400 years of Slavery?

Thread has turned into a whiny bitch fest about white people problems.

Well, the Gay Guy with the Bruce Jenner look-a-like icon seems to be having the Bitch-Fits..

While, he maybe White, he is anti-Christian, / anti-White, no?

Looked anti-establishment religion to me. Can't blame him.

In the meantime you guys should just get on with how unfair you are treated as white men in this country. Bunch of fucking snowflakes who can't make it in America while being pasty white.
That is where you are WRONG. I with my white privilege has made it very well in this country, because I didn't stay a victim of liberalism and poor, like most of the welfare queens. Here is another person who used his white privilege and moved out of the ghetto. Doubt you libtards will watch the 13 minute video, because it destroys your whole argument on race....

It's funny when you guys only listen to celebrities and people of color when they only agree with your own disposition but never any other time. In fact you dorks complain about celebrities and black people all the time.

Funny how a celebrity moves off the plantation and you leftwingers wish that celebrity harm...Care to explain?

Kanye West threatened by Daz Dillinger for Trump support: ‘Crips out there, y’all f— Kanye up’
“Better not ever see you in concert,” he added. “Better not ever see you around the [Long Beach]. Better not ever see you around California. Stay in Calabasas, ya hear me? ‘Cuz we got a Crip alert for Kanye. You don’t speak on Crip gods, n—. We the Crips gods, n—. You know what I’m saying? … All the Crips out there, you see that n—, bang on his a— . F— his a— up.”

Who the hell is Daz Dillinger? Are you going to tell me that no one on the right has ever threatened anyone with violence? Surely, you're a fool.

What I'd like to know is why anyone on the right would pay any attention to what Kanye West has to say. I mean, he told you George Bush hates black people. I bet you weren't sucking his dick then.
Looked anti-establishment religion to me. Can't blame him.

In the meantime you guys should just get on with how unfair you are treated as white men in this country.

As an Agnostic, I see both hard-core Theists, and Atheists as pretty damned delusional.

But, I don't get how you're getting this conclusion?

Thus far there's been mostly anti-Christian, and anti-Cop rhetoric, rather than some kind of "Imagined" "White complaints?

What are you smoking, exactly?
Agnostic is derived from the word ignorant.

So get off your dumbass pedestal.

It's from the Greek word agnōstos which means unknowable. I does not mean ignorant.
The term Agnostic is derived from the ancient Greek word gnosis-knowledge. By the word agnostic, the Greeks seem to have meant one who has no knowledge in a very general sense. In 1869, Thomas Huxley used the word to describe how he did not know about things metaphysical.

Why Agnosticism? - TheHumanist.com

Not knowing = ignorance

Sorry, the definition of agnosticism is not ignorance. It's understanding that you do not know whether god exists. Ignorance would be placing the proof of god on a book of fiction.
Definition of agnostic
1 : a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (such as God) is unknown and probably unknowable; broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god
2 : a person who is unwilling to commit to an opinion about something
  • political agnostics

play \-tə-ˌsi-zəm\ noun
Definition of AGNOSTIC

Ignorance is believing history is fiction because he is terrified of what it means.
Reality is unrelated to perception. Just read the posts on every other USMB thread.
you just don't like truth/facts/stats
I do when they're relevant to the topic. I know plenty of facts about astronomy but I don't see how they're appropriate here.
hahahahah --read post # 18 again
you were responding to me about the cops/etc
so make up your mind
Giving me a bunch of statistics on cop shootings was irrelevant to my question of "how many of those cops wouldn't have felt they were in danger if the person of interest was white". Your number may justify cop perceptions but didn't answer the question. Not surprising since numbers can't reveal the cop's perceptions.
There goes shitforbrains again, whining about the government going around shooting people just because of their skin color.
And in other threads the moron says we need more government. Must like it when the government shoots innocents.
Reality is unrelated to perception. Just read the posts on every other USMB thread.
you just don't like truth/facts/stats
I do when they're relevant to the topic. I know plenty of facts about astronomy but I don't see how they're appropriate here.
hahahahah --read post # 18 again
you were responding to me about the cops/etc
so make up your mind
Giving me a bunch of statistics on cop shootings was irrelevant to my question of "how many of those cops wouldn't have felt they were in danger if the person of interest was white". Your number may justify cop perceptions but didn't answer the question. Not surprising since numbers can't reveal the cop's perceptions.
You do know that every day a policeman wakes up, puts on his uniform kissed his wife and kids, goodbye not knowing if he will see them again after his day at work is done? Seems that you don't give a shit about policemen and what they face every day.
As an Agnostic, I see both hard-core Theists, and Atheists as pretty damned delusional.

