400 years of Slavery?

It is a reference to ideological tunnel vision & generations of being bound by a thought process that prohibits thinking outside the box.

This is the origins of that comment and while the number could be considered off if you discount the history of Africa the point remains on target.

Rather than dig into the substance of the situation the left would rather distract you with the thoughts of a simpleton.

While this could be considered a "race" thread I hope that the moderators see that it is a hot topic in political circles and deserves to be discussed and thought out rather than relegated to the race forum which very few visit.

I think the legacy of slavery is still felt in Black families but Blacks today do seem to be victims of the criminal justice system. We've all seen videos of Blacks being shot by cops and read about abuses in assigning bail and prison sentences. It is unfortunate but understandable that many Blacks consider themselves victims.

most of the blacks shot by cops are justified/self defense shootings

Justified by whom?
Anytime a cop shoots someone, they’re all “I feared for my life”. Like the unarmed guy crawling on his belly who was lit up because he reached down to pull up his pants. Trigger happy cops are just that — trigger happy
if you want I'll go over it case by case
by legal, fair, courts systems with MUCH more evidence than you have

Absolutely, go over it case-by-case. I'll be back in a few hours to see what you've got.

I will start another thread --standby
Looked anti-establishment religion to me. Can't blame him.

In the meantime you guys should just get on with how unfair you are treated as white men in this country.

As an Agnostic, I see both hard-core Theists, and Atheists as pretty damned delusional.

But, I don't get how you're getting this conclusion?

Thus far there's been mostly anti-Christian, and anti-Cop rhetoric, rather than some kind of "Imagined" "White complaints?

What are you smoking, exactly?
Agnostic is derived from the word ignorant.

So get off your dumbass pedestal.

It's from the Greek word agnōstos which means unknowable. I does not mean ignorant.
The term Agnostic is derived from the ancient Greek word gnosis-knowledge. By the word agnostic, the Greeks seem to have meant one who has no knowledge in a very general sense. In 1869, Thomas Huxley used the word to describe how he did not know about things metaphysical.

Why Agnosticism? - TheHumanist.com

Not knowing = ignorance

Sorry, the definition of agnosticism is not ignorance. It's understanding that you do not know whether god exists. Ignorance would be placing the proof of god on a book of fiction.

If there was proof of God, or proof that God does not exist, then we wouldn't need faith. Not a hard concept to grasp. Ignorance is attempting to insult the intelligence and/or sincerity of those that do not believe as you believe.
As an Agnostic, I see both hard-core Theists, and Atheists as pretty damned delusional.

But, I don't get how you're getting this conclusion?

Thus far there's been mostly anti-Christian, and anti-Cop rhetoric, rather than some kind of "Imagined" "White complaints?

What are you smoking, exactly?
Agnostic is derived from the word ignorant.

So get off your dumbass pedestal.

It's from the Greek word agnōstos which means unknowable. I does not mean ignorant.
The term Agnostic is derived from the ancient Greek word gnosis-knowledge. By the word agnostic, the Greeks seem to have meant one who has no knowledge in a very general sense. In 1869, Thomas Huxley used the word to describe how he did not know about things metaphysical.

Why Agnosticism? - TheHumanist.com

Not knowing = ignorance

Sorry, the definition of agnosticism is not ignorance. It's understanding that you do not know whether god exists. Ignorance would be placing the proof of god on a book of fiction.

If there was proof of God, or proof that God does not exist, then we wouldn't need faith. Not a hard concept to grasp. Ignorance is attempting to insult the intelligence and/or sincerity of those that do not believe as you believe.

Is faith needed?
Is faith logical?

The answer to both is "No"
It is a reference to ideological tunnel vision & generations of being bound by a thought process that prohibits thinking outside the box.

This is the origins of that comment and while the number could be considered off if you discount the history of Africa the point remains on target.

Rather than dig into the substance of the situation the left would rather distract you with the thoughts of a simpleton.

While this could be considered a "race" thread I hope that the moderators see that it is a hot topic in political circles and deserves to be discussed and thought out rather than relegated to the race forum which very few visit.

I think the legacy of slavery is still felt in Black families but Blacks today do seem to be victims of the criminal justice system. We've all seen videos of Blacks being shot by cops and read about abuses in assigning bail and prison sentences. It is unfortunate but understandable that many Blacks consider themselves victims.

Do you know that if the blacks of Africa didn't WAR upon each other but lived with Christian Values of peace and brotherhood, there wouldn't of been a slave market? If the Muslims in the Ivory Coast didn't buy and ship the slaves to the Americas, there wouldn't of been a slave market? If the Southern White Democrats didn't think "niggas" were their property and didn't buy the slaves from the sellers, those blacks would of been killed in Africa, because there wouldn't of been a slave market? Oh well, none of those happened, and the rest is history.

If Europeans lived by Christian values, they wouldn't have bought the slaves. So I guess it was an enormous fail all around.

What about European countries which abolished slavery early, and kept to it like Poland, or Lithuania?

Too bad every country didn't think like that.

Yes, Poland, and Lithuania were the 2 White nations to successful abolish slavery permanently.

