400 years of Slavery?

most of the blacks shot by cops are justified/self defense shootings
I wonder how many of those cops wouldn't have felt they were in danger if the person of interest was white?
Far more white people are killed by cops than blacks. Quit being so ignorant and do some research.
Please explain the higher percent of blacks killed compared to their actual population numbers.
??????!!!!!!!you have to ask??--
what?? how long have you been on USMB and browsing the police shooting threads??
...they commit crime at much higher rates---therefore the cops have to interact with them at higher rates--in violent crimes
...where I live, the most crime is committed in the black areas --violent crime
According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in the year 2008 black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws and drunkenness
black youth 16% of the population but 52%, 58% and 67% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
I can give a lot more stats than this

...a 5th grader can figure out the math --it appears the blacks are NOT getting shot at the rates they commit crime ! the cops are doing a good job at NOT shooting
sure --this is for 2008--but the blacks still commit the crime at higher rates

this is just basic crime statistic knowledge
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If Europeans lived by Christian values, they wouldn't have bought the slaves. So I guess it was an enormous fail all around.
You've made a valid point. But the structure of your comment implicitly indicts all Europeans of living without Christian values and of buying slaves.

I am not suggesting you deliberately failed to specify that only some (actually a very small percentage of) Europeans owned slaves and approved of that practice, but such casual omission is a device used by race agitators to convey the impression that all Whites were slave-holders and proponents of Jim Crow policies.
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If Europeans lived by Christian values, they wouldn't have bought the slaves. So I guess it was an enormous fail all around.
You've made a valid point. But the structure of your comment implicitly indicts all Europeans of living without Christian values and of buying slaves.

I am not suggesting you deliberately failed to specify that only some (actually a very small percentage of) Europeans owned slaves and approved of that practice, but such casual omission is a device used by race agitators to convey the impression that all Whites were slave-holders and proponents of Jim Crow policies.
most whites did not own slaves
Thread has turned into a whiny bitch fest about white people problems.
I dunno about that but it went off the rails right off the bat. Both sides are focused on trolling the other rather than any real discussion.

How are you supposed to have a genuine discussion about race with people who think they are better than other people based on their race. Especially the little twerps on this board who stand on the shoulders of their ancestors and think they've accomplished anything.
Um, no. Someone tried to blame everyone else for slavery but Christianity. It's been pointed out absolutely asinine that is. Glad I could help.

Uh, there's been massive slave trades by Christians (Atlantic Slave Trade), but also Muslims (Arab Slave Trade), as well as Atheists (Soviet Gulag's)

Oh, how dare people point that out.
I commented once to a smart friend, "I can't wrap my head around who the first person was to say "Oh, look--a stranger. I think I'll keep him." My friend laughed and said "As soon as we figured out we could get someone else to do our work for us, slavery was on."
He was right of course. It's no doubt been going on since we were still grunting and pointing instead of carving our stories on stone.

Sure, Slave masters were wrong, but weren't they supporters of a Multi-ethnic society, just like a lot of Leftists support today?

No, they were strong supporters of separate and not equal. There is nothing 'multi-ethnic' about a society where one race rules over another. Nice twist though.

Well, do explain how White Nationalists wanted to import Blacks into their own back yards?

White people owning black people. That's not exactly some multicultural liberal wet dream. I'd say that's closer to white nationalism as it is liberalism. You'd have to be seriously conning yourself to think otherwise.
Uh, there's been massive slave trades by Christians (Atlantic Slave Trade), but also Muslims (Arab Slave Trade), as well as Atheists (Soviet Gulag's)

Oh, how dare people point that out.
I commented once to a smart friend, "I can't wrap my head around who the first person was to say "Oh, look--a stranger. I think I'll keep him." My friend laughed and said "As soon as we figured out we could get someone else to do our work for us, slavery was on."
He was right of course. It's no doubt been going on since we were still grunting and pointing instead of carving our stories on stone.

Sure, Slave masters were wrong, but weren't they supporters of a Multi-ethnic society, just like a lot of Leftists support today?

No, they were strong supporters of separate and not equal. There is nothing 'multi-ethnic' about a society where one race rules over another. Nice twist though.

Well, do explain how White Nationalists wanted to import Blacks into their own back yards?

White people owning black people. That's not exactly some multicultural liberal wet dream. I'd say that's closer to white nationalism as it is liberalism. You'd have to be seriously conning yourself to think otherwise.

Well, I don't know, it's really not White Nationalism, nor Liberalism.

It's all about greed, profit motive, however.
most whites did not own slaves
And many Whites strongly opposed the practice. But we never hear the race pimps calling attention to that critically important issue. In fact they carefully avoid any mention of it.

