400 Private Jets Arrive For UN Climate Summit

It's been over a fucking decade since the UAE/CRU emails were leaked.

And moronic moonbat global warming doomsday cultists are still in total denial that they were fooled.
Climate delegates were accused of hypocrisy after 400 private jets arrived in Egypt for COP27.

Numerous posts on social media criticised delegates for travelling by private jet to the UN climate summit.

Posts and reports included various estimates for the number of such planes bringing delegates to the gathering in the beach resort of Sharm el-Sheikh.

This is why we tell you idiots to kiss our asses.
We are the peasants and they are the elite anyone who believes these people will follow the rules that they force on everyone else is a moron. They are not going to give up their fossil fuel guzzling lifestyle when the rest of us are forced to.
You all really think climate change is a hoax? Have you seen the Colorado and Mississippi Rivers lately?

Whether it is or not isn't really the point here. Massive hypocrisy is. I support cleaning up our act (that does not mean I support things like carbon credits or cap and trade) but if these people truly believed in it, they would be having their meetings (all over the globe) by video conferencing.

They play right into the hands of those who say it's all a scam and really, those who do what we see here, kinda are saying the same thing.
You all really think climate change is a hoax? Have you seen the Colorado and Mississippi Rivers lately?
I cross the Mississippi every day in the north.
Only a foot low and that will be made up in the spring runoff

When it flooded at record levels that was also blamed on Climate change.

It's a damn river.
Water levels are not static despite how many locks and dams we install.

The Climate Calamity Narrative is the hoax.
Climate changes on the planet constantly outside the awareness of short lived humans.

There is still evidence of the massive flooding that carved the entire Mississippi valley during the great melt of the Ice Age. Huge bluffs in MN marking a river that was several miles wide and a couple hundred feet deep.

If it wasn't for climate change my house would currently be under a mile of ice.
Millions of years ago, it was a shallow sea. The fossils are still here.
Earth is NOT static, and climate alarmists seem to forget that fact.
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You all really think climate change is a hoax? Have you seen the Colorado and Mississippi Rivers lately?

Yes, it has been occurring for thousands of years. It's called geologic processes. Rivers and lakes dry, new lakes and rivers form. To think that were the cause of a planet cooling and warming is the height of arrogance. It's embarrassing to watch these clowns make such a claim.
Yes, it has been occurring for thousands of years. It's called geologic processes. Rivers and lakes dry, new lakes and rivers form. To think that were the cause of a planet cooling and warming is the height of arrogance. It's embarrassing to watch these clowns make such a claim.

Don't try to confuse them with science. They'll tell you that men become women and have babies.
Whether it is or not isn't really the point here. Massive hypocrisy is. I support cleaning up our act (that does not mean I support things like carbon credits or cap and trade) but if these people truly believed in it, they would be having their meetings (all over the globe) by video conferencing.

They play right into the hands of those who say it's all a scam and really, those who do what we see here, kinda are saying the same thing.

Nothing really disagreeable there.
Yes, it has been occurring for thousands of years. It's called geologic processes. Rivers and lakes dry, new lakes and rivers form. To think that were the cause of a planet cooling and warming is the height of arrogance.

Nah, it's pretty solidly established science. They know that carbon traps heat. They can measure the carbon in the atmosphere. They have all kinds of scientific records and they can pretty easily estimate how much carbon we've emitted into the atmosphere. Human activity not only can warm the earth - it's not even disputable anymore. Saying humans can't warm the earth's atmosphere is like arguing that they can't cut down a forest.
Climate delegates were accused of hypocrisy after 400 private jets arrived in Egypt for COP27.

Numerous posts on social media criticised delegates for travelling by private jet to the UN climate summit.

Posts and reports included various estimates for the number of such planes bringing delegates to the gathering in the beach resort of Sharm el-Sheikh.

This is why we tell you idiots to kiss our asses.
What more proof do we need that this "climate change" bullshit is a globalist power grab?
Nah, it's pretty solidly established science. They know that carbon traps heat. They can measure the carbon in the atmosphere. They have all kinds of scientific records and they can pretty easily estimate how much carbon we've emitted into the atmosphere. Human activity not only can warm the earth - it's not even disputable anymore. Saying humans can't warm the earth's atmosphere is like arguing that they can't cut down a forest.

Make sure that TV-to-brain download cable is securely plugged in so that you can keep parroting the MSM lies.
I cross the Mississippi every day in the north.
Only a foot low and that will be made up in the spring runoff

It's at record lows in the South - it's so bad that grains and other exports will have to be shipped out using alternatives, which is going to cause inflation.

It's not just the Mississippi - if it were, people would say "Meh, drought. It happens." The rivers are at record lows in Europe and China. We had some crop yields that were the lowest in decades when populations were smaller. These factors are almost certainly going to cause food shortages and price spikes in 2023.

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