Poland, and Lithuania are 2 of the most homogeneous of White nations today.

Is there a pattern?

Perhaps the greedy elite scumbags who profit off of the cheap labor of Mexican day laborers, are the same kind of greedy elite scumbags who profited off of the cheap labor of Black slaves?
It is a reference to ideological tunnel vision & generations of being bound by a thought process that prohibits thinking outside the box.

This is the origins of that comment and while the number could be considered off if you discount the history of Africa the point remains on target.

Rather than dig into the substance of the situation the left would rather distract you with the thoughts of a simpleton.

While this could be considered a "race" thread I hope that the moderators see that it is a hot topic in political circles and deserves to be discussed and thought out rather than relegated to the race forum which very few visit.

I think the legacy of slavery is still felt in Black families but Blacks today do seem to be victims of the criminal justice system. We've all seen videos of Blacks being shot by cops and read about abuses in assigning bail and prison sentences. It is unfortunate but understandable that many Blacks consider themselves victims.

most of the blacks shot by cops are justified/self defense shootings

shhhhh, black's getting shot isn't supposed to be known as they were perpetrators. They need to be victims, even if they killed other blacks ahead of their deaths.
Well, the Gay Guy with the Bruce Jenner look-a-like icon seems to be having the Bitch-Fits..

While, he maybe White, he is anti-Christian, / anti-White, no?

Looked anti-establishment religion to me. Can't blame him.

In the meantime you guys should just get on with how unfair you are treated as white men in this country.

As an Agnostic, I see both hard-core Theists, and Atheists as pretty damned delusional.

But, I don't get how you're getting this conclusion?

Thus far there's been mostly anti-Christian, and anti-Cop rhetoric, rather than some kind of "Imagined" "White complaints?

What are you smoking, exactly?

Um, no. Someone tried to blame everyone else for slavery but Christianity. It's been pointed out absolutely asinine that is. Glad I could help.

Uh, there's been massive slave trades by Christians (Atlantic Slave Trade), but also Muslims (Arab Slave Trade), as well as Atheists (Soviet Gulag's)

Oh, how dare people point that out.
I commented once to a smart friend, "I can't wrap my head around who the first person was to say "Oh, look--a stranger. I think I'll keep him." My friend laughed and said "As soon as we figured out we could get someone else to do our work for us, slavery was on."
He was right of course. It's no doubt been going on since we were still grunting and pointing instead of carving our stories on stone.

Sure, Slave masters were wrong, but weren't they supporters of a Multi-ethnic society, just like a lot of Leftists support today?
It is a reference to ideological tunnel vision & generations of being bound by a thought process that prohibits thinking outside the box.

This is the origins of that comment and while the number could be considered off if you discount the history of Africa the point remains on target.

Rather than dig into the substance of the situation the left would rather distract you with the thoughts of a simpleton.

While this could be considered a "race" thread I hope that the moderators see that it is a hot topic in political circles and deserves to be discussed and thought out rather than relegated to the race forum which very few visit.

I think the legacy of slavery is still felt in Black families but Blacks today do seem to be victims of the criminal justice system. We've all seen videos of Blacks being shot by cops and read about abuses in assigning bail and prison sentences. It is unfortunate but understandable that many Blacks consider themselves victims.

Many black victims are the victims of crimes committed by those you are lamenting.
It is a reference to ideological tunnel vision & generations of being bound by a thought process that prohibits thinking outside the box.

This is the origins of that comment and while the number could be considered off if you discount the history of Africa the point remains on target.

Rather than dig into the substance of the situation the left would rather distract you with the thoughts of a simpleton.

While this could be considered a "race" thread I hope that the moderators see that it is a hot topic in political circles and deserves to be discussed and thought out rather than relegated to the race forum which very few visit.

I think the legacy of slavery is still felt in Black families but Blacks today do seem to be victims of the criminal justice system. We've all seen videos of Blacks being shot by cops and read about abuses in assigning bail and prison sentences. It is unfortunate but understandable that many Blacks consider themselves victims.

most of the blacks shot by cops are justified/self defense shootings

Justified by whom?
Anytime a cop shoots someone, they’re all “I feared for my life”. Like the unarmed guy crawling on his belly who was lit up because he reached down to pull up his pants. Trigger happy cops are just that — trigger happy

I notice that you don't apply to join the ranks of law enforcement so you can right that wrong.
It is a reference to ideological tunnel vision & generations of being bound by a thought process that prohibits thinking outside the box.

This is the origins of that comment and while the number could be considered off if you discount the history of Africa the point remains on target.

Rather than dig into the substance of the situation the left would rather distract you with the thoughts of a simpleton.

While this could be considered a "race" thread I hope that the moderators see that it is a hot topic in political circles and deserves to be discussed and thought out rather than relegated to the race forum which very few visit.