I didn't realize I'm supposed to believe that all whites are racist assholes like the majority of the right wing clowns on this board.
most whites did not own slaves
And many Whites strongly opposed the practice. But we never hear the race pimps calling attention to that critically important issue. In fact they carefully avoid any mention of it.

I didn't realize I'm supposed to believe that all whites are racist assholes like the majority of the right wing clowns on this board.
YOU are the racist by calling them racist
please prove the majority of RWs are racists on USMB--I'll be waiting
I commented once to a smart friend, "I can't wrap my head around who the first person was to say "Oh, look--a stranger. I think I'll keep him." My friend laughed and said "As soon as we figured out we could get someone else to do our work for us, slavery was on."
He was right of course. It's no doubt been going on since we were still grunting and pointing instead of carving our stories on stone.

Sure, Slave masters were wrong, but weren't they supporters of a Multi-ethnic society, just like a lot of Leftists support today?

No, they were strong supporters of separate and not equal. There is nothing 'multi-ethnic' about a society where one race rules over another. Nice twist though.

Well, do explain how White Nationalists wanted to import Blacks into their own back yards?

White people owning black people. That's not exactly some multicultural liberal wet dream. I'd say that's closer to white nationalism as it is liberalism. You'd have to be seriously conning yourself to think otherwise.

Well, I don't know, it's really not White Nationalism, nor Liberalism.

It's all about greed, profit motive, however.

You don't think white nationalists and old timey slave owners have anything in common? That/s a hoot.
Sure, Slave masters were wrong, but weren't they supporters of a Multi-ethnic society, just like a lot of Leftists support today?

No, they were strong supporters of separate and not equal. There is nothing 'multi-ethnic' about a society where one race rules over another. Nice twist though.

Well, do explain how White Nationalists wanted to import Blacks into their own back yards?

White people owning black people. That's not exactly some multicultural liberal wet dream. I'd say that's closer to white nationalism as it is liberalism. You'd have to be seriously conning yourself to think otherwise.

Well, I don't know, it's really not White Nationalism, nor Liberalism.

It's all about greed, profit motive, however.

You don't think white nationalists and old timey slave owners have anything in common? That/s a hoot.

I think that slavers were for profit margins, and rather than being nationalists, were internationalists for supporting a multi-ethnic state, to support the lust of their greed.

So, actually they are more like those hiring illegal immigrants, on the whole.
most whites did not own slaves
And many Whites strongly opposed the practice. But we never hear the race pimps calling attention to that critically important issue. In fact they carefully avoid any mention of it.

I didn't realize I'm supposed to believe that all whites are racist assholes like the majority of the right wing clowns on this board.
YOU are the racist by calling them racist

That's weak.

please prove the majority of RWs are racists on USMB--I'll be waiting

If I were represented by someone like Shoot Speeders, Snouter or Steve McGarrett and said nothing about their idiotic simple minded racist views then my only excuse is that I agree with them. Until you kick them out of your little clique you agree with them.
No, they were strong supporters of separate and not equal. There is nothing 'multi-ethnic' about a society where one race rules over another. Nice twist though.

Well, do explain how White Nationalists wanted to import Blacks into their own back yards?

White people owning black people. That's not exactly some multicultural liberal wet dream. I'd say that's closer to white nationalism as it is liberalism. You'd have to be seriously conning yourself to think otherwise.

Well, I don't know, it's really not White Nationalism, nor Liberalism.

It's all about greed, profit motive, however.

You don't think white nationalists and old timey slave owners have anything in common? That/s a hoot.

I think that slavers were for profit margins, and rather than being nationalists, were internationalists for supporting a multi-ethnic state, to support the lust of their greed.

So, actually they are more like those hiring illegal immigrants, on the whole.

The South was not a 'multi-ethnic' state. Blacks were used as cattle.

Slave owners and white nationalists think they are superior to blacks and other races. They want to entrap or kick out other people against their will. They have a lot in common and all of it bad.
Why do cops "FEEL" that there is less danger from a white person than a black person? Is it that more violent crime is caused by blacks?
I think a part of that perception is a self-fulfilling prophesy. If you arrest a black man for something when you might have let a white man off for the same thing you inflate the arrest statistics of blacks and reinforce the impression that blacks are more likely to be criminals. The next time you encounter a black you are even more likely to see that black as a potential criminal and a threat.

Of course, that would require us to accept your assumption that that black man WAS arrested for something "you might have let a white man off for". And I'm afraid I'm not willing to blithely take that on faith the way you are. Call me difficult, but I'd like to see some PROOF before I just accept that.