But, I don't get how you're getting this conclusion?

Thus far there's been mostly anti-Christian, and anti-Cop rhetoric, rather than some kind of "Imagined" "White complaints?

What are you smoking, exactly?
Agnostic is derived from the word ignorant.

So get off your dumbass pedestal.

It's from the Greek word agnōstos which means unknowable. I does not mean ignorant.
The term Agnostic is derived from the ancient Greek word gnosis-knowledge. By the word agnostic, the Greeks seem to have meant one who has no knowledge in a very general sense. In 1869, Thomas Huxley used the word to describe how he did not know about things metaphysical.

Why Agnosticism? - TheHumanist.com

Not knowing = ignorance

Sorry, the definition of agnosticism is not ignorance. It's understanding that you do not know whether god exists. Ignorance would be placing the proof of god on a book of fiction.
Definition of agnostic
1 : a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (such as God) is unknown and probably unknowable; broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god
2 : a person who is unwilling to commit to an opinion about something
  • political agnostics

play \-tə-ˌsi-zəm\ noun
Definition of AGNOSTIC

Ignorance is believing history is fiction because he is terrified of what it means.

Yeah, where is the ignorance part in the definition? I mean other than you making shit up.
Reality is unrelated to perception. Just read the posts on every other USMB thread.
you just don't like truth/facts/stats
I do when they're relevant to the topic. I know plenty of facts about astronomy but I don't see how they're appropriate here.
hahahahah --read post # 18 again
you were responding to me about the cops/etc
so make up your mind
Giving me a bunch of statistics on cop shootings was irrelevant to my question of "how many of those cops wouldn't have felt they were in danger if the person of interest was white". Your number may justify cop perceptions but didn't answer the question. Not surprising since numbers can't reveal the cop's perceptions.
You do know that every day a policeman wakes up, puts on his uniform kissed his wife and kids, goodbye not knowing if he will see them again after his day at work is done? Seems that you don't give a shit about policemen and what they face every day.
The left hate the military, cops, anyone who threatens their love of evil.
Liar, if you are going to quote me use the quote button. I never claimed anyone was calling for a murderous government. But you are so F*d up you need to lie about what people say.

As requested:

You don't believe that BS because you leftists call for more powerful and unaccountable government all of the time.
I don't recall anyone calling for more unaccountable government. Got a link?
Yeah, growing a murderous government makes it more accountable.
you just don't like truth/facts/stats
I do when they're relevant to the topic. I know plenty of facts about astronomy but I don't see how they're appropriate here.
hahahahah --read post # 18 again
you were responding to me about the cops/etc
so make up your mind
Giving me a bunch of statistics on cop shootings was irrelevant to my question of "how many of those cops wouldn't have felt they were in danger if the person of interest was white". Your number may justify cop perceptions but didn't answer the question. Not surprising since numbers can't reveal the cop's perceptions.
You do know that every day a policeman wakes up, puts on his uniform kissed his wife and kids, goodbye not knowing if he will see them again after his day at work is done? Seems that you don't give a shit about policemen and what they face every day.
The left hate the military, cops, anyone who threatens their love of evil.

