400 rockets and mortars have been launched from Gaza since Monday afternoon,

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Do you live in the USA?

Why can't you explain why Palestinians can't fight back, but only Israel can?

Palestinians owned more land, and made up more people in the 1940's vs Jews.

Israel has ever since been massacring, and stealing from Palestinians????????

That's "OKAY" because you're spoon-fed Neocon propaganda.

I'm an American born, bred, and raised.
But of early - mid 20th century Catholic immigrants mostly from Poland, and to a lesser extent from Ireland who moved to New York,
course I tend to believe
differently than the idiots down South, and to a lesser extent in Middle-America.
There is no such thing as "Palestinian", for starters. They didn't own the land. They occupied the land. They don't want to co-exist. Israel is okay with co-existing. Do you believe the muslim thugs that control the Pals want to co-exist?

Palestine / Israel had more Arabs owning land, and living there before Israel stole it.

How dare people not want to co-exist with the ones who kill, oppress, and steal from them.

Go be a Liberal maniac, on your own terms.
Because the Middle East is a haven of peace.

If Jews hate Muslims so much, and see them as such savages, why did they chose to make their homeland Israel surrounded by them???

There were other options for a Jewish homeland, like Jewish Autonomous Oblast in Russia.

Jewish Autonomous Oblast - Wikipedia
So why did White people have to nearly exterminate the natives to take America and Canada?
Why do Muslims exterminate Muslims?
Why do Africans exterminate Africans?
I guess the Iranians got really pissed when Trump threw down all those sanctions; they done launched them some rockettes
The Iranian thugs in control need to be exterminated along with Hamas. Same as the Nazis that ran Germany.

what, just like in Iraq, or in Afghanistan? :26:
What is it about Hamas that appeals to you and civilization?

What is it about poking your nose in other's business that so enamours you?

Why do you want the US to be the 'world police?'
The survival of Israel is vital to the civilized world. Israel is a leader in Science, healthcare, literature, the arts, etc. What's vital for the survival of Islam?
Why can't you explain why Palestinians can't fight back, but only Israel can?

Palestinians owned more land, and made up more people in the 1940's vs Jews.

Israel has ever since been massacring, and stealing from Palestinians????????

That's "OKAY" because you're spoon-fed Neocon propaganda.

I'm an American born, bred, and raised.
But of early - mid 20th century Catholic immigrants mostly from Poland, and to a lesser extent from Ireland who moved to New York,
course I tend to believe
differently than the idiots down South, and to a lesser extent in Middle-America.
There is no such thing as "Palestinian", for starters. They didn't own the land. They occupied the land. They don't want to co-exist. Israel is okay with co-existing. Do you believe the muslim thugs that control the Pals want to co-exist?

Palestine / Israel had more Arabs owning land, and living there before Israel stole it.

How dare people not want to co-exist with the ones who kill, oppress, and steal from them.

Go be a Liberal maniac, on your own terms.
Because the Middle East is a haven of peace.

If Jews hate Muslims so much, and see them as such savages, why did they chose to make their homeland Israel surrounded by them???

There were other options for a Jewish homeland, like Jewish Autonomous Oblast in Russia.

Jewish Autonomous Oblast - Wikipedia
So why did White people have to nearly exterminate the natives to take America and Canada?
Why do Muslims exterminate Muslims.
Why do Africans exterminate Africans?

I didn't do that, nor do I support that, either.

The big question, however becomes WHY DO YOU Support subjection of the Palestinian people, by Israel???????

