400 years of Slavery?

And many Whites strongly opposed the practice. But we never hear the race pimps calling attention to that critically important issue. In fact they carefully avoid any mention of it.

I didn't realize I'm supposed to believe that all whites are racist assholes like the majority of the right wing clowns on this board.
YOU are the racist by calling them racist

That's weak.

please prove the majority of RWs are racists on USMB--I'll be waiting

If I were represented by someone like Shoot Speeders, Snouter or Steve McGarrett and said nothing about their idiotic simple minded racist views then my only excuse is that I agree with them. Until you kick them out of your little clique you agree with them.
I was with you till the last sentence. Unless you are willing to apply guilt by association to Obama for Rev Wright as well.

Ignore works wonders but you people still claim I agree with the tards because I dont continually condemn them when they say something asinine. Thing is I don't ever see their posts to begin with.

Remind me again, what racist statement did Wright make?
I didn't say he said racist shit. I implied he said horrible anti American shit. I am not going to rehash that shit either. It is water under the bridge and Obama is gone. It is also off topic.
And many Whites strongly opposed the practice. But we never hear the race pimps calling attention to that critically important issue. In fact they carefully avoid any mention of it.

I didn't realize I'm supposed to believe that all whites are racist assholes like the majority of the right wing clowns on this board.
YOU are the racist by calling them racist

That's weak.

please prove the majority of RWs are racists on USMB--I'll be waiting

If I were represented by someone like Shoot Speeders, Snouter or Steve McGarrett and said nothing about their idiotic simple minded racist views then my only excuse is that I agree with them. Until you kick them out of your little clique you agree with them.
I was with you till the last sentence. Unless you are willing to apply guilt by association to Obama for Rev Wright as well.

Ignore works wonders but you people still claim I agree with the tards because I dont continually condemn them when they say something asinine. Thing is I don't ever see their posts to begin with.

Remind me again, what racist statement did Wright make?
"Them Jews aren't going to let (Obama) talk to me. I told my baby daughter, that he'll talk to me in five years when he's a lame duck, or in eight years when he's out of office. ...They will not let him talk to somebody who calls a spade what it is." - Jeremiah Wright
etc etc
Agnostic is derived from the word ignorant.

So get off your dumbass pedestal.

It's from the Greek word agnōstos which means unknowable. I does not mean ignorant.
The term Agnostic is derived from the ancient Greek word gnosis-knowledge. By the word agnostic, the Greeks seem to have meant one who has no knowledge in a very general sense. In 1869, Thomas Huxley used the word to describe how he did not know about things metaphysical.

Why Agnosticism? - TheHumanist.com

Not knowing = ignorance

Sorry, the definition of agnosticism is not ignorance. It's understanding that you do not know whether god exists. Ignorance would be placing the proof of god on a book of fiction.

If there was proof of God, or proof that God does not exist, then we wouldn't need faith. Not a hard concept to grasp. Ignorance is attempting to insult the intelligence and/or sincerity of those that do not believe as you believe.

Is faith needed?
Is faith logical?

The answer to both is "No"

The answer to both is "Yes". You're just too ignorant and tunnel-visioned to realize it.
I heard that Kanye is going to sample "Die Gedanken sind frei" on his next album!
And many Whites strongly opposed the practice. But we never hear the race pimps calling attention to that critically important issue. In fact they carefully avoid any mention of it.

I didn't realize I'm supposed to believe that all whites are racist assholes like the majority of the right wing clowns on this board.
YOU are the racist by calling them racist

That's weak.

please prove the majority of RWs are racists on USMB--I'll be waiting

If I were represented by someone like Shoot Speeders, Snouter or Steve McGarrett and said nothing about their idiotic simple minded racist views then my only excuse is that I agree with them. Until you kick them out of your little clique you agree with them.
I was with you till the last sentence. Unless you are willing to apply guilt by association to Obama for Rev Wright as well.

Ignore works wonders but you people still claim I agree with the tards because I dont continually condemn them when they say something asinine. Thing is I don't ever see their posts to begin with.

Remind me again, what racist statement did Wright make?
Wright hates America and whites
and Obama went to him for years
so I guess a guy going to a KKK meeting for years is not a bad guy?
I think the legacy of slavery is still felt in Black families but Blacks today do seem to be victims of the criminal justice system. We've all seen videos of Blacks being shot by cops and read about abuses in assigning bail and prison sentences. It is unfortunate but understandable that many Blacks consider themselves victims.
Do you know that if the blacks of Africa didn't WAR upon each other but lived with Christian Values of peace and brotherhood, there wouldn't of been a slave market? If the Muslims in the Ivory Coast didn't buy and ship the slaves to the Americas, there wouldn't of been a slave market? If the Southern White Democrats didn't think "niggas" were their property and didn't buy the slaves from the sellers, those blacks would of been killed in Africa, because there wouldn't of been a slave market? Oh well, none of those happened, and the rest is history.
If Europeans lived by Christian values, they wouldn't have bought the slaves. So I guess it was an enormous fail all around.