Well, that might make sense to a 2 year old who needs absolutes in his life. Black vs white, up vs down us vs them. You know, like what a dumbass would think.
Well, the Gay Guy with the Bruce Jenner look-a-like icon seems to be having the Bitch-Fits..

While, he maybe White, he is anti-Christian, / anti-White, no?

Looked anti-establishment religion to me. Can't blame him.

In the meantime you guys should just get on with how unfair you are treated as white men in this country. Bunch of fucking snowflakes who can't make it in America while being pasty white.
That is where you are WRONG. I with my white privilege has made it very well in this country, because I didn't stay a victim of liberalism and poor, like most of the welfare queens. Here is another person who used his white privilege and moved out of the ghetto. Doubt you libtards will watch the 13 minute video, because it destroys your whole argument on race....

It's funny when you guys only listen to celebrities and people of color when they only agree with your own disposition but never any other time. In fact you dorks complain about celebrities and black people all the time.

Funny how a celebrity moves off the plantation and you leftwingers wish that celebrity harm...Care to explain?

Kanye West threatened by Daz Dillinger for Trump support: ‘Crips out there, y’all f— Kanye up’
“Better not ever see you in concert,” he added. “Better not ever see you around the [Long Beach]. Better not ever see you around California. Stay in Calabasas, ya hear me? ‘Cuz we got a Crip alert for Kanye. You don’t speak on Crip gods, n—. We the Crips gods, n—. You know what I’m saying? … All the Crips out there, you see that n—, bang on his a— . F— his a— up.”

Who the hell is Daz Dillinger? Are you going to tell me that no one on the right has ever threatened anyone with violence? Surely, you're a fool.

What I'd like to know is why anyone on the right would pay any attention to what Kanye West has to say. I mean, he told you George Bush hates black people. I bet you weren't sucking his dick then.

What I like to know is why anyone on the left would pay any attention to the lame stream media(lies) or their liberal politicains(lies) and how liberals want to keep blacks on the plantation. Are you a racist who hates blacks? Bet you are. Fucking racist.
Reality is unrelated to perception. Just read the posts on every other USMB thread.
you just don't like truth/facts/stats
I do when they're relevant to the topic. I know plenty of facts about astronomy but I don't see how they're appropriate here.
hahahahah --read post # 18 again
you were responding to me about the cops/etc
so make up your mind
Giving me a bunch of statistics on cop shootings was irrelevant to my question of "how many of those cops wouldn't have felt they were in danger if the person of interest was white". Your number may justify cop perceptions but didn't answer the question. Not surprising since numbers can't reveal the cop's perceptions.
o --I'm sorry-----hahahahah
--since the whites do not murder cops at the rates the blacks do, and do not MURDER at the rate the blacks do--the cops should be more leery/watchful/ready to KILL blacks
here--undeniable proof--blacks are much MUCH more likely to kill a cop than whites:
total offenders --565
by white --289
by black--243
whites --around 67% of population....blacks around 13%
so----duh----undeniable that blacks are much--MUCH more likely to murder a cop
Table 44

final--slam dunk--over and out
It is a reference to ideological tunnel vision & generations of being bound by a thought process that prohibits thinking outside the box.

This is the origins of that comment and while the number could be considered off if you discount the history of Africa the point remains on target.

Rather than dig into the substance of the situation the left would rather distract you with the thoughts of a simpleton.

While this could be considered a "race" thread I hope that the moderators see that it is a hot topic in political circles and deserves to be discussed and thought out rather than relegated to the race forum which very few visit.

I think the legacy of slavery is still felt in Black families but Blacks today do seem to be victims of the criminal justice system. We've all seen videos of Blacks being shot by cops and read about abuses in assigning bail and prison sentences. It is unfortunate but understandable that many Blacks consider themselves victims.

most of the blacks shot by cops are justified/self defense shootings

Justified by whom?
Anytime a cop shoots someone, they’re all “I feared for my life”. Like the unarmed guy crawling on his belly who was lit up because he reached down to pull up his pants. Trigger happy cops are just that — trigger happy

His pants are falling down because baggy pants are used to hide weapons. That's why blacks always wear pants that show their ass.
Looked anti-establishment religion to me. Can't blame him.