“For you are a holy nation to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the nations on the earth, to be His own. 7 The Lord did not give you His love and choose you because you were more people than any of the nations. For the number of your people was less than all nations. 8 But it is because the Lord loves you and is keeping the promise He made to your fathers. So the Lord brought you out by a strong hand. He set you free from the land where you were servants, and from the power of Pharaoh king of Egypt. 9 Know then that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God. He keeps His promise and shows His loving-kindness to those who love Him and keep His Laws, even to a thousand family groups in the future. 10 But He destroys those who hate Him. He will not show kindness to the one who hates Him, but will punish him to his face. 11 So keep and obey all the Laws I am telling you today.
I guess the Iranians got really pissed when Trump threw down all those sanctions; they done launched them some rockettes
The Iranian thugs in control need to be exterminated along with Hamas. Same as the Nazis that ran Germany.

what, just like in Iraq, or in Afghanistan? :26:
What is it about Hamas that appeals to you and civilization?

What is it about poking your nose in other's business that so enamours you?

Why do you want the US to be the 'world police?'
The survival of Israel is vital to the civilized world. Israel is a leader in Science, healthcare, literature, the arts, etc. What's vital for the survival of Islam?

So, you do want the US to be the 'world police' and you do believe that Israel cannot defend itself.
There is no such thing as "Palestinian", for starters. They didn't own the land. They occupied the land. They don't want to co-exist. Israel is okay with co-existing. Do you believe the muslim thugs that control the Pals want to co-exist?

Palestine / Israel had more Arabs owning land, and living there before Israel stole it.

How dare people not want to co-exist with the ones who kill, oppress, and steal from them.

Go be a Liberal maniac, on your own terms.
Because the Middle East is a haven of peace.

If Jews hate Muslims so much, and see them as such savages, why did they chose to make their homeland Israel surrounded by them???

There were other options for a Jewish homeland, like Jewish Autonomous Oblast in Russia.

Jewish Autonomous Oblast - Wikipedia
So why did White people have to nearly exterminate the natives to take America and Canada?
Why do Muslims exterminate Muslims.
Why do Africans exterminate Africans?

I didn't do that, nor do I support that, either.

The big question, however becomes WHY DO YOU Support subjection of the Palestinian people, by Israel???????
Your Jew hatred is showing...
What Israel wants, a US attack on Iran....

Will they get us to fight their wars again???

Depends on HOW STUPID we are this time.... because we've been RIDICULOUSLY STUPID so far...

There is no such thing as "Palestinian", for starters. They didn't own the land. They occupied the land. They don't want to co-exist. Israel is okay with co-existing. Do you believe the muslim thugs that control the Pals want to co-exist?

Palestine / Israel had more Arabs owning land, and living there before Israel stole it.

How dare people not want to co-exist with the ones who kill, oppress, and steal from them.

Go be a Liberal maniac, on your own terms.
Because the Middle East is a haven of peace.

If Jews hate Muslims so much, and see them as such savages, why did they chose to make their homeland Israel surrounded by them???

There were other options for a Jewish homeland, like Jewish Autonomous Oblast in Russia.

Jewish Autonomous Oblast - Wikipedia
So why did White people have to nearly exterminate the natives to take America and Canada?
Why do Muslims exterminate Muslims.
Why do Africans exterminate Africans?

I didn't do that, nor do I support that, either.

The big question, however becomes WHY DO YOU Support subjection of the Palestinian people, by Israel???????
Now, Jew hater, go bash everyone equally.
All Neocons got is "I want to k*ll Muslims, and will support an oppressive big government of Israel, that stole Palestine, because I can't think"

I tend to not want to kill anyone, and while Hamas might cause havoc, ultimately Israel has caused more havoc.

So, sorry, that the truth hurts you.
You live in the USA that stole land from the Natives and oppressed them for years. You called them "fucked up". Why are the American Natives "fucked up", but the Pals deserve your support?

I didn't do the Nabka, against Palestinians, mostly Israeli Jews, propped up by the West did such.

I didn't do the Trail of Tears against Natives, mostly Southerner Brits, and Northerner Brits, and a few Germ-Mans mixed in did such.

I don't owe them, nor do I support such actions by the "Barbarians"

The bottomline is both are pretty close, the Nabka, resembles the Trail of Tears.