What about European countries which abolished slavery early, and kept to it like Poland, or Lithuania?
Too bad every country didn't think like that.

Yes, Poland, and Lithuania were the 2 White nations to successful abolish slavery permanently.

Poland, and Lithuania are 2 of the most homogeneous of White nations today.

Is there a pattern?

Perhaps the greedy elite scumbags who profit off of the cheap labor of Mexican day laborers, are the same kind of greedy elite scumbags who profited off of the cheap labor of Black slaves?

Pretty sure they aren't since - Earth to moron! - the "greedy elite scumbags who profited off of the cheap labor of black slaves" are DEAD! They lived over a century ago, Mensa Boy. Good morning, and welcome to the 21st century, shitforbrains.
So my take away from this thread after returning to it after 8 hours is that no one takes issue with the actual topic because virtually nobody talked about it. No one referenced the video either.
Do you know that if the blacks of Africa didn't WAR upon each other but lived with Christian Values of peace and brotherhood, there wouldn't of been a slave market?
Christian values? :rofl:
Like the Inquisition?

You are hilarious.
So is claiming Christianity is a religion of peace

It is.

You trying to claim that the failings of humanity are the fault of Christianity, on the other hand, isn't the least bit funny. It's pathetic. And malicious. And evil.
And many Whites strongly opposed the practice. But we never hear the race pimps calling attention to that critically important issue. In fact they carefully avoid any mention of it.

I didn't realize I'm supposed to believe that all whites are racist assholes like the majority of the right wing clowns on this board.
YOU are the racist by calling them racist

That's weak.

please prove the majority of RWs are racists on USMB--I'll be waiting

If I were represented by someone like Shoot Speeders, Snouter or Steve McGarrett and said nothing about their idiotic simple minded racist views then my only excuse is that I agree with them. Until you kick them out of your little clique you agree with them.
I was with you till the last sentence. Unless you are willing to apply guilt by association to Obama for Rev Wright as well.

Ignore works wonders but you people still claim I agree with the tards because I dont continually condemn them when they say something asinine. Thing is I don't ever see their posts to begin with.

Remind me again, what racist statement did Wright make?
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“Barack knows what it means to be a black man living in a country and a culture that is controlled by rich, white people. Hillary ain't never been called a n——-.”

“The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing 'God Bless America'? No. No. No. Not 'God Bless America,' 'God damn America.' God damn America for killing innocent people.”
pure, undeniable hatred for whitey
Wright's controversial comments
--remember Obama sent his black AG to comfort the family of a black CRIMINAL who attacked a white cop
--he said he needed a black woman instead of a white to become POTUS
= racist

black this white that
blacks are so obsessed with color that it warps their minds
The first slave owner in t he U.S. was a black tobacco farmer named Anthony Johnson.
Anthony Johnson (colonist) - Wikipedia
In 1651 he owned 250 acres (100 ha), and the services of five indentured servants (four white and one black). In 1653, John Casor, a black indentured servant whose contract Johnson appeared to have bought in the early 1640s, approached Captain Goldsmith, claiming his indenture had expired seven years earlier and that he was being held illegally by Johnson. A neighbor, Robert Parker, intervened and persuaded Johnson to free Casor.
Eventually, after appeals, Johnson was given "ownership" of his indentured servant for life, making him the first "slave owner."
Just so you get the facts straight.

How did he NOT get the facts straight? Sounds like what he said.
It is a reference to ideological tunnel vision & generations of being bound by a thought process that prohibits thinking outside the box.

This is the origins of that comment and while the number could be considered off if you discount the history of Africa the point remains on target.

Rather than dig into the substance of the situation the left would rather distract you with the thoughts of a simpleton.

While this could be considered a "race" thread I hope that the moderators see that it is a hot topic in political circles and deserves to be discussed and thought out rather than relegated to the race forum which very few visit.

What exactly is thinking outside of the box? Thinking the way whites want us to think? Because vey person of color who s clamed to be thinking outside if this "box" are people of color who validate the beliefs of racist conservative whites.

Thinking outside the box means being open minded to ideas that do not conform to your line of thinking.
Your post shows you to be close minded and incapable of such because rather than engage me in a discussion to figure out what I actually think you automatically assigned me a racist motive.

YOU are part of the problem.

.No that would be you. I asked a question and your OP was a prime example of why I asked it.