In the meantime you guys should just get on with how unfair you are treated as white men in this country. Bunch of fucking snowflakes who can't make it in America while being pasty white.
That is where you are WRONG. I with my white privilege has made it very well in this country, because I didn't stay a victim of liberalism and poor, like most of the welfare queens. Here is another person who used his white privilege and moved out of the ghetto. Doubt you libtards will watch the 13 minute video, because it destroys your whole argument on race....

It's funny when you guys only listen to celebrities and people of color when they only agree with your own disposition but never any other time. In fact you dorks complain about celebrities and black people all the time.

Funny how a celebrity moves off the plantation and you leftwingers wish that celebrity harm...Care to explain?

Kanye West threatened by Daz Dillinger for Trump support: ‘Crips out there, y’all f— Kanye up’
“Better not ever see you in concert,” he added. “Better not ever see you around the [Long Beach]. Better not ever see you around California. Stay in Calabasas, ya hear me? ‘Cuz we got a Crip alert for Kanye. You don’t speak on Crip gods, n—. We the Crips gods, n—. You know what I’m saying? … All the Crips out there, you see that n—, bang on his a— . F— his a— up.”

Who the hell is Daz Dillinger? Are you going to tell me that no one on the right has ever threatened anyone with violence? Surely, you're a fool.

What I'd like to know is why anyone on the right would pay any attention to what Kanye West has to say. I mean, he told you George Bush hates black people. I bet you weren't sucking his dick then.

What I like to know is why anyone on the left would pay any attention to the lame stream media(lies) or their liberal politicains(lies) and how liberals want to keep blacks on the plantation. Are you a racist who hates blacks? Bet you are. Fucking racist.

I would like to know why someone in 2018 is using Sarah Palin like language.

However, I gave you a specific quote from Kanye West and you completely brushed it off and came back with how you don't like the media or liberals. Way to evade, dufuss.
It is a reference to ideological tunnel vision & generations of being bound by a thought process that prohibits thinking outside the box.

This is the origins of that comment and while the number could be considered off if you discount the history of Africa the point remains on target.

Rather than dig into the substance of the situation the left would rather distract you with the thoughts of a simpleton.

While this could be considered a "race" thread I hope that the moderators see that it is a hot topic in political circles and deserves to be discussed and thought out rather than relegated to the race forum which very few visit.

I think the legacy of slavery is still felt in Black families but Blacks today do seem to be victims of the criminal justice system. We've all seen videos of Blacks being shot by cops and read about abuses in assigning bail and prison sentences. It is unfortunate but understandable that many Blacks consider themselves victims.

most of the blacks shot by cops are justified/self defense shootings

Justified by whom?
Anytime a cop shoots someone, they’re all “I feared for my life”. Like the unarmed guy crawling on his belly who was lit up because he reached down to pull up his pants. Trigger happy cops are just that — trigger happy

if you want I'll go over it case by case
by legal, fair, courts systems with MUCH more evidence than you have

Absolutely, go over it case-by-case. I'll be back in a few hours to see what you've got.
I do when they're relevant to the topic. I know plenty of facts about astronomy but I don't see how they're appropriate here.
hahahahah --read post # 18 again
you were responding to me about the cops/etc
so make up your mind
Giving me a bunch of statistics on cop shootings was irrelevant to my question of "how many of those cops wouldn't have felt they were in danger if the person of interest was white". Your number may justify cop perceptions but didn't answer the question. Not surprising since numbers can't reveal the cop's perceptions.
You do know that every day a policeman wakes up, puts on his uniform kissed his wife and kids, goodbye not knowing if he will see them again after his day at work is done? Seems that you don't give a shit about policemen and what they face every day.
The left hate the military, cops, anyone who threatens their love of evil.