I think the legacy of slavery is still felt in Black families but Blacks today do seem to be victims of the criminal justice system. We've all seen videos of Blacks being shot by cops and read about abuses in assigning bail and prison sentences. It is unfortunate but understandable that many Blacks consider themselves victims.

most of the blacks shot by cops are justified/self defense shootings

Justified by whom?
Anytime a cop shoots someone, they’re all “I feared for my life”. Like the unarmed guy crawling on his belly who was lit up because he reached down to pull up his pants. Trigger happy cops are just that — trigger happy

if you want I'll go over it case by case
by legal, fair, courts systems with MUCH more evidence than you have

Absolutely, go over it case-by-case. I'll be back in a few hours to see what you've got.

in Clean Debate Zone
Do you know that if the blacks of Africa didn't WAR upon each other but lived with Christian Values of peace and brotherhood, there wouldn't of been a slave market?
Christian values? :rofl:
Like the Inquisition?

You are hilarious.
So is claiming Christianity is a religion of peace

As if the Communist Atheists have been all too peaceful?

Sure, The Abrahamic faiths sure haven't been all too peaceful.

One thing for sure is that Hinduism, and Buddhism have killed far less than Atheist Communists.

The big question would then be, how come?
Slavery had to end. It was too expensive. People worked all day and got food and housing.

Now people work all day for less than that.
Stalin, and Hitler both killed, and enslaved a lot of people.

However, which one was particularly Christian?

Stalin was a self acclaimed Atheist during his Soviet terror.

Hitler on the other hand was a bit harder to peg, having been a bit wishy-washy, however according to Albert Speer Hitler preferred Islam over Christianity, seeing Christianity as too flabby, and meek.
As an Agnostic, I see both hard-core Theists, and Atheists as pretty damned delusional.

But, I don't get how you're getting this conclusion?

Thus far there's been mostly anti-Christian, and anti-Cop rhetoric, rather than some kind of "Imagined" "White complaints?

What are you smoking, exactly?
Agnostic is derived from the word ignorant.

So get off your dumbass pedestal.

It's from the Greek word agnōstos which means unknowable. I does not mean ignorant.
The term Agnostic is derived from the ancient Greek word gnosis-knowledge. By the word agnostic, the Greeks seem to have meant one who has no knowledge in a very general sense. In 1869, Thomas Huxley used the word to describe how he did not know about things metaphysical.

Why Agnosticism? - TheHumanist.com

Not knowing = ignorance

Sorry, the definition of agnosticism is not ignorance. It's understanding that you do not know whether god exists. Ignorance would be placing the proof of god on a book of fiction.

If there was proof of God, or proof that God does not exist, then we wouldn't need faith. Not a hard concept to grasp. Ignorance is attempting to insult the intelligence and/or sincerity of those that do not believe as you believe.

I don't really care who is religious and who isn't. Doesn't change what I said, the bible is a book of fiction.
Looked anti-establishment religion to me. Can't blame him.

In the meantime you guys should just get on with how unfair you are treated as white men in this country.

As an Agnostic, I see both hard-core Theists, and Atheists as pretty damned delusional.

But, I don't get how you're getting this conclusion?

Thus far there's been mostly anti-Christian, and anti-Cop rhetoric, rather than some kind of "Imagined" "White complaints?

What are you smoking, exactly?

Um, no. Someone tried to blame everyone else for slavery but Christianity. It's been pointed out absolutely asinine that is. Glad I could help.

Uh, there's been massive slave trades by Christians (Atlantic Slave Trade), but also Muslims (Arab Slave Trade), as well as Atheists (Soviet Gulag's)

Oh, how dare people point that out.
I commented once to a smart friend, "I can't wrap my head around who the first person was to say "Oh, look--a stranger. I think I'll keep him." My friend laughed and said "As soon as we figured out we could get someone else to do our work for us, slavery was on."
He was right of course. It's no doubt been going on since we were still grunting and pointing instead of carving our stories on stone.

Sure, Slave masters were wrong, but weren't they supporters of a Multi-ethnic society, just like a lot of Leftists support today?

No, they were strong supporters of separate and not equal. There is nothing 'multi-ethnic' about a society where one race rules over another. Nice twist though.
Looked anti-establishment religion to me. Can't blame him.

In the meantime you guys should just get on with how unfair you are treated as white men in this country.

As an Agnostic, I see both hard-core Theists, and Atheists as pretty damned delusional.

But, I don't get how you're getting this conclusion?

Thus far there's been mostly anti-Christian, and anti-Cop rhetoric, rather than some kind of "Imagined" "White complaints?

What are you smoking, exactly?

Um, no. Someone tried to blame everyone else for slavery but Christianity. It's been pointed out absolutely asinine that is. Glad I could help.

Uh, there's been massive slave trades by Christians (Atlantic Slave Trade), but also Muslims (Arab Slave Trade), as well as Atheists (Soviet Gulag's)

Oh, how dare people point that out.
I commented once to a smart friend, "I can't wrap my head around who the first person was to say "Oh, look--a stranger. I think I'll keep him." My friend laughed and said "As soon as we figured out we could get someone else to do our work for us, slavery was on."
He was right of course. It's no doubt been going on since we were still grunting and pointing instead of carving our stories on stone.

Sure, Slave masters were wrong, but weren't they supporters of a Multi-ethnic society, just like a lot of Leftists support today?
Not sure it's quite the same, since the slaves weren't treated equally.

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