm talking about happens when rivers dry up and crops fail. There's nothing a central bank can do about that.

You just keep on saying that long enough and some day it might come true.

I mean no offense but total bullshit.

Carbon and methane have heat-trapping properties and there's been a shit-load more of it pumped into the atmosphere over the last 75 years.

Sorry, but solar activity, planet alignment, volcanism...no, just no. Sorry.

The sun has nothing to do with the Earths temperature. Makes perfect sense! Keep up the good work!
I seriously doubt that it's merely a coincidence that very soon after the Democrat Kiddie pimp Jeffrey Epstein got busted the Democrats in DC had that retarded little girl go on a several weeks long trip in international waters where there is no statute of limitations.
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