Maybe it's because I don't have an ulterior motive for wanting to believe it.
most whites did not own slaves
And many Whites strongly opposed the practice. But we never hear the race pimps calling attention to that critically important issue. In fact they carefully avoid any mention of it.

I didn't realize I'm supposed to believe that all whites are racist assholes like the majority of the right wing clowns on this board.
YOU are the racist by calling them racist

That's weak.

please prove the majority of RWs are racists on USMB--I'll be waiting

If I were represented by someone like Shoot Speeders, Snouter or Steve McGarrett and said nothing about their idiotic simple minded racist views then my only excuse is that I agree with them. Until you kick them out of your little clique you agree with them.
the main problem- you are being STUPID and don't realize it
..like the MSM/etc, you use the word racist far too often, and when it doesn't apply
..the MSM and you claim racism on many cases when racism has nothing to do with them
...wolf wolf wolf wolf wolf------
this is one of the reasons Trump was elected--bullshit fake news crying racism all the time
Well, do explain how White Nationalists wanted to import Blacks into their own back yards?

White people owning black people. That's not exactly some multicultural liberal wet dream. I'd say that's closer to white nationalism as it is liberalism. You'd have to be seriously conning yourself to think otherwise.

Well, I don't know, it's really not White Nationalism, nor Liberalism.

It's all about greed, profit motive, however.

You don't think white nationalists and old timey slave owners have anything in common? That/s a hoot.

I think that slavers were for profit margins, and rather than being nationalists, were internationalists for supporting a multi-ethnic state, to support the lust of their greed.

So, actually they are more like those hiring illegal immigrants, on the whole.

The South was not a 'multi-ethnic' state. Blacks were used as cattle.

Slave owners and white nationalists think they are superior to blacks and other races. They want to entrap or kick out other people against their will. They have a lot in common and all of it bad.
There are no slave owners. And in 1860, the predominant view nationwide was that blacks were inferior in intelligence and morality.

I dunno about a thread about racism and blacks started by a white person on a board where nearly everyone is white. But at least lets be real about the historical antecedents of racism against blacks.

I don't have any answer for why or what to do about pockets of poor blacks today.
most whites did not own slaves
And many Whites strongly opposed the practice. But we never hear the race pimps calling attention to that critically important issue. In fact they carefully avoid any mention of it.

I didn't realize I'm supposed to believe that all whites are racist assholes like the majority of the right wing clowns on this board.
YOU are the racist by calling them racist

That's weak.

please prove the majority of RWs are racists on USMB--I'll be waiting

If I were represented by someone like Shoot Speeders, Snouter or Steve McGarrett and said nothing about their idiotic simple minded racist views then my only excuse is that I agree with them. Until you kick them out of your little clique you agree with them.
the main problem- you are being STUPID and don't realize it
..like the MSM/etc, you use the word racist far too often, and when it doesn't apply
..the MSM and you claim racism on many cases when racism has nothing to do with them
...wolf wolf wolf wolf wolf------
this is one of the reasons Trump was elected

When did I claim racism when there wasn't any? Was it when I stated that not all (or even most) whites are racist or was it when I called Shoot Speeders one?

I think you love talking points.
most of the blacks shot by cops are justified/self defense shootings
You're absolutely right about most -- but not all. There are a few shootings which range in nature from avoidable to deliberate. The problem is these extremely few "bad shoots" provide the race pimps with fodder for their anti-cop, anti-White bullshit cannons, from which all cops endure the negative feedback.

I am not aware of one Black being shot by cops who was not called a "victim" by the Al Sharpton following. Not one.
Slavery was not about race. It was about owning an African > John Deere tractor vs owning an Irish slave > old dying mule. If you are a plantation owner and you had a choice between the two, if you had the money you bought the best, healthiest, hardiest farm equipment. That happened to be the African.

And yes the first slaves in America were white from Britain and Ireland. Historical fact.
most of the blacks shot by cops are justified/self defense shootings
I wonder how many of those cops wouldn't have felt they were in danger if the person of interest was white?
blacks commit crime/murder at much higher rates--duh and
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.
I've been through this before with many links/facts/stats
there is NOT a major, chronic problem of police shooting blacks--not-justified AND justified

there are about 30 MILLION calls for police assistance per year--not counting traffic stops
total police shooting deaths around 900
please do the math
Even if everything you say is true it is irrelevant to the OP. When you talk about seeing yourself as a victim numbers are less important than how you perceive the world. If you constantly see stories about blacks getting shot it is understandable to see yourself in these victims.

Only if you are lazy-minded and just jump to the easiest conclusion, instead of digging deeper for the truth.

I have no sympathy for lazy, simplistic minds.

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