I support expanding Native American, and African American autonomy within the U.S.A.
You stupid fuck. The Jewish people were in the Land of Canaan long before the false religion of islam was formed.

There were never "Palestinians" when Egypt owned the land. There were no Palestinians when Jordan owned the West Bank and scumbags like you didn't raise an eyebrow when Jordan slaughtered over 10,000 of those people that you call Palentians now.

The term Palestine was named during the reign of Emperor Vespasian who named it that after eradicating Jews from the region in 70AD.

The Palis are a bunch of ragtag Muslims nobody wants ...not even other Muslims

So, Jews weren't treated the same way???

It seems that many Zionists are very selective on what they chose to believe, or not believe.

Oh, Palestinians deserved to be expelled, meanwhile the Zionists cry about the anti-Jewish explusions.

Enough is enough.

Just to be clear, there is no such thing as a Palestinian unless you are talking about The Hebrew People.

The Palestinians in Gaza and The West Bank are not an ethnic group.

The Word Palestine comes from The Roman Occupation of Israel and was used for Israel by them, and The Word Palestinian is the word The Romans used for Jews, and no other group.

The Fake Palestinians are nothing but pawns used by Hamas, Iran, & Hezbollah to pressure Israel to give up territory which is rightfully theirs. These people are Egyptians, Jordanians, Syrians etc. etc.

They have a homeland so I suggest that their homeland take them in. The Muslims have a Religious Law that decrees that all Muslim Nations must offer Asylum to their Muslim Brethren, so I ask you this, Why are all Muslim Nations Hypocrits?

There is no reason to send refugees and asylum seekers to The US or Europe. There are plenty of RICH Muslim Nations that should be following ISLAMIC LAW and taking these people in.
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How dare Obama not be as pro-Israel, as you like, how dare Obama help give Israel a huge aid package.

I'm not too fond of Obama, or Trump, but..............

Obama supported the Pro-ISIS anti-Iran side.

Trump came in, and first supported the anti-ISIS, pro-Iran side, before switching gears, into the anti-Iran side.

Take your pick???????

Personally Saddam Hussein would've been good right about now, no????????????

Iran, and Russia would be fighting Hussein, instead they fight Israel, huh??????

Another Neocon disaster.......
Palestine / Israel had more Arabs owning land, and living there before Israel stole it.

How dare people not want to co-exist with the ones who kill, oppress, and steal from them.

Go be a Liberal maniac, on your own terms.
Because the Middle East is a haven of peace.

If Jews hate Muslims so much, and see them as such savages, why did they chose to make their homeland Israel surrounded by them???

There were other options for a Jewish homeland, like Jewish Autonomous Oblast in Russia.

Jewish Autonomous Oblast - Wikipedia
So why did White people have to nearly exterminate the natives to take America and Canada?
Why do Muslims exterminate Muslims.
Why do Africans exterminate Africans?

I didn't do that, nor do I support that, either.

The big question, however becomes WHY DO YOU Support subjection of the Palestinian people, by Israel???????
Your Jew hatred is showing...

Quite a few of them on here....sad isn't it?
The Iranian thugs in control need to be exterminated along with Hamas. Same as the Nazis that ran Germany.

what, just like in Iraq, or in Afghanistan? :26:
What is it about Hamas that appeals to you and civilization?

What is it about poking your nose in other's business that so enamours you?

Why do you want the US to be the 'world police?'
The survival of Israel is vital to the civilized world. Israel is a leader in Science, healthcare, literature, the arts, etc. What's vital for the survival of Islam?

So, you do want the US to be the 'world police' and you do believe that Israel cannot defend itself.
Answer the question. I told you why it's vital for Israel to survive. What's vital to the civilized world that Islam survives?
Why do you want the US to be the 'world police?'
For years the Democrats ranted and raved about the Republicans trying to be the 'World Police'. Barry's daddy called it being 'Colonialist' and opposed it - he wanted to see the US eliminated as a World Power and world influence, halted from sticking its nose into other nation's business...