Well, that might make sense to a 2 year old who needs absolutes in his life. Black vs white, up vs down us vs them. You know, like what a dumbass would think.
Fact is fact. You are too much of a pussy to say what the left stand for, but the evidence is overwhelming.
That is where you are WRONG. I with my white privilege has made it very well in this country, because I didn't stay a victim of liberalism and poor, like most of the welfare queens. Here is another person who used his white privilege and moved out of the ghetto. Doubt you libtards will watch the 13 minute video, because it destroys your whole argument on race....

It's funny when you guys only listen to celebrities and people of color when they only agree with your own disposition but never any other time. In fact you dorks complain about celebrities and black people all the time.

Funny how a celebrity moves off the plantation and you leftwingers wish that celebrity harm...Care to explain?

Kanye West threatened by Daz Dillinger for Trump support: ‘Crips out there, y’all f— Kanye up’
“Better not ever see you in concert,” he added. “Better not ever see you around the [Long Beach]. Better not ever see you around California. Stay in Calabasas, ya hear me? ‘Cuz we got a Crip alert for Kanye. You don’t speak on Crip gods, n—. We the Crips gods, n—. You know what I’m saying? … All the Crips out there, you see that n—, bang on his a— . F— his a— up.”

Who the hell is Daz Dillinger? Are you going to tell me that no one on the right has ever threatened anyone with violence? Surely, you're a fool.

What I'd like to know is why anyone on the right would pay any attention to what Kanye West has to say. I mean, he told you George Bush hates black people. I bet you weren't sucking his dick then.

What I like to know is why anyone on the left would pay any attention to the lame stream media(lies) or their liberal politicains(lies) and how liberals want to keep blacks on the plantation. Are you a racist who hates blacks? Bet you are. Fucking racist.

I would like to know why someone in 2018 is using Sarah Palin like language.

However, I gave you a specific quote from Kanye West and you completely brushed it off and came back with how you don't like the media or liberals. Way to evade, dufuss.

You have just joined the other liberal retards in the Ignore Zone,.. I tried to enlighten you, but you just cant pull your brainwashed head out of your full of shit ass. Buh bye...

It is a reference to ideological tunnel vision & generations of being bound by a thought process that prohibits thinking outside the box.

This is the origins of that comment and while the number could be considered off if you discount the history of Africa the point remains on target.

Rather than dig into the substance of the situation the left would rather distract you with the thoughts of a simpleton.

While this could be considered a "race" thread I hope that the moderators see that it is a hot topic in political circles and deserves to be discussed and thought out rather than relegated to the race forum which very few visit.

I think the legacy of slavery is still felt in Black families but Blacks today do seem to be victims of the criminal justice system. We've all seen videos of Blacks being shot by cops and read about abuses in assigning bail and prison sentences. It is unfortunate but understandable that many Blacks consider themselves victims.

most of the blacks shot by cops are justified/self defense shootings

Justified by whom?
Anytime a cop shoots someone, they’re all “I feared for my life”. Like the unarmed guy crawling on his belly who was lit up because he reached down to pull up his pants. Trigger happy cops are just that — trigger happy

if you want I'll go over it case by case
by legal, fair, courts systems with MUCH more evidence than you have

Absolutely, go over it case-by-case. I'll be back in a few hours to see what you've got.

You too have just joined the other retards...Buh bye...
Liar, if you are going to quote me use the quote button. I never claimed anyone was calling for a murderous government. But you are so F*d up you need to lie about what people say.

As requested:

You don't believe that BS because you leftists call for more powerful and unaccountable government all of the time.
I don't recall anyone calling for more unaccountable government. Got a link?
Yeah, growing a murderous government makes it more accountable.
So you lied.
There goes shitforbrains again, whining about the government going around shooting people just because of their skin color.
And in other threads the moron says we need more government. Must like it when the government shoots innocents.
The OP talked about blacks perceiving themselves as victims instead of feeling empowered. You might want to start over since the discussion topic appears to have gone completely over your head.

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