400 Private Jets Arrive For UN Climate Summit

I don't disagree they need to lead by example. Truth be told, I think most of the public policy people in favor of green new deals or whatever really understand just how serious the problem is. They probably believe that we can just invent some new technology that will make the problem magically disappear, but that is very, very unlikely to happen.

I'm only going by what the scientists are saying - it's extremely serious. If anything, the scientists themselves didn't overestimate global climate change, they underestimated it, and we will be feeling the impacts of it a lot sooner and a lot more dramatically 'experts' imagined.

I think you need to go back and take a look at what the “climate scientists” have said over the years. 90% of the reason people dont believe what they say is they have been so catastrophically wrong so very many times.

I didn't really believe in manmade climate change until maybe 15 years ago and even then, I probably didn't take it that seriously until the last year or two. I thought it was probably a problem that future generations would have to deal with, but you have to have your head in the sand or just reject any and all science to not recognize the problem now.

We‘ve been hearing that same shit for 40 + years.
These "world leaders" don't want to make any sacrifices for their manmade global warming hoax.
They want you to make all of the sacrifices.
They can do these stupid climate change conferences through the internet.
There is no real need to be flying 400 Jets to Egypt.

That's because they hate us and despise us. We're just a means to an end for them. They want us to work and be crammed together in cities and do everything because they want to own everything.

We're not even people to them. We're just something to be delbt with is all.

Whenever someone gets more money or power the previous life's problems go away but they gain new problems. Like all of my life's struggles and issues mean nothing to a millionaire and his problems mean nothing to a multi millionaire and so on. They are so far up there though all they have to worry about is what to do with us, we are there problem. They don't want us making decisions, owning land and homes, being independent.
You all really think climate change is a hoax? Have you seen the Colorado and Mississippi Rivers lately?

Climate change has been happening for billions of years. How else do you explain the ice age? Or rather all 4 of them? What about mass extinctions before man ever came around? Total reversal of the poles? World wide floods? World wide fires?

How come the Sahara desert used to be a rain Forrest?

How come the antarctic used to be a rain Forrest?

How can anyone who claims to be even slightly intelligent not know "climate change" is natural? The earth is not static, it's in a constant state of chaos and has been for billions of years. Even a high schooler has learned that.
The sun has nothing to do with the Earths temperature. Makes perfect sense! Keep up the good work!

Nobody has said that the sun has nothing to do with the earth's temperature. Solar radiation is a constant, yet the earth's mean temperature is rising, so you have to explain the likely causation. Solar radiation in and of itself doesn't explain it.

Try again.
How can anyone who claims to be even slightly intelligent not know "climate change" is natural? The earth is not static, it's in a constant state of chaos and has been for billions of years. Even a high schooler has learned that.

There are natural and unnatural causes of environmental destruction. Forests, for example, can be destroyed by natural wildfire, or they can be cut down completely by loggers.

Climate change is typically caused by natural phenomena, except when it isn't - like now.
I think you need to go back and take a look at what the “climate scientists” have said over the years. 90% of the reason people dont believe what they say is they have been so catastrophically wrong so very many times.

Not really, but I won't try to change your mind.

We‘ve been hearing that same shit for 40 + years.

We won't be hearing it for the next 40. We'll be living it.
That's because they hate us and despise us. We're just a means to an end for them. They want us to work and be crammed together in cities and do everything because they want to own everything.

We're not even people to them. We're just something to be delbt with is all.

Whenever someone gets more money or power the previous life's problems go away but they gain new problems. Like all of my life's struggles and issues mean nothing to a millionaire and his problems mean nothing to a multi millionaire and so on. They are so far up there though all they have to worry about is what to do with us, we are there problem. They don't want us making decisions, owning land and homes, being independent.
yep, the left wingers see the taxpayers as their slaves
Not really, but I won't try to change your mind.
No really,

In 1995, A UN Study Predicted That Rising Sea Levels Would Cause Most Of The Beaches On The East Coast Of The United States To Disappear By 2020

In 1989, A UN Study Predicted That By 2000 Entire Nations Would Be Wiped Off The Face Of The Earth From Global Warming

In 2000, British Climate Scientists Predicted That Within A Few Years They Would No Longer Experience Snow And “Snow Will Probably Cause Chaos In 20 Years Time”

We won't be hearing it for the next 40. We'll be living it.

Yeah they said that 40 years ago too so….
No really,

In 1995, A UN Study Predicted That Rising Sea Levels Would Cause Most Of The Beaches On The East Coast Of The United States To Disappear By 2020

In 1989, A UN Study Predicted That By 2000 Entire Nations Would Be Wiped Off The Face Of The Earth From Global Warming

In 2000, British Climate Scientists Predicted That Within A Few Years They Would No Longer Experience Snow And “Snow Will Probably Cause Chaos In 20 Years Time”

Yeah they said that 40 years ago too so….

There are bad predictions out there - they exist.

But AGW has been predicted since the 1890s, and these predictions have been correct. In 1960, carbon PPM was 320; it's 420 now and rapidly rising. This is despite several major conferences in which the world's industrial powers pledged to curb emissions.

The one thing we'll probably agree on is that until green technology infrastructure is reliable enough to support growth the way that fossil fuels do, we are stuck with fossil fuels, and that shortages in fossil fuels can quickly destabilize global civilization. That's the problem we're confronted with: continued growth or ecological catastrophe and total collapse due to catastrophe, or massively cut fossil fuel use and figure out how to avoid collapse due to widespread economic disruption.
Nobody has said that the sun has nothing to do with the earth's temperature. Solar radiation is a constant, yet the earth's mean temperature is rising, so you have to explain the likely causation. Solar radiation in and of itself doesn't explain it.

Try again.

Please show that solar radiation is a constant.

Not really, but I won't try to change your mind.

That’s what your cult said 25 years ago. Then 20 years. Again in 17 and 15. Yet again 10 years ago. And 5. Every single doomsday scenario has come and gone. This time you’re going to be right!

We won't be hearing it for the next 40. We'll be living it.
There are bad predictions out there - they exist.

I said they have made catastrophically bad predictions which have lead to people not believing them. To which you said no they havent, and now they have but it doesnt matter?
But AGW has been predicted since the 1890s, and these predictions have been correct. In 1960, carbon PPM was 320; it's 420 now and rapidly rising. This is despite several major conferences in which the world's industrial powers pledged to curb emissions.

The predictions have not been correct. For fuck sakes in the 70's we were going to have another ice age.
The one thing we'll probably agree on is that until green technology infrastructure is reliable enough to support growth the way that fossil fuels do, we are stuck with fossil fuels, and that shortages in fossil fuels can quickly destabilize global civilization. That's the problem we're confronted with: continued growth or ecological catastrophe and total collapse due to catastrophe, or massively cut fossil fuel use and figure out how to avoid collapse due to widespread economic disruption.

And no we do not agree that the green tech infrastructure is reliable enough. You need to outside the US and the western world. Tell people in developing countries they cant use fossil fuels. There are large swaths of the human population use dung to heat their huts and cook their food.
I agree they are hypocrites, but the problem they are discussing is a real one. They know it, which makes their "greenwashing" bullshit all the more unforgivable.
Then discuss it over Zoom or another virtual platform. The problem is obviously not that real with such a concentrated footprint. This “Rules for thee but not for Me” mindset from the the Liberal elite is a joke and only serves to undermind or erode what they are pontificating. We saw it with masks and social distance mandates. The elites didn’t think the mandates didn’t apply to them.
The predictions have not been correct. For fuck sakes in the 70's we were going to have another ice age.

Total horse shit - the number of published papers for AGW outnumber the number of published papers talking about global cooling. There are like, maybe 6 or 7 papers that talk about cooling or ice ages, and not a serious one since like 1978 or so.
Then discuss it over Zoom or another virtual platform. The problem is obviously not that real with such a concentrated footprint. This “Rules for thee but not for Me” mindset from the the Liberal elite is a joke and only serves to undermind or erode what they are pontificating. We saw it with masks and social distance mandates. The elites didn’t think the mandates didn’t apply to them.

Get over it, or nature will force you to make hard choices.
Climate delegates were accused of hypocrisy after 400 private jets arrived in Egypt for COP27.

Numerous posts on social media criticised delegates for travelling by private jet to the UN climate summit.

Posts and reports included various estimates for the number of such planes bringing delegates to the gathering in the beach resort of Sharm el-Sheikh.

This is why we tell you idiots to kiss our asses.
No thanks buddy

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