And then Barry stuck his nose into Egypt's business to help the Terrorist Muslim Brotherhood to take over the Govt....

And then Barry stuck his nose into Israel's business and tried to help oust their leader, using US tax dollars to do so...

And then Barry stuck his nose into Libya's business, helping ISIS - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - to murder Gadhafi - who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa - and take over Libya, dragging the US into an UN-Constitutional UN-Authorized war to do so...

And then Barry invaded Syria without Congressional approval to do so, violating not only US law but International law, making what he did a War Crime....

...and suddenly roles have reversed, and Liberals fully supported all the illegal, Un-Constitutional 'World Policing' Barry had us doing.

When it came to helping our allies, though, Obama was often no where to be found. Obama bragged about having isolated ISIS in the Middle East, only to have ISIS perpetrate the biggest attack on France since WWII. While France and Russians war planes were preparing to retaliate by striking ISIS' Black Marker Oil facilities - which Obama had been protecting - Obama had leaflets dropped down to ISIS warning them the attack was coming. And despite Israel being an ally, Obama used US tax dollars to try to oust Israel's leader when he stuck his nose into their business.

It seems which side of that 'World Police' argument Democrats are on depends on who is in charge and what decisions / choices they are making.
You live in the USA that stole land from the Natives and oppressed them for years. You called them "fucked up". Why are the American Natives "fucked up", but the Pals deserve your support?

I didn't do the Nabka, against Palestinians, mostly Israeli Jews, propped up by the West did such.

I didn't do the Trail of Tears against Natives, mostly Southerner Brits, and Northerner Brits, and a few Germ-Mans mixed in did such.

I don't owe them, nor do I support such actions by the "Barbarians"

The bottomline is both are pretty close, the Nabka, resembles the Trail of Tears.

I support expanding Native American, and African American autonomy within the U.S.A.
You stupid fuck. The Jewish people were in the Land of Canaan long before the false religion of islam was formed.

There were never "Palestinians" when Egypt owned the land. There were no Palestinians when Jordan owned the West Bank and scumbags like you didn't raise an eyebrow when Jordan slaughtered over 10,000 of those people that you call Palentians now.

The term Palestine was named during the reign of Emperor Vespasian who named it that after eradicating Jews from the region in 70AD.

The Palis are a bunch of ragtag Muslims nobody wants ...not even other Muslims

So, Jews weren't treated the same way???

It seems that many Zionists are very selective on what they chose to believe, or not believe.

Oh, Palestinians deserved to be expelled, meanwhile the Zionists cry about the anti-Jewish explusions.

Enough is enough.

Just to be clear, there is no such thing as a Palestinian unless you are talking about The Hebrew People. The Palestinians in Gaza and The West Bank are not an ethnic group. The Word Palestine comes from The Roman Occupation of Israel and was used for Israel, and The Word Palestinian is the word The Romans used for Jews, and no other group.

The Fake Palestinians are nothing but pawns used by Hamas, Iran, Hezbollah to pressure Israel to give up territory which is rightfully theirs. These people are Egyptians, Jordanians, Syrians etc. etc. They have a homeland so I suggest their homeland take them in.

Zionists are such propagandists.

Here's from an actual Jewish source, proving even up until the 1940's there was an Arab majority in Palestine / Israel.

Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)

Go lie, and lie some more on your own terms.
For you are a holy nation to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the nations on the earth, to be His own.

and so if you are a SUB HUMAN who thinks a star is the size of a fig leaf, who thinks "soon" means MORE THAN 1800 years from now, and had no problem when the DISCIPLES BOLTED on Jesus.....

you are DUMB ENOUGH to take your place as a SECOND CLASS HUMAN and SERVE ISRAEL even as they murder you and your country and rob your country until it is bankrupt....
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