This woman is an idiot. Why? Because when you look at our system , when you listen to our lawmakers there is a whole ;lot of reflecting about the past they do in order to correct laws and policies. But if blacks do the same meaning evaluating the past to create methods to erase the damage then we are looking back at the past instead of looking forward. There is no successful corporation or anything s that doesn't consistently look back to evaluate and make the changes necessary. But not blacks, we have to ignore it. So in my view it's thinking outside the box to reject this kind of thinking because it's not thinking at all.
most of the blacks shot by cops are justified/self defense shootings
I wonder how many of those cops wouldn't have felt they were in danger if the person of interest was white?
Far more white people are killed by cops than blacks. Quit being so ignorant and do some research.
Please explain the higher percent of blacks killed compared to their actual population numbers.

Is there any actual, logical, reality-based reason why the numbers should be the same?
I'd love to know how you figure any of that, aside from "feelz".

In what way does "the legacy of slavery" still affect black people today? Please be specific and, if possible, include evidence.

What actual, empirical evidence do you have that blacks are "victims of the criminal justice system"? Again, please be specific.

The only thing that's really "understandable" about the perpetual victimhood of black Americans today is that if you're constantly telling yourself that you're put upon, you're going to feel put upon.
You don't need me to run your Google searches, these opinions are hardy unique to me, try:
  • legacy of slavery
  • blacks are victims of the criminal justice system
You are right about the perpetual victimhood of black Americans but that doesn't mean black are not victims, it just means it is a burden they must shake off rather than revel in.

I didn't ask you to run MY Google searches, dipshit, because I'M not the one making assertions here. You are. I asked you to prove YOUR assertions, which would make them YOUR Google searches, which you would already have run if you were any sort of rational, thinking, civilized adult, instead of an ignorant, hormonal child who wants to wail and gin up outrage about things you "feelz" exist but can't prove.

"This is true, go look it up and prove me right" is just another way of saying, "I have no fucking idea, but it sounds good, how DARE you expect me to THINK when I'm busy emoting?!" Thanks for proving that you're every bit the ignorant bigot I had you pegged as, and admitting that you were utterly wrong, and absolutely unworthy of any further serious notice.

Dismissed. Buh bye. :fu:
Do you know that if the blacks of Africa didn't WAR upon each other but lived with Christian Values of peace and brotherhood, there wouldn't of been a slave market?
Christian values? :rofl:
Like the Inquisition?

You are hilarious.
So is claiming Christianity is a religion of peace

It is.

You trying to claim that the failings of humanity are the fault of Christianity, on the other hand, isn't the least bit funny. It's pathetic. And malicious. And evil.
Where did I say the failings of humanity is the fault of Christianity? And it is not a religion of peace. No religion is. Except for maybe Buddhism. But I wouldn’t even call that a religion.

Here’s your evil. :fu:
wonder not - RW's would be content with another 400 years of owing slaves.

The fuck we would. You couldn't GIVE me a slave. You're just gonna have to learn how to adult without someone to think for you, give you orders, and provide for you. Suck it up and get on with it, loser.
...Fuck Christianity. Fuck any organized religion for that matter. Your magic sky pixie didnt keep humans from acting human
The vicious hyper-Leftist mindset at its worst... alarming... and funny as hell, for its ridiculous teenage angst.
Ireland quickly became the biggest source of human livestock for English merchants. The majority of the early slaves to the New World were actually white..."
Very educational. I stand corrected.

Thank you.

You're welcome. My issue has never been " gee white people suffered too" but to try to discover historical truth without spin. It's appalling that you have "interpreters" of history with agendas.

When I came upon the dastardly deeds of the Brits against the Irish I was aghast that I had not in my lifetime learned about this era of truly evil deeds by Great Britain. The majority of the Irish slaves went to the colonies in the Caribbean. But they were shipped to America as well.

Basically it was be beheaded or hanged or be sold.

'Tens of thousands of Irish women and sturdy young men were taken by arms from their homeland to the Caribbean in chains and sold as “indentured servants.” The men had already been slaughtered. Babies were not spared. Cromwell’s troops would tear the babies from their mothers’ arms, toss them in the air, and catch them on the sabers. Cromwell killed one third of Ireland’s men'.


"In 1649, the Irish young men joined the Negroes in a rebellion against their oppressors in Barbados. They failed. The “rebels” were hung, drawn, and quartered in Bridgetown. Their heads were posted on spikes as a warning not to “mess” with the English slave masters.

*******You will not read about this in American history courses as written by Anglophile historians. Bridgetown is a historic site, preserved for tourists by UNESCO. No wonder! UNESCO!"

Saint Patrick and Irish Slaves: The Slave Trade in Barbados
Anthony Johnson was not the first slave owner in America.

Virginia’s first legal cases involving slaves.
In 1640 the first case in Virginia to make an indentured servant a slave was that of John Punch.

On July 9, 1640, members of the General Court decided the punishment for three servants-a Dutchman, a Scotsman, and an African-who ran away from their master as a group. The proceedings reveal an example of interracial cooperation among servants at a time when the colony’s leaders were starting to create legal differences between Europeans and Africans. John Punch became the first African to be a slave for life by law in Virginia (and all 13 colonies).

Massachusetts First Slaves
The exact date slaves first entered Massachusetts is unknown but many sources suggest Samuel Maverick was the first slaveholder in the colony after he arrived in early Boston in 1624 with two slaves. According to the book “Bound for America: The Forced Migration of Africans to the New World,” the first slaves imported directly from Africa to Massachusetts arrived in 1634.

A few years later, in December of 1638, a slave ship named Desire brought Boston’s first shipment of slaves from Barbados, whom had been exchanged for enslaved Pequot Indians from New England.

Massachusetts First Laws involving slaves.
In 1641, Governor John Winthrop, a slave owner himself, helped write the first law legalizing slavery in North America. In 1641 he helped write the Massachusetts Body of Liberties which was the first legal code established in Massachusetts.

New York
First Slaves in New York.
In Leslie M Harris’s book, In the Shadow of Slavery: African Americans in New York City, 1626-1863 (Historical Studies of Urban America) she says the first slaves in the Colony of New York came in 1626, when 11 African slaves were imported by the Dutch West India Company. In 1635 roads were built by slaves, timber and firewood cut by slaves, and they cut and burned limestone and seashells used in outhouses. In 1636 settlers bought slaves from a ship’s captain from Providence Island, in 1642 a French privateer sold and unknown number of slaves

Was the First Slave Owner in America a Black Man?

These situations pre date Johnson by at least a decade.

Hoax Alert: First Slave Owner in America WAS NOT a Black Man


First off, it should be noted that the man portrayed in the above image isn't Anthony Johnson, but more ironically, Lewis Hayden. It is ironic because Hayden was actually an African-American leader who escaped with his family from slavery in Kentucky. Before the American Civil War, he and his wife aided numerous fugitive slaves on the Underground Railroad, often sheltering them at their house.

Secondly, while the case of Anthony Johnson and John Casor was not a matter of the first slave owner, it might have been the first civil case involving slavery. At the very least this is the first known example of a black man owning either indenture servants or slaves in the colonies. Slaves had been here since 1619, and all slaves had been "legal" slaves (and thus their owners "legal" slave owners) since the first law legalizing slavery passed. The first man to be considered a slave by a court of law was John Punch, and his owner Hugh Gwyn considered the first slave owner by a court of law.

In conclusion, a black man did own slaves in Jamestown Va., but he was NOT the first slave owner. The first "20 odd" slaves arrived in 1619 on a Dutch boat and were then sold to Jamestown residents.

Hoax Alert: First Slave Owner in America WAS NOT a Black Man | Lead Stories
It is a reference to ideological tunnel vision & generations of being bound by a thought process that prohibits thinking outside the box.

This is the origins of that comment and while the number could be considered off if you discount the history of Africa the point remains on target.

Rather than dig into the substance of the situation the left would rather distract you with the thoughts of a simpleton.

While this could be considered a "race" thread I hope that the moderators see that it is a hot topic in political circles and deserves to be discussed and thought out rather than relegated to the race forum which very few visit.

I think the legacy of slavery is still felt in Black families but Blacks today do seem to be victims of the criminal justice system. We've all seen videos of Blacks being shot by cops and read about abuses in assigning bail and prison sentences. It is unfortunate but understandable that many Blacks consider themselves victims.

I'd love to know how you figure any of that, aside from "feelz".

In what way does "the legacy of slavery" still affect black people today? Please be specific and, if possible, include evidence.

What actual, empirical evidence do you have that blacks are "victims of the criminal justice system"? Again, please be specific.

The only thing that's really "understandable" about the perpetual victimhood of black Americans today is that if you're constantly telling yourself that you're put upon, you're going to feel put upon.

Cecille, you may have a gorgeous tail, but your brain is about the size of that bird's. You have had those questions answered and explained to you in detail any number of times, I'm sure, on this board and probably elsewhere. Yet you continue to ask.

No, dear, I've NEVER had those questions answered. That's the problem. People are too busy wailing and gnashing their teeth and asserting this shit as the truth to ever bother answering questions as to the PROOF of the assertions. Which is why I have to keep asking.

And there is no amount of "Avoid, divert, pretend I didn't hear the question; okay, now pretend that the question was 'answered'" that will substitute for actual answers.

You don't have the intellectual standing to call anyone stupid, let alone ME. PROVE that I'm wrong, chica. Any time you're